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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission] Empty The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission]

Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:40 pm
Mission Name: The Daily Mill
Rank: E rank
Type: Handy work/Delivery
Character Requirements: Genin+
Mission Location: Konoha
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes (May be repeated by the same person up to 3 times)
Reward: 500 ryo


The task is simple. The mill's around Konoha received an large delivery of supplies. Your job is to deliver their supplies as efficiently as possible. Make sure that all deliveries are to the correct owners.

The cool crisp morning air would nip at Hōjiro through his thin attire as he sat in the back of a donkey drawn wagon , of all the missions in the world he couldn't understand why a trained soldier was delivering mail. 'What the hell am I doing with my life?' He would question internally as he slumped in his seat in the cart resting the back of his head on the edge as to look up at the sky, his feet sliding outward pushing away piles of unsorted mail. He would gaze up at the sky for a moment admiring the gray emotionless sky slowly being painted a bright orange and pink by the rising sun , many people never took time to enjoy the little things that make their world run. Like the setting of the sun or the rising of the moon  , it happens even if you never give it a second glance.

Hōjiro would take a moment to ponder on the forces of the world , and how they all work in unison to churn the furnaces of wonder and keep this world moving ; and just like those forces working behind the scenes to keep order Hōjiro to had a job to do to maintain order , even if it was such a menial task it served a greater purpose. Giving out a low sigh forming a small cloud of moisture in the air  he would correct his posture in his seat , he would then direct his attention to the small mountain of letters in front of him , "well then let's get this mail sorted…" he would mumble as he began sorting the postage by size. Within a few minutes the young Hoshigaki had begun organizing everything according to size of packages and address, things that were sent some Time ago when re e toward the front of the cart while newer packages where toward the back with Hōjiro and his associate.

Once that was all done Hōjiro would drop the last letter atop it pile with his left hand and use the right to pull down his mask to about chin height , he would bring his hands up to his face in a cupping motion and begin to try and breath warmth onto his cold numb hands. Normally Hōjiro didn't mind the cold but that was only in water , his body could easily acclimate to any aquatic setting but being cold out of water was a whole different story. As he did he would do his best to attempt to hide his shark teeth , but the gill slit's on his neck and cheeks where a different story as his mask was no longer hiding them.

After a few minutes he would notice the cart had stopped moving , and would take a moment to soak in his associates faces some of which were staring at him. He would internally sigh as he flashed them all a big tooth grin 'same old shit they're judging me before they get to know me' , "what you guys never seen a fish walk on land!!" He would exclaim a tinge of anger laced in his voice as he didn't much appreciate being oggled at. A few nervous laugh would ring out slightly diffusing the situation as he slid his mask back on , which was currently hiding his frown.

"Buncha judgy bastards…" he would mumble under his breath as he went back to sorting the mail.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission]

Sat Nov 21, 2020 7:55 am
Looking at the man whom was bit on the edgy side of things was quite the go at it. He would try his best as he tried not to say too much. Looking on he could tell he too was sent to deliver letters. Flow would look on as the horse drawn carriage would pull off as he got on it. It was going to be one of those mission. As he looked on at the dude who put his mask back over his face he would give a simple response to it all. Looking on at him he would say. " Too call someone a name such as that is well not worth it. This is a world of death we live in. If you can not see that then by far you are in the wrong field of work. We as ninja must know how to hide our feelings even when they show so well. So to you I say this as well. Learn to not hide yourself but to hide your emotions as well. With that being said let us deliver this letter and get on with our day." He would say this with a calm face indeed.

As he was a man of very few words but to say thr least. If he was going to have help with this it would have to be with someone who could keep it all together. As this may be a simple mission. But anything could happen in it and he would be damn if he was to down before that happens. Before he would keep his promise to Solomon. He would look on as the sun was high in the sky Flow would close his eyes as the mission was nearly done. It was just one more little stop.

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission]

Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:54 pm
Hōjiro would cauk up an eyebrow as he stood accused of calling names , which in itself was a false statement that showed this mans complete lack of attention. The young Hoshigaki boy had called himself a fish in an attempt to ease up tension , and well as for calling everyone here a 'judgy bastard' he had mumbled it under his breath so low under his breath that the man sitting next to and across from him didnt take notice ; which means a man at the end of the cart had no way in hell of hearing what wasn't meant for him to hear.

Hōjiro would reach up to his head and begin massaging his temples as the man continued on with his speech , "...This is a world of death we live in. If you can not see that then by far you are in the wrong field of work. We as ninja must know how to hide our feelings even when they show so well. So to you I say this as well. Learn to not hide yourself but to hide your emotions as well…." That was enough for Hōjiro , he had heard enough people talk out thier ass in his short life and wasn't to keen on letting someone lecture him on matters they clearly misjudged.

