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Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:18 am
Everything about Yugure loomed just a little darker during the dead winter. The trees lacked their lush blossoms, and instead their bare branches snaked outwards towards the dull sky. Threatening to claw at the abyss above.

A dark overcast left the buildings within a deep shadow, and the only source of warmth was the lights that flickered and glowed from the windows they inhabited.

Everything had been quiet since the maiden, the one known as Mizuki, departed from Yugure for business that need not be uttered.

As if awakening from some sort of deep hibernation, Kana finally became active and departed from her room. She had been spending a great deal of her time as a ghost, scarcely seen or heard amongst the others. Adjusting to the new living arrangements affected others differently. Today, she acted a little more lively than usual.

The crimson haired Kyuketsuki brushed past the hallways and headed towards the main doors of the building in which they mainly inhabited. Her palm pressed against its cold structure as she pushed forth the door, letting in a sharp gust of winter air as her slender form snaked through to the outdoors. Leading herself down one of the paths that followed closer to the many trees.

White fluffs of snow blanketed the earth at her feet, but another set of prints flawed the neverending blanket of white.

Kana made no sign of being wary of these prints, instead it was as if she was searching for the source of them. The shape was obviously of a large animal.

After coming to the treeline, Kana grasped at her cloak that rested amongst her shoulders. As if drawing it more tightly around her form, in which was clad with dark rawhide that fitted her perfectly. Surprisingly, it wasn't the cold that caused the woman to tighten her hold onto her cloak.
Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:32 pm
Kinko had spent some time within the compound, understanding his new life as he knows it.  It was new and strange for him, something welcoming but also confusing.  We often wondered if people back home wondered about him; he often wondered why he cared.  He learned much about his father here and why it might be better for everyone that Kinko stayed here.  He never realized how much of a threat to the throne he really was.  He wondered if everyone else knew or if the branch had lied to everyone, not just him.

Without regard, Kinko tried to do everything he could to set himself for success in this new environment.  Though, he did find himself lacking the company he often desired, no different than home...or what used to be called home.

His torso hide under his black cloak as his turquoise eyes pierced the white veil of snow.  He loved the crunch from the snow pressing underneath his feet.  He found some refugee with the wild life, often feeding the birds berries and seeds.  Kinko was fond of birds, jealous of their inability to be restricted.  Freedom, something Kinko always craved.

In his general routine, he trekked through the snow to gaze upon the birds and local wildlife.  Though, he heard calls of panic and fear.  Without hesitation, Kinko found himself locating the source of the screams, a bird.  A little yellow owl, particularly uncommon around here, must have been a baby.  It's feet dragging through the snow, with each step being a monumental task.  Clearly, the bird was injured, perhaps fallen from a nest.  Through the calls of emergency brings the opportunists.  For Kinko spotted one, lurking in the treelines, clearing waiting for the opportune time to strike.  It would not have been a big meal but it was free.

With poise and dignity, Kinko broke the treeline and approached the little baby owl, in an effort to protect it.  Even if for only a moment.    While Kinko was unaware of what the large animal was, he knew it was still around.  He could see it's shadow, it's body through the dead trees and bushes, but could not pick what it was.  With the little yellow bird in his hand, focused more on the bird.  Providing a general ocular pat-down, checking for muscle, strength, and general condition.  

Kinko jumped, startled, he turned his back  to where the noise of crunching feet and moving clothes came from.  He clearly was too comfortable here.  A breath of calm exited his body.  "Ah...Kana."  He said not with a smile but with a tone that welcomed her yet questioned what she was doing out here.  Of course, Kinko would never refuse her company but was curious of her thoughts.

Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Clan Specialty : Medical
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Ryo : 59650

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:21 pm
Kana didn't expect to hear Kinko's voice uttering her name as she made it to the tree boundary, though the way he exhaled a breath of what seemed as a sign of relief didn't go unnoticed. Kana continued to push past the treelines to where the young man shielded the wounded animal. Her eyes hovered over the tiny form of the owlet, before shifting her gaze toward the thick trees amongst them.

