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Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:21 pm
Hunter Mission

Not everyone can understand another person’s reasoning or intentions. It didn’t always matter why they do the things they do. If they go too far. . then they must be stopped.

Meika received word on a very important mission. There have been devastating occurrences of fires within the residence of Kumogakure. Some sadistic soul was running around, causing havoc within the walls of her beloved village. It didn’t matter why they were doing it. Meika was determined to bring them down and snuff out their pyromaniac practices.

It didn’t matter to her in the slightest, as to why they felt the need to light up the sky with the flickering flames of destruction. They were bringing danger to the mountain civilians. Now Meika couldn’t let that continue. . could she~

She was instructed that the recent fires have occured within one of the more isolated parts of village, a small town that was no more than one-hundred meters in diameter. The fire began at the town’s smith, which was located within the center part of the isolated district. There were houses scattered around the outside of it, all spaced apart. It didn’t take long for the fires to spread from the center, reaching some of the homes of the startled civilians.

It was assumed that the culprit targeted one of the smaller towns, that was located a good ways from the main body of Kumogakure, to avoid too much attention. Although, things weren't going to go as they hoped.

The raven-haired woman was geared with everything she felt would be necessary for a fight. She wore her black ronin robes and her arms were equipped with the sealing bands. Within her robe was the sheathed tanto that was harnessed just beneath her breast area, concealed out of sight but easily in reach. A ring glistened from her left pinky.

Meika’s right thigh has one of her weapon pouches strapped against it. Her remaining tools lay dormant within the pouch. Last but not least, her pale throat was decorated with the breath seal that she had placed upon herself before she had departed for the location.

Meika felt more than ready as she covered the empty stretch that would lead her to the isolated town. The stretch had a few trees that scattered through the crossing, Meika used them to her advantage for more concealed traveling. She traveled at max speed with the agility of a searching predator. One that sought the target in silence before striking. At the same time the lass would be actively searching for any sources of chakra ten meters in all directions from her very position. This she believed would lead her to the culprit, as Meika neared the billowing smoke that filled the heavy sky.

It had only been a few moments ago that the villagers had evacuated from the center part of the town, leaving the scene almost completely deserted. Only the crackling of the flicking flames could be heard, and the popping of hot embers.

Meika will be the one to put an end to the culprit’s fun. She will be the one to kill the flame to their chaos.
{WC: 525}

”Battle Notes”:

”Moondemon’s Info”:

Last edited by Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa on Mon Apr 04, 2022 12:36 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot bloodline bonus)
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:40 pm
Your Opponent:

Smoke and soot violated the typically refreshing air of the Lightning Country Outskirts. Burning flames that engulfed the carcasses of settlements, homes, men, women, even and children alike encroached the vision of all that were unfortunate to gaze upon the dilapidated town on the outskirts of Kumogakure. Corpses, cadavers, and remains of the dead were scattered across in ashes of the village's streets. Crudely made buildings fell apart haphazardly from the remnant inferno that ravaged and plundered all remnants of life that could possibly exist, pilling up into hills of carcasses, decorating the raging flames that persisted among the village, creating a kind of morbid blaze ring that polluted the air outside of the devastated village. If some civilians were fortunate to have survived such a catastrophe, they would have evacuated by now, however, for those who weren't as fortunate to have survived such a borderline terrorist attack... Well, at least their bodies would permanently rest in their hometown. Eventually, a single inquiry would rise: who could perform such an atrocity unprovoked? 

Risei Uchiha.

