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Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:28 am
And so what One god lines up, another can take away. This was proven many times over the past couple of days, Tenma decided that he would not rely on gods anymore, but rather train hard, and by himself if he had to. And that is what he would do. The day started early for him. Four in the morning this time, the earliest he has ever awoken, but the next part of the exams was serious to him.

This morning he started off the day with a jog which progressed into a run periodically and then as he finished up a lap it turned into a all out sprint. This was a pattern he would follow for about five laps or so. Next he would immediatly drop to the ground and begin his push up routine, this he counted in the military style four count twenty five times, for a total of one hundred push ups. Rolling over onto his back next was sit ups, which he repeated the same style of counting as he did the push ups.

After that he would take a break for ab out fifteen minutes, as not to allow his body to get into a rest mode, but to cool down a bit and recoup for next to come. This would be the start of his training of a new technique, one he was reading from a book that was on Kozai Yuki himself, it was not to deep into details, but it was enough for a couple of jutsu.

So this one was simple, he just concentrated and after a period of time, the ice forms into cone like shapes, point up toward the sky. This technique was highly effective as the opponent could really have little to no time to react to this jutsu, so this one was epic for him to learn.

However it took so much focus and Chakra to even attempt to form one that sweat was forming, and he grew dizzy, but still nothing but a chill in the air would form for him.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Clan Specialty : Medical
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Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:36 am
After almost passing out Tenma had taken a break, drinking some water to rehydrate although that would not enter his body for another six hours , he planned on training beyond that, so he needed to Hydrate as much as he could every step of the way.

After finishing up the water and giving some time for it to settle he would stand up and begin once again, saying to himself if he failed it this time, he would have to do another five mile run, one hundred push ups, and one hundred sit ups. This he hoped would encourage him to get better, and if not by a simple natural talent and sheer will, then physical training would do it for him most definitly.

So Tenma would begin to focus yet again, at the bottom of a training dummy is where he imagined it growing, he even closed his eyes to try and help to invision it. The water chilling by the wind, the ice forming, piercing its object. Tenma began to feel his chakra wane like he cast a Jutsu. So after it passed , he opened to his. But to his suprise it was no bigger then a little stick.

So for his punishment, he put himself through the physical labor of completing the exercises he did earlier, in the same was he did them before, and he would not stop until after that was done. Taking some time to complete it all, he would take a break again, drinking some more water, he felt as if he poured out a gallon of water in sweat alone. Thankfully the days temperature was low enough that it would not effect him to badly early on. However he was still going to be careful about it. Does not need to be put in a hospital or anything of that nature.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:47 am
This time he barely gave himself time after he finished the water to jump right back into the training, time wasted not training was time better spent, well training. This was his dream, His goal in life at the moment being handed to him, and he was not going to miss out on his chance to seize it. He focused again, on forming that spear in the very same spot as before.

He could see the water in the air begin to chill at the touch of the wind, while being pushed together to form this technique. And he even watched it as it grew up to touch the dummy, but because he had not yet had his chakra there yet, the thing shattered the moment it touched the dummy.

This was upsetting to Tenma, he was not trained hard enough for what he was attempting to do it would seem. This overall was a disappointment to him, let alone him finding anyone else of his kind to even try to help explain this all, he was learning all of this on his own, in the dark.

Now people may say he should go out and try to find someone he could very easily do that with, however they were much higher then him, and he could not handle that at this moment in time, but maybe when he achives his goal. Since Tenma had failed however to once again form a single true spear, he would work himself ragged till he got it down, so physical labor it was back to.

Since he was still able to sit, he figured more training would become a thing to change that. The point he wanted to reach was one of no return, where he simply cannot return because he used up so much of his muscle stamina.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Clan Specialty : Medical
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Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:32 pm
After taking a decent break, he relized he had napped for a bit, feeling rejuvenated, he would get back up and start off again with his run. He ran around the track keeping a moderate pace, one that got his heart pumping and kept it pumping, for five miles he ran like that, then at a sudden stop he dropped. Landing on his hands and toes for a push up position, he began the long and ardous trek to one hundred push up. Finally after achiving that goal once again, he rolled over onto his back and began his sit ups, again reaching for one hundred, but always doing the military style four count for twenty five reps.

Jumping back up to his feet, he decided to switch to a new technique, he would thrust his hands out, palms out away from him, and fingers spread, he imagined a dome of ice forming around him. Sadly after about fifteen minutes of that, he collapsed in failure, this training stuff was hard, specially for his clans jutsu, but he had to keep it up so that one day once he knew it, he could pass it on to others.

