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Moka Goka
Moka Goka
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

It's A Start Empty It's A Start

Wed Apr 12, 2023 12:11 am
Missions Details:

The sad thing about being a Shinobi of Kumogakure is that you had to undertake missions that took away valuable time that could have been spent on training or working out. It was a condition that Moka wasn’t particularly happy about but wasn’t exactly upset about as she wanted to be a Shinobi of the village and that meant dealing with the less than enjoyable part of the job. Sometimes though she got missions that were physical based and involved fighting thugs or having to chase someone down though there were also times where she had to do menial labor and deal with the more mental part of the job and that was more boring than watching the grass grow or paint dry for the exercise nut.
Once she had finished her morning routine and cleaned herself up enough to be presentable as she didn’t want to deal with people giving her grief as it only increased the amount of time she was away from training, Moka headed off to meet up with the people she was suppose to be working with on this group of missions according to the scroll she had received the day prior. They were suppose to undertake five E-rank missions that day and finish them before the sun had crested the horizon. Moka arrived at the meet up place and now was just waiting for the rest of the people to show up she wasn’t sure how many would be coming as it varied depending on who was available but it could be up to four people working on these missions at a time one of them being Moka. Now it was just a waiting game, so she decided she would do air squats as she waited for the others to show up.
WC: 298
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1126450

It's A Start Empty Re: It's A Start

Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:19 pm
The Madkat was now seen leaving a random massage parlor, his body as better than ever. but the price was a bit too high for his liking. 5,000 ryo, or a home brew health shake, 10 minutes isolation, and a swift kick to the door. No time or loitering, in and out. He'd seen better, but what can you expect from businesses in major villages? he started to miss Tanzaku town once again. But Katsuragi couldn't think about that right now, he had his own business to take care of.

Katsuragi's attire consisted of a Yakuta black leather jacket, which underneath he wears a hanley blood red hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. The pants he wears is a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His boots on his feet also being solid black of a leather material with an emblem labeled "EU", it's made of metal stitched to the tongue of the boots. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His tools and such were all assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique.

Before making his way to the Raikage building, which he somewhat had trouble finding, Katsuragi managed to stumble upon a lone kunoichi of the cloud, which Katsuragi happened to be unaware of at the moment. He saunters over to the raven haired individual while keeping a certain sense of caution. After his run ins with Lucky, the only yamanaka he met in the village who seemed to be a bit too evil for his liking, he decided to treat all the shinobi in this village like the demons they were. As an ex-con, that task wasn't too hard to manage. He sucks his teeth upon the thought, while also contemplating on whether or not he should ask the copper for help.

Once he reached a 20 meter range from the raven haired individual, he actively gauged the chakra range and sig of the individual. It was a bit higher than usual, compared to the rest of the civilian villagers. Maybe she was a kunoichi?

"Yo, you out here by all by yourself? Working out?", he asked. he was now distanced at 3 meters away from the girl. "Anyway, you know how to get to the raikage office? I took a left off of the main st, but ended up at the weird massage place, maaaan, the shit they do is criminal", he said with a giggle. His pockets agreed with him 100%.
WC/ 485
Ryuko Akari
Ryuko Akari
Stat Page : The Blue Star
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

It's A Start Empty Re: It's A Start

Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:52 am
"Not bad...Not bad at all."

The voice of the Blue Star of Kumo echoed in his room as he looked over his new attire. The formal outfit of the members of Team Star, composing of himself, Lucian and Travin. A small smile appeared on his face as he rubbed his nose gently with his left index finger and he could not place the feeling he felt with this on. Was it pride? A sense of accomplishment? Whatever it had been he was quite content with the new look and now he only had one thing to do-  continue to get stronger. Grabbing Edel he would slide the perfectly crafted weapon into the inner pocket of the jacket and pat the sword gently," Let us begin our day my noble friend," the yellow haired male would open the door of his room and head out. Wearing his oversized jacket, black pants and black boots the Genin would begin to head out toward the administration building that gave out the missions for the village hopefully aiming to make some more ryo to fund his future weapons. With strength came the ability to augment oneself and since he had taken a liking to blacksmithing, he thought it would be good if he had the funds to do it and to also be able to forge and repair his own weapons. His walk took him a moment or two due to stopping for a quick bite to eat at one of the local stands. Fruits and water would be his main source of energy today since it was quick to grab and much more filling. As he walked into the administration office he would head over to where most of the genin missions had been administered and went through a few requests. He looked for any that would have his teammates doing them but at the current moment none of their names popped up on the ledgers. Shame. He had however seen a couple of missions that had a few people doing them and missions often went faster in groups.

