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Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Sat Oct 24, 2015 3:01 pm
Taiyo steps off of his wooden floor in his home and onto the grass of the outdoors. Taking a deep breath, he looks on into the morning sky.

The grass of the field before his house is two inches tall and the trees surrounding the combination of green and brown grasses provides an acceptable amount privacy.

"The genin exam won't wait for me while I admire the scenery." Taiyo tells himself. "I need to know both the clone jutsu and the transformation jutsu before it comes."

Taiyo reaches the center of the open field. "So, I have no time to waste. The first problem is figuring out how to start learning the jutsu. I have all of the information they gave me in the academy... but putting it all together is harder than I thought it would be in the classroom."

(WC: 141/141)
(0/500 towards clone technique)
(0/500 towards transformation technique)

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Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:32 pm
Aivas was instantly awake someone had stepped into the area he was sleeping, moving as little as possible he rolled onto his stomach and surveyed the field he had spent the night in, there on the very edge coming in, another person, a frown would draw across his features before he hopped to his feet, scrutinizing the other person as he stretched, drawing his muscles tight and waking himself up fully. The other assumed shinobi had been mumbling about the genin exams and Aivas sighed heavily, "an academy student eh, so ready for the exam?" Aivas slipped his own headband from his pocket and dexterously using his left hand would tie it about his right bicep, it was the only non-shredded piece of clothing on the man as his clothes had seen quite a bit of trouble just getting to Haven.  He flashed a smile before stretching again and starting to walk past the student would offer a word of advice, "careful during the exam it was a bit harder than I expected, make sure you know the jutsu before you go running off to the academy." He managed to get to the edge of the field before turning back a look of resigned humor on his face, "unless you came out here to get some training on the jutsu, ya little cheater," he would let loose a loud laugh. 

[WC 230]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:57 am
Taiyo dismisses the fact that this ninja had been sleeping outside without protection. Then again, he is a shinobi, a higher ranking one if only by one level.

"I wouldn't say "ready". I'm still having trouble with the two required jutsu."

He listens as the fellow Hoshigakure ninja gives generous advice. An open person like this is just the person Taiyo has been looking for to help him practice for the exam.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to consider that when..." Taiyo pauses. "Hey, it isn't cheating if the rules don't dictate against it. Besides, teamwork is one of the first things they teach genin isn't it? No harm in working on cooperation early, right?"

(0/500 towards clone technique)
(0/500 towards transformation technique)
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Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 4:33 pm
Aivas sighed to himself stretching his muscles slowly as he looked the student over, "say whats your name kid." He would smile lazily changing the balance of weight on his feet, loading more of the weight onto his right leg as he watched with interest the other shinobi, "and its not really cheating its just an advantage, want some help?" Aivas could feel the stillness starting to itch at his muscles so he quickly popped into a handstand before walking on his hands over close enough to roll forward back onto his feet and stretch a hand out to the other shinobi, "names Aivas by the way, one of Hoshigakure's newest genin." He would smile in his charming way but the state of his clothing and the wild light behind his eyes would make it somewhat menacing, "so you need to practice the Clone and Transformation techniques right? Do you have the basics down at least? Show me what you can do." 

[WC 392]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 6:27 pm
Taiyo watches in envy as Aivas walked on his hands over to him. He's never been able to pull off any acrobatics other than the regular tree jumping and the average ninja abilities, nothing special. And here, before him, Aivas does so with ease! Taiyo's envy fades after his name is asked of him.

"It's nice to meet you, Aivas." He shakes the open hand. Taiyo appreciates kindness more than anything. "My name is Taiyo Kaguya and I am of the Kaguya clan."

(0/500 towards clone technique)
(0/500 towards transformation technique)
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Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:15 pm
Aivas would clamp down on the other mans hand forgetting his own strength as he managed to lift the other shinobi off the ground on the upswing of his handshake, smiling sheepishly he would set the other shinobi down before dusting off his clothes, "hah sorry about that forget my own strength sometimes." He would laugh rather uproariously before hopping back a couple of paces, and starting to stretch his muscles again, "go on, go on, show me what you can do kid." Aivas would stretch again before falling backwards to sit in the grass waiting patiently for the student to show what he knows. 

