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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Travin Uchiha
Kizmaru Senju
Kita Hajime
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Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:34 am
Kita made his way slowly over towards the Mizukage's office, finally ready to give his report on the situation that had occured in Hoshigakure. It had taken him a lot of effort and willpower to get out of bed that day, but this was something that had to be done. It NEEDED to be done. Even if he didn't want to relive those past few months, the Mizukage not only had a right to know, but needed to know as well. Even if it caused the boy pain, he had to trust that it would result in a positive outcome.

The boy trudged up to the magnificent structure that housed the prestigious office of the Mizukage and entered through a mighty set of double doors into the reception area. Had he needed to come here before his trip to that village across the seas, he would likely be staring on with wonder and amazement at the wealth and beauty that this office commanded. Though now, it left little impression on his mind. Kita trudged along up to the receptionist's desk. While he'd done his best to appear presentable, there was only so much that he could do with his appearance. His eyes had sunken bags and incredibly dark circles underneath from his chronic lack of sleep from the months inside the dungeon. They seemed devoid of all joy or life as well, giving a sort of hollow look to them. His skin contained the same unnatural pale color from all the time he'd spent without seeing the sun, and there was only so much he could do about his thin complexion from continued malnutrition.

"Excuse me, I believe the Mizukage is expecting me?"

Word Count - 283
Kizmaru Senju
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:21 pm
Today the Mizukage had a lot to go over with a few of his subordinates today. First, he liked to hear about the happenings in Hoshi as he had gotten word from the Hogokage themselves that they had two shinobi in custody. Both of them, being a genin that was partaking in the chunin exams. The only difference was one of them was a Kirigakure shinobi and the other one was a Konogakure shinobi. He wasn't the type to care about foreign shinobi but in this particular case, of it being a shinobi from his vassal country and the state its currently in at the moment, he figured it wouldn't hurt to try and get them released, maybe even hear a news update about them as well. Regardless, the one held in captivity along with their commanding officer was scheduled to be here in his office. Sitting down in his blue couch chair, the Mizukage had been wearing his Mizukage robes and hat that concealed his face with a sort of curtain veil. He preferred to keep his identity hidden but he had already forgotten the reason why he did that and only did so out of some strange fixation on holding up the habit.

Meanwhile, the receptionist was best at the desk with a certain individual they had never laid eyes on before. They had checked their clipboard in front of them before saying, "Yes, you fit the description I was given, you may enter and wait in the office with the Mizukage for the others that might show up. I'll inform the Lord Mizukage of your presence." With that statement coming to a close, the receptionist reached for their phone to inform him of guests. 

W.C: 283
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:25 pm
Travin walked into the Mizukages building. He had to give his report to him directly with the team that had gone to Hoshi and himself and gonk who was sent to get Kita back. The day itself was quite nice with the sun shining down through the mists. Travin was wearing his normal Rentei clan armor with the Sword of Ryuchi Cave strapped to his side. Upon entering Travin saw Kita standing at the desk telling them that he had a meeting with the Mizukage. Travin would walk over and place a hand on Kita’s shoulder. “How you doing being back in the village” he would ask his friend. Once he had heard Kita’s reply he would tell the person behind the desk that there would be a few more for the meeting. 

Travin would stand to the side and make small talk with Kita and whoever showed up next till they all were there. Once everyone was ready Travin would walk over to the elevator with everyone and head up to the Mizukage’s office. Once allowed inside the office Travin would drop to one knee head bowed and right hand over his heart in salute to their kage. After an appropriate amount of time or told to Travin would stand back up and get ready to listen to just what all went down in Hoshi and give his report as to what happened on his end.

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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Thu Aug 12, 2021 1:00 pm
Gonk had left Travin’s house with him as he was still staying there, as he was pretty sure he was still being hunted. Gonk wasn’t sure if the clan head knew about his whereabouts, but he sure as hell didn’t want to find out. Pretty soon he would have to stage a confrontation, but he wanted to train up before then. Taking out his grandfather would be by no means easy, as he would first have to get through all of the guards and assassins. Even so, Gonk knew it was the only way and was confident he would be able to do so when the time was right. But that would have to wait until after his audience with the Mizukage.
Like Travin, Gonk was wearing his Sharkborn Armor with Kiribachi strapped to his back. As per usual, his helmet was strapped to his waste. He just found it weird talking to people with his helmet on. Gonk also had his glasses on, and although he wasn’t sure he would need them, he decided it couldn’t hurt. He hadn’t been wearing them much lately and his eyes had been starting to hurt. In his tool kit he still had the two unopened notes from Akabayashi to give to the Mizukage.

Gonk followed Travin into the building and immediately noticed Kita. He wasn’t looking much better than he had when they left Hoshigakure, which concerned Gonk. He assumed that Kita’s conditions would start to improve when he was back home, but it would seem that wasn’t the case. Clearly Gonk had underestimated just how badly Hoshigakure had fucked Kita up..Travin was already talking with him, so Gonk let the two catch up, occasionally chiming into the conversation. 

