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Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:32 am
Eyes springing to life, Kaimera has awakened. his optics shifting around, he noticed that he was in the exact spot where he fell. Had he simply fallen asleep here? Trying to move, he soon found out that was impossible. It feels like he has been tied with heavy chains, restricting any sort of movement. However, he knew his internal organs still have to be functioning because he is breathing, and all the while he is paralyzed, he could hear his faint heartbeat in his ears.

Scenarios flooded his mind, did he fall and break his neck, paralyzing herself. Oh god. A feat worse than death in his mind. He would be no more than lamb to the slaughter. What's worse is that he had no fighting chance if that missing ninja decided to spring up on him. Kaimera was as good as dead.

In this world, where the weak grappled at the straws to survive, Kaimera had been among the many who wished desperately to be one of the strong. But reality proved a cruel mistress, and aside from embracing death, he was left with no other choice. He had to accept the truth. Looking down at the leaking wound, he realized this was it. While the wound was insignificant, it was that his body was unable to move. From one injury was all it took.

This was the extent of his body's potential, and Genin was the highest rank he would attain in this lifetime. He would not advance. Strangely, he made peace with his circumstance as he laid upon the ground. Kaimera’s memories flashed before his eyes as he realized after becoming a genin, he had become paradoxically stronger and more confident than He'd ever been. This surety of his limits has allowed him to survive skirmishes where shinobi of the same rank would have been felled by. Kaimera’s skill to judge whether a battle should be pursued to the bitter end or abandoned has handily saved his life more than a few times. However, this time was different.

But still, he has no reason to be ashamed.

Kaimera's chest swells with emotion. The missions he toiled over, his suffering at the hands of sadistic missing-nin, lonely nights spent reading by the firelight. Soothing words from those who he has cared about instantly uplifts her. It is strange how easily simple, sweet memories make the blood and sweat he has spilled feel wholly worth it. A smile cracked through his lips. All he knew was that he tried.

Her eyes shifted towards the bright moon that hung in the sky, allowing its glow to blanket the grounds on the planet. He hated the moon in all its glory. While beautiful, to him it was a sign of evil. It allowed the torment of the human race for centuries and still sat in the sky as if it should be praised. The creatures: the Kyuketsuki, Jashinists, and others that lurked in the night, the horrendous acts plague these lands. Not only did it bring those things, but it also brought fear and dread to everyone. It just sat there mocking us as we tried to survive. How could he ever believe in higher power if this is what they allowed to happen.

Rolling his eyes, he noticed the sky was starting to become a darker blue color, this indicated that the sun must be rising, or getting ready too. Maybe he would make it out alive, but what if he is paralyzed for the rest of his life? He'd rather be dead. That is a life not worth living. If that is God's plan for him, they were more ruthless than those monsters that walked the land of living.

While lying there his thoughts drifted towards the comrades he made along the way and wondering if they were safe and made it out of this predicament alive. Thinking about them, he realized he wasn't really close with anyone that he has met. He just fought beside them and never really got the chance to know them. Anyone else would be just mere fragments to him. Well, except for Izu and Shiro. If he loved anyone in that sense, it would've been them. Of all things, he hoped they would find happiness in life. Even though they always left him out and deserted him, they deserved it. 

If he just laid here and died, he wouldn't be missed. Maybe if he would've taken more time and built relationships, maybe he would've had a lasting impact on someone. Maybe if he wasn't going to die in this valley, he could befriend all the other shinobi that he fought with, but those are all just assumptions and probabilities.

However, something happened that he did not expect. While lying there for those short few seconds that seemed like an eternity. A figure appeared to him against the moonlight. Was it the guide between life and death that would lead him to the afterlife? Perhaps this is peace and the way it was always supposed to be. 