She had already been aware of Kinko being here, despite her presence hardly being noticed by him until just now. Kana shifted her weight as a dark shape began to bloom from the thickets. The shape was massive, and easily overwhelmed both their heights. Standing around eight feet and cladded in reddish thick fur. A large mowl pointed directly into their direction, opening partly as a high pitched cackle echoed from the throat.

Despite the overlarged beast that hovered upon the two Kyuketsuki, and of course the little wounded birdlet, Kana showed no sign of panic or distress.

The beast was actually the sole reason that Kana was aware of Kinko's presence. After a given moment, the red haired lass approached the furred animal before turning her head back towards the male Kyuketsuki. "You don't have to worry. She won't eat the bird." Kana spoke nonchalantly before brushing a hand through the Hyena's rough pelt. "What are you going to do with it anyways?" Kana had come across the male a few times, but still wasn't very familiar with either him or the one that seemed to be his friend. This gave her a chance to learn a bit.


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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:04 am
Kinko would watch and listen to Kana but his real focus was whatever was in that treeline. It was large, and seemingly would frighten most. Kinko could not tell what it was, perhaps the paranoia and anxiety of the unknown is what caused him to be alert. Kinko noticed it breaking the treeline and making an appearance in red fur, an interesting color. Quite massive, Kinko was impressed with how bad the creature was, really. His eyes shifted over to Kana to observe he reaction, yet he did not detect much of anything. Slightly confused with trying to figure out what that meant, Kinko was completely confident in his ability to protect and defend this little yellow owlet. He was confident Kana could protect herself, without actually knowing much of her power.

Each step this hyena took signaled different cues for Kinko. For instance, why is this wild beast appearing now? Is it THAT hungry? Is it alone? Why have I never seen it's tracks before? Kinko was quite perplexed with this seemingly impossible puzzle, while still trying to maintain his composure and look cool.

However, about half way through, Kinko realized this Hyena was strutting over to Kana, as if a pet, as if a dog to it's owner in a park, Kinko was confused, 'I guess Kana has a pet Hyena?' He thought as he was equally confused because he had never seen it, mentioned it, NO FOOD BOWLS anywhere. What is this?

Kinko watched as the Hyena pressed itself upon Kana with Kana's reassuring words for the unnamed little bird. 'It's a she.'. Kinko looked up and down the duo a few times before smiling and smirking, and letting a few chuckles out to cover off his confusion. He would never admit to it now but he was quite confused. He brought the bird closer to his eye, as he continued to examine it. "You know, Kana...I am not sure. I have never seen an owl this color before and I don't seem to see or hear it's parents or story. The story of why it's here." He said looking around to show no nest, tracks, or anything to indicate why it would be here. His turquoise eyes went to meet Kana, he was hoping she'd meet his. "What do you do with...her?" He said with his eyes trying not to be rude or offend the Hyena.

Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:16 pm
Kinko didn't need a heartbeat to make his uneasiness obvious to the red haired maven. His silence was enough as he witnessed the beast approach closer to where they were. It wasn't the type of silence one would have if they were just calmly observing. Kana could see the way his eyes shifted towards her for some sort of reassurance, as if hoping she would tell him that the beast wasn't there for a meal.

It actually had been a while since the last time Kana had interacted with her summons, and Lilina was by far her closest ally. The hyenas weren't easily friendly for just anyone, and still some of the others were quite skeptical with the idea of serving anyone in general. Lilina however, was different from the rest. The most loyal from the furry bunch.

Kana felt the corner of her lip curved into a smirk as Kinko's demeanor shifted. Even despite hearing him chuckle, Kana was certain he was still confused by the beast and it's. As he should be.

Kana glanced from the owlet that was held within his hands and back towards him. His turquoise eyes are almost the opposite of her fiery ones. "What do I do with her? If you want me to be honest, I don't do much at all with her." The Hyena's gaze turned towards the injured bird. As if watching it closely.