When everyone had arrived and they were instructed by the secretary to go see the Mizukage, Gonk walked over to the elevator with the others and went up into the office. Upon entering Gonk kneeled before the Mizukage and stayed that way until he was either instructed to rise or until Gonk deemed it appropriate to stand. Until then, Gonk waited for the Mizukage to begin speaking, curious to see who would be asked to give their report first.
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:10 pm
Murata enters wearing her grey coat, hitai-ate on her forehead. She carries a short, cloth-wrapped blade and three manila envelopes under one arm. It is the first time she has seen any of them since their time in Hoshigakure.

"Gonk, Travin, congratulations," she says to them, acknowledging their recent promotions. She turns her attention to the ghostly-looking Kita, clearly concerned. "Holding up alright?"

When the group heads up to the office, she takes her spot behind her new superiors in kneeling before their leader. She has three separate reports to hand in, and had spent most of the journey home writing. The attempt on her own life, her experience during Kita's imprisonment, and the recovery of Samehada occupy an envelope each underneath her arm.
Sayaka Uchiha
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:16 am
Keita was currently heading towards the Kage's office at the moment, there was something urgent that needed to be taken care of, and it seemed that the Kage was going to listen to several reports from the people that had went over to Hoshi for the chuunin exams. They had just returned it seemed, and this was a problem, as the exams had been over for quite a while, and it seemed some sort of foul play was afoot. Keita quickly scaled the building with the surface walking technique off to the side, making sure to get near the kaghe office's windows, before opening it and walking in. He had his full set of armor on, with the face covering pulled down to where one could only see his eyes. He gave a light bow to the kage before simply standing there off to the side of him, looking at the group that had walked in. He was m0ostly there for posterity, and he thought that his friend the kage would simply want him to be here because he was too lazy to tell him all of this information himself later. There was probably something else about the strange pirate the kage had defeated earlier, so he wanted to stick around for that as well.
WC: 215
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:27 pm
Kita had just been given permission by the receptionist to enter into the Mizukage's office when a hand was lain upon the boy's shoulders. He turned around, stone faced, to see his friend Travin standing before him. Gonk was there as well, some small distance behind Travin. Kita hadn't expected the Rentei Clan member to be here, all things considered. Gonk either for that matter. He'd been expecting that this meeting would be one that he would go through alone, detailing the treatment that he'd been given through the cold brutality of the Hoshikage. Though Kita supposed that it made sense that the ones who'd been sent to recover him would be need to report back. More efficient to do it all at once the boy supposed.

Travin asked how he was doing, a question which elicited a sigh from the boy.

"Not well if I'm honest. Getting back to work makes it a little bit easier, but I'm still not sleeping well. I'm worried about Bobo though. Since I got back, there was a scuffle in the marketplace with a shinobi gone rogue. He broke his legs..."

The words that Kita spoke felt hollow and empty of feeling. Had that event happened before he went to Hoshigakure, the boy had no doubt that the guilt he felt would eat him alive. For killing that kunoichi, for not being able to defend his partner, for the victims of the criminal. Yet he couldn't muster it up. He'd done what was necessary. In that regard, he was content.

Travin informed the receptionist that more would be coming, to which Kita deduced that it would likely be the other two members who had been there for Kita's arrest. Or at the very least, it would be the captain of their squad Murata. The theory was confirmed rather quickly when the woman herself entered into the building behind them with folders and blade in toe. Samehada if Kita had to assume. She greeted the other two before turning to the young boy with concern in her eyes.

"Not well. It's pretty hard for me to adjust after all that time."

With everyone there, the group made their way into the Mizukage's office, where the man himself sat fully cloaked in his chair. Kita kneeled, taking care to show proper respect to his leader. After all, he had saved him.

"Lord Mizukage."

Kita said nothing more, and remained kneeling until he was to be addressed.

Word Count - 411

Total Word Count - 694
Kizmaru Senju
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:23 pm
Sitting in his chair with his hands clasped together, it seems all of the members that had their little excursion were present now, with them kneeling. The Mizukage thought to himself, he'd never get used to the sight of seeing people kneel before him. Nonetheless, he couldn't exactly treat them as equals since they are supposed to be his subordinates and he would lose face if he was to treat everybody equally. It was an unfortunate build that was the stigma his predecessor left behind. "You may rise. Now that we're all here and accounted for, I've learned from troubling events that had occurred in Hoshigakure. It appears that two genin, one from our nation and one from Fire Country, had been captured a few months ago. Do any of you have something to tell me about what's going on," the Mizukage had said a bit sternly as he slowly passed over this group.  He wasn't mad that something happened to where he was being informed of their wrong doings in a foreign nation, he was more cross with the fact somebody had been caught. Eyeing each and every person in the room except Keita, he figured he'd address the elephant in the room that was known as "Kita Hajime"

