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Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

Rank S Mission: Sakura Disaster [Solo Mission] Empty Rank S Mission: Sakura Disaster [Solo Mission]

Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:47 am

Hunter was still meditating by the time the morning dew had begun to coat even his face now as the sun rose from behind the mountain range.  The air was crisp and clean, he remembered just weeks ago becoming a Jounin, and just yesterday his broken blade The Rebellion had come out from being reforged.  It sat in his lap and was coated with dew as well as the sun's rays were cast along the blade causing the water droplets to reflect into Hunter's eyes.  He opened his eyes to take in the air of a new day, stretching as he felt his bones pop, muscles loosen, and he smiled at this feeling because he absolutely felt like a new man.  He rose up from his meditation spot, which was all dry except for his own body.  He lifted the pride of the Yagami Family...The Rebellion over head as he stretched out his leg muscles.  After making sure he was ready he swung his blade through the air as he felt the dew sling from his blade as if it was blood, and as he finished the swing he listened attentively.  The blade was singing, it was as if the air itself parted and the vibrations the blade pronounced performed a sort of symphony that he needed to hear.

Hunter stayed in the mountains performing complex techniques with his blade that made him feel like he was in total control of the world.  He then stuck the blade into the ground as it sunk with ease into the soil without a sound.  He pulled Vengeance and Redemption from their sheathes and quickly put Redemption in his mouth, Vengeance in his left hand, and with a quick motion he pulled The Redemption from the ground, it sung again as Hunter got into a fighting stance and then moved with more feeling and speed as he fought his own shadow.  He was purely in his own element as he stuck, slashed, ducked, even ROLLED as if he was truly fighting.  He finished as he was now in a stance where all three of his swords would look as if layered and in the style of the Crane in Martial Arts.  He breathed in deeply before sheathing Vengeance, spitting out and sheathing Redemption.  He had a new sense of style as he still wore the same clothes, but now instead of keeping his three main blades in Hammerspace and his smaller weapons out they were switched so that Hunter could embrace the ways of the Samurai.  

" The Way of the Warrior has seven points.  Seven main aspects that will keep me tethered to my duties and to this world. My blades are extensions of my body, and by that, also an extension of my soul..."

Hunter would begin as he looked out and over the Yagami Compound in happiness, but also knowing that he was the Head of this Branch of the Clan and by which he would need to abide by the code of Bushido...all the while living as a Ninja in this Ninja World.

"The first point of Bushido.  Rectitude.  Correct judgment or procedure for the resolution of righteousness. “To die when it is right to die, to strike when it is right to strike.”

"The Second Point of Bushido.  Courage.  A virtue only in the cause of righteousness. Death for an unworthy cause was termed a dog”s death. “It is true courage to live when it is right to live, and to die only when it is right to die.”

"The Third Point of Bushido.  Benevolence. Love, affection for others, sympathy and nobility of feeling are regarded as the highest attributes of the soul. “Benevolence brings under its sway whatever hinder its power just as water subdues fire.”

"The Fourth Point of Bushido.  Politeness.  A poor virtue if it is actuated only by a fear of offending good taste. Rather it should stem from a sympathetic regard for the feeling of others. “In its highest form politeness approaches love.”

"The Fifth Point of Bushido.  Veracity.  “Truthfulness.” Lying was deemed cowardly, and it was regarded as dishonorable. Indeed the word of a samurai guaranteed the truthfulness of an assertion. No oath is necessary. “Propriety carried beyond bounds becomes a lie.”

"The Sixth Point of Bushido.  Honor.  A vivid consciousness of personal dignity and worth is implicit in the word honor. “Dishonor is like a scar on a tree which time, instead of effacing only helps to enlarge.”

"The Seventh and Final Point of Bushido.  Loyalty.  Only in the code of chivalrous honor does loyalty assume importance. In the conflict between loyalty and affection the code never wavers from the choice of loyalty. “A samurai was obliged to appeal to the intelligence and conscience of his sovereign by demonstrating the sincerity of his words with the shedding of his own blood.”

Hunter finished reciting the Code of Bushido as he fluidly placed The Rebellion into it's new sheathe on his back.  While walking down the path to the Compound he began to see that there was a group of messengers that had arrived.  Hunter sniffed the air as his former Master, Yaju, had instructed.