Adding his name into the ledger for those missions he would take them on and head out to meet up with the other two currently assigned to them. The names themselves did not look remotely familiar but once he had met up with them he would determine their worth and see if they were up to his own measure. The walk from the Administration Building to the meetup spot took him a minute but he managed to catch up with the two before they had departed to start the missions. One had been a woman and judging by what she had been doing she liked to work out. The other on the other hand had been....Vulgar to say the least. His demeanor from what he could pick up off first glace had been crude and unrefined. If anything he was an idiot at best and a lecher at worst. Either way he would clear his throat to gain the attention of the two before speaking," I take it you are the two who are doing the missions? I am your third. Ryuko Akari."

529 WC
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1126450

It's A Start Empty Re: It's A Start

Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:27 pm
Snapping his neck towards the newcomer, he listens to him introduce himself. The company present wasn't exactly his type, too many dog catchers and what not. he sighs and decides to carry on, if he couldn't find the Raikage office, he'd make his way to the village gates. The more time he spent away from Tanzaku Town, the more he felt home sick.

Katsuragi saunters off away from the two, his aim was towards the gates, his true north.
(I gots some CD to do, cya!)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

It's A Start Empty Re: It's A Start

Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:07 pm
Moka Goka
Moka Goka
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

It's A Start Empty Re: It's A Start

Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:40 pm
It would seem that her partners for these slew of missions were starting to show up one after the other though she wasn’t sure about the validity of their desire to actually do the missions at first glance, the first one to appear was a man of decent height probably just over six foot though he did seem more on the lanky side of things weight wise, he had purple hair and brown eyes, sporting jeans and a t-shirt covered with a leather jacket.
Though his first words made Moka think of those annoying thugs that tried to hit on chicks when they were doing something, though his conversation ended up trailing off into wondering where the Raikage’s Office was at as he apparently had gotten lost and ended up in some massage palor talking about how criminal it was what they did in there. There was the additional validation of Moka’s initial judgement that this guy probably wasn’t someone that was supposed to be joining her on these missions though she did stop doing her squats and turned towards the main to at least give him the directions he was asking for, “The Raikage’s Office is down the road, turn left at the bookstore and go straight you can’t miss the large building its housed in.” Moka said plainly as she gave the directions to the purple haired fellow.
Shortly as she had been replying to the man another showed up this time a blonde haired teenager, this one seemed more familiar than the other She was sure she had seen a jacket just like that not to long ago. This made her think for a moment on where she had seen it, to which a memory of another boy named Lucian a fellow Kumogakure Shinobi had been wearing at the training ground when they had first met. This boy approached Moka and the purple haired man and jumped right into verifying that they would all be working together on these missions and introduced himself as Ryuko Akari.
“Yes I have been assigned to complete a list of five missions, I am Moka Goka. Do you perhaps know of a Lucian Goka? I noticed you two have similar jackets.” She would reply and question, maybe they were just some custom jackets that the pair had made for them or something. Moka was thinking they were either apart of a Team of Shinobis or maybe just good friends. Once she had replied to Ryuko, the purple haired man decided to make himself sparce and left the two by themselves without much of a word though that didn’t really bother Moka. “It seems that it will just be the two of us for these missions though that shouldn’t be an issue considering their level of difficulty.” Moka said as she pulled out the list of missions that they were supposed to undertake, She would explain each one if Ryuko had any questions.
“The place in question in the first mission isn’t to far from here so we can start there and work our way around to the others on the list.” Moka said as she read over the details, “Apparently this massage parlor is a front for some criminals stealing cadavers, We are to gather information about it and report what we find.” Moka noticed that this “massage parlor” was the same one that the purple haired man had been talking about so maybe he had been there to do the missions and had simply decided to bail out for some other reason.