So after giving himself the determination to get back up and try again, he would do so, however after about ten minutes he realised he had failed yet again, so he decided the normal routine of work out would not be enough punishment for two failures in a row.

He walked over to the closest tree that had a strong enough branch to hold him up, and he would jump up to grab the branch, and use it like a pull up bar, having his knees bent and legs crossed to increase the difficulty of the pull ups, he would do one hundred of those, then pulling himself all the way up until he could hook his legs over the branch. One he did that he would swing downards and begin to do the sit ups like before, but now hanging in the air, this took a lot more effort. It took him a great deal longer to complete the one hundred set of those and he would flip off the branch and land on the ground below him.

Sweating and red in the face, he did not stop there, he found the tallest tree near the grounds, which was a nice break till he found it, at which point he would concentrate chakra into the soles of his feet where he would begin to run up the tree, clinging to it.

This tree was easily three hundred feet in the air, and it got more difficult to control the chakra the higher and longer he went up the tree , not to mention with the tree getting smaller, the density changed, meaning he had to change the chakra in his feet ever so slightly, he had to back flip off the tree, and land on his feet, he could tell with were his foot impact to back flip he only made it about fifty feet up the tree. This could take him awhile.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Clan Specialty : Medical
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Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:37 pm
Two hours later, he only made enough progress to move up to about seventy five feet , that is only a twenty five foot climb, and he was on the ground panting, but he was not ready to give up yet, he took off at a charge again, full tilt at the tree, with chakra focused on the souls of his feet. He started his climb up the Tree again.

His muscles wanting him to quit as he hit about twenty five feet up, but he kept pushing , his knees start to wobble about fifty feet up, and at right about seventy five feet, yet again, he is tripping and about to take a knee, which would start his decent, so he would flip off the tree again, the moment he landed his knees gave out, and he dropped to a knee, the other leg just bending as he hit the ground, one hand on the ground in front of him, the other on the knee that bent instead of hitting the ground.

He panted softly as he felt the sweat pour off of him, he needed to take a break at this point, he made no progress in the past hour of trying, he needed to rethink his strategy and approach towards climbing this tree, it was a great work out for his chakra however, and that was the big thing he wanted to work on at this moment, that would be what helped him with the jutsu he was trying to cast earlier.

As he took the breather he could hear running water, that would test him even better he figured. So he would follow the sounds, finding a river with a Waterfall not to far away from him. He would use his chakra on his feet and stepping out onto the water. However he misjudged and fell into the river, and after a moment he was able to scramble back out of the water shivering, this was definitly much more difficult then the tree exercise, he took a moment to watch and examine the water, to better judge how to adjust his chakra for this.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:31 pm
After some time, he stood up and refocused his chakra, this time he tried to have the flow of chakra match that of the moving water, in waves more then less. This allowed him to walk out across the top of the water, albeit a little rickety. After some swaying he steadied on the water, and he got excited, losing focus and dropping down into the water yet again, the flow took him a little ways down the river before he could climb out of the water.

He crawls up on the bank coughing and sputtering the water out of his lungs, gasping for air, rolling over onto his back, he had it for a moment, and that is what matters most to him. He Would push himself back up and head back out to the training grounds where he was at earlier and began to focus again, hands out streatched palms pointed out, he concentrated on forming a Ice Dome around him. Sure enough he felt the air grow cold around him, and he saw the dome finally start to form around him but sadly that was all he could muster at this point before it began to melt away and he had to drop his arms down.

His arms definiatly burned at this point, and he was getting hungry so he decided to take a break and head into the village. As he entered, his entrance was right near the market place , so he had options right there. His selection would be a little ramen cart with some dried Squid, ordering him a bowl of Udon noodles with a miso broth, and a stick of dried squid to go on the side of it, this would be a good meal, not heavy to effect his training, but something to fill his stomach as not to leave his stomach rumbling.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:07 pm
After finishing up his meal, Tenma would take a walk around the village to give his food time to digest, looking around at the different sites that the village had to offer, this was the very reason why he strived for what was coming up. This Village, the people in it, the natives of the land that could not defend themselves, he did this for them, so that he could protect and defend them. This renewed his vigor for training even more seeing all their faces enjoying the peaceful time they currently had, he wanted to see this continue. He cared not for the kage or the other ninja however, but the natives, as this was his land, and his people.

