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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:31 pm
The shock sent through Shiro’s body as a result of Shiroi swiftly flapping as one would a large towel is indeed large. Some deal of pain shoots through his body though it is dampened somewhat by his Honenashi ability. The joints of his body that would usually share shock among all of his bones disconnect due to the force exerted upon them. His muscles experience sufficient whiplash but, after a quick assessment of his skeletal structure, Shiro determines that the repeated use of his Shikotsumyaku bloodline remains safe enough to consider. The bones extended outside of his body through the Dance of the Larch remain through Shiroi’s coming actions. And this makes no difference whatsoever to the outcome of this little exchange of fists.

His body is brought in another direction, this time over Shiroi’s head. He is swung with ease as though his body is weightless. There is no chance given to him for any spinning motion to be added to his Larch Dance. Instead, the bones growing out of his arms do no more than shallowly pierce Shrioi’s arms.

“Mhmm… That there is the ground.” Shiro thinks as the semicircle his body is swung through comes to completion. His body makes impact with his extended bones absorbing most of the shock so that his body takes less damage.

Shiroi maneuvers her own body in the strange ways which she is known to contort her body. Though Shiro himself cannot see exactly how Shiroi is moving, he gets quite the idea upon knowing her new location. His back bends as her hands pull on his own arms and draw his upper body. He breaths in a calm fashion, allowing his Honenashi ability to loosen and detach his joints to lessen the stress felt along his body as a result of Shiroi’s pulling. His Larch Dance reverts as this goes on and his curse mark dissipates.

And just about now, Shiro has had quite enough of this meeting. The hold in which he finds himself would be the end of his life in any real fight. Acknowledging his loss, Shiro speaks up.

“That’s about it, I give.” Upon Shiroi’s loosening her grip, Shiro will catch his upper body as it sinks to the ground. In a moment, he rises and stretches his limbs. In one long motion, he raises his hands into the sky and lengthens his spine to relieve it of stress. The constant use of Honenashi does not seem to have caused any negative effects for his joints but the use of his curse mark has tightened his muscles quite a bit.

“You are clearly more skilled than I am. At some future time, the two of us should once again compare abilities. I assure you that in time I will prove to be a more challenging opponent.”Shiro stands facing Shrioi wherever she may be. After a bow, he turns to leave the grounds.

Upon exiting the general area, Shiro finds that his body is more relaxed than before. Along with this, he feels as though the world is much more familiar. Atsuko returning to his life has created a difference between his life before having remembered her and his life now. Some part of the prior had to come up again and become normalized with his current experiences. A good fight is the most ideal concept.

Now, with this having come to culmination, Shiro may return to his home and think extensively about how he may decide to use his life in the very near future. The decisions he makes now and very soon after will determine his standing in the world and how he proves to add to it as a person, for better or for worse.


[Claims: A loss of 11 stats (covered by the stats gained from wordcount), 1500/1500 towards Taijutsu Style Block: S-Rank (claiming, taught by Shiroi, after having the C-Rank version through chuunin rank up), 1340/5000 towards finishing Curse Seal of Kidomaru: Stage 2 (claiming with 3660 words from: link), 1500/4000 towards Dance of the Chrysanthemum, memory of Shiroi Shinzo's chakra signature]

Last edited by Shiro Kaguya <3 on Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:06 pm; edited 7 times in total
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:01 pm
[I have no plans to interrupt Shiro, nor even really say much. He's free to exit uninterrupted. I probably won't get a post up tonight.]
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:23 pm
Shiroi unceremoniously let go of Shiro when he conceded. She was most displeased when he caught himself, but she stepped off the man regardless.

"Don't think for a second I'm done, either," she said, a cruel smile drawing on her face. Of course, she had released her multitude of techniques by this point (except the important one that kept her law abiding), so her actions would be easy to follow. She also returned the bow, before walking over to reclaim her Bokali, wiping the dirt off of it.

Back to other shit I guess, she thought.

Something she had been practicing earlier in the day, well actually for awhile now, was making a shadow clone. It did not quite click with her. She understood her body. If she were growing an entirely new body, she could probably figure that out easier... not that that in itself was easy.

Shadow clone was different. It was not an actual body, just a chakra lookalike that was still solid to the touch.

It was fucking weird!

Shiroi practice the hand seals, and pushed out her chakra. But it still baffled her. Jutsu were so god damn weird. The body made sense. Biology made sense. Chakra was fucking magic bullshit handed down by some unscrupulous god that cared not for the sanity of their children. Fuck that dude.

But she had it. And she could use it. So she probably should. You know, duty and all that jazz.

So there she stood, just repeating the handseals over and over. Hoping she might make something half decent appear out of thin air.

God she was bad at this.

That one was all sepia.

That one was greyscale.

That one had three legs.

That one... we do not talk about that one. It could scar the minds of the innocent.

If it was not obvious, she was having a hard time. She tried casting it like normal clone, but with more oomf. Obviously, that was wrong. Maybe it needed to be more precise? More shaped?

That could be. That is what she tried.

It.. was not terrible. At least it was properly colored.

For the whole ten second it existed. Did not even move.

This is bullshit, she thought. Maybe Shiroi was not cut out for shadow clones.

Nope, I'll get this. I've got this. Grab it by the horns and do it.

She tried again. Hand seals. Chakra. Go. Push. Create. Give life. Did it work?

Yeah, kind of. It existed. It seemed to be moving. But dear god when it try to speak. It was this horrible screeching that was physically painful. Shiroi had no idea how she had managed that one. She was surprised the pain from hearing its own vocalizations was not dispersing it.

Shiroi did the job herself, stabbing a kunai into it.

FUCK she thought as the memories poured into her. That had been unexpected. She had forgotten about the memory sharing part. Ouch.

One last attempt, she thought. Hand seals. Chakra. Push. Go. It.. worked. The clone could talk. It could move. Use jutsu. Hold shit it had worked. Shiroi released it with a sigh, falling to the ground. She took a seat, waiting for the day to end. Food would be good. If only she were hungry right now...

[3048 words. 15 stats and shadow clone jutsu claimed]
[also exit]
Rin Togakawa
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:29 am
Right, hopefully I dont mess this up again, So Shiroi is approved. Shiro, your tech claims are fine, but can you link where your extra word count is coming from for the cursed seal please? (also in general try and add links to techs you claim)
Satoru Nara
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:11 pm
Added links.

Thank you, I will use links when making claims in the future.
Rin Togakawa
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:36 pm
Alrighty, one more thing, S-rank block is normally 5K words Which with training is reduced to 2.5K; Where are your other 1000 words coming from?
Satoru Nara
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:03 pm
Shiro possess the C-rank version, I will link that topic in a moment.

Sorry for not linking it in the first place.
Satoru Nara
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:07 pm
Taijutsu Block C-Rank was free through chuunin rank up.

Rin Togakawa
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An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Exchange of Fists to Clear One's Mind [P]

Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:47 pm
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