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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:42 pm
Taiyo reaches out slowly to pick the kunai up from the ground in front of him. He slips it into his right ninja pouch.

"An army." Taiyo repeats. "Well, you seem to have a great defense mechanism because of it. Great for a ninja. Probably not the best thing in a team though. Depends on your squad members I guess."

As he lifts up with one leg and kneels on one knee, gathering his strength once again, Taiyo hears Aivas's apology.

"I started it?" He thinks. "But he was the one who asked me to show him I could do... oh." Taiyo sighs in his head. "He meant the clone and transformation jutsu. And I'm an idiot. He wasn't referring to my fighting ability, he wanted me to demonstrate what I knew about the jutsu for the genin exam."

Taiyo hears Aivas's invitation for Taiyo to show him what he knows.

"He even considered my damaged state." Taiyo thinks as he stands with a struggle and almost topples before regaining his balance fully. The cuts on his legs are painful but not severe. He can stand.

"Right. First, I'll show you what I can do with the clone jutsu. This should be a copy of you, Aivas." Taiyo explains.

He stands straight, irritating his small cuts, and speeds up his chakra flow through his body and tenketsu. Seeing Aivas, he closes his eyes and keeps the image in his head so as to concentrate solely on it and be as precise as possibly, allowing no outside distractions to hinder his attempt at what would be his fifteenth transformation.

In a white poof of smoke, Taiyo is engulfed and in it, his eyes remain closed as his transformation takes place. In his mind, he knows that it will not turn out well. But Aivas had asked for a demonstration.

The white smoke thins out and Taiyo's new look comes into view...

Anyone else would take several seconds to even guess that Taiyo's transformation is meant to be Aivas. His clothing is at least 75% correct, his shirt only slightly off from that of the true Aivas in front of him. The skin color is caught between Taiyo's brown skin and Aivas's lighter skin, the two shades mixing into quite a tanned skin tone. Taiyo's hair resembles Aivas's exactly. His eye color has also matched Aivas's. Almost every small detail is just only slightly off, yes. But it's the main, more dominant features that appear to have the least deviation from the desired transformation. Whereas the minor details are done well, the major ones are poor.

"How is it?" Taiyo asks, lowering his hands to his sides.

(500/500 towards clone technique)
(500/500 towards transformation technique)
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Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:31 pm
Aivas would frown scrutinizing the Academy Students appearance before he answered, "its not horrible, a few details need ironing out, other than that, its a transformation not a clone kiddo." Aivas would let loose a loud barking laugh as he hopped back to his feet walking around the other ninja with a huge grin, "just take a little more time on details and you should do fine in the exam, now lets see you do clone jutsu!" He would exclaim throwing his hands up as he dropped back to sit on the ground with the grin still plastered over his features, "if you're having trouble make a shell of yourself with the chakra and just...step out of it, remember its just a construct of the mind."  Aivas would grow a little impatient waiting and watching and stretch out on his side in the grass, pulling a few blades, holding them tight between his fingers he would blow across the surface making a suitably irritable noise before smiling to himself and letting them go on the wind, focusing on the student fully.

[WC: 1251]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:28 pm
Taiyo takes Aivas's words to heart and commits them to memory for the genin exams. He'll need all of the advice he can get. He understands that learning the jutsu is an essential part in advancing.

"Alright. Details." Taiyo repeats. "I'll show you the clone jutsu."

His body straightens once more in preparation to utilize more chakra, this time in producing a clone of himself. He had attempted this before on multiple occasions. Almost every time, he got a stagnant, stature like copy of himself. But this time would be different. Before, Taiyo had never thought of the clone jutsu like making a chakra shell of yourself. This put the jutsu into a new perspective for him.

Taiyo prepared the chakra inside of himself and, once it was strong enough, expanded it so that it filled his entire body. He had it take the shape of his clothing as well. In his mind, he imagined the chakra gaining his colors as well.

The preparations have finished. The chakra is stable around Taiyo, forming a sort of silhouette as he imagines it moving to his right. In reality, nothing is seen just as nothing would be seen with anyone else performing the clone jutsu. Only a cloud of smoke poofing into existence with the clone.

Taiyo opens his eyes to look at the results. There, before him, stood a clone of himself. His eyes widen in excitement and both of their arms shoot into the air.

"I made a clone!" Taiyo yells. He turns to Aivas for his approval.

(500/500 towards clone technique)
(500/500 towards transformation technique)
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Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:50 pm
Aivas watched noticing the look of concentration on the younger mans face he would grin as the smoke cleared revealing two identical images he would slowly regain his footing standing up lazily as he walked a loose circle around the two, he would frown putting a finger to his lips before letting out a loud laugh, "well done, just do the same thing at your exam and you'll do great." He would look around absently his stomach taking that moment to growl rather loudly, he would frown looking around, "I'm going to find something to eat, take care kid." He would lazily wave and start heading off into the distance, maybe he would find somewhere that served spicy food. 

[TWC: 1370]
[Claiming 6stats and Iron Claw]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:10 pm
Aivas had left and Taiyo stood inspecting his clone. Deciding that he did indeed have a fine duplicate, the clone poofs away in white smoke.

"Hearing him talk about spicy food..." Taiyo thought. His stomach 
growls lightly. Then, his stomach growls louder. "Maybe some spicy ramen is in order. To celebrate a job well done in learning those two jutsu."

Taiyo walks off towards the town with his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe two bowls..."

(500/500 towards clone technique)
(500/500 towards transformation technique)

[Claims: 7 stats, clone technique, transformation technique]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiyo Learns Clone and Transformation! [IO]

Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:49 pm

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