After getting rejuvinated by his jaunt in town, he returned to the tree, ready to master the art of climbing that tree. He had his battle plan down pact on how to do it. He used the tiger hand sign and focused his chakra at the soles of his feet, and after a moment, he felt it lock into place, and his eyes opened wide with determination. At that point the took off at the tree, running straight up it. Up and Up he went, passing the part he had reached with difficulty earlier he did it with more ease. As he went up he slowly drained the chakra flow to his feet, as not to cause damage beneath his feet and cause him to have to back flip away.

Sure enough, after an amount of time passed, He was already two hundred feet up, his climbing slowed a bit though as he was quick approaching his limit now at this point, but he was determined to accomplish it this time.

As he climbed up the tree his thoughts however were not on just to climb the tree, but the next thing he would do, was climb up the waterfall using only this technique and training exercise. Although he knew that would take a lot more skill, he was determined he would get at least that done by the end of the day, and nothing was going to stop him.

As he had set his goal , before he realized it he reached the top of the three hundred foot tree, so he would grab the closest branch and swing himself up onto it to enjoy a break at the tallest tree near the training grounds. This would last for a short time before he would begin his trek down, althought this was a lot faster, as he just dropped from one branch to another.

After reaching the ground with a few minor bumps and bruises. He looked up, a couple of the branches broke at the velocity he had landed onto them and cause him to mess up once or twice, causing his injuries, but nothing to incredably serious.

He headed to the river again, this was his next step, then the waterfall, he stared at it with determination, thinking back to all the villagers he saw today, he did this for them, rather they knew it or appreciated it at this point did not matter, this was for them.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:19 am
Tenma had spent some time staring at the river. Watching the swells and falls of the water, and the speed of the current. Studying the effects the river on upon itself and the changes it made over time, Water really was a hard beast to learn. However he decided he was ready to give it another go. He made the tiger sign and focused the chakra into the soles of his feet.

Once he had the Chakra set to a certain power and pattern it fluxuated at, to help accomedate for the changes that happened every so often , such as waves and dips and such. He stepped out onto the water, Cautiously. Then with the other foot, taking a moment to catch himself in the air. He did not fall, and he kept his concentration, he began to walk around the surface of the water, feeling his chakra ebb and flow to his feet in different intervels to accomadate for the waters fluxuations.

He really had a hang of it now, and he could tell his control over his own chakra was getting better, which was good, he would need that to be able to cast the jutsu he was attempting to learn. After he could run and even jump on the water without dipping back in even a bit, he would come back to dry land, however that took him a good deal of practice first. As occasionally a foot would not raise with the wave, and it would wash over his foot, getting his foot wet. Or when he landed he would sink a little and have to step back out on top of the water.

This took him some time to get done, but once he got it much more perfected then previously and he returned to land, he wasted no time at all. He would throw his hands up in front of him, watching as the Dome formed around him, first frosted like, but shortly afterwords, watched as it became clear like glass.

He would take a moment to look at his work of art. This Dome was a Masterpiece, and he was ready to put it to use, and had ideas already formulating on how best to utilize it for his advantages. He would then let it shatter and fall apart into tiny particals of ice dust. Then he would focus on the tree he climbed earlier.

He imagined the spike to grow from the side of the tree, and after some time , he got to watch it start to form. It grew slowly, almost agonizingly so, Slowly growing off the side of the tree, growing Horizantilly itself. Until finally after a certain alloted time passed, it was finally done. At some point Tenma had began to hold his breath cause once it was done, he began to pant.

After catching his breath back, he walked over and began to examine this new piece of art too. It seemed according to his research this one jutsu could be grown off almost any material, this could be handy indeed for him. Again plans already formulating in his head , preparing battle plans of the up coming second part of his chuunin exams, he was going to have a few suprises to pop out of his bag of tricks.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Clan Specialty : Medical
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Ryo : 500

The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:36 am
The Final technique he would start working on now was one much more difficult in all aspects, but infinitely more useful he felt. First he would form the Ice Spear from earlier, right in front of him, and then he would form the five handseals needed, and then finally thrusted an arm forward, A dragon would form from the ice, etheral in appearnace, but dark as night, going in a some what upward spiral motion.

Almost as if it were to hit someone it would then drag them up into the air, This could become very useful in combination with his other techniques. At this point Tenma was very happy that no one was around to see his secret weapons he would be releasing inside of the exams, this gave him an edge and he was very happy about that indeed. Rather content for the training for the day he would head back up, but going the long way, and making it a slight jog, combining it with the surface walking technique. He would do his own version of what most called parkour. Running up the side of buildings and flipping off of them and over obsticales.