Adorning a set of black Ronin Robes, two Item Pouches on each side of the hip, and a Crystal Singing Blade sheathed on his left hip - directly under his left Item Pouch - was the perpetrator of the town's destruction. Without batting an eye, the Uchiha male slaughtered tens of hundreds of civilians in mere minutes. It was quite simple really - assassinating the town guards when they weren't looking, then throwing a barrage of Kunai attached Explosive Tags at the village center, watching from the trees at how the people of the town panicked with cold initiative. Risei didn't necessarily enjoy killing others for the sake of killing, but he did have to was somewhat amusing watching how the town, once a peaceful neighborhood of kind civilians devolved into anarchy where pragmatism and opportunism reigned supreme. Friendships were trampled upon as those who were unfortunate to be caught in the fires were left behind as the others ran to safety, ignoring the lives of the men, women, and especially children who were stranded to suffer silently in the flames of death that Risei conjured. When human lives are in danger, that is when their true colors show...revealing how even with thousands of years of civilization, humans were nothing more than slaves to fear that would spit in years of bonds and ties in exchange for the preservation of their lives.

Even though it was somewhat amusing to see the fall of such a town, Risei was still a man on a mission; tasked by his contractor to eliminate a small town in close proximity to Kumogakure, it was time for the assassin to make his escape. Emerging from the trees outside of the village, he would attempt to dash through the village center once everyone evacuated at maximum...until he saw a figure in front of him...a kunoichi.

Stopping right in his tracks, sweat dropped down Risei's forehead. "...God...damn." He really didn't want to fight if it had to come to it. Judging by the flames outside of him, he was at the center of the town, and since the town was pretty much burnt down - he, alongside the woman were in the perfect area to battle. The buildings have been erased, as the town was nothing more than a clearing about the same dimensions of the town, one-hundred meters in diameter or fifty meters in radius. In nonmathematical terms, this meant that the clearing had a size of fifty meters in all directions. Risei was in the direct center of the clearing; the woman was about fifteen meters in front/away from him...hopefully, he could try to convince her that the fight isn't worth it. Meh, there was probably no chance, the best solution was to try to intimidate her.

"Move," Risei commanded. His expression was apathetic as if the woman standing before him was nothing more than an annoying obstacle he had no patience to cut down, his tone frigid like the steel of a katana. For added intimidation, his three tomoe Sharingan was also activated, ready to react to the slightest of movements from the woman who stood fifteen meters before him. 

WC: 698

AP + Stats:

Last edited by Enishi on Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:11 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed Dead Link in Wind Release: Jump)
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Mon Apr 04, 2022 1:29 am
The atmosphere was thick with the scent of death.

Bodies laid in piles. They were the victims of this villain’s childsplay. Yes it made sense why the culprit had the desire to push the innocent people, to the point that they were forced to turn on each other for survival. They didn’t have the strength or knowledge to fight back, the only choice they had was to run in fear or perish into ash. The dust remnants and charred bones of their remains mix back into the earth of their village.

The bad man wanted some sort of visual proof that humanity was cruel, when given the certain circumstance. But what gave him the right to judge. In their eyes he was no better than the rest. He went to the point of decimating women, children, and men just for his little experiment. So really, what was the point? There must have been some other sort of objective to this massacure.

Maybe Meika will ask him later.

Right now was not the time to be asking questions, or being reasonable with one another.

The both of them stood from one each other, about fifteen meters apart. The both of them were in two different worlds from one another. They each had their own separate rules, their own separate paths.

This destruction he caused today was for his own world, and Meika was sent here to stop him. That was all there was to it.

It was quite fortunate that the kunoichi was able to pinpoint the man without the dependence of her chakra sense. He must have not expected company to have arrived so soon. All she ended up needing to do was to arrive where the fire first ignited.

The genin knew to take precautions when facing an opponent., and she had a good feeling that he was the target she was searching for. The lives that were lost today were by his hands. The way he stood in the middle of what used to be a peaceful village. This wasn’t the time to become observant of their characteristics or personality. Cautious shinobi should know the basic rule when it comes to jutsu triggered by the basics. With her having some skill and familiarity to the art of illusions, Meika knew to avoid eye contact no matter who or what he was.

Instead, the woman made the notes of equipment he had on him. Quickly seeing the weapon at his hip, the pouches, and possibly a headband from his village if he had dared to keep it on. All with a single glance.

He commanded her to move. Funny. . she didn’t really appreciate being told what to do by some stranger.