"They are from Kumo...though I do not know them...they must be from a shop owned by one of the more influential figures.  I better hurry down to see if there is anything wrong."

He said before be used his Body Flicker Jutsu to quickly come down the mountain.  He leapt with ease to the top of the wall the again to the roof as he saw the Messengers walking towards the main building.  With ease Hunter fell down to where he could intercept them.  He greeted them politely before asking them their business, and the way they looked at Hunter showed that they were a bit hesitant in telling him, but they smiled then bowed presenting Hunter with a scroll.  They then left as Hunter bowed to them as well.  The wind began to blow as a sudden gust blew through causing Hunter to shield his eyes, the ninja disappeared.

"Friendly bunch."

Hunter said before opening the scroll, and written on the inside was a notice to all ninja in the vicinity of a Sakura Corporation Shop.  It asked for assistance in the return or the destruction of 12 new war machines that have the same skill set as most Chuunin.  Best of all...they seemed to all raided an armory, though it probably was not all that great for the Village or the Villagers, not to mention the Shop.  It was the best way to test out the reforged Rebellion,and to prove his worth to the Village as well as the will of his former Master.

It was past noon when Hunter finally made it into town, taking the long way so that he could make sure he was mentally prepared for the task at hand.  He finally made it to the Mission House where he officially accepted the mission.  Bowing graciously as he stepped back outside he looked up and towards the shopping district of the Village.  There was a long trail of smoke coming from the heart of the district.  As Hunter got closer to the area where the smoke was coming from people were already running past, some actually looked injured, while others looked terrified.

"Well looks like I came to the right place then."

Hunter said as he whistled loudly.  People began to stop and some even began to approach him as he noticed a metallic odor in the air.  He  stretched a bit before the crowd began to look out as a noise caught Hunter's attention.  Then next moment a War Machine dropped down from the rooftop swinging it's massive "Horse-Slaying" blade.  Hunter did not waste a single motion as he dropped into the splits while unsheathing The Rebellion.  The blade sung as the air vibrated around it, swinging with both arms giving it all his might the blade sliced through the metallic body of the War Machine.  There was no stopping it once it was upon it's target so the only viable option for this one was to shut it down with extreme prejudice.  The people all around watched as Hunter came back up and finished the War Machine off by sticking the blade through it's metal head hopefully severing whatever controlled the monstrosity. The crowd began to cheer as Hunter did not sheathe his blade as there was a sound of an explosion in the distance.

"Duty calls..."

Hunter said as he leapt up and took off into the direction of the explosion, and as he drew near he began to smell the worst odor...death.  He was about 10 Meters away from the smoke as he was met by some resistance.  In his way stood two armed War Machines.  One holding two War Axes, decked out in armor.  The other in a combat Gi brandishing two Wakizashi.  Hunter smirked as he got into his stance and prepared as he held his hand out in front of him and signaled for them to attack.  They ran at Hunter as he smiled and ran to meet them.  As they clashed in the middle Hunter drew Redemption as he began to fight with his two swords in a style not common by most swordsman.  Blocking both axes with The Rebellion he held Redemption over his shoulder to his back as the War machine with the Wakizashi had him corned.  Hunter unleashed his fury as the ground under him began to crater and crack the real battle began as Hunter shoved up causing the two to stumble off of him.  Hunter attacked the axe wielding one first as he made sure the other one was not too fast at getting to them he blocked both attempts to swipe him as the other tried to perform a parallel slash at his neck.  Hunter leaned forward dropping to his hands he mule kicked the War Machine behind him before flipping into the air and bringing both blades back up he watched as the sword wielding one flew into a building as Hunter parried slashed, and stabbed at the axe one before finally managing to slice off the arms of the axe wielding War Machine he was met with head-butt that sent him to the ground.

"HA!  this is great, I was not expecting that.  TIME TO BRING THE PAIN!"

Hunter said as he performed a whirlwind kick to sweep the War Machine off of it's feet as Hunter landed on his feet in time to bring both his blades up to meet the last War Machine.  There was a flurry of attacks as any onlookers  would see flashes of blades as blurred shapes fought in a narrow alleyway.  The downed War Machine was trying to get itself back together as Hunter used his Lightning Chakra to shoot a paralyzing bolt as the War Machine went limp he was caught off guard as the War Machine managed to cut Hunter across the chest and ruin his favorite shirt.

