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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:36 pm
Travin appeared in the spot to the right of where the man was standing, but sadly he was already down into the ground. Damn it needs to be faster next time he thought to himself, as the walls started to rise up from the ground around him. Lucky for him he was much faster than the walls. Easily able to leap over the wall and land on the other side of it with his max speed. Travin would turn to put an eye on Kut, as he would be unable to get to the enemy that moved underground. Taking a moment to get his bearings Travin would keep an eye on Kut while also scanning his surroundings.

WC-117 TWC-1199
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:08 pm
Hasu watched the three guests of the village from her vantage point, remaining behind the tree as the battle unfold. It seemed that the one closest to Hasu was safest, if he wanted to it seemed he could just allow the events unfold between the other two combatants.The young girl watched as the walls of earth rose up and around the fast moving shinobi, the kunoichi hoping the man managed to escape as the ground around him seemed to become unstable.

If the burrow revealed himself Hasu would barely be able to make him out in the distance, as he’d moved 30 meters away from the combatants and off to the left from Hasu’s perspective. The young girl could barely make out the proclamation the person made from the vast distance between them, but she was able to make out the mention of them having spectators.

Hasu froze as she realized that the shinobi had somehow been able to make out Hasu in the distance, even while taking on two different foes and while the girl had been mostly obscured by a tree. Fearful that this person had some powerful sensory ability, and embarrassed that she had been caught spying on the group sparring, Hasu turned and started to quietly make her way back through the trees and toward a well trafficked pathway that wasn’t more than 15 meters away. If the girl managed to make her way into the crowd she’d try and get lost in it as she made her way toward the Kage Tower to try and give a report on the abilities of the visitors


(possible exit, unless Kaku’s actions are timelined)
Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:27 pm
Before he had the need to back up with the body flicker, there would suddenly be stones would sprout from the ground beneath his new friend, Travin. He was sure that the man couldn't have moved very fr underground. So he decided that he would simply create a wall of fire to consume them both. Without even a hand seal would exhale and a massive wall of fire would be generated. Kut would aim this wall of fire to be largely aimed for the ground. It would be moving at a speed of 135 and a power of the same.

It expanded at the same speed, meaning that by the time it would have reached 10 meters from Kakushin's original position, it would have already expanded to its full width and height of 30 meters. He would aim it down to have roughly the man's height under the ground and add just a bit more to be sure he had enough highway, knowing that the man wouldn't be in the air. So, the center of the wall of fire would be centered in 10 meters under the ground. This means that when the fire hit the floor, it would consume the floor, covering a 20-meter by 20-meter wall that would reach out 40 meters in total. He would continue to keep vigilant, watching for whatever technique may come out from under the ground again.

WC: 234

Using Great Fire Annihilation
Kakushin Senju
Kakushin Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Fabricated Senju
Mission Record : Kakushin's Journal
Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:46 pm
Sadly for Travin, he would try and get out of the stone circle, but be kept into it by the soil grasping at him and paralysing him, rendering him unable to do any move like said before. As he wouldnt be able to flee, the stone walls now reached into the air would come down and crash onto him, starting the process that would normally burry him alive. But this being a spar only for the purpose of practice, Kakushin made sure his jutsu wouldnt hurt nor crush and burry the Iburi man, only restraining him and caging him under layers of stone, making him disabled and unable to move nor do handseals.

As this happened, the Uchiha didnt remain silent nor passive, acting in the way that Kakushin expected, nothing less for someone of that dire clan. Kakushin sensory abilities made him detect what was happenning at the top of the land, and act at the same time, focusing his chakra of his pureblooded senju DNA. Indeed, he would simply start to exhale a large stream of fire in the general position of Kakushin and Travin, making them both burn should it hit. As Kakushin felt the chakra gather into his opponent in mere seconds, he would start to weave seals underground to do a technique that would barely catch the fire in time, but would still block it. while the fire begun its travel, so did a large section of earth 3m in front of Kakushin undeground position and in between the fire and the two missin-nin. The earth would be 10m wide and raise at a speed power and health of 135 to be 30m long, enough to shield both from the destructive fire scorching the earth. While this happened, Kakushin still underground with his now enhanced burrowing jutsu would move at a speed of 125, still 3,8m deep into the earth, but creating a distance of about 30m from the rest of the group, nearing toward the other chakra presence observing from afar. As he sensed his surroundings, Kakushin made sure to emerge from behind a tree on the outskirts of the training grounds in the part where vegetation was there around him. 

He could sense the presence of a younger one, sharing a similar type of chakra to himself... Either it was a fabricated individual, and he sensed the uniqueness of laboratory made DNA, or it was senju... prehaps even both. As he was now fully emerged, he looked at his distant opponents, the Uchiha being the biggest threat of the two for sure, mastering fire like no other. But Kakushin still nonetheless turned toward the presence, seeing that it was a young girl, all shy and hidden away.