Meika raised her face a little higher, her ghost-like eyes darkened as she responded, “Sure thing~” The words rolled from her lips as she felt a surge of power course through her form, about the same time as her left eye shifted to the color of black. Both maneuvers were able to be performed without the use of hand seals, leaving her the opportunities to make use of them at the max speed. Not wasting any time from the changing of her power, and the changing of her eye, to form Rat - Ram - Snake - Tiger - Bird - Ox. Casting a gravitational dome to expand between the two. The dome began at a point five meters from the man, which would be ten meters from Meika herself. The dome will expand at the speed of sixty-five with the additional bonus of plus thirty due to the potency of her chakra, and another bonus of twenty-five from the enhancement. The power of this technique is met with the same bonuses as its speed. Its expansion would stretch twenty meters radius from its point’s position.

The dome would only look like disorientation within the area as it spread from that point, meaning that both Meika and her opponent would soon be caught within its range unless her opponent was to find a way to avoid it.

Meika had hoped that there was a chance that this man was not the cause of all this death, if there had been a chance, she would have ceased the performance of the hand seals. But that was not the case. The activation of her Uchugan during her performance gave her the opportunity to assure her of her actions. His spiritual aura was tainted by the lives he took. One could not mask the darkness.

{WC: 749 | TWC: 1,275} - Day 2 of Spring Claim -

”Battle Notes”:
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:22 pm
(Claiming past the 72 hour rule for the hit of 50 damage from singularity attack, with total complete paralysis.)

It looked as if the man would become ensnared within her attack, as he failed to avoid the extending gravitational dome. The high-density of the gravitation dome would paralyze him within his very spot, preventing any form of movement, unless he was able to withstand the force with enough strength or find another way to escape.

The dome had extended from it's intended point, five meters in the front of him, twenty meters in all directions.

"Are you getting cold feet?" Meika would question with a tone that would indicate that she was indifferent as to whether he was or not. It was very early within the battle but she wasn't going to waste time.

Each moment within the post duration threshold, the singularity attack would be delivering its hit upon him if he was within its gravitational grasp. But Meika wasn't going to wait around long enough for just that attack alone to finish him off. Her hands form into more handseals, ready to prepare for a final blow, or more reassurance that her mission would be successful.

Ox, Boar, Dog, Bird, and Tiger. Her hands form the required signs as she moved one meter forward, one meter closer to her possibly trapped opponent. It would be then that the iron maiden would raise from the ground. The man was the origin point of her attack, and the two halves of the containment rose five meters from oneself, the origin point being evenly within the middle of their position. The two halves rising about 5 meters tall around him, as he is still constrained within the singularity attack unless escaped. If he had managed to escape her singularity attack, then Meika would still summon her iron maiden as planned as long as he is still within her range.

All of this occurred within Meika's max speed stat, along with her enhancement active. Her hand moved to form the seal of confrontation, attempting to perform the closing of her iron maiden. Hoping to cage the man within the devastating casement, which would be wrapped with chains soon after his capture. Her target would perhaps be recieving two different attacks; the ongoing gravitational dome that doesn't interfere with the iron maiden, and the deadly impaling spikes within the iron maiden.

The iron maiden's spikes would deliver a sharpness of one-hundred and four, and be acting at the speed of one-hundred and four at all times.

Meika watched as everything took place, wondering what actions the man will take if he does end up finding the willpower that would be enough to fight back.

{WC: 433 | TWC: 1,708} - Day 5 of Spring Claim -
Battle Notes:

Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:31 am

"...!" In a single moment, the circumstance shifted into an incorrigible mess. One second, Risei commanded the obstinate kunoichi to move out of the way...and in the next, a crushing force reigned over his body in all directions - swallowing his physical strength whole and restraining his body entirely. He could feel of his ribs was crushed and pulverized by the weight of this error in the world's space-time continuum - the singularity - that this woman unleashed on the assassin. The Uchiha couldn't even curse nor blink, his body was bounded with certainty by the endless weight of the singularity unleashed on his body. But even still - this was absolutely impossible! His Sharingan was activated as he peered towards the kunoichi, so reasonably - it should allow him to perceive everything on the microscopic level! So could he be trapped in a technique that he should absolutely be able to react in accordance with? Then, it soon dawned on the Uchiha...the woman was simply too fast for him to keep track of, even with his blessed abilities.


