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Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Realism [Valeiru]

Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:12 pm
E-Rank Mission - It’s Not An Addiction I Swear:
E-Rank Mission - A Dollar Short:
E-Rank Mission - Escort Service:
E-Rank Mission - Holy Matrimony, Or Something:

Her violet-blue eyes contracted as she took in the environment before her. The town was, well, a town. A village. A small one. Though the proper term would most likely be a “settlement” instead. Everything seemed to be a fifteen to twenty minute walk from the center. It was filled with either small huts or slightly bigger and sturdier houses (obviously the ones with more money), curving and windy dirt paths, and lastly some community buildings.

There were people milling about, casting her and her companion shifty glances but did nothing else to the pair. No ill-meaning offers, crafty smiles, or such things. They avoided them mostly, quickly scampering away as they approached. The more courageous ones had daggers for eyes and forked tongues as they commented under their breaths. Still, they held back. It was difficult to get any of the villagers to speak to them, almost grating at her nerves with their avoidant demeanor.

Saya hummed in thought, wondering when she would get used to that type of behavior. Kumogakure and its citizens held similar sentiments toward shinobi way back in her younger years, but the village had gotten better. It was during her travels that she experienced all kinds of gazes - fear, awe, admiration, gratitude, and everything in between. There were days when she would help out fellow nomads and be rewarded with some type of food or money if she was lucky; then there were days when people would be wary and scared of her abilities, quick to shoo her away or run in the other direction. Her emotions had gone through its different phases until the young woman eventually accepted that she will not always be someone’s hero but rather the villain despite her want and need to help.

Turning towards her partner, Saya kept the whining in her voice to a minimum, ”Seriously, at this point we should just catch someone and make them tell us where we’re picking up the dowry and that old lady that we’re supposed to escort.” She gestured with a splayed hand towards a group of middle aged women, all huddled together and had their fans open to cover their mouths. ”They’re clearly talking about us, but every time we try to get near that, they run away. It’s so annoying.”

As if to prove her point, the batch of women seemed to jump in place with their eyes widening and shifting away before they all scuttled into what seemed to be a town hall of sorts. Saya rolled her eyes at their obvious actions. As if looking through a camera lens, the young woman with violet-blue locks "zoomed" out to evaluate the building. ”Actually...” She started, trailing off just a bit as her thoughts tried to piece things together. ”You wouldn't think both of our clients would be in that very place, right? Or is that too much of a good luck to both of us?”  If they were, it would help immensely in cutting down the time to locate each patron.

Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:54 pm

Realism [Valeiru] A9ZAf7m

Realism [Valeiru] RlNMUAA

Valeiru had agreed to come out on some errands with Saya after a brief meeting between the two. He knew that while Arantima was out and away he needed to take the time to engage with those around him as his counterpart would. It was easy enough, but he had to be careful. He was not a Skilled and terrifying Shinobi.. Having stepped through the portal from his time to this one stripped any progress he had made away. He shared a mind with his Counterpart however and would be capable of learning some basics rather swiftly.

He Walked with Saya, Leading her down the pathways and secret ways that would prevent them from being seen on their way out to Yugakure No sato and once they were there he recalled how Arantima had just taken Kana-mi and Kinko out to this place recently and smiled gently to himself as he let his senses begin to stretch out and feel around for anything around. His sense of hearing was still intact but he would need to retrain himself in Chakra sensory and Blood sensing as well. "That strategy would not be out of place for this village, However a Simpler Method is of course to walk as if you are not only everything they think of you. But prove you are worse without being grossly threatening."

His words were not spoken in a hushed tone, in fact they were spoken loud enough that every whispering person could hear every word he spoke clearly. He grinned to the group of Middle aged women before his eyes went from a Calm and cool demeanor to the gaze of a Serial killer as he smiled like a Cheshire cat and his fangs grew out to their full three inches as he hissed softly, his words now dripping with velvety venom "Come now Ladies.. You whisper only to hide your wants, not your disgust." He dragged a long clawed finger through the air beckoning them towards himself.

