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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Lumber [E-rank Hojiro] Empty Lumber [E-rank Hojiro]

Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:27 pm
Mission Name:Lumber
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Konoha, Forest
Word Count Requirements:500
Reward:500 Ryo

The village needs you to go out into the forest and collect some lumber for the village, get a decent amount but do not destroy the villages surroundings!

The sounds of thousands upon thousands of cicadas chirping in a reverberating symphony echoed though the forest , after hours of traveling in a wagon with silence Hōjiro welcomed the white background noise into his ear canals. Thin beams of light would shine through the forest canopy onto the forest floor below, creating a very dim almost dark shadow for those traveling through the forest to navigate through. Hōjiro’s current mission was to clear out these trees for travelers ,  The young hoshigaki lad would take a deep harty breath and exhale slowly allowing his body to relax as he took in the sights around him.

His eyes would dart around as he re-adjusted the axe resting on his shoulder , the short dry grass of the forest floor was well hidden under quite a bit of foliage and moss covered rocks. With the many pinhole beams of light falling in through the canopy , the scene before him was beauty at its most natural; it was sad he had to chop a good portion of the tree’s down.

Cutting down these trees even for the village would be detrimental to the surrounding wildlife , Hojiro would sigh as he walked over to a tree running his hand across the moss covered trunk. “Sorry ole boy but this looks like your last fall in this forest , hopefully the hokage makes you into something for the greater good as hojiro himself didn’t delight in having to do this.

Having to harvest an excess amount of materials disrupted the natural order that lay within nature , sadly it couldn't be helped; these were his orders, with a mournful heart he would raise his axe and bring it down with all his might upon the trunk of the tree. A loud thwacking noise would echo throughout  the forest when his axe made contact with the tree , Hojiro would wiggle the axe free of the tree trunk falling back onto his ass as he did so.

“God damn leafy bastard!” he would gritt out through his teeth as he hobbled to his feet, axe loosely hanging in one hand as he rubbed his left ass cheek with right hand , a low throaty growl would escape his throat as he glared at the tree. “Fuck the cycle of nature , im turning you into tooth picks!” he would yell as he rushed the tree and began rapidly swinging , each swing barely breaking through the bark as he attacked the tree like a man deranged.

Once the young Hoshigaki had vented out all his frustrations he would get back to work striking the same places on the tree repeatedly , slowly but surely he would make progress whittling the tree down he had starting cutting away at the tree mid day by the time he was finished and the tree finally fell unto the earth leaving a hole in the forest canopy , he would be greeted with the sight of the star filled night sky.

“Sometimes i hate this job..” he would sigh out crouching slightly hands on his knees taking a breather , ‘now how the hell am i going to get it back to the village?’ he would think to himself wondering how he was going to get this mammoth of a tree back to the village gates. Nothing was ever easy in the life of a ninja.

Claiming:+5 stats
Learning: Body Flicker [v7] [500/500]

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