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Atem <3
Atem <3
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Aid Of The Holy Empty Aid Of The Holy

Mon May 02, 2016 3:27 pm

Standing on the right side of Lucien Atem began to speak of the chuunin missions, “Ah, so we need one more requirement and it’s the lowest one. An E rank mission. This should be easy to do so let’s go ahead and get started.” Atem said to Lucien. Not waiting for a response due to his eagerness he began to walk to the mission board and the section where E rank missions were labeled. “Ah, here we have a mission called Holy Helpers. It seems we have to go into a holy place of worship without using chakra or harming any of the people there and lastly, they will show strong refusal to the food, clothes, and medicine we have to give them."

Yanking the paper off of the mission board he began to walk to the closest church-like building he could see. “Lucien you know of any holy building around here?” He asked.

[WC 154]

Last edited by Atem on Mon May 02, 2016 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Aid Of The Holy Empty Re: Aid Of The Holy

Mon May 02, 2016 3:36 pm
Lucien sat about simply listening to Atem while he figured out and planned how this mission would go in his head. "So we've got people that are in a place of worship, we need to be diplomatic so forcing them is out of the question. Not that I'd really care to either way. The objective is to assist them by offering a decent amount of food, clothes, and medicine. Sadly, neither myself nor Atem can use chakra at all while within the boundaries of the place." 

Lucien darted his eyes toward Atem and put his right hand around his own mouth at the speed of 28. This was done in a way so that no one with equal height or higher to himself would be able to see his lips. Whispering very lowly just enough for Atem, a member of his own clan, to barely hear, Lucien spoke. 

"This seems like such a trouble task but in all honesty, it's pretty simple at the core of it. The only thing I don't like is the fact we can't use chakra while we're there. It breaks the rules that both of us know as staying on our toes at all and any times. Anyway, yeah, I know a place around here and I'm pretty sure it's the one we're being sent to. It's called the place of Mind and Body. I've seen it around before when I got shooed away for practicing my techniques nearby, that's when I figured out what it was for. Cmon, follow me." 

Lucien dropped his hand from around his mouth at the speed of 28 and put it back to his side where he'd then jump to a roof and then roof to roof for a short while expecting Atem to be beside him on this final roof. "Alright, the place of Mind and Body is over there to the right and the food that we need to get is down in the shops toward the left. Pick whatever you like, and I'll do the other job. Get the food or stay watch for anything strange just in case." Lucien said all without turning to see if Atem was there yet or removing his hand from his mouth. He spoke then still just loud enough for someone with amazing hearing to hear. 

"Let's see, what will he choose. I'd prefer to stay on this roof and have my hair rustle in the wind, but whatever works." 

WC: 410
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Aid Of The Holy Empty Re: Aid Of The Holy

Mon May 02, 2016 3:50 pm
Hearing the words that were coming out of the mouth of Lucien the knew it would be best to follow him and so he did, on the way there he could see a few people laid up against the wall looking as though they were famished. “We need to get food to them as well.” Atem thought to himself. Lucien then telling him that we had to get food from the shops on the left and the place Mind and Body was on the right it was obvious what needed to be done. The first stop was the shop.

Going into the shop Atem and Lucien could see that it flourished with people of all statuses, as if it were some big field day for the people the hustle and bustle of the crowd interested Atem due to how some of the people they passed were hurting for food and money while all of these people spent their money on useless things such as jewelry and other accessories.

No matter, all that would be fixed now with this mission for the time being at least. Atem and Lucien made their way to the first vendor they had seen and showed the merchant the mission paper. He accepted the mission paper and gave Atem and Lucien food as charity. With sacks full of fruits and vegetables they went tot the holy place called Mind and Body. Knocking on the door and hearing it resonate from inside he could tell that it was pretty empty yet it had a vast space.

A few more knocks and someone finally answered the door with a stern voice. “What is it you want.” The stout old man said rubbing his long grey beard.

Well, sir we would like to give you guys this food and we will be back in order to give you the medicine now if you would have us?” Atem said in a mannerable voice.

Are you one of those paganistic shinobis?” He asked. “Yes sir we are, but I don’t see why that should hinder our diplomatic relationship? No, why does it hinder any relation we have?” Atem asked curious of his philosophy.

He simply answered with, “Because of you we suffer.

[WC 528]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Aid Of The Holy Empty Re: Aid Of The Holy

Mon May 02, 2016 3:59 pm
Lucien simply watched and listened as the man said that because of them was the reason that they would and did suffer. Well, if that's what they considering suffering. He's seen much worst within his home of the Hunter village. Lucien, turning around at the speed of 28, said with his mouth barely open and only audible enough for one of his clan to hear, "I'll get the medicine now." 

Lucien vanished with just a few moments and was already going roof to roof heading over towards the hospital where he could simply tell them the reason why he needed all the medicine that he did. Specifically, it being a mission to help the often help needing people of the Mind and Body place. "Thank you very much, have a great day." Lucien said in a nice manner as he exited the hospital's main door with a decent supply of medicine that he'd now need to deliver. 

"Hmm, I wonder what's up with Atem and that guy. In fact, I wished I had stayed. That conversation was just about to get pretty interesting in my eyes. Oh well. I'll have to just check in late I suppose." Lucien said lowly only enough for superb hearing to catch it. 

And off he was moving again from roof to roof where he would then meet up with Atem in around just a few minutes as the distance between the two buildings was very minimal. Lucien walked up behind Atem and passed him all of the medicines at a speed of 28, about 20 containers worth or so. 

Speaking out loud this time, Lucien said "How do they manage all of this medicine? Guess we really are blessed by the stars." 

After that, Lucien waited to see how Atem would present the medicine to them all. This would be fun to watch. 

WC: 719
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Aid Of The Holy Empty Re: Aid Of The Holy

Mon May 02, 2016 4:08 pm
Lucien taking the initiative to go get the medicine turned out to be better than he had imagined, with this he was able to persuade the man who seemed to be the leader of the holy place or the priest if you will. Atem spoke of how they showed initiative and although it was true that because of ninja we have war he made the priest understand that if we didn’t have ninjas to create war then it could become something worse. Humans are naturally destructive, they know no bounds and their greed will never cease.

Religion is a good control for that, but now that my partner is on his way back I would implore that you let s in so we can help the people inside including yourself.” Atem said.

The man then opened the door with his mouth agape, as Atem entered he could see that there were people strewn about the cathedral-like building and they all seemed to be in some sort of pain. Had they left this place they could have started some sort of epidemic, but that didn’t matter at the time. Atem and Lucien divided the medicine and food into even proportions and still had a surplus of each to last them for 3 days.

Well, our job here is done. We’ll be back to check on you guys in two days just in case you run out before then." Atem waved at the man before he and Lucien left. He knew he was successful in persuading the man when he waved back with a huge grin. Atem and Lucien then went to the Royal Palace to report all that happened, Denkiteki was very pleased with what he heard and compensated them for it. Bowing before him they left and went their separate ways. Until they meet again (Which will probably be tomorrow)

[Exit, claiming 1 CD w/ Village Leader, 1 AP, 500 Ryo.]
[WC 840]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Aid Of The Holy Empty Re: Aid Of The Holy

Mon May 02, 2016 4:10 pm
[When I'm essentially covered.]
WC: 719 
Claims: 1 CD w/ Village leader, 1 AP, 500 Ryo
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Aid Of The Holy Empty Re: Aid Of The Holy

Tue May 03, 2016 12:52 am

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