Kaimera closed his eyes as he watched a hand near him, accepting his situation. Except, when the hand touched him, he felt his body engulfed in electricity. A spark was lit inside him as feelings to arms began to fill. Opening his eyes once again, recognition came to him as he finally realized who was near him. Leon. Subtle moments began fleeting as Kaimera studied the dark angel before him. A smile crossed his lips, and he outreached his hand to touch his face. If he did, he would caress it for a moment before speaking. “No one ever comes back for me,” Kaimera paused for a moment. “No one ever saves me,” he said as memories flashed through his mind of all the times, he had to rely on himself for safety. Even when it included his own team. “Thank you, Leon. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

WC: 995
TWC: 6,336

Nemui likes this post

Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:18 am
It froze, the arrow he fired at the man just froze then shattered. He can't say he didn't see it coming but there was hope of him getting a clean hit on him. When he saw him talking to Kouji that's when it all kinda clicked for him then hearing him call Kouji nephew just sealed the deal. However that wasn't the problem at this moment, the bigger problem was that Kaimera was still being held captive but that changed as Kouji snapped back causing his uncle to get upset and dropping him. Leon would watch as the two family members began attacking each other with water style jutsus. As Leon began to notch up another arrow he was yelled at not by Kuraokami but by Nemui yelling into the tree line.

'Take care of Kaimera, I need to help kouji.'

Leon couldn't even argue with this request, despite him not being a good medical ninja he couldn't exactly do anything in the situation they were in. He needs to get to Kaimera luckily both Kouji and Nemui was distracting Kuraokami this letting Leon to leap from his hiding position and approached the bleeding ninja. As he did he would lay his hands lightly on the wound, which would cause this electric tingling to course through Kaimera. When he opened his eyes relief fell on Leon though he was taken back by him touching his face. He would hear some words that normally would have put tears in a person eyes as Leon looked around before grabbing the kunai Kai had and started to cut his lab coat. "I wasn't gonna leave you behind. None of us were." He told him as he used the coat as a bandage as he used his general medical knowledge to put pressure on the wound. Leon would begin to lift up Kaimera to move him from the area as fast as possible. "You wanna repay me, don't give up and get yourself mobile we need you right now." Leon would move Kaimera over to the tree line to continue the treatment at least at the best he could though he knew Kaimera was gonna need medical help. "I'm failing spectacularly but I'll be damn to give up on you." He told Kaimera as he moved to dress his wounds occasionally looking over at the fight. He wanted to get Kai further away but moving him too much in his condition was a terrible idea right now.

WC 413
TWC 3341
Kouji Masaki
Kouji Masaki
Stat Page : Kirigakure's #1 fan!
Mission Record : Mission Record
Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 68600

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Tue Jan 09, 2024 8:03 am
Kouji was too focused on fending his uncle off to notice much else, but as Kuraokami froze his snake's mouth technique he noticed Nemui arrive from the opposite direction. If he hadn't just screamed the air from his lungs he would have told him to run, to take Kaimera and Leon and leave him behind. After all, this was a family matter. Now that was a funny thought. Earlier today both Nemui and Kaimera had spoken of remaining behind, and yet here he was in the position to want to do the same. Regardless though, he couldn't say anything and he doubted his ally would listen anyways.

It was standing there, trying to breathe again that time seemed frozen. Not just time, everything seemed to permeate a frigid aura. Snowflakes seemed to fall before his eyes, materializing from nothingness. His body felt cold, well, it always felt cold, but colder than usual. A numbness ran through his being, as if his blood might not just run cold but literally freeze inside his veins. He didn't know what was happening. One moment he was in battle and the next... this. The wintry air enveloped him, a glacial hug from beyond. Not warm, yet still supportive and, oddly, safe.  It wanted something from him. It pressed in harder to his body as if seeking shelter. It roamed his pale skin until all his corners and grooves had been discovered. And yet... still no purchase.


Kouji understood it now. It wasn't outside him at all. This feeling was within him, surging, begging him to release it. As it called, he answered. He could feel it, how to mold his chakra into the element of ice. Then, instinct took over. Tiger > Snake > Ram > Snake. His hands formed the seals intuitively, nothing in him knowing what they would do. But his uncle did, even with only half his attention on him. He sneered cruelly at his relation, "We both know you're not ready for that. You haven't even learned how to mold ice yet. Leave it to your useless father to not even help you discover the secrets of your Yuki heritage." With that Kuraokami focused fully on Nemui and jumped to avoid the shockwave. That... was his deadly mistake.

Because Kouji was ready for it. Whatever it was. He could feel his chakra spring to action, molded to perfection. He couldn't help it as it began to form. Something primal raged up within him and he shouted, "Ice Release: Thousand Flying Needles of Death!"