"She's here when I need her, and in exchange I accompany her on a hunt from time to time." Kana flashed her teeth in a grin. The woman's love for the hunt was one that most wasn't aware of. The Hyena only found thrill in the chase as well. The two worked well together.

"Anyways~ Lilina has been scouting around since dawn. She wasn't able to witness where the owlet came from, but she's certain that the one within your hands is not an ordinary one. The fragile thing was almost scooped up by a hawk earlier. So it would be best if you kept it for the time being, a wounded animal is only easy prey." The Hyena snorted as if agreeing with the female Kyuketsuki, before disappearing back into the thickets.

"I guess I may ask. . do you have any knowledge of treating an injured animal?" Kana asked out of curiosity, since she still didn't know much about him. She briefly crouched down beside him to examine the small bird.

Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:30 pm
Kinko would listen as he did not really know what to expect from Kana-Mi. There was something about her that captured his attention but he did not know what it was. Her knew there was much behind those fiery eyes; maybe his could keep balance her, and her for him. Kinko had always been interested in summoning but never had the opportunity to really develop his ability to call upon friendly beings. He could see the healthy relationship between her and Liliana, something he was envious of. Kinko's fangs returned the pleasure as a natural grin appeared as Kana explained her duties of assisting in hunts. His ears peaked as he listened to the scouting report. This woman has impressed Kinko in many ways. He was quite happy that Lilina had scouted and was not even a little concerned or unhappy with the lack of intelligence. He marveled at the opportunity that this Hyena presented, what a useful assistant. Kinko nodded in maintaining the safety of the owlet. "Of course. She will be safe" It was clear Kinko was going to say me, but switched as he appreciated the assistance of Kana and her company. Kinko nodded in a salute to Lilina as she paced off into the treeline.

He turned back to notice Kana closer to him, crouching closer to him to get a better view of the bird. There was a moment of hesitant as he regathered himself. While looking down at the owlet, "Well, I can heal quite a bit of damage but I have never performed anything to something this small. We usually let it heal naturally. I'd be afraid to cause any damage to him, sending its chakra system into a complete inbalance. I can take it to my room, we can care for it over the next few days." He said with a confident nod. "I am sure it had quite an adventure." He finished as he looked up towards the eyes of Kana, wondering, hoping the two would be able to go on adventures: The two where huddled around this little bird. The distance between the two could not have been great. He took a moment to really look at Kana and try to understand her a little more; he wondered if she would think the same..."What adventures have you been on?" Trying to get to know her better and who she is...

Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:04 pm
Ah. . So the lad was more of a healing type. Which made sense, since their clan had potential in the medical arts for the cursed blood ability.

No doubt, taking care of the bird and letting it rest away from the dangers of predators that would do anything to come across such a helpless, defenseless fletchling, would create a sort of bond between the dark haired Kyuketsuki and the wounded owlet.

Kana noticed his eyes turning back towards her, as if he was trying to get a better read on the crimson haired woman. Her eyes shifted back towards him to meet his gaze. There was only so much that one could learn just by gazing alone.

Her eyebrow raised a bit as Kinko announced his curiosity on the type of adventures that the lass has been on. "Hmm~" her eyes looked up at the sky above them as she thought of his question. It was always interesting to find out what others have experienced, where they have been, and what they have done in their past. She couldn't help but wonder how he and the other guy came to be. Have they always been so close? Or did they come across one another's path recently. And if that was the case. . What brought them two together.

No matter how much Kana had traveled, she was quick to depart and cut ties. Must be why this situation felt unusual to her. Getting close to people felt dangerous in a way for her.

"I've been to many places, I don't tend to linger for long at one spot. It's like running away, if you want me to be honest," open honesty wasn't something Kana expressed often. "I was in Tanbogakure when I was offered the opportunity to be brought in here." Kana took a moment to pause, she didn't have much to discuss in her adventures.  "What of you?? What brought the two of you here? And what exactly do you seek from this place?" A mouth full of questions uttered from her lips. Kana was aways a curious being, but rarely does she actually act on her curiosity.