"Gods Damn you you fucking trashcan.  I really liked this shirt..."

Hunter said before gathering up his Thunder Flare Chakra and using his Body Flicker he appeared behind the War Machine and with two slices across the damn things back it fell into pieces.  Hunter laughed as he sheathed Redemption. He went over to the still salvageable machine and put his hand on it's back as his Hammerspace Generator sucked it up.  Using the same ring he went to the unsalvageable War Machines and cut their heads and then took them so that he could reach the requirements for the mission.

He was finding similar scenes across the Village now as he checked everywhere he could, and after not finding another one of the Machines he began to grow a bit more cautious wondering what the end game was here.  He had managed to destroy two of the Machines and was able to shut down one.  This meant that there were at least nine more out in the Village causing destruction and havok.  It was not good for the Village's economy, nor it's people, but most of all the Lady Raikage's reputation might be in danger as well...that would never bode well. His reputation as well was on the line for if he could not do this task on his own he would be unworthy of the Jounin title.

It was then that he realized there was smoke now coming from the training grounds near the outskirts of the Village.  This would be trouble if there were anyone there training.  Hunter turned himself and double-timed it to the location.  Upon his arrival he noticed that there were a few students and Genin knocked out, some of them looked pretty injured.  It was at this time that he heard the scream of a woman as he pin-pointed its location to the woods at the center of the training ground.

"Damnit...this Shop is gonna pay for these injuries...these kids did not deserve this."

Hunter swore as he felt the Curse Mark on his neck burn a bit.  This was the signal the his former Master Yaju had warned him about, and he was not about to go back on his word now.  Hunter knew he was in a hurry but he sheathed The Rebellion as he made a stance as if he was about to greet his master, closing his eyes he placed one palm flat while the other was in a fist.  He breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly before he opened his eyes.  He raced into the forrest focused and calm as he made it in time to see that there was a group of students cornered with a female Genin protecting them.  She was badly injured and everyone but the War Machine took notice of his presence as Hunter acted quickly so that he could stop any further harm to these kids.  

He quickly initiated his Ripper attack as he sent out the paralyzing wave aimed at the War Machine as he jumped as the War Machine was bringing down a large mace towards the girl.  The Ripper hit at the same time Hunter drew his arm up allowing his Assassins Gauntlets to take the damage on his left arm as the Machine shut down falling to the ground with a loud *clunk*.  Hunter made sure it was not going to move again as he placed his hand upon the Machines back and in the next instant it disappeared from the current dimension.  He smiled as he turned to the group and held out some candy for each of them.

"Here ya guys go, you all did well.  Especially you..."

Hunter exclaimed as he too popped one of the candies into his mouth and grinned as he pointed to the female Genin that protected the group of students.

"You all take these candies and put one into each of the mouths of the injured then you all make sure you head to the Academy.  They will keep you all safe there."

Hunter said again with a smile as he stood up and made sure his Assassins Gauntlet was ok before lunging off into the Forest once more.  He knew that if they were really targeting people that there had to be a pattern.  He then remembered that it was from the Sakura Corp.  and that the code originated in Kumogakure.  There were eight left so Hunter had to move fast, so he activated his tattoos before flying off towards Sakura Corp.  

As he reached there he informed them he took hold of the mission single handedly and needed to have someone escort him to the place of origin.  They looked hesitant but then when Hunter activated his Hammerspace Generator to dump the remains of four of the War Machines they seemed to be more privy to give him what he needed.  As he got to the lab room where the War Machines were being made he noticed the bottle of liquor before going to the screen...He knew he was not good with the technology of the world at this point so he told the escort to bring up the coding for the War Machines and search for target parameters.  The lab escort did as he was told and Hunter began to read through it as did the escort.  At the same time they both looked at each other and they were both horrified at what they saw.  It turns out that the Sakura War Machines were targeted to take out rival companies families, and whomever was aimed to take them and or their master down.

"Shit...this is not good..."

Hunter said as he heard the sound of a hot burning machine as he turned away to check if someone or something was watching.

"You're tellin me.  I me..."