Even as the words left his mouth he could see his uncle try to turn, try to react to his jutsu. A look of shock was on his face, and something else too, some emotion Kouji couldn't quite make out lurked there as well. Ice needles, hundreds and hundreds of them, crashed through him with such a ferocity that some could be seen exiting his back and outwards to skies beyond. That shocked look stayed on his face, and that other elusive emotion, through the pain and through his fall until his body crashed back down to the ground. Kouji didn't know if he was alive or not, he didn't care, because once again he was seeing snowflakes. Except this time, they fluttered in a confusing dance, eventually falling to a growing blackness outside his vision. He panted, breathing hard, trying to keep the cold at bay, to get ahold of himself. His allies needed him, his teammates needed him, his friends needed him. But still, his vision began to fog and he fell to his knees breathing hard. "N-Nemui... I-I think I'm-"

And he then was out.

WC: 609
TWC: 4,245
MTWC: Exceeded/13,000
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 145190

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:19 pm
Nemui observed Kouji as something seemed to be happening to him. He didn't understand the conversation's implications between his comrade and the man they were fighting but suddenly, the man leapt into the air, avoiding the shockwave. He'd left his sword behind lodged between Nemui's left elbow and knee, so the boy took that as a small victory. What Nemui could not predict however was the sudden surge of ice needles produced by Kouji. They flowed forth like a torrent and their target, the now helplessly airborne man. Nemui watched the man carefully, assuming he might have some method to counter the attack. Seemingly however, he was at a loss for what could be done in his predicament and the assault of needles began ripping him to pieces. An echoing pained shout spilled forth from the man while his life was extinguished; whatever plans he had for Kouji would forever remain a mystery. Nemui heard Kouji's voice, although weak, causing him to face the boy.

Seeing him begin to fall over he'd leap over using his right arm and leg, he'd lunge his face beneath the water, gripping the boy's shirt with his teeth and lifting the boy out of the water so he wouldn't drown. Nemui then began crawling towards the shore with his right arm and leg whereupon he would lay Kouji down safely. It was at this point he'd turn to look for where the man landed although it appeared his body had been washed away by the river. With the injuries Kouji's ice needles caused, Nemui couldn't imagine the man would be capable of moving let alone swimming, so he'd assume for now that he died. Still, he couldn't leave Kouji alone just encase the man wasn't dead or if he had accomplices. Nemui's gaze fell on the man's sword, its freezing aura had stuck both his elbow and knee firmly to the blade's surface. The boy fell backwards onto his rear, placing his left foot against the ground and his right foot on top of it, to hold it in place. Nemui leaned forward and grabbed the blade's handle with his right hand before pulling backwards, leveraging it like a crowbar until it would suddenly come loose, releasing his limbs. The act of doing this ripped off sizeable chunks of flesh, exposing the bone underneath.

With the point of contact being frozen he wasn't able to feel any pain just yet, aside from the cold itself. Knowing this would change however, Nemui braced himself for when feeling might return and furthermore, he aimed to reach Kaimera and Leon before that could happen. So once again he picked up Kouji with his teeth and began awkwardly throwing himself in their direction, kicking off his right foot and landing with his right hand. While passing the treeline he'd finally see Kaimera where they left him, thankfully with Leon at his side. Nemui gave no thought to how awkward he might look and simply rushed over to the boys where he'd also find out Kaimera wasn't dead. He'd drop Kouji immediately at that point and begin forming one-handed seals with his right hand, Bird - Boar - Dog, before placing the hand onto Kaimera and initiating a D-Rank version of the Healing Hands technique. It would slowly mend Kaimera's wounds putting a halt to his bleeding. Nemui regretted not having time to do this earlier but also remained thankful that Kouji had survived.

With a moment to catch his breath having passed, he'd finally state "Kouji appears to have killed that guy but exhausted himself in the process.. I didn't see his body but it should have fallen in the river.." Then as if someone flicked a light switch off in Nemui's brain, he slumped over unconscious, his injuries finally catching up with him. Upon closer inspection if anybody chose to do so they would find the injuries were not fatal but required medical attention all the same. The comfort of being with his comrades and seeing all of them survived had ultimately caused the adrenaline that was keeping him awake to fizzle out. Nemui's face adorned a smile that persisted despite now being unconscious, although his eyes would close and his breathing slowed to a steady rate as though he was sleeping. In this vulnerable state he would now rely on the others to seek medical care or provide it.