A second mortal possession snapped in Risei's corporal self, bound by the weight of the woman's will. It was not his rib, for it was the limitations in his brain that put him in such an unfavorable situation. Deep down, Risei knew that he didn't desire to butcher anyone else besides those inhabiting in the town he set on fire, that was a mere experiment. That was why his mind failed him as he faced the woman, he hesitated...which was a one-way ticket to defeat. Yes, there was no need for hesitation; as he did those civilians mere moments ago, anyone within his sight would be butchered and sent to their ancestors. It was only fair.

For the only thing that humans would ever be equal death.

The mortal possession that inhibited the Uchiha from seeing reality in the purest form of objectivity would be cast aside instantly as the singularity connected with his body; the woman - still fifteen meters away from Risei would attempt to follow up her first attack by beginning to form handseals while endeavoring in trying to move one meter forward, but this was easily telegraphed by Risei's Sharingan. The infinitesimal juncture that the woman attempted to move her hands and move her feet toward the Uchiha, time would stop. Upon gazing at the Uchiha as a red cloak of chakra would briefly appear around him, triggering an illusionary technique unbeknownst to her and quite honestly, pretty impossible for her to dodge because would be looking at Risei at this time. The kunoichi would feel exactly how it felt for him to be caught in her singularity. Immediately, her body would be pushed by the force of gravity facefirst onto the ground, losing her sense of strength and motor skill as some sort of crushing force was pinning her down to the earth. Her nervous system, limbs, hands, fingers, and even eyes would be unable to move due to the paralytic force of the illusion that Risei set on her. Unable to move or form handseals and bound to the ground like a ragdoll, any attempts of her finishing her combo or activating any technique that required handseals would be reduced to zero. That being said, Risei would still be caught in Singularity...which hurt like hell. He didn't think the technique would kill him, but it could surely cripple his body if he didn't get out of it soon. Both shinobi would be bound by their respective techniques, so the Uchiha decided that he should at least negotiate.

Projecting his voice around the area like a speakerphone, the assassin began to speak without moving his mouth once the woman was pinned to the ground in a low, commanding voice.

"We can play like this all day, kunoichi. Deactivate your jutsu and I will deactivate mine. If you wish to be cut down by me after, then we can gladly continue; otherwise, this will turn into an eternal stalemate. Wouldn't want to keep your ancestors waiting, heh." 

Still bound by Singularity, Risei would keep his eyes peeled for anything that the woman would do in response. 

WC: 687
TWC: 1385

AP + Stats:
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:21 pm
Of course. . Meika was a little too impatient to try and end the fight so quickly. She was wrong for assuming that this man had already given up, and she was paying for it. Her second attack was cut short, as her body suddenly was overwhelmed by a great deal of invisible force. Her body bucked unvolunterialy beneath the push, forcing her to crumble to the ground. Her teeth gritted tightly as her right cheek pressed firmly against the dirt.

The kunoichi’s thoughts sounded with a few harsh curses as she contemplated her situation. During the attempt of her second attack, a red cloak suddenly seemed to appear around the man’s form, in which brought her down with what seemed reliviely similair to the attack she also ensnared him with.

This really was troubling. Her attack should have no effect against herself, and Meika had doubts that there was a way that the man could be manipulating the attack she performed. If he had that ability, then she would expect that he would be able to save himself from the effects of her attack as well. So if manipulating her attack was not the case, then this should be his own attack, seperate from her singularity. And somehow that red cloak iniciated it.

Something else that troubled her, was the fact that her Uchugan was unable to detect the force that was bounding her to the ground. She would have expected to see some sort of chakra from his attack that was keeping her down, but instead the attack was comepletely invisible, even for her eye. The red cloak was the only hint to her situation. Which sucked like hell.