The lab escort was cut short as there was the familiar sound, scent, and feeling as the escort was murdered...Stabbed through the heart and then thrown to the west wall like a toy.  Hunter turned around just in time to dodge a series of senbon being thrown at an unbelieveable amount of speed.  Hunter wasted no time as drew The Rebellion and began to fight the War Machine.  Hunter was on the defensive and was about to counter when he tripped and felt the cold steel of his enemies weapon slice him across the chest as he nearly was cut in two, but regained his composure enough to just see that it was a bit deeper than a flesh wound it would be ok.  He charged up his Thunder Flare Jutsu as he used Arhat Punch to throw the War Machine out into the lobby where the pile of his fallen buddies lay.  Hunter knew the War Machine could not tell but it managed to crush one of the other's heads as it rose up. He moved quick to finish it as he used his Flash Cannon to bore a hole through the War Machine's head where it was controlled.  It went to move but fell to it's knees and shut down as sparks flew from the burning wound in it's head.  Hunter huffed for a minute, the machine had actually managed to get him...and there were still seven more to capture or destroy before Hunter could complete his mission and be done with Sakura Corp.  

"Someone get me a thread and needle NOW!"  

He commanded as he was quickly seen to as he heated the needle to make sure it was nearly melting he gave himself stitches as he fashioned a chest bandage from his already ruined favorite shirt.

"Five down...Seven more to go."

Hunter said as he rested for a minute knowing that he would have to move a bi quicker now that he was probably labeled an enemy of Sakura Corp along with the targets already programmed into the group.


(Was too tired to finish tonight)
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

Rank S Mission: Sakura Disaster [Solo Mission] Empty Re: Rank S Mission: Sakura Disaster [Solo Mission]

Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:08 am
Hunter was moving with purpose as he left the Sakura Corp. labs, he made sure that he was on alert as he looked for more destruction.  He reached out to try and sense Chakra as he weaved in and out of crowds, he found newbie ninja, older teachers, and even those that had Chakra stores they did not know about. His Chakra senses failed to aid him as he growled a bit, the Curse Mark on his neck began to burn a bit.  He shook it off as he broadened his search as he focused and began to sniff the air as his former Master Yaju would have done.  He inhaled deeply as he felt a change and smelt it as well.  It seemed he was being followed, and that the War Machines were definitely smarter than Hunter gave them credit for.  Hunter was calm as he walked to an old alley way.  As he entered though his nostrils flared as he could smell the decay and stench.  It seemed that this alleyway belonged to some gang members, and it was not long before Hunter noticed he was surrounded by the gang.  Yet the smell of metal was unmistakeable as Hunter prepared himself for the oncoming battle.  He could hear Legion inside his head laughing like mad as there was another presence also there now, it stood darker and looming over Legion as Hunter looked inside himself.  Legion stopped laughing as Hunter came back to reality.


Legion said as the voice in his head was different, as if it was possessed, it did not phase Hunter as he unsheathed both Redemption and Vengeance.  The fight began as Hunter began to fight against the gang members, he was in control of it all as he moved around, his body was fluid, his strikes were precise and final, and his mind was focused.  It did not take long however for the War Machine to drop down into the Alley way and catch Hunter's blades and send him flying back with a sudden kick.  Hunter landed about 10 feet down the alleyway and coughed as he wiped the spittle from his mouth.  His blades were now in the hands of the War Machine and Hunter was not at all happy.  He began to feel the Cure Mark course through him, it's power was beginning to feel more and more tempting the longer he went on without training it.  Hunter stood up as he let out a roar of frustration.  the air around him began to heat up and become staticly charged as his Thunder Flare Chakra seemed to influence his body as his tattoos and Curse Mark glowed.  he was about to give in as he closed his eyes.  He inhaled deeply as the War Machine charged at him at full speed.  Hunter felt as if he was moving at half speed as he exhaled and as he did the air pressure dropped and the ground, walls, and even his fallen enemies began to crack and crater as he met the WAr Machines swipes, catching it and then moving his leg up he placed it firmly in the chest of the Machine and then yanked hard as he pulled the arms off of the War Machine.  In the same motion he also placed his hand on the War Machines skull as he looked into it's soulless eyes, then clenched his fist as the head broke instantly stopping the War Machine forever.  Hunter placed his hand on the scrap to make sure he stored it into his Hammerspace Generator.  