Using Event Item: A-Grade Firework

WC: 731
TWC: 4,028
After Event Item: 6,042

Claiming: 25% off for Max Stats
Eight Inner Gates [Skill] 0/1500 > 1500/1500
Crashing Thunder Charge 987/1500 > 1500/1500
Willow Cannon x1 Speed | 0/2063 > 2063/2063
Willow Cannon x2 Speed | 0/2063 > 1966/2063

Mission Rewards: 1xD, 3xC, 2xB
32,000 Ryo
Current Ryo: 24,440
New Ryo: 56,440

161 AP
Current Bonus AP: 888
New Bonus AP: 1,000 (Mission rewards exceeded cap, discarding excess AP gained)

Last edited by Nemui on Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:22 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed Mission Rewards)
Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:03 am
“Thank you, Nemui,” he said while the blonde began to heal his wound through rejuvenating chakra. Kaimera could feel the pain that was caused by the open injury begin to fade away as the skin stitched itself closed. Breathing a sigh of relief, he tried to sit himself up; however, fragments of numbness still lingered in his exhausted body and fell to the side. He figured he would have hit the ground, but he collided with something warmer.

“Oh, sorry about that.” Kaimera said as he looked up to meet the gaze of the one who he had fallen into the chest of none other than Leon. Staring at the face of the dark-skinned genin, he felt something stir in his abdomen. The feeling a white heat beginning to form. The warmth flooded and moved to his cheeks as they began to flush with a light pink hue. It was a feeling he tried to his best ability to describe, but he couldn’t quite put the finger on it. 

This feeling was almost the same way he felt for Izu at the beginning stages of their ‘so-called’ relationship. He called it that because he hasn’t seen her in months. No communication. No letters. Nothing. It seems she has all but forgotten about and left him behind. Perhaps his feelings were starting to dwindle with her but come to fruition with Leon. Or maybe he was just some sort of emophilia. But lying here again, he could feel something, and was sure Leon could too.

Noticing he was lingering for quite a time onto Leon and fixated his gaze on him too. Kaimera shook his head and moved himself off from the male to stand up. “Well, we need to get Nemui to medic ASAP. You got Kouji and I’ll get him.” Kaimera said as he talked his blush off with a gleam before picking Nemui up and running to the nearest medic or the hospital before meeting with the administration, telling them about their patrols through the headquarters, residential area, trade district, the village outskirts, the slums, and the village walls was completed with moderate casualties.

As for the topic of Kuraokami. He was presumed dead, but yet no body was ever found.

WC: 373
TWC: 6,709 (+2,500 for Fire Work) = 9,209 WC

+32,000 Ryo (Raising Ryo: 231,250 Ryo -> 263,250 Ryo)
+161 AP (Raising Bonus AP: 520 -> 681 AP)
+15 to Vigor (Raising Vigor Stat: 125 -> 140)
+10 to Chakra (Raising Chakra Stat: 100 -> 110)
1500/1500 to Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave (B-rank) 

1000/1000 to Fuinjutsu Breaking (C-Rank) 

1125/1125 to Great Fireball Technique (B-Rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
3000/3000 to Learn Water Release (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
1312/1312 to Cleansing Aura (B-Rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
147/750 to Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-Fabric Smoke (C-Rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
1125/1125 to Water Release: Water Severing Wave (B-rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
With Over 6,000 WC, memorizing Leon's, Nemui's, and Kouji's chakra signatures.