WC: 592
TWC: 890
Ryuko Akari
Ryuko Akari
Stat Page : The Blue Star
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

It's A Start Empty Re: It's A Start

Thu May 04, 2023 4:18 am

An interesting character to be sure. Her choice of attire was not atrocious or skimpy like many other girls her age which was an issue that Ryuko did not personally like but it was not his issue. Not his monkey, not his circus as many would say. Anyways he would give her another glance to take in who she was and her mannerisms for a moment before giving a mental thumbs up and speaking to her," I do know a Lucian Goka actually. He is one of the main members of Team Black Star. So you recognize our trademark attire eh?," he would say rather proudly. Each member of the team carried their own weight and he was very much proud of them even if he did not outwardly say it. As the other male had left the group, he would shrug and cross his arms as he turned his gaze back to Moka and thought on something," If you prove yourself useful and resourceful we can see about adding you to the legendary trio of Kumo shinobi but we will have to see what the others think I suppose... Never the less let us be on our way. We are losing daylight as we stand here so lead the way," exclaiming he would wait for the kunoichi to move and walk to her left. Since they were going to investigate this cadaver issue with the massage parlor he wondered of course if this was the reason the other male had came out. Speaking of it was weird that he had came out of the same massage parlor they were going to investigate which only meant that he was probably in on it. Whether or not that had been the case, Ryuko would look into it later.

As the two would walk into the parlor, Ryuko had been prepared just in case things went south. Inside of the pockets of the jacket itself sat his prized weapon Edel, but he assumed he would not have to use it. Looking from left to right he would take in any interesting persons or things that stood out to him. Leaning over to Moka to whisper he would make sure of something," If you see anything suspicious just let me know... Things in here already look pretty sketchy but if it comes down to it we will tackle it together," leaning forward he would continue to look through the parlor inquiring about different things like pricings, special features or anything he should have known about. While he continued to inquire he would keep a conscience tab on Moka just to make sure she had been alright.

444 WC
TWC 973
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

It's A Start Empty Re: It's A Start

Thu May 18, 2023 6:05 am
Duncan found himself making his rounds, happily doing anything to try and knock some of the dust from his gear. The immense man didn't wish to fall behind in his training or slack in his duty, for such was beneath any true Kumo shinobi. After what felt like an eternity, he had finally gotten his hands on his custom armor, its incredible size and weight making the already imposing size of the man seem even more so. The Armor of the Rook was a beauty, masterfully crafted from the best materials that Kumogakure had to offer. There was room to improve upon it, but that would come in time. 

He was informed of some low rank missions that needed done and could use his assistance, and without an ounce of hesitation he acted upon this information and made his way to what he saw to be the rendezvous point. It was near a massage parlor, one that was supposedly doing some illicit activities. This was not the first time Duncan found himself investigating such a place, and it really made him start to wonder just how deep the criminal element in Kumogakure really went. It was no matter, for it would be discovered and ripped out at the roots, never to regrow again. 

He would arrive in time to hear introductions, to which he would make his presence known if it wasn't already fairly obvious. The large knight would lift his helm, revealing a bald head and clean shaven face. He would glance down at the young man and woman introducing themselves. The young woman called herself Moka Goka, and the young man was Ryuko Akari. The young man and woman seemed interested in the attire worn, the Akari mentioning his team. There was an honesty and pride behind these words, something that brought a spark of joy to the knights heart. "I am Duncan Crawford, and it is my pleasure to meet you both. You guys mind if I join you in these tasks?" Ultimately, he would accept whatever answer they provided. He wasn't assigned these missions per se, he just was informed that there were tasks to be complete and he figured he could help. "I worry about the state of Kumogakure when such places are supposedly running criminal businesses. This isn't the first I've seen and heard of such, and I doubt it will be the last." He would shake his head, disappointment washing over him. "I am far too conspicuous to provide much assistance during a stealth based reconnaissance mission." He would strike his gauntlet against his chest armor, a loud clang filling the immediate area. "I imagine that you both can be counted on to ensure this ring is brought down?"

wc: 456
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