"Thought about just loosing it back there...I must get this Curse Mark under control...after all I wanted this power...I would be failing myself if I did not allow it to work for me."

Hunter exclaimed picking up Redemption and Vengeance he walked through the Alleyway to the other side of the street as some gang members looked at him, wanting to move on him, but did not as they looked over their fallen members seeing just what Hunter was capable of doing.  Hunter looked back before scoffing and leaving the area, knowing he needed to find the rival shops in the Village.  It did not take him long to do so either as he made a small map of the area. With six of these bastards there had to be a bigger target than just the families.  He studied the information he was given as he looked at routes to warehouses around the shops and where the attacks have currently attacked.

"Seems that they are also targeting the Warehouses of the rivals...time to get to work."

Hunter said as he walked to the first warehouse and as he looked in he saw a few shadows, and upon further inspection it was the workers of the shop coming to make sure that their merchandise remained in their hands rather than their rivals murderous Machines that were currently looking for them.  Hunter left the area marking it off as he made sure he took the high road on the rooftops to make sure he could maintain a constant ariel view of the potential targets.  Upon making his way to the next targeted warehouse he saw that there was a small fire building inside.  There were three shadows inside as Hunter prepared himself.  He was going to make sure that he got all three disabled and stop the fire.  He reached in himself as he began to knead Chakra in his hand, but as he was about to call on a new Element, wind, arrows punctured the roof where he was and Hunter was just able to get out of the way fast enough to land on the ceiling glass.  It cracked, shattered and sent him falling down, and just as he was about to land on his back he activated his Shadow Wings as they raised him back up so he could land safely.

"Okay you buckets of bolts.  Time to show you something  I have been trying to control for a while now, but it seems that if I want to end this quickly I need to call upon it now."

He said as he took a deep breath, again it seemed time around him began to slow down as the War Machines began to move in on him.  flame like markings spread all over his body, making his body begin to strain as he wanted to roar out in pain and anger.  Old memories began flooding into him as Legion spoke to him telling him to take it all in and remain calm.  Hunter twitched as his Chakra network began to feel energized, and as the three War Machines closed in on him he moved with a renewed speed, the sensory units the War Machines possessed probably could not keep up as he slid out under the farthest one to the fire in the center of the room.  It took him a few seconds but Hunter managed to knead Wind Chakra as he moved with the moves of ancient kung fu, it was as if he was using an ancient move of the Uzumaki clan, but in all reality he was only able to produce raw wind energy as the fire was instantly snuffed out as the warehouse went dark.  

"Good..I knew that I would need that eventually.  Glad to know I can use the power of Wind Chakra..."

Hunter said to himself as he ran up a stack of crates and jumped from the top onto one War Machine as it reacted by panicly kicking one of the two others down. Hunter reached into the mess of wires in front of him and managed to pull out a hunk of them and what looked like a motor.  The Machine fell as the the one War Machine left standing closed in on Hunter, it however was not quick enough as Hunter stopped the unarmed strikes of the Machine.  It was surprising to know that the Machines were capable of using multiple styles of Martial Arts, but now was not the time to marvel at these killing machines, Hunter performed a quick leg sweep as he pulled two Kunai from his pouch and stuck them in the leg joints of the War Machine.  Hunter turned to intercept the other Machine, but found it was not there, there was however a line of powder sparking and heading towards a stack of crates that were labeled Gunpowder.

"Oh Shit."

Hunter quickly moved as he placed the robots in a pile and sucked them into the Hammerspace Generator.  He looked back right before he jumped the nearest window, but it was too late as the crates explodes sending a large series of explosions that destroyed the warehouse sending shrapnel everywhere.  Hunter did not have enough time to react as the shrapnel struck him and sent him flying into a pillar where he was pinned and could not move.  He began to meditate to get his mind off of the pain, Legion was already inside his head waiting on him with the shadow, Hunter experienced this feeling before as he was having an out-of-body moment.  

"It seems that you have four of them left Hunter...and that you called upon your new Curse Power too soon I fear.  Allow me to introduce..."

Legion began as the shadow interviened by stepping between Hunter and Legion.  It looked exactly like Hunter, but cloaked in some form of a shadow cloak.