''Ah! So you are our dearest spectator and observer, aren't you? Well, that is quite brave to come here witness the clashing of our chakra expression. Please, would you mind staying a little? You ought to learn a thing or two...'' Said the man in a calming tone, reassuring her that she didnt risk anything staying here, as they were mearly practicing, not wanting to cause any injuries to one another. 

As he turned again toward the opponents a few seconds later, the fabricated Senju would adress the Uchiha, and Travin as well, releasing him from his prison of bedrock, his point well made that he was matering the art of Mud and Stone, amongst other talent he didnt yet disclose.

''Your mastery of the flame is trully awe inspiring young man. I would love for you to teach it to me, as I could teach the earth too in a fair exchange of knowledge. But I feel we are deeply at unevent levels of mastery and fighting here, and that this experience isnt what was... planned. If you would, we could fight with only swords, knives and such. My skill with those is clearly lacking but, to entertain a sense of politeness and humbleness, I believe it would be better. What say you? Both of you?'' Said calmly and in a diplomatic tone, trying to reduce the escalating violence and destruction caused by their intense elemental spar. Kakushin usually never used a blade, and never used a katana, but should the other 2 opponents accept his truce and agree to fighting only with basic weapons and practice their forms, he would have a suprise of a weapon he would use, in place of a sword.

Combat stuff:

using Tobirama fury, and using Moving Earth Core
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:07 pm
Travin’s attempt to jump out of the dome before it finished, was unsuccessful as the ground itself kept him from moving his feet. Disappointed in himself and the fight, he simply stood there let his fate be. He didn’t have anything in his arsenal that could get him out at this time. Once the walls were up he was oblivious to the wave of fire that came at them both, as well as the wall of earth that was raised to stop it. Blind and defenseless in the dome with the earth wrapped around him he simply waited. There was no pain as was expected by a tech like this in a spar. He had thought he was fast enough but it wasn’t enough, after all this was not how he preferred to fight, and he didn’t have a lot of practice at fighting when people knew he was coming. He would not hold a grudge against the other man but he would remember this, and if given the chance he would probably take a job to kill the man at a discount. However, for now he would need to get stronger before he could think of such things. Giving him a new reason and goal while he was in the village. 

Once the dome came down he noticed that the other guy was not where he was last time Travin could see. Something that was expected, and was now talking again to the others. Almost bragging about being stronger, something that Travin would not argue about at this moment. Asking if they wanted to continue with base weapons. Travin would look to Kut and see what he wanted to do before answering. From what he could tell he was the only one with any training in the use of weapons, which would give him an advantage in the spar, but part of him just wanted to walk away for now and come back another day. 

Travin would wait for Kut to decide on what he was going to do, and Travin would follow the other man's lead, after all he was the only one that even introduced himself, as the other guy was still an unknown.

WC-367 TWC-1566
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:49 pm
Hasu’s eyes widened in shock as she watched the man closest to her unleash a torrent of flames toward the ground. Her blue eyes remained fixated on flames even as some earthen barrier rose up to block them, watching them with a fascination she couldn’t quite explain. She lost herself looking into the bright light, and failed to keep track of the other combatants as she watched the fire user’s impressive display.

Hasu would be taken out of her stupor suddenly when the figure who had merged with the ground suddenly popped up in front of her, frightening her as she wondered why the guest of the village had opted to approach her rather than continue the spar. Her breath caught in her throat as she nervously gripped the tree she had been using as cover, frozen as she waited to see what this mysterious stranger wanted.

The girl couldn’t help but shake nervously as the man turned to look at her, realizing now just how dangerous of a situation she had put herself in. She looked up at the tall man, remaining behind the tree but wanting to dart away. She just stood there however, barely able to listen to the man over the sound of her heart racing as he called her their dearest spectator and told her to continue watching for awhile. It took all of Hasu’s will to muster a weak nod, her eyes still wide with nervous fear as she shook from behind the tree.

After the man addressed her he turned back to his opponents and addressed them. Hasu’s legs gave out as soon as the man’s gaze left her, and she was let clinging against the tree as she suddenly gasped for breath. The young girl had to stop herself from bursting into tears, realizing that if the man had wanted to he could have probably killed her just then. The young girl weakly clung to the tree, now sitting against it, as she watched the events continue to unfold.

WC: 337
Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:59 am
"I believe the fighting that took place here can be what we keep to for now. We shall meet again to do some more fighting in the near future. For now, I am in need of smoke, a drink, and a nice handful of mushrooms to get me back into fighting shape. What say you both? Care to partake?" He pulled out a small bag of mushrooms and held it up for them both to see. "I got plenty for all of us to get totally fucked up for the night, would make for a much better use of our time if you ask me." He put the bag back into his pocket, then he motioned for them both to follow him. "C'mon. There's a bar in town where the bartender is a total idiot, I've been lifting bottles of whiskey from his stocks for weeks now and he hasn't noticed. Follow me and we can have a nice night, eh?" 

