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Nemui Works for a Day [E-Rank Mission] Empty Nemui Works for a Day [E-Rank Mission]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:07 pm
Order for the Orderly

Working for a living was beginning to cause Nemui some grief. Never at home had he been required to do so much in a single day and yet here he was with three missions, assigned with the completion time of "before sunset." With a heavy sigh the boy walked along making his way to the hospital. Immediately upon his arrival he could tell this wouldn't be a very exciting job. Civilians ran around like headless chickens attempting to get staff to stop what they were doing just to ask stupid questions like "where's the B-Ward?" A casual glance would reveal the very clearly labeled sign but that's far too difficult for some. With anxiety building in his throat, Nemui made his way over to the front counter.

Walking past a line of civilians waiting at the unattended counter and hearing them mutter "Why is a child cutting in line?" among other things. The boy hopped up onto the provided chair. Taking a deep breath in to calm his nerves he looked up at the bewildered people. "Next please." A woman with two toddlers by her sides walked up first, although Nemui couldn't see the children over the counter. Hearing her out it seemed that she had been given no directions for where to visit her husband after he'd experienced a fall at work. Nemui quickly looked over some paperwork after getting his name and upon spotting it, traced his finger along to find his location.

"Ah here it is, he's in H-Ward, room 36." Pointing in the direction of H-Ward, the boy saw her on the right path and noticed her toddles at that moment. A slight tinge of embarrassment overcame him for not being able to see over the counter but he shook it off quickly. Next in line was an old man leaning on a cane. He walked up to the counter and stared at Nemui, not saying anything. "Hello, can I help you?" The boy inquired only to receive no response for a few seconds. Figuring the man must've been hard of hearing he asked again only louder. "Hello sir, can I help you please!?" Finishing his sentence the man jumped suddenly and responded. "God dammit Lily don't shout at me, what are you doing sitting there? Come on we've gotta go home now."

Suddenly the realization this man wasn't in his right mind struck Nemui who began panicking, unsure of what to do. He looked around for another staff member but there weren't any nearby. "Uh, my name's not Lily sir." This statement appeared to mean nothing to the old man that reached over the counter, grabbing Nemui's left forearm. Although as he attempted to pull there was no movement from the boy. Using all his muscles to hold himself steady on the stool and worried the old man might fall over if he wasn't careful, Nemui gently grabbed the old man's forearm in turn. Suddenly a lady twice Nemui's age appeared from nowhere.

"Grandpa what are you doing harassing the staff here?" She asked with the old man replying "Lily here won't stop goofing around." A saddened expression overcame the lady "I'm Lily grandpa, come on back to your room and we can eat some chocolate, huh?" With a confused expression, the old man finally let go of Nemui's arm and since he was no longer trying to pull away in a fashion that he'd fall over, Nemui also released his own grip. Glancing at the wall clock, to the boy's horror he was only three minutes into this mission and already something extremely uncomfortable happened, it really was gonna be a long day.

Time passed as Nemui attempted to endure working a civilian job dealing with customer service. He was already uncomfortable with social situations that demanded he speak to strangers and this task took it to an entirely new level. However, eventually the area settled down with his help manning the desk. Having a moment's break he looked at the clock again to see it was already clock out time. Hopping off the stool, Nemui hastily made his way out of the hospital and began walking in the direction of his next mission.


WC: 700
Claiming the following:
Completion of Order for the Orderly
+1,000 Ryo
+5 AP
700 words for +7 Strength
700 words towards Clan Pureblood Skill = 2301/3000 (Prior Wordcount of 1601 + 700 = 2301)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Nemui Works for a Day [E-Rank Mission] Empty Re: Nemui Works for a Day [E-Rank Mission]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 3:16 pm
Nemui wrote:Order for the Orderly


WC: 700
Claiming the following:
Completion of Order for the Orderly
+1,000 Ryo
+5 AP
700 words for +7 Strength
700 words towards Clan Pureblood Skill = 2301/3000 (Prior Wordcount of 1601 + 700 = 2301)

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