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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Shiroi Shinzo
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:50 pm
Ketsueki listened to the silence, it was clear she had to think on it, so when she finally did answer, he did not completely believe it, but he did not push either, he simply left it at that, and he nodded, then let out a soft yawn, closing his eyes, he was exsuasted and so the moment his eyes closed , he was conched out.

After a moment soft sounds of sleep escaped his mouth, he was dreaming peacefully and slept well, it was a nice day for it, in the sun with a slight breeze, it felt nice, he could not help himself. He dreamt of his life before the raids, being a farmer with minor skills in the usage of the sword due to playing around as a kid, he had wanted to be a knight when he grew up, not like that dream would come true now. But the muscles and skin shown that history , days in the sunny fields had browned him nicely, and given him toned muscles, what little armor he wore was from his days of hunting the men who took that all away, only to find out , it was these new Ninja of Hoshi, cleaning things up that removed his chance.

Being asleep made him currently oblivious to the world, other then the fact that he was currently comforted.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:10 pm
The yawn caught Shiroi's attention, and she turned her head to look at the man. He was out light a light almost by the time she was looking. A slight smile encroached on her face before turning her head back up to the sky.

About a minute passed while Shiroi mulled over why she was a ninja a little more. It was a topic she could not quite figure out, which was annoying to her. It kind of just felt right.

She gave up on that task eventually, instead just letting out a sigh. Propping herself up on her elbows, she started to stand and walk into the shade of a nearby tree before leaning back against it and wrapping her arms around her knees. Thighs up against her chest, Shiroi's chin descended to rest upon her kneecaps. From her position, she could just barely see the scar stretching across Ketsueki's face. I wonder what he'd look like without the scar.. she would think while drifting off the sleep.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:48 pm
After a couple of hours went by, clouds rolled in over the sun, waking Ketsueki up with a chill, he looked over to happen to find Shiroi in the shade under a tree, he got up and moved over next to her, sitting next to her under the tree with his back against it, his legs folded cross ways and began to practice the hand signs over again, each and every one that she had taught him earlier, although that Cow one still sounded funny to him.

Now some say that he was really pushing hard, but he was a hard worker, comes from being a farmer, he knew nothing but hard work, so he applied that to his training, starting first with the hand signs, he had to learn those to know if someone was trying to bluff or actually using something. He took his time as he went over each one, studying each sign he made, reciting the names of each one in his head.

Shiroi sleeping next to him he made sure to stay quiet as not to disturb her, quietly he kept going over and over, until he was certain he had it seared like a brand on a cattles rear in his mind. If she was still asleep at this point he would just sit by waiting, he was not going to abandon her out here, but he was not going to disturb her either, she was a Shinobi after all, no telling what her reaction would be.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:21 pm
Over time, Shiroi's left leg began to slip out from under her arms. By the time Ketsueki had awakened, it was fully gone, and Shiroi's head rested on just the other leg.

When Ketsueki sat down next to Shiroi, her right leg began to fall out too, slowly lowering her down. Ketsueki may not notice this while he was practicing his hand seals, since it was extremely gradual, taking over an hour to go about an inch.

However, after that inch, the leg gave way completely. Her head went falling to the right, directly towards Ketsueki's left leg. The upper mid thigh, to be more specific. And that is where it would rest, her sleep undisturbed, unless a series of unfortunate events were to occur.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:30 pm
Suddenly Shiroi had her head on his leg and now he dared not move, for he did not wish to wake her so he laid his head back and decided this may as well be as good a place as any to go to sleep, and so he would. closing his eyes but keeping his ears open, he would stay this way now for a while before he could get back to sleep, unless something happened before he could fall back to sleep.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:50 pm
After Tenma had fallen asleep, Shiroi stirred a tad. She did not wake up much, if at all, nor did she recognize her surroundings, but she did move her arm and lift her head. Her final resting position would be her arm across Ketsueki's lap, with her head resting upon her upper arm. Her legs also adjusted. One curled up along her body, almost reaching Ketsueki. The other, the left, stretched out and was only at a slight angle to her torso, though the knee did bend.

It was about an hour after this point where Shiroi entered her first REM cycle.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:21 pm
The sun began to Set in the west, the very direction that they were facing, and the sudden light hitting him, Ketsueki opened his eyes enough to get blinded by the setting sun, making Ketsueking immediatly jump a little , forgetting about the weight on his lap, which pinned him to the ground, his hand quickly covered his eyes as they adjusted to the light of the setting sun.

Unaware to his surroundings due to getting blinded, he blinked contiously behind his hand waiting for them to adjust, his ears listening to the crickets starting to chirp, and the weight in his lap suddenly made him realize he still had Shiroi asleep on him, rather she was awake now or not he did not know, as the jolt was kinda sudden and hard.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:17 pm
When Ketsueki jumped from his perch, Shiroi felt it. This, rather unceremoniously, jolted her awake. The first reaction when jolted away? Sit up. Of course, there was a minor problem of there being an elbow in the way. Elbow, meet back of head. Back of head, meet elbow. More surprising than painful, it still caused Shiroi to react by moving downwards. "The fuck!?" she would say after her head landed, rather abruptly, directly on Ketsueki's leg. Taking a moment to absorb the situation, she realized what was going on. She then proceeded to force herself up and off the boy rather forcefully (enough to cause pain but not push you or do any damage). She was sitting upright, legs crossed, hands on her knees, looking at her feet. "How, and when?" was all she would say, not making eye contact with Ketsueki.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:40 pm
When Shiroi jumped and hit his Elbow, it was his Elbow that was attached to the hand over his eyes, so his hand was just jetted into his face with such force that his head hit the tree behind him, and then she pushed herself up rather roughly, making him keel over in a ball, holding the back of his head, and the other hand on his thigh, he rolled around in pain for a moment before he sat back up asking her "Are you okay?" then he answered her question " I do not know when you feel asleep but i walked over here after I woke up cause I was not going to just leave you in the woods by yourself while you slept, and then you uncurled and laid in my lap, and I did not want to wake you either, so I wound up falling asleep too" he continued to rub the back of his head.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 4 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:20 pm
Having heard the explanation, Shiroi relaxed a little. She removed her hands from her knees and leaned back against the tree once again, simultaneously untangling one leg and putting it out in front of her.

"You could have left, you know. I sleep out here every once in awhile, nothing ever happens. As evidenced by today, even." For what felt like the hundredth time today, Shiroi sighed. "But thanks. And yeah, I'm ok, that little incident wouldn't come close to hurting me, was just surprised is all. How about you?" Shiroi turned her head towards Ketsueki, angling it inquisitively.
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