9,209 - 9,190 = 19 WC left over to be thrown into the void.
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Wed Jan 10, 2024 5:22 pm
It was over, the collision could be heard from where Leon was as well as the sound of water splashing around. He was about to get up but what could he do, he would clench the kunai in his hand. As Leon sat there with Kaimera keeping the pressure on just in time for Nemui to come to them. His eyes would shoot straight to him, but before he could really speak he would watch as Nemui start to do hand signs before touching Kai. He would do the thing that Leon couldn't he was healing Kai and it was clear that he was as Kai's injury started to fade away. Leon would breathe a sigh of relief before remembering that Nemui was hurt. When he collapsed he would notice that Kai was trying to get up but that didn't last long as Leon caught Kai as he fell into his chest. His blue eyes stared down at Kai as he rested against him, Leon would take note of his blushing face as a soft smile crept across his face. "You're fine, just be careful please." He told him as he caught the other genin, though he watched as he got himself back up. The dark skin male would release Kai as he moved to grab Nemui as Leon reached down and grabbed Kouji.

He would lift him up off the ground as he saw Kai walk away to do the same with Nemui still with a coy smile as he remembered that cute blush he had going. When they took off Leon would place Kouji over his shoulder and began to head to the hospital too. Once there, and had dropped off the unconscious ninja, he would start to head to the roof where he stood there and looked over the city. His breathing was picking up as his pupils dilated, Leon would start punching the wall on the roof and kicking boxes and the side of the wall too. He would then inhale deeply before letting out a loud scream as well as a few tears drops out of frustration. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHH!!" He was upset, upset about the situation but more upset with himself, he couldn't do anything against Kuraokami. All he did was pull Kai away after he put his life on the line, he tried to do something just to fail miserable at it, then when he finally did get something it was destroyed before even reaching Kuraokami. "Stupid, stupid, STUPID, STUPID, WEAK!" Leon felt like a failure, like he didn't deserve to have that headband he wore on his head. The constant moments of him just observing was painful. Kaimera, Nemui, and even Kouji went out and fought their hearts out and all Leon did was hide in the tree and shot a single arrow all because he didn't think about advancing his training he just lazed around the village like a bump on a log, hell even the old lady Heifu probably would have went toe to toe with Kuraokami if it meant protecting her team. He would snatch off the lab coat he was wearing and launched it at the wall. He didn't deserve to wear it not after what just happened, if the mizukage saw him he would have been made to return to the academy or worse told him he couldn't be a ninja no longer.

If things had went worse than what did well what could Leon have done, Kouji would have been taken, Nemui would have died along side Kai..... Why was the thought of Kaimera dying lingered longer than the others maybe because of the fact they flirted with each other more than the others. Maybe there was a spark there that he didn't know about or that just didn't realize until now but he's getting sidetracked. He would place his hands on his head and through his silver hair as strands of black hair was peeking through. His back was against the wall and he was slowly sliding down the wall, face just buried in one hand as he constantly ran through the scenario in his head eventually his hand would stop stroking his hair as a few strands fell in front of his face. Looking at those few strands he would stand himself back up and grabbed his discarded coat tossing it over his shoulder. Leon would clear his throat and started to breathe gently to bring himself back down to avoid causing a scent within the hospital. He'd look around the roof to see if anyone heard or saw him up there throwing a tantrum. He would make his way back down before stopping in Kouji room since they would be really focused on Nemui after his bone was exposed. Leon would just stand there as he realized that he can't stay like this any longer, he needed to get better and become better because he doesn't want to be the weak link of any group he's in. Watching from the sidelines as his teammates struggled to fight someone where it should have been 4 on one. Leon may not be that great at iryojutsu but he was gonna still try, he was gonna take a different path now one that he was gonna be away from medical jutsu and towards something different. His knowledge of medical will come in handy in the future as he gathered the last of his items and began to leave the hospital. He would head towards administration to leave any more reports and to collect, the sparkle that was normally in his eye became a bit brighter as he looked towards a new future. After leaving the administration he would look at his torn up lab coat and sighed. He would start that walk home walking through the many districts as the destruction was clear, one man did this because he didn't like how the village was under hoshi. There were better ways to go about this than taking the lives of many of the innocent people, men, women, children, none deserved such a fate and then their families would have to mourn for them for years to come. Leon would grip his coat as he walked forward occasionally stopping to help out people and some Shinobi who needed the extra hand. Eventually he would make his way home crossing the path of some of his family members before they all got home.  