Meika wasn’t very excited about being forced to the ground like this. It felt like some damn elephant was standing over her body, crushing her uncomfortably. Her body refused to move at all against the restraint.

That was when the voice echo’d from around her. Offering up a negotiation to drop their current attacks now, and try at it again with the avoidance of both their deaths as the results of their battle.

He would only want to negotiate if he really was worried about how things was going for him, Meika believed. But why would he be worried about whether she would end up perishing along with him. If they dropped their attacks now the man knew he would be allowed another chance. Besides how could Meika trust him to comply with his words? She would be dead for sure if he continued to restrain her after she deactivated singulairty.

Should the woman trust his word and jope that he didn’t take advantage over her guliblness? Or perhaps should she wait and see who breaks first?

Meika made the decision to wait. So far she was aware that her attack struck first, and that he would end up recieving the damage from it three times if he stayed within it since it ensnared him during the duration of her activating it. So who would withstand the longest? Perhaps she could find a way out before him.

Meika continued to determine her situation, while consntatly trying to ease against the force against her. It did her no good, but if there ever came a moment that the force was to let up Meika would know and act right away.

{WC: 559 | 2,267} - Day 7 of Spring Claim -
”Battle Notes”
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:10 pm
"She still doesn't intend on releasing her technique?" Risei thought, rather annoyed at the woman's decision to be inflexibly headstrong - even when her back was against the wall...well, in this case, her body was against the ground, but nevertheless, the point still stood that they were both in unfavorable situations. Well, it was a test against whose endurance would triumph over the other, Meika Kamigawa or Risei Uchiha. That being said, Risei didn't have much that he could do; his Bukijutsu and many of his Genjutsu were currently compromised because of his inability to move his body to form handseals and execute his maneuvers, so he was pretty much a sitting duck for better or for worse. The only thing that he could do was to keep his eyes on the woman before him, not looking at her directly in the eyes but also upkeeping the Genjutsu that was binding her; the Genjutsu was meant to quite literally imitate death, so it would soon become unbearable for her on this final crescendo on the Genjutsu's duration. Singularity consistently dealt damage so one could always adapt to withstanding the pain, but this Genjutsu attacked the mind in increasingly horrifyingly painful waves the longer it went on and it could soon become absolutely unendurable even for a shinobi like her. Ultimately, the next few moments would decide life or death.

Nevertheless, Risei would still pay attention and be ready to react to whatever the woman tried to do, hoping that the next wave of his Genjutsu would be enough for her to surrender or accept his offer. 

WC: 265
TWC: 1650

AP + Stats:
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:17 am
This was it. She was going to end with her face in the dirt. The ashes of the dead villagers dried her tongue as her opponent battled her with an invisible attack, that not even her Uchugan could see.

Meika believed that it would be impossible to deliver such a maneuver with no evidence of restraint. She was absolutely troubled. Sweat dripped from her fevered forehead.

She had to think of something quick, or she was dead for sure.

There was only one thing that the Kamigawa could think of that made sense. It had to be some sort of trick. Which would make sense to someone who knew about the use of deception when it came to tricks and illusions. There was no chakra to reveal the source of what was holding her down, except the slight glimpse of his red cloak. It must be some sort of mind trick.

And at this point, anyone would do anything, use whatever trick they had left up their sleeve to survive. In this situation Meika was determined to survive without relying on the concept of surrendering. And she knew that her technique will be ended this round, after it delivered its final damage calculation. So she did what she had to work with. She went with her instinct and with what she could assume. Meika used a release to determine whether or not it would release her.

If her release worked and rescued her from the grasps of the dreadful crushing experience, Meika would be able to tell by the relief that followed after. A sudden weight would lift from her grounded body. And in that very moment as her own technique would drop and her genjutsu release was attempted,  Meika wouldn't hesitate to return into action.