From what his sources say, he was supposed to be one of the genin taking part in the chuunin exams earlier this year. Unfortunately he was caught breaking the law and was taken into custody. Secretly, the Mizukage knew what he had done and tried to insert himself into the situation to help. Unfortunately, they gave him some kind of pass for whatever reason or the other and allowed him to buy the transplant. It was strange but nonetheless he was lucky himself. Back to addressing the matter at hand, "You, Kita Hajime was it, you are one of the genin in question. Can you explain to me why you and the other genin were locked up? Tell me about the experiences you had. The rest of you may chime in at any time if you wish, if you have any information of the happenings in Hoshi. I would like to hear all of it," the Mizukage had said, adjusting himself in his chair. Ram had surfaced from his hiding spot under the desk, playing with a little white, blue and red ball. The Mizukage sort of squinted at him as he kind of ruined the intense air he was trying to put on. Still, he was not happy about this turn of events.

W.C: 424
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:36 pm
Travin listened to the Mizukage as they all got up from their kneeling position. It was pretty straight forward he wanted to know how all of this came to be. It was also something that Travin himself wanted to know as well. After all, Gonk and himself had been sent to Hoshi to recover Kita. He knew about as much as the Mizukage did on the situation, as they were unable to get Kita to talk much on their way home. “I guess I will start us off lord Mizukage, as I can tell you how the story ends but not how it got started, as well as what happened with the ransom money, sir.” Travin would speak up with as much respect as he could put into his tone. 

As you know you sent Gonk and me to Hoshi to retrieve Kita an operation that went as well as it could. While we didn’t really meet very many people, there was a man named Akabayashi I’m assuming he is a high-ranking shinobi of the village, but Gonk should be able to fill us in more on the man as he seemed to know him. Maybe from the chuunin exams. Gonk and I were lead to the unseen university, a building I did learn that name had nothing to do with the building itself, as it is quite easy to see, and does not have camouflage abilities. There we met a woman named Shina, Ayato’s second in command from what I can tell. While she was respectful she was definitely off, I can’t put my finger on it but she seemed to be quite powerful and a little crazy.” Travin would pause thinking back on the woman and the way she acted. 

I made a deal with her to give them the money in exchange for Kita. From that point on we met up with Kita at the gate and I teleported us all back to the village. Any further information will have to come from my comrade’s sir” Travin would give a slight bow as he waited for the Mizukage to replay, if nothing came he simply would take a step back to allow the others their time to speak.

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Reliving Your Worst Nightmare Empty Re: Reliving Your Worst Nightmare

Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:31 am
Upon the Mizukage’s command, Gonk rose to his feet, now standing at attention. 
As expected, the Mizukage wanted to know about the events surrounding Kita’s arrest and eventual rescue. The Mizukage also continued by addressing Kita directly, asking him personally to explain what happened and also telling Gonk, Travin, and Murata to chime in whenever. 
Travin took this opportunity to explain how they retrieved Kita and returned to Kirigakure. However he didn’t explain how exactly they ended up finding Kita, or the inexplicable loss of a month that occurred somewhere in the process. 

“Well I guess I’ll explain the rest of the retrieval process and leave the arrest and prison stuff up to Murata and Kita.” Gonk told the Mizukage. “Sorry that you’re getting this story so out of order,” he added as a side note. “So anyways, as you know Travin and myself were dispatched to retrieve Kita as well as Fu of Konoha if possible. Well as you can see we did successfully retrieve Kita, however the current whereabouts of Fu are unknown. Travin did most of the actual negotiating, but Hoshigakure didn’t offer up Fu to us. Regardless, we were given the name of the place where we could find Kita. It was the store of Nova agent Akabayashi Terumi: Beds Bodyparts and Beyond. It was here that Kita had his purchased Jugo organ removed and was therefore cleared of all charges. Oh yeah, Akabayashi gave us both free curse marks as well.” Gonk decided now might not be the best time to mention that they had both temporarily died in this process, though if Kita wanted to bring it up, Gonk wouldn’t stop him. 

“Speaking of Akabayashi,” Gonk said as he reached into his ninja tool kit, “he gave me these two letters to deliver to you.” As he said this Gonk would hand the two letters to the Mizukage, before continuing. 
“Anyways, after that we met back up with Travin, and he took us and the rest of the Kirigakure shinobi back to the mist. Except for Murata because she needed to take her boat back.”
Gonk would think a moment before concluding his report. 
“So yeah, that’s all I got about the retrieval process, though I can chime in about the arrest of Kita if necessary.”
With his big speaking part out of the way, Gonk would open the stage to the next person who chose to speak, be that Kita, Murata, the mysterious Anbu who had appeared through the window, or the Mizukage himself.

Letter 1:
Letter 2:
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