With that, he walked away from them both, curious if either would follow him. It was then that he noticed the woman that was also standing there, "Oh I'm so sorry sweetheart. You caught me off guard, didn't see you there. Hi. My name is Kutari Uchiha. I would be overjoyed if you'd like to join me on a night of rather reckless fun. If you're interested, I can get more mushrooms and I can always steal more liquor. So let me know, sweetheart." 

When he finished speaking with the woman, he walked out of the training grounds and prepared himself for a night of drinking, hopefully some adult activity, and plenty of substances to get him completely senseless for the rest of the night and far into the morning. Should the others not choose to follow, he would shrug and say that was fine. Still going off into the distance to get completely wasted alone then.

WC: 318
TWC: 1929

WC Claims: 
+700 towards mastering Stage of Curse Mark (Complete)  (Previous Progress)
+438 towards One handed Seals (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+791 towards Earth Element (Doubling due to Rank, reducing by 25% due to max stat discount) (791/3000)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:49 am
Kutari Uchiha wrote:

WC: 318
TWC: 1929

WC Claims: 
+700 towards mastering Stage of Curse Mark (Complete)  (Previous Progress)
+438 towards One handed Seals (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+791 towards Earth Element (Doubling due to Rank, reducing by 25% due to max stat discount) (791/3000)

Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Mon May 13, 2024 10:11 pm
It seemed that the three of them were done sparring, and that the fire release user was going to head toward a bar. Hasu remained leaned against the tree as the man spoke, her anxiety skyrocketing further as the man called her out and referred to her as sweetheart. She couldn't tell if these men were trying to kind to her or if they were flexing their power over her with their freely given compliments. It unsettled the girl, though she only blamed herself for going out at night and watching these shinobi battle.

The raven haired girl didn't respond to the man, who introduced himself as Kutari, at first. He seemed a little older than her, a young adult where as she was a teenager. She wasn't entirely sure what he had in mind for reckless fun, but she felt it was the type of thing Junko would advise her to avoid. She hadn't gone to a bar or eaten strange mushrooms before, and if she ever did she'd probably want Junko or Michiko with her to help guide her through the experience.

Hasu remained silent for a moment after Kutary finished speaking, before finally mustering a short sentence. "I'm Hasumi... and no thank you."

As the man shrugged and left Hasu's attention turned back to the man who'd first managed to detect her, the tall pale skinned man who'd referred to her as their dearest spectator. He didn't seem to react to Kutari's words either, but thankfully his attention didn't seem to be on Hasu. Taking a deep breath the girl slowly got back to her feet, her legs shaking beneath her baggy pants as she tried to pay attention to the two men that were still in the training area with her. She wasn't sure if the white haired man was following Kutari or not, of the 3 men he had terrified her the least so far. Hasu wondered if he'd try and talk to her as well, or if he didn't care about the presence of the girl.

Deciding she didn't want to linger here and see how things played out with these shinobi anymore, Hasu began to slowly walk backwards and away from the nearby pale man. If anyone turned to look at her now she'd give them a nervous smuile and ave as she made her way out of the training ground.

If Hasumi managed to get away from the tall man who'd initially approached her then she'd take another deep breath as her anxiety levels finally started to drop. Reaching up and touching her headband, she was thankful she was fortunate and these men weren't as cruel as the molemen that had kidnaped her a few months ago. Once she found herself back on the streets of Tsukigakure she made her way to the Kage Tower, intent on giving a report of the 3 men to at least have their description on record.

Ultimately she wasn't able to give much info, other than inform one of the clerks that Kutari was a Fire Release User and there was a really tall pale man who seemed proficient in Earth. She also mentioned that the white haired man seemed incredibly fast, and did her best to give a detailed report of the whole battle. The clerk could tell that Hasu had been startled by the men and offered to get her some hot tea to sip on before she headed home for the evening. The Genin stayed at the Tower for an hour or so as the clerk and some of the other staff made sure she was okay.




WC Claims
+15 Vigor
750 words to acquire B-Rank Snake Mouth at 50% Discount due to Memory Link with Denkiteki
500 to aquire C-Rank Healer's Reach at 50% discount due to Memory Link with Denkiteki
250 words toward Curse Mark Transformation, Previous training here. New total is 783/2,000

Adjusted Totals
Total Stats:241+15=256
Health:200 to 300
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Training, or making friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Training, or making friends

Tue May 14, 2024 2:06 pm
Hasumi Hayato wrote:



WC Claims
+15 Vigor
750 words to acquire B-Rank Snake Mouth at 50% Discount due to Memory Link with Denkiteki
500 to aquire C-Rank Healer's Reach at 50% discount due to Memory Link with Denkiteki
250 words toward Curse Mark Transformation, Previous training here. New total is 783/2,000

Adjusted Totals
Total Stats:241+15=256
Health:200 to 300

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