Stat Page : Kinko
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 71000

Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:12 pm
Kinko watched Kana as she gathered enough vulnerability to share parts of her past. This group of people seemed more willing to share their past, but there was still a sense of comfort that needed to be developed. Kinko still did not REALLY know anyone, and it is a bit strange for him to be entirely vulnerable as well. Kinko’s ears poked at Kana expressing her uncanny ability to run away. Odd and strangely, he should have been alarmed but he something felt like she would not be leaving anytime soon. Truly, it felt like a group of strangers were oddly placed on an island, one entirely connected to the world but so distant and hidden that everyone was neutralized from it. Kinko then gathered Kana with little reaction but much intrigue. He wondered what opportunity she was talking about; he wondered if it was the same as him. He wondered if she was originally from Tanbo or where she ran away from…how long was she there? Did Mizu seek her out? And, Kinko shifted his eyes down looked Kana from her feet to her forehead without moving his head…how old is she? He never knew with these people.

The young vampire continued to cradle the little owlet in his hand, keeping it warm and slightly pressing his chakra into the owlet. Enough to neutralize pain but not enough to overwhelm it’s system. So little that Kinko could barely feel him using any chakra at all.

His eyes widened and showed some emotion, some shock. The ‘TWO of us?’ What she talking about? His eyes showed clear confusion and he opened his mouth for a second. With confusion on how to answer the question and even which question to answer first. “Uhh…Well, if you are referring to Yazui, then…” He said letting out a chuckle. “I met him perhaps, only a moment before meeting Mizu. I do not believe he is a part of our blood but I know he seeks refugee.” Without wanting to spread rumors and disrespect Yazui, Kinko shifted his eyes left and right, about to tell a secret. He whispered, for no reason because no one else could hear them anyway. “I found him in a beat down shack.” He said raising his eyebrows.

“Although!” He quickly snapped out of his gossip spreading gaze and brought his finger to his chin, figuring out how he will continue to tell his story. “I actually came here on my own accord, for a much different personal reason. I had no idea THIS PLACE existed and since I am here, I have discovered the branch of my people in the Lightning Country may have been misleading me into my own past.” His gossip gaze appeared back before he knew it but without intention. He looked into Kana’s eyes. “We think I am the true heir of our clan in the Lightning Country…my father was Shirudo, an original 7 of this clan.”

“I came here for other reasons but now I seek so much of the truth here.”
He said while rubbing his thumb over the owlet, comforting it.

Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:29 pm
Kana took note of his confused expression, no doubt trying to understand the questions that came from her lips. “I’m certain that Yazui is different from us. . yes. You can easily tell by the beat of his heart.” The both of them stirred Kana’s curiosity, hell she still had many questions when it came to Mizuki and Arantima as well. Kana was still silently learning.

Kinko’s words dropped to a low whisper as he continued to discuss how his and Yazui’s encounter with one another took place. She didn’t see anything wrong with the living condition of the other man’s old life. There had been plenty of times when the woman herself had laid beneath the stars, with only the head of an oak to shelter herself from the wilderness. But that was the life of a wanderer. There was something about it that brought her peace.

Kana allowed her fingers to delicately brush against the blades of grass beneath her. Gently plucking one and allowing herself to weave the blade between her fingers. Kinko had shifted the topic and began to dive into more about himself. Her left brow raised in interest as his words led to the mention of the original seven. “I have a feeling that many with our cold blood, share some sort of twisted past of being led astray. Many lies that hid our eyes from the truth. Our ancestry is quite something. . “

The blade fell from her fingers as Kana rose from her spot, returning back to her standing position before offering a hand to Kinko. If he took it, she would help him to his feet as he cradled the owlet in his other. “Do you intend to stick around after you learn those truths?” Kana smirked with her question, as if making a more of a tease instead of a serious subject. “Don’t answer that question just yet. Allow yourself some time to ponder it. Next time we cross paths, you can let me know then if you’d like.”

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

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Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]  Empty Re: Frostbitten Feathers [closed to Yugure]

Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:13 am
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