Her body laying on the ground, her left hand laying out in front of her against the dirt and her right hand laid behind her, covered by the cloth of her robes. The moment her genjustu release was in action, the lightness that followed along her exhausted body would alert her to keep on fighting. The right hand that laid behind her in the dirt would form handseals all on it's own. Not waiting to act at the very moment of freeness.

Her right hand would form the five chosen seals as she laid on the ground, her expression still imitating as if she was still within the restrained pressure, as long as the technique was successfully escaped. Her hand seals would summon four links of chains from origin points along the ground. These chains would appear five meters from the man she was battling, and would form a square around him that had 90 degree angles. The 90 degree angles was the origin points of each chain, and they traveled to the middle of the square, which would be the location of the man from where they formed.

Two of the chains that positioned across from themselves targeted the man's waistline, as the other two targeted right at the top of his head. They traveled at the speed of ninety, and held the power and health equal to that status. "Damn it!" Her words hissed through clinched teeth as she desperately tried to overwhelm him.

{WC: 542 | TWC: 2,809} - Day of Spring Claim -
battle notes:

Last edited by Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa on Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added Uchugan upkeep)
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:58 am
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo} Empty Re: Snuff Em Out {Hunter/Solo}

Mon Apr 18, 2022 11:26 pm


The moment that the woman would free herself from the chains of the corporal Genjutsu formula that Risei projected onto her, would also be the moment that the Uchiha would be freed from the shackles and utter anguish of the Singularity technique. Both shinobi - prisoners of each other's abilities - would be unchained at that instance, leading to pure survival instincts in deciding who would win the battle. No fancy strategies, no negotiations, no mercy - the one who would land the finishing blow would inevitably win. 

The woman would begin her assault immediately after she gained the closest semblance of agency in her body, forming five handseals at high speed. In response, the assassin pivoted his left leg backward, his left hand on the stygian scabbard of his Crystal Singing Blade and quickly forming five handseals as well, and finally, his right hand on the handle of his katana, initiating the basic Iaido stance in a mere instance once he saw the slightest of twitches from the woman's body. The juncture in time after he initiated his stance, four links of steel chains birthed into existence, surrounding him in various angles five meters away from his body. The moment the chains appeared, they would attempt to move in order to form some sort of ensnaring formation around the Uchiha. However...

The Assassin saw through it.

As the chains spawned into existence, the latent power of the Sharingan coursed through the Uchiha's body; any limiters that his mind subconsciously put onto him would once again be broken, bolstering his power and speed tremendously. Concurrently, the chains that appeared would shatter as fast as they were created. The Crystal Singing Blade swung through the air with the small swipe of Risei's right hand, creating a rhythmic melody, signaling the beginning of the dance of death. The blade - the extension of the Assassin's soul immediately displaced the air currents surrounding him, expanding outwards and outwards in a violent squall of air force, stopping five meters in spherical radius around the Uchiha. Anything occupying that space, spare for the creator was sawed to nothingness. Dust, ash, insects, and more noticeably, the chains that would attempt to ensnare the male - shattering and turning into mere chakra particles, effortlessly defending the male from the woman's current assault. However, this was not the end of Risei's retaliation.


Like an anvil, Risei swung his blade downwards, as if he was striking the ashes on the ground in the same way that a blacksmith would relentlessly pummel Tamahagane to manifest an esteemed blade. Emerging from the air force barrier in front of the Uchiha would be a dragon constructed entirely of raw force. Howling in a violent squall, the dragon's head would rush out the barrier similar to a sonic boom - towards Meika. Expanding to a size of fifteen meters in width and twenty meters long, extending from the barrier surrounding the male, the dragon would attempt to strike Meika similar to a beam of air, trying to close the fourteen-meter distance between the two. Should the woman find herself unable to properly react to the dragon-shaped sonicboom, then a good amount of damage would be dealt to her and would most definitely lift her off the ground. 

Meanwhile, Risei would keep an eye on the woman's actions, surrounded by the force barrier. 

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TWC: 2206

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