WC 1073
TWC 4414 (+ fireworks 2207) = 6621

Exit claims :

Kouji Masaki likes this post

Kouji Masaki
Kouji Masaki
Stat Page : Kirigakure's #1 fan!
Mission Record : Mission Record
Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 68600

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:48 pm
Kouji woke up. Alone and what seemed to be a hospital. His brain was fuddled and he tried to piece together what had happened. It took far longer than he hoped as the minutes passed. Eventually, a nurse popped her head in as he became a bit more with it.

"Excuse me, do you know what happened to my allies?"

She smiled at him and began to check his vitals as she answered, "Yes! They are all safe. They've already received any treatment that they needed and have left. It seems you ran out of chakra, so you've needed a longer rest than they did. You should be free to go whenever you feel well enough to walk."

Kouji let out a sigh of relief at her words. They were safe. That was all that mattered. "M-my unc- I mean, and what happened to the terrorist?"

The nurse shook her head sadly, "We don't know. His body wasn't recovered, but it was likely he died of his injuries or drowned in the river that swept him away. Do you need anything else?"

He shook his head and thanked her for her time. As the nurse left he looked out the window with a sense of dread. Without a body he, at least, will not be counting his uncle as dead. The man was too skilled for that and, honestly, too skilled to have been hit by his attack. Something was off here and he had to figure out what. That wasn't all though, he had one other conflict to resolve soon. Someone had been lying to him, and it was about time he called him on it. A conversation was going to be had between him and his father. He didn't know how that would end. His discovery of his uncle had changed his father in his eyes. It like he didn't even know the man. Which meant he was capable of anything.

With these troubled thoughts to consume him, Kouji was awake and rested for quite some time before getting up and leaving the hospital. Quite troubled indeed.

WC: 349
TWC: 4,594
MTWC: Exceeded/13,000

WC after firework - 4,594/2 = 2,297 + 4,594 = 6,891

1,769 WC Ice element (the rest learned here)
1,750 WC Thousand Flying Ice Needles of Death B rank
1,500 WC Chilling Advance B rank
210 WC Pureblood (The rest learned here and here)
1,662/2,000 WC One Handed Seals

Eligible 68 (max stats at +57 points - the remaining 11 being converted to 22AP)
+37 chakra
+20 speed

Mission Completion:
+ 32,000 Ryo
+161 AP (also adding converted 22 AP - new bonus AP total: 461)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:03 am
Leon Rentei wrote:

WC 1073
TWC 4414 (+ fireworks 2207) = 6621

Exit claims :

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:03 am
Kouji Masaki wrote:
WC: 349
TWC: 4,594
MTWC: Exceeded/13,000

WC after firework - 4,594/2 = 2,297 + 4,594 = 6,891

1,769 WC Ice element (the rest learned here)
1,750 WC Thousand Flying Ice Needles of Death B rank
1,500 WC Chilling Advance B rank
210 WC Pureblood (The rest learned here and here)
1,662/2,000 WC One Handed Seals

Eligible 68 (max stats at +57 points - the remaining 11 being converted to 22AP)
+37 chakra
+20 speed

Mission Completion:
+ 32,000 Ryo
+161 AP (also adding converted 22 AP - new bonus AP total: 461)

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Hellfire and Holy Water - Page 3 Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:04 am
Kaimera Yakedo wrote:
WC: 373
TWC: 6,709 (+2,500 for Fire Work) = 9,209 WC

+32,000 Ryo (Raising Ryo: 231,250 Ryo -> 263,250 Ryo)
+161 AP (Raising Bonus AP: 520 -> 681 AP)
+15 to Vigor (Raising Vigor Stat: 125 -> 140)
+10 to Chakra (Raising Chakra Stat: 100 -> 110)
1500/1500 to Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave (B-rank) 

1000/1000 to Fuinjutsu Breaking (C-Rank) 

1125/1125 to Great Fireball Technique (B-Rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
3000/3000 to Learn Water Release (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
1312/1312 to Cleansing Aura (B-Rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
147/750 to Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-Fabric Smoke (C-Rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
1125/1125 to Water Release: Water Severing Wave (B-rank) (25% Off Due to Max Stat)
With Over 6,000 WC, memorizing Leon's, Nemui's, and Kouji's chakra signatures.

9,209 - 9,190 = 19 WC left over to be thrown into the void.

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