"You can shut up , thank you…." He would say cutting the man off , still massaging his temples "what names have I called anyone? Besides calling myself a fish..?" He would question as he knows for a fact this man didn't hear him , unless he somehow had heightened hearing that allowed him perceive words out of ear shot and through all the nervous laughter. 

He would raise his head and direct his gaze toward the man who had spoke , "and I should learn to hide not myself but my emotions, are you bent in the head? I hide my appearance because it makes the comrades around me nervous , hiding my body is no different than an uchiha hiding their eyes" he would say as the horse pulling the cart would come to a stop at a random house , the old man at the reighns would reach back grabbing a few letters and hopping of the cart with a bit of a wobble a sighn of old age catching up.

Hōjiro would stand grabbing a few letters himself preparing to go assist the old man , "as for my emotions , Emotions are something those with no drive suppress , konogakure was built off of the creed forged from the 'will of fire' somthing writhed in emotional sentiment…" he would pause as he turned his back to the group hopping off the cart with a stack of letters "...before you open your mouth next to try and correct others , mull it over so you dont sound like an ass" he would sigh out as he walked away from the cart to go and deliver his first letter.

The young Hoshigaki would internally deflate he hated self righteous jackasses like that , if he wanted to preach about emotions he should have joined the organization before it was disbanded. Hōjiro would walk up to the house to which his letters where designated and put them through the mail slots , once he was done with his delivers he would begin to make his way back to the cart. "O-pa give me strength" he would mumble under his breath giving a silent prayer to his deceased father.
Twc: [1,145/500]
WC: 574
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission]

Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:04 pm
" You hide my appearance because it makes the comrades around me nervous. I see how most sad you must do such a thing. But do you know what is worse then that fact. It is death itself you see that is what your comrades should not want to see but should be well prepared for. But to male it blank an uchiha hides there eyes not out of making everyone fear them. But well so that people would not get any bright ideas. That would cause them to fear them." He would say this as he watch the man delivered the letters. It was a job well done to say the least. Flow would look on as he watch the man say under his breath for his father to give him strength. He is able to see all this with his eyes to which he hides under his glasses. Flow would watch the young man get closer to the cart and say to him.

" Regardless of how you are feeling about so and so. But one thing you need to realize fear is something you need in war both for and against your enemies. I say this to you as a stranger in morrow. Do not allow such foolishness to make you hide your true self. With this job done we can go now. By the way I know more then you would assume to say the least. But with this mission done we can call it a job complete."

Wc 550


Claiming 5+ Stats to Speed and 550 words towards 3rd tomoe which brings total to 4550/6000Wc
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission]

Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:13 pm
Hōjiro would roll his eyes as he hopped back in the cart as the man , began to speak once more and this time he'd let him finish blowing his hot air. The whole time starring at him intently , his ruby cat like eyes honed in on him as if to say 'ok you have my full attention'. When finished spouting off he would take a moment to look up that sky as if pondering his next words carefully, taking his own advice he would mull over the mans words and the words he was about to respond with. "It seems you have constipation of the mind , and explosive diarrhea of the mouth.." he would say giving another pause he closed his eyes and shook his head simply and silently saying no.

"As shinobi yes what you say is true , we will face death and many of us will stare it in the face to protect our home…." He would take a moment to look around the cart , his fellow genine seemingly all where latching onto the words as he spoke. "....and you only validate my points further , for those in a less than reputable clan it is in thier best intrest to hide thier lineage I dont hide my body to survive I hide it out of respect for those my clansmen have killed in this village" he would say a small puff of conviction in his voice as he spoke.

"You speak of war , and how fear is a tool to be used in war and against our enemies yet you give no example…"  Hōjiro would sigh a small cloud of frost forming in the air in front of his mouth , "we have very different ideas on what war is , and wildly different views on the way the world turns you exchange a mere sentence with me and you assume to know everything that lay in before you in the world" his voice calm but clearly a little scolding as if a teacher to a child.

"Aside from that please take my advice , not but a minute ago you scolded my showing of emotion yet you preach the importance of fear…." He would take one last pause leaning back in his seat resting his head on the edge of the cart once more gazing up at the sky. A small smile dancing on his lips as the sun began to break through the clouds, bathing konoha in light and warmth.

"every Konoha shinobi with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the village & king as previous generations had done before them this is the konoha creed…" he would sit back up smile hidden under his mask " if you cant embody this creed why become a shinobi in the first place?"

Wc: 465
+16 stats
500 ryo
Learning : 
Hidden Mist Technique  [1,500/1,500]

Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death [110/2,000]
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Daily Mill [Hōjiro E-Rank Mission]

Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:01 am
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