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Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 145700

Start of something new? Empty Start of something new?

Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:13 am
Ty had spent quite a while going through all of his father's old medical books. By the time he was finished with them all he still felt like he needed more. There was realistically only one place left to go and that would be the library. He hadn't been in a long time, but he remembered there being rows upon rows of books in almost every topic. It only made sense that they would have books on anatomy and medicine. He crammed some plain bread in his mouth and chugged a glass of water before throwing on his jacket and mask. He then headed out the door and towards the library. 

It was always wildly impressive seeing this building. It's architecture was unique even amongst the fusion of styles Hoshi was known for. The grand staircase led down into a huge hall with bookshelves stacked almost to the ceiling and all bursting with tomes and scrolls. It was a bookworms paradise and Ty knew a couple of people who were regulars at this place. He figured that for a little while at least he would be counted among them. He would likely visit here daily for the foreseeable future. He wanted to soak up as much knowledge as possible before going back out into the field. As the young shinobi stepped through the halls as quietly as possible he would look for a good place to start. 

When he had located an aisle of books having to do with the human body he stopped and began scanning the spines. He saw a few books that he'd already read cover to cover, but there was thankfully much more in the selection here. He plucked a book titled ‘Intricacies of the Nervous System’ out from the shelf and sauntered over to a table that he could occupy for the next few hours. It was the type of book that felt almost intentionally designed to lull the reader to sleep. The author was clearly an academic and not much of a master with prose, but the information was solid and many parts were quite informative. Still though, Typhon was struggling to force his way through the lengthy text and decided to give another book a try. He had taken enough notes on anatomy for one day. Maybe now he could check out something a little more interesting and exotic.

He went back to the medical section, returned the book about the nervous system, and looked around for something more exciting. He passed over dozens of leather bound codexes before finally resting his finger on one with an eye catching title: “Poisons and their Medical Applications”

He had never heard of using a poison as medicine before, but in theory it could have uses. If a certain toxin could target specific parts of the body or even specific organisms within a person, then it could be used for an almost antivenom purpose. It was a fascinating read with a few examples of practical applications but it seemed like the whole idea was little more than a niche use in everyday life. There was one example from the book that did catch the young Canopic's eye. A section described a Hoshi shinobi that had gone on a mission to Suna and was attacked by an enemy ninja who used a lesser known style of fighting, puppetry. 

It was something that Ty was vaguely aware of. He was taught about it briefly as an academy student, but he had never encountered someone who specialized in it. The thought of being able to fight someone remotely was very enticing to the young man. He had seen what happens when an enemy gets right in his face and its not something he would like to repeat. He had taken enough beatings and stab wounds for one lifetime already. With his interest piqued he would snap his current book shut, return it to its rightful spot, and make his way back through the maze of shelves in search of more info.

He found a small section that had far fewer books than the medical one, but at least there was some information. He grabbed one that looked like an obvious place to start. The book was called “The Basics of Kugutsu” and the cover had an image of wooden gears in some sort of mechanism. It was a thick book and there was dust caking the outside. He imagined that nobody had picked this book up in years. That made him even more excited at the prospect of lesser known knowledge. He returned to his table and leaned forward as he began leafing through the pages.

It was actually a fascinating read. The art of puppetry was common amongst performers for a long time before it made its way into the arsenal of shinobi. The advent of chakra strings to control these puppets opened up the floodgates to all sorts of new and wacky techniques. People had figured out how to make flying puppets, ones that could burrow underground, ones that could function as makeshift prisons, etc. It seemed like the possibilities were endless and so he had to wonder why more people weren't taking advantage of this? As he read on and reached the more practical parts of the tome he quickly figured out why the technique wasn't more common. The shear amount of effort crafting a puppet that even moves, let alone has complicated mechanisms inside it, was astounding. The weight of each individual part needed to be balanced properly. There needed to be joints made of rare materials to allow it to survive hits in combat, engineering involved in making things like kunai launchers and flamethrowers, and even art skills to make it look like more than just a simple wooden dummy. With all of the various skills combined one could make a dangerous weapon and with enough training they could even control multiple of them at once. Being able to overwhelm an enemy in a one on one fight was something he figured was only in the realm of Clone specialists. 

Ty had always wanted to do some kind of craftsmanship. He apprenticed for a blacksmith for a while before realizing he didn't have the stamina nor the upper body strength to make it in that field. Something like this however, could be right up his alley. His mind was flooding with ideas for how a puppet could make his life easier. An extra set of hands around the house would be a nice start. Realistically he could sit down and just manipulate two of them at once to accomplish more than he could by himself. Typhon was never very good at producing clones, but he could definitely multitask. The first thing he would need to figure out is how to form and manipulate the Chakra threads that make the whole thing possible.

To that end he would take the book to the counter and check it out so he could practice at home. He rushed back to his apartment and plop down at the table. The book described the process of forming the threads as “forcing Chakra out of one's fingertips while simultaneously compressing it to as thin of a string as possible. In theory this sounded easy, especially for a medic with lots of experience in Chakra control. In practice Ty found himself really struggling. He could barely form chakra around his fingers let alone shape it into a thread. He kept looking back at the book, but this seemed to be a major wall for many people not just himself. It was just something he needed to work at until he got it down. The author did warn that it wasn't going to come easily overnight, but Ty had held out hope he would be a natural at it.

Clearly he wasn't a natural, but he wasn't going to let that deter him. He would practice for another hour or so before the sun started setting and he realized it was probably time to take a break. In that hour he at least managed to make something resembling a string on one of his fingers. It was a start! He idly started to make himself some dinner but couldn't help still trying to practice as he went about it. He kept attempting to just push out one good thread while he emptied some rice into a pot and got it boiling. He knew it would probably be better to actually take a break and let all the fresh knowledge sit in his head for a bit, but couldn't stop himself when he got his mind set on something like this.

It was late at night when Ty finally forced himself to quit for the day and he only really did so because he was feeling completely drained from manifesting chakra for several hours. He didn't have much to show for all that effort, but he did have a goal to work towards and he couldn't be more excited about it.

TWC 1508
Claiming Stats +15 Chakra | 63 + 15 = 78  New Chakra Stat
Learning Blazing Venom Current (B) for 1500 words
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Start of something new? Empty Re: Start of something new?

Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:30 pm
Typhon Sepsus wrote:

TWC 1508
Claiming Stats +15 Chakra | 63 + 15 = 78  New Chakra Stat
Learning Blazing Venom Current (B) for 1500 words

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