[WC 497]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:29 am
Taiyo takes the ninja's challenge, knowing that his performance now will play a part in the way Aivas sees him from now on. "I had better make this good. But I want to save my trump technique for last..."

"Alright. But I won't go easy on you, so don't underestimate me." Taiyo wips out two kunai, one in each hand, and charges for Aivas. Hi sarms are crossed in an "X" formation and his kunai are held backhand style.

(WC: 79/418)
(79/500 towards clone technique)
(0/500 towards transformation technique)
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Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:11 pm
Aivas instantly changed the playful smile disappeared behind a straight faced mask, one hand dropping to the hilt of his short sword the other darting forward to try and grab the mans arms where they crossed, his fingers would lock down at his full strength forcefully shoving the other ninja backwards out of stance out of sync, he would only just be starting his own stance would change as he hunkered down, blade drawing in an instant as he began to swing at the other mans shins and forearms in beautiful but deadly quick slashes, the entire length of the blade blending into his own movements as his free hand pulled back and quickly attempted to knock one kunai away from the 'attacker' before flipping to the other hand and attempting to wrest control of the 'enemies' hand by clamping down on the ninjas wrist, he would begin to force the deadly sharp knife towards Taiyo's chest as he continued his arcing assault on the mans legs and arms, the blade would bite deep but it wouldn't be lethal, Aivas would relish in the bath of blood caused by the sheer intensity of his blows, his own sword arm reeling in a devilish arc of unexpected twists as his assault finished, his control back the mad grin gone, he would pull himself back from his opponent giving a sheepish grin, "my bad." 

Should his grab of the other mans arms be ineffective Aivas would switch his tactic slightly not drawing his sword and instead bull rushing with his full strength into harms way as he knocked his opponent flat and wrested control of the kunai before attacking furiously at his opponents face and arms with their own kuani that he had liberated for his own use in the exercise, he would cut deep but none of the wounds were life threatening at the moment, just plenty of arterial spray as he sliced at his opponent again and again before the murderous grin would fade and he would take back control of his actions, dropping the kunai to either side and drawing back away from the mess he had made, "sorry about that." It was rather a weak apology but he had been trained for a long time as a murder machine to be pointed and the kid had drawn real steel against Aivas's personage, in all actuality the damage was mostly minimal the kid had been lucky.

[WC 904]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:02 pm
Taiyo stumbles back in fear of Aivas's display of speed and ability. He had no time to react and, before he knew it, his charge was ended. And not only was he stopped in his tracks but he suffered painful injuries as well.

Really, his entire approach to the situation was completely wrong. He was only an academy student but even Taiyo knew that a ninja is supposed to think about his situation before charging in. He had set himself up to be countered. If this had been a real battle, Taiyo would be dead...

He falls to his knees and drops his one kunai, the other one on the ground where he had been forced to drop it in the struggle... which wasn't actually much of a struggle.

The shock, too great for Taiyo to react correctly, restricts him from retrieving his weapon. Every attempt to move is cancelled out by his fear of Aivas. It's the feeling of not having close to enough ability to contend with a ninja of such caliber that keeps him low, keeps him from getting up again. For the first time, Taiyo feels the fear of a stronger opponent.

Finally, he works up the strength to speak after Aivas's apology. Taiyo's pain registers as his petrification fades and he winces at the cuts on his legs and arms.

"What was that? That whole outburst." Taiyo asks still unable to stand.

(316/500 towards clone technique)
(0/500 towards transformation technique)
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Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:25 pm
Aivas grinned sheepishly using the tip of one boot to flick the kunai from where it had fallen up into his open hand, before walking towards Taiyo, sheathing his sword effortlessly and with a practiced air as he knelt in front of the other ninja, still smiling, "I spent some time in a standing army, it just happens when presented with an opponent sometimes." Aivas would offer the man his kunai back, "I really am sorry about it, but you started it." He would let out a barking laugh as he stood, stretching out his stiff muscles and smiling in a normal manner, "so uh, maybe when you can manage to get up, this time just show me what you know about the techniques and don't pull a stunt like that again eh?" Aivas would take a few breaths before flopping backwards to sit on the ground once more, smiling as he made a little go ahead motion to the other man, "the jutsu please."

[WC: 1069]
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