His eyes were piercing and hungry causing more than one of the ladies to stumble back but not one of them moved as he stalked towards them. He reached his hand out and put a hand on one of the women's shoulder then throat and finally cupped her cheek as he leaned in to whisper to her. He came back away from her ear and grinned before walking back toward Saya. "Your powers of perception and intuition are Keen Saya, That is indeed where we can find our quarry." He made a lazy Gesture towards the Building Saya had pointed out as if to tell her to lead the way.

Realism [Valeiru] RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 100/100  | AP: 750/750

Vigor: 75 |  Chakra: 25 | Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Realism [Valeiru] A9ZAf7m
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:24 am
Valeiru was an odd man. Quiet and teacher-like. She appreciated his calm demeanor and his patience with her. He seemed to impart knowledge and advice wherever he went. Just like how Saya found herself nodding to his explanation on how to conduct oneself in a town that hated strangers. That was something she had yet to utilize. It simply was not in her nature to actively make herself as the nightmare they all thought she was. While she did come off as unapproachable in her genin days, Saya was hardly a monster or a menace. In fact, the little girl she had been would be completely offended and cry at being considered as such.

Even now, Saya didn’t think she could portray herself as anything remotely threatening. That was why she was on this little excursion with Valeiru. It was her personal little goal to be more “shinobi.” She had lost most of her skills, after all, and that included giving off a deadly aura to those who were mere civilians. Barely a scrap of chakra in them. Despite trying to be more of her past self, Saya couldn’t help but take a step back when Valeiru’s appearance changed. His fangs were elongated and sharp claws were now visible. Vampire.

One of the gaggle of ladies had not been able to escape, having been caught by stumbling over her feet. Saya watched, eyebrow raised. What was he doing? Couldn’t he just talk to her normally? Then again, she supposed that choking the victim was a show of power and dominance, inciting fear and making it easier to manipulate or give them the information they needed. ‘Lo and behold, Valeiru was successful if his grin was anything to go by.

Saya mirrored his expression and shrugged. ”What can I say - I’m a natural.” Boasting. That was another thing that changed from years past. Still, that wasn’t something the woman was planning on ruminating on as she began to make her way towards the double doors of the building. The older woman had not moved from the spot where her companion had left her. Saya noted that her eyes had dilated, her lips were slightly parted, and her expression was a mix of reverence and terror.

”Goodness, what in the world did you say to her, Valeiru?” It was a rhetorical question, but he could answer if he wished. Saya blinked and proceeded to enter the venue. The hinges creaked and the floorboards groaned. She tried to keep his earlier words in mind, trying to exude a domineering aura.

There was a squeak somewhere and several bodies clattering and moving in unison towards the back of the expansive floor. Saya frowned. This was getting ridiculous. Did they act like that to every stranger that happened to come across their little settlement? It was understandable for them to be wary and cautious, but to be downright shaking in their boots was just a whole ‘nother level of fear. ”Hey, hey. Easy. Don’t go running off now,” Saya said, hands up in a placating and calming gesture. ”We’re just here to collect the dowry meant to be delivered for some wedding and a young old lady that needs to be escorted to the same town over.”

So much for trying to be intimidating.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 505 + 543 = 1048
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:41 am

Realism [Valeiru] A9ZAf7m

Realism [Valeiru] RlNMUAA

Valeiru had smirked when she asked what he said to the woman. He reached his hand up, running a hand through his Platinum hair and simultainiously taking his hood off to rest on his shoulders. As he did so his porcelain pale face was exposed to the low shaded sunlight of Yugakure and it was like a cead mans flesh and yet beautiful. "I simply told her that if she did not wish to see me in every shadow and every nightmare she ever mistook for a dream she would tell me what i want to know. Fear and lust Saya, Fear and Lust are so terribly similar.." He winked to her as he followed her.