Even got to a point where he continued to flip and climb slowly in the parkour style to a roof and onto a wire on a electric pole. Dropping down off the wire onto the street that went to his home, as he landed on the ground he rolled forward, keeping his momentum and speed going. This was all training for him for many reasons and scenarios that could possibly pop up. As Tenma likes to be prepared for as much as he could possibly be.

When he finally got into his house, he let the chakra around his feet go and he collapsed on the couch. He did not even make it to his bed. And with the activities of the day, he was exsausted. So he fell asleep rather quickly. Drifting into a dream that he was in the chuunin exams. Little did he know he had a letter about that at this very instant.

Once he was drifted off into a dream, he was standing there in the middle of an arena, cheering and chanting going on around him, his Chuunin exams was where he was at, and his opponent was just being announced. The name got muffled, as was the person, although for him in the dream he blamed it on the loud noise and the sun in his eyes for as to why he could not see the being or hear the persons name. But he did hear the sign to start and Start they both did. With a quick charge they clashed in the very center of the ring. Kunai in hand, the sound of metal rang out. A loud Cheer for one competitor or the other. with a great shove they threw each other back while jumping backwards. While in the air they both threw a Kunai at each other, it would clash and fall to the ground lifelessly.

This was the makings of a great fight already, but in that closeness he still could not see who the opponent was that he was fighting. And so it would continue for awhile, clashing Kunai, Fist and feet flying but never hitting their mark on either person. Until the shadowy blurred figure started to get the upper hand. Tenma had no idea what to do, he knew he was going to lose, so in a Last ditch effort he made a ice spear appear between the two men, and then a Dragon shot out from the spear.

As much as Tenma would love to say that was his dragon, it was however headed straight for him, he could not quite grasp it. He got hit by the dragon, being in mid air. And after he landed, the being stepped over him, casting a shadow over his eyes, and finally he could see that the very person he was fighting, was himself.

At that very moment was when Tenma would jolt awake, feeling like he had just had that fight in real life, as the training had time to set in on his resting muscles, feeling like he was ran over by a herd of horses, he stood up and slowly made his way to get himself a cup of water . During this walk was when he would notice the message on the floor slide in under the door. It was from the Kage's office.

So he would pick it up and open to read about the chuunin exams, as he read he found out two other genin had qualified and that they would be his opponents, his request for a stronger opponent seemed to have fallen on deaf ears after all, oh well.

He would put the letter in the trash after reading about the proctor and the rules for the exams, he was not allowed to kill, typical of this village, but he was encouraged to maim, that he could most definiatly do. He would head back to sleep knowing that with the exam not far off, he would need his rest for more training.
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo) Empty Re: The Solo Trek to Chuunin Begins! (P,Solo)

Sun Jun 18, 2017 6:05 pm
The next morning, Once more it was an early morning, Tenma is already out in the training grounds, doing is normal warm up routine before jumping into the Jutsu training portion of it all. He ran laps, Did push ups, and even punched and kicked training dummys. After a good warm up, and a pouring sweat routine he was ready to start on his Jutsu.

He first started with his Dome, sticking his hands out in front of him a dome of ice would slowly form around him, but being quicker then it was yesterday, then furtering his concentration, he would form Spikes off of the domes mirror like exterior, and then when the ice spikes fully formed taking less time then the last time he summoned even a single one, he then started the final of the three techniques.

He did the handsigns, and then out of the Ice spike in front of him, out of the furthest point away from himself on it, a Dragon of black ether would pour out and charge foreward before everything would collapse into a pile of ice shavings.

This was quite a bit to pull off especially after the rigid training regiment he had himself go through, but he would not stop or even take a break, he would repeat his process , telling himself every time he could do it faster, he needed to do it faster, he needed to master these jutsu before the exams.

However after about the third time, everything was melting as soon as he was forming it, and it formed slower, and weaker, he was getting tired and drained, and he would need to focus on something else for awhile, this upset him and he pushed himself for a total of five combinations of these techniques before he would give it a break.

He was grumpy now and would not let his body cool down at all, he immediatly started his exercises again, going in a different route though, now it was squats, and jumping jacks, and even hand stands, he was punishing his body for not performing up to the level he expected out of it, he was going to show up at the exams with these jutsu, he was determined about that, but rather or not it would make a difference, is yet to be known. Yet he was eager to find out.

TWC 4500

First Jutsu claim- Black Ice Dragon Blizzard

22 stats

(Still training just making some stat and a jutsu claim)
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