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Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A map to aid the village Empty A map to aid the village

Mon May 13, 2024 2:12 pm
Mission Details:
Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A map to aid the village Empty Re: A map to aid the village

Mon May 13, 2024 3:35 pm
The first lights of dawn shine through the windows within the Uchiha's humble home, and he is brought forth from the depths of slumber and the enlightening sleep that he had been experiencing. His body aches from the physical exertion of the previous day's training, each movement a trial in and of itself, but it was a trial that he didn't mind facing. The curse mark still causes him pain from time to time, it brings him an understanding of the power that he will one day unleash with this, but for now, he waits the proper moment. Despite his discomfort for the morning, there is a clarity to the pain, an understanding of his position in life. He is in the place to help those of Tsukigakure, he is in the place to aid not only the Uchiha under his care, but the remainder of the village as well, and he was going to be sure to be the one to do what he could. 

He rises from his bed, methodically stretching his muscles and body, which groans in protest but gradually loosens under his careful attention. His morning routine consists of physical exercises that have become more of a ritual that grounds his body, centers his spirit, and prepares him for the day ahead. With practiced movements, he moves his body, swaying much like the grass in the wind, bringing a bit of weight to his movements. This allows his body to gradually prepare for the weight of the day's training once more. With the movements coming to a cease, he is ready for the day to officially begin.

He leaves his bedroom and approaches the small altar that is at the end of his gathering room. The symbols of the Uchiha, both of the fan and the Sharingan decorate its features, bringing an understanding of the meaning of this altar and what he attempts to worship during his time before it. He has mastered several steps of the Sharingan, bringing it to the utmost pinnacle, or at least that is what he thought. But the man, the man at the bar, the Mizukage, he had more knowledge. There was more to the eyes than he had ever thought, there was far more power that he could obtain within his own, or at least that is what he had hoped. He wasn't entirely certain that this level of power was for any single Uchiha to be able to obtain, so he needed to learn more about this, to search deeper within himself to understand just what he needed to do.

When he exited the home, he found himself out in the village, looking fondly at what he saw. He became understanding that he wanted to help the village in some way, to provide a benefit to them somehow today, and it was then that he saw a post on the board within the Uchiha district stating that the people of the village need a map made, one that outlines every part of the village. 

He wasn't sure just how he would help with the remainder of the village, as he wasn't too versed in it. But he did think that he could at the very least map out the areas of the Uchiha District and hand them in to the Kage's office for approval. He ran about the village, asking for the people within the district who had the skills in map making aid him in the troubles, going from house to house until he did in fact find one Uchiha within the district that was capable of creating such a thing. 

He joined with this Uchiha and a rather unexpected guest to the district and together they would scout the entire district, getting an understanding of the district as a whole, and drawing out the map that detailed each and every building, corner, alleyway, street, and business. This was going to be of aid not only to the village, but he decided that they would make two copies of the map, one for the village as a whole, and one for a directory for the people within the district to know just where they are to go. 

When they were done, he nodded to them both, thanking them for their help, and headed off to the Kage office to turn in their map for approval and a reward. Should he be given a reward in the form of money, then he would hand it to the one that drew the map, understanding that he was the reason it got done. 

WC: 764 
TWC: 764

Completion of D rank mission
2000 Ryo and 10 AP

WC Claims:
+500 towards Ninjutsu Amplifier (Complete) (Previous Progress)
Dumping remaining WC
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A map to aid the village Empty Re: A map to aid the village

Mon May 13, 2024 7:21 pm
Hasumi entered what was now being called the Uchiha District, looking around at the area that had been built up around the community center she had helped decorate. The girl was dressed in her usual attire, baggy pants and a t shirt, her headband hanging about her neck with the symbol of moon displayed above her collarbone. Her long black hair hung about freely this day, knowing she didn't have to hard of a mission to perform.

She knew she was meeting with the mysterious leader of the Uchiha clan, a man she had met many times but had been to nervous to actually speak to. When he had rallied people to help put together the community center that the Uchiha district had been built around she had joined the many people who had assisted. She'd also seen him and two others sparring in the Shinoda Springs late at night, though he had seemed to grow bored after one of the others had left the battle to confront Hasumi. She'd also heard that her brother, Isamu, had met this man as well. He was a powerful fire release user, and had also survived the placement of a curse mark like Hasumi had.

It didn't take long for the raven haired girl to find the leader of the clan, joining him and a map maker as they worked to create a map of the Uchiha district to submit to the Kage Tower. While Hasumi wasn't as knowledgeable as the other two about the district itself she was able to help them with the borders of the district and designated what was just beyond it on each side.

The task was rather easy and they managed to complete it without any issues. Hasumi watched as the duplicate maps were made, sending a mental image of it to The Masked Man because she figured he'd be interested in that sort of thing. She then followed Kagu to the Kage Tower along with the map maker, quietly walking astride with them. As they made their way through the village a few of the Uchiha's greeted Hasu and thanked her for her assistance with building the community center. She gave the people who spoke to her a soft smile and told them that it was no trouble at all, and that she just liked to help.

It didn't take long for the trio to arrive at the Tower and receive their reward, a hefty sum considering the rank of the mission. Hasumi was thankful for the payout, she'd been rather strapped for cash since The Masked Man had taken all of her money and given it to her brother. Pocketing the 4,000 ryo she had received, she noticed that Kagu gave all of his money to the map maker. She supposed the leader of the Uchiha clan within the village must have been rich to be able to put aside so much money, or perhaps he was simply interested in building up[ the wealth of his people rather than just himself. Hasu didn't spend to much time speculating about the man, figuring that he'd likely remain an enigma to her, like most people and their behavior.  

The girl wished Kagu and the map maker goodbye, giving a nervous laugh and introducing herself as she realized they probably didn't know her name. She then quickly departed and returned to Junko's house, her mind shifting to thinking about where she was going to go eat later now that she had some cash on hand. She wanted to Go to Darkside but also felt that she hadn't explored any of the other restaurants in the village.




Mission Rewards
Doubled via Beloved Presence
4,000 Ryo, 20 AP

WC Claims
+6 Vigor
72 words to upgrade Nin Amp to A-Rank, previous training here.
536/2,000 toward training Curse Mark Transformation

Adjusted Total
Total Stats:235+6=241
Total Ryo:0+4000=4000
Bonus AP:422+20=442
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A map to aid the village Empty Re: A map to aid the village

Tue May 14, 2024 2:06 pm
Kutari Uchiha wrote:

WC: 764 
TWC: 764

Completion of D rank mission
2000 Ryo and 10 AP

WC Claims:
+500 towards Ninjutsu Amplifier (Complete) (Previous Progress)
Dumping remaining WC

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A map to aid the village Empty Re: A map to aid the village

Tue May 14, 2024 2:07 pm
Hasumi Hayato wrote:




Mission Rewards
Doubled via Beloved Presence
4,000 Ryo, 20 AP

WC Claims
+6 Vigor
72 words to upgrade Nin Amp to A-Rank, previous training here.
536/2,000 toward training Curse Mark Transformation

Adjusted Total
Total Stats:235+6=241
Total Ryo:0+4000=4000
Bonus AP:422+20=442

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