When they entered the building He watched as Saya looked around and then when she started her placating gesture he chuckled softly behind her. His Nails having shrunk down but still long at nearly an inch in length, and his fangs disappeared entirely. He walked casualy passed Saya and brushed her shoulder gently with his fingertips as he did so, "Fear, can be mistaken for many things.." These words were said very softly, directed only to Saya herself as he passed her.

Valeiru spotted a game of cards in the back corner and sat himself down at the table wordlessly, His stare a gentle and calm thing as he sank into his seat without a question as to weather he would be welcome and dragged his nails across the wood of the table to scratch the surface indicating he wished to be dealt in. He Locked eyes with Saya from across the room and indicated to her with a twitch of the head and a few gestures that she should be moving around.

Valeiru Was cheating the moment he sat down, listening to every heartbeat at the table as he played the poker game. He was good enough that he knew to lose a few hands but smart enough to keep winning just small enough that his pot was getting larger and larger as the game went on.. Eventually raking the other at the table for all he could before they began to get too mad.  He set off to Find Saya once again.

Realism [Valeiru] RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 100/100  | AP: 750/750

Vigor: 75 |  Chakra: 25 | Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Realism [Valeiru] A9ZAf7m
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:19 am
What was it about these vampires and being good-looking? Saya gaped at his answer and passing wink. Of course. Of course! His methods were very much in line with those fantasy fiction type books that women her age were constantly squealing and sighing over. She, on the other hand, never really got into it. But she did read some just to satisfy her curiosity and to stop one of her friends from nagging her about reading them.

Either way, she shook herself out of her surprise and began to approach the crowd. They didn’t move, thank goodness. Though there wasn’t much room for them to escape to. However, before she could get on with her role, a few grunts and someone dropping a heavy hand on her shoulder stopped her from going further. Instinct kicked in. With a swift grab and pull, and a shift of her center, Saya had thrown a grown man in front of her, eliciting a gasp from both the intruder and the people.

Ignoring everyone else Saya placed him in an arm lock and positioned her knees on either side of his hips. ”That was a big mistake,” Saya hissed and applied a bit of pressure to his arm, causing him to cry out and shout his apologies, and curiously enough - what he was actually wanting from the pair.

”Honest! Me and my gang here just wanted you and your friend there to get that guy over there to cough up our money!” A shaky hand pointed to some gray-haired guy with rat-like features.

Damn it all. How many jobs did they have to settle in this place? They had so many problems! Saya sighed and released the guy, keeping silent and marching toward the crowd. ”You!” A finger was jabbed at the guy that looked like a sneak. ”Give me all of your cash right now and don’t think about skimping out.”

A pouch of coins was thrown at her face at a velocity to which she was not expecting to come from him. It hit the side of her head with a dull clink, and while the performance left her a bit embarrassed, Saya caught it and threw it at the gang by the door. They took the money and scampered out. ”Next, the dowry and that lady we’re supposed to escort, please.” No one moved. Saya clicked her tongue and growled, ”Don’t waste our time.”

In a flurry, the dowry was in her arms and an old lady was by her side. Rolling her eyes, Saya made her way back to Valeiru. ”I think… I put your lesson to good use?” At this point the young woman allowed the Yugure citizen to lead the missions and bring them back to Yugure.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 1048 + 460 = 1,508
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:32 am

Realism [Valeiru] A9ZAf7m

Realism [Valeiru] RlNMUAA

Valeiru  smirked as he strode over towards Saya and then looked at the man who had touched her earlier, noting a knife in the hand that hadnt been on her shoulder. As he strode over to Saya gently he stalked up behind the young women they were supposed to Escort. He slid a hand up behind the woman and nodded once to Saya as he continued moving past the Escort. He was wordless now as he moved towards the exit, his hands both filled with bags of Ryo, where he had only been carrying one when he left the table.