"I am you Hunter...well a more dark and imposing form of you...I guess you could call me...well you could call me Anger i you would like.  I hold in al the power from the Curse mark that Yaju gave to you as a present...hell that's some present if you ask me.  Another entity living inside your body, feeding off of your emotions..."

Anger said as he waved his cloaked hand then he looked back at Legion.

" have spent enough time here with us.  Get your ass back on the battlefield.  Oh and one more thing."

Hunter listened in closely as Anger stepped close to him, and with a swift and very abrupt motion he punched Hunter in the face sending him back to reality.

"Don't EVER call on me if your not prepared to use me seriously again."

Hunter opened his eyes and had already pulled himself from the pillar, he could feel his power already welling back up inside him, he looked out as he pulled out the now charred map from his pouch.  He marked the destroyed warehouse on the map and found that there was one of two more places that the War Machines could run to target.  One was the National Ninja Shop warehouse.  The other was the Raikage's office where all business orders are issued, and where new issues are made for shops.  Since the warehouse was the closest target he sprinted there, and upon arrival he found the one War Machine that caused his injuries was waiting outside.  Weapons drawn in ambush mode, but just what exactly was it waiting for.  That is when Hunter saw it.  Inside the warehouse was a family, perhaps the shop owners family just stopping by to make sure everything was good due to the recent attacks.  Hunter moved with speed and deft ability as he unsheathed The Rebellion just long enough to sink it into the back of the War Machine.  There were just a few sparks then nothing as the Machine shut down, and Hunter sheathed The Rebellion just in time as one of the members of the family, possibly the head, looked out the window and directly at the position where Hunter kneeled holding the War Machine in his arms.  Hunter placed the Hammerspace Generator wearing hand onto the War Machine as a bright light gave away his position for a moment, but by the time the the family member looked outside at the disturbance.  Hunter was already heading towards the Raikage's office in the middle of the Village.

Upon his arrival he noticed some smoke towards the back of the entrance, it was pouring out of a wound made at the entrance.  Hunter raced in to find that the guards inside were knocked out, and even a few were critically injured.  The attack on the office must have been a survive, because Hunter knew that these guards were elite warriors that even he could not  touch.  Heading up the stairs he could sense that there was no mass of Chakra here, that must mean the Raikage is out at least...which was a good thing because it would probably be a one sided a battle and Hunter had already learned so much from this that he was happy that it happened almost.  As he reached the final floor he noticed that the three War Machines were now badly damaged and were looking desperate as if they had emotion.

"Looks like this will be easier than I thought."  

Hunter said as he raced in pulling out Redemption and Vengeance from their respective sheathes.  Working fast he sliced the arms and legs off of the War Machines before shorting them with high doses of electricity.  As soon as he confirmed they were shut down he placed his hand upon the pile as they were sucked up into the Hammerspace Generator.  

"There...all done..."

Was all he could say as guards began to run up the stairs.  They yelled at Hunter to hault, but he was running late already to turn in the mission items.  He simply smiled and waved as he busted through the wall of the Raikage's office as he sprinted towards Sakura Corp.  He was there as sundown arrived and he deposited the last bit of the War Machines as he looked at the scientists and guards that were gathering the pieces.  They congragulated him in his victory and thanked him for his help, but he was not satisfied as he knew that there was major damage done.

"Just make sure that this never happens again...there was too much destruction and probably death due to this incident.  I am sure that the owner will be paying me at the Mission Board...farewell."

Hunter did not bow as he slipped out with certification that he completed his mission. As he returned to the Mission board he was injured and charred, but ready for the reward.  He waited in line to redeem his Mission Contract.

TWC: 5588/5500

3000 For new Element, wind.(1054 from previous topic)
1000/1000 for Blood of War Stage 4, lvl 2
2000/2000 for Blood of War Stage 4. lvl 3
642 for next stage of Blood of War.

+28 JP
(I do not know how many stats I gained, but whatever I gain I am trading fro Ryo.)
+4500 Ryo

Will redeem free item from Sakura Corp.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 139050

Rank S Mission: Sakura Disaster [Solo Mission] Empty Re: Rank S Mission: Sakura Disaster [Solo Mission]

Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:41 am
Approved, the extra stats will equal up to 500 extra ryo
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