As Valeiru walked Saya and the woman they were supposed to be escorting he didnt speak until they were at the first crossroads where they could either turn to the village they needed to escort the woman to or go along the secret pathways to Yugure..  He stopped and tied the pouches to his belt before looking at Saya "Excuse me Saya.. But you may wish to look away." He says that gently and with more care than she has yet to hear him speak with as his fangs are suddenly a full three inches long and he descends on the woman they are escorting.

His teeth sink into her neck as he drinks deeply of her lifes blood.. Not enough to kill her but enough to leave her unconsious and slumped against the crossroads sign. He wipes his face with her dress so when he stands and pulls his hood over his face there is not much for Saya to see that would be horrifying on his features. "Im sorry.. But i needed to eat. And I already took the reward money for her.. and besides, her fate would be little different if we had delivered her ourselves.. This way she can be rescued."

Realism [Valeiru] RlNMUAA



4000 RYO and 20 AP (980 training ap left)

Using Living clone special ability to learn any skill of jutsu main body knows for 50% off.

1000/1000 WC towards Blood lord

118 /1000 wc Towards Chakra Sensory

Claiming 10 Stats. placing All 10 in vigor. - New Vigor= 85 (35 +25 +25)

Current Health Bar: 100/100  | AP: 750/750

Vigor: 75 |  Chakra: 25 | Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Realism [Valeiru] A9ZAf7m
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 3:19 am
She did not question how Valeiru came out with two bags of coins. The way she lived now, rather for the past few years, Saya came to understand that not everything worked out when you wandered outside the major or minor villages. While shinobi were not ignorant of what happened in life or in death or in the hardships of people, Saya did feel like they were spoiled with structure and organization and the safety of their village walls.

The trio didn’t make it further than the crossroads sign along the dirt path toward the other settlement when Valeiru paused to have a “meal.” Saya had been a bit confused, slow to obey and eventually watched him feed. She shivered, her body sensing the danger. However, in a fashion fit for a kunoichi, her expression blanked out as if she was not at all bothered by the scene. But he could probably hear her heart. No, definitely. It was hammering away in fear.

”Hey, if you need it, you need it,” she replied with a shrug and a resolute turn of her body as they made their way back. Saya convinced herself that it was okay to leave the old woman by the roadside. It was okay to not finish or complete the missions handed to her.

She loved lying to herself.

: : : EXIT : : :

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 1,508 + 222 = 1730

MISSION CLAIMS: 1,000 Ryo x4 = 4,000 Ryo; 5AP x 4 = 20AP

CLAIMING: Stat Points (SP) 1700 / 100 = 17SP (9SP to Chakra, 8 to Speed)

1000/1000 WC to Water Release: Water Whip
500 / 500 WC to Iryojutsu Amplifier - Rank D
230 / 1000 WC to Iryojutsu Amplifier - Rank C
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:23 pm
Valeiru wrote:


4000 RYO and 20 AP (980 training ap left)

Using Living clone special ability to learn any skill of jutsu main body knows for 50% off.

1000/1000 WC towards Blood lord

118 /1000 wc Towards Chakra Sensory

Claiming 10 Stats. placing All 10 in vigor. - New Vigor= 85 (35 +25 +25)

Current Health Bar: 100/100  | AP: 750/750

Vigor: 75 |  Chakra: 25 | Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Realism [Valeiru] Empty Re: Realism [Valeiru]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:41 pm
Saya Kirihara wrote:
: : : EXIT : : :

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 1,508 + 222 = 1730

MISSION CLAIMS: 1,000 Ryo x4 = 4,000 Ryo; 5AP x 4 = 20AP

CLAIMING: Stat Points (SP) 1700 / 100 = 17SP (9SP to Chakra, 8 to Speed)

1000/1000 WC to Water Release: Water Whip
500 / 500 WC to Iryojutsu Amplifier - Rank D
230 / 1000 WC to Iryojutsu Amplifier - Rank C

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