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Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Hellfire and Holy Water

Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:07 am
Da Missions:

The sunrise from behind the mountains as the rays of light consume the darkness. The clear blue sky spread widely with no clouds to cover the magnificent view that the morning brought upon Kirigakure. The lack of clouds made the sky look even more blue than usual as birds moved through the air minding their own business and chipping away. Beautiful fields of wheat covered the lush terrain as Kaimera came back to the village as he was studying plants in the forest and was requested to participate in a series of patrol missions. With the change of scenery, the night guards changed with the morning guards as everyone began their morning routines. A peaceful morning was like no other, calming and tranquil. Kaimera couldn't ask for a better way to get his start. 

Kirigakure was as busy as nothing had changed; The great gates stood tall as the wooden doors were open allowing people in and out. Guards and shinobi stood surveilling the gates, the closer he got to the gates the more they tend to look familiar even with so much time passed things didn't change dramatically. Kaimera stood in the center of the entrance looking around, some guards stared at him as they spoke to each other, and shinobi also stared at him; they all recognized him, but some really didn't know him as there seem to be a small tension between them as Kaimera ignored them and continued to walk the streets.

His heterochronic eyes watch the villagers move around not wasting time to begin their day. The more he walked the more things began to look familiar until he reached the market of Kirigakure. It was busy merchants selling goods towards customers, restaurants seemed full, shops were also packed to the brim with villagers and travelers alike; Everyone with a smile on their faces from kids, parents, grandparents, to the employees and even the shinobi that stood around to guard the market. The walk was quick and enjoyable. After a good ten-minutes, he passed through the markets and arrived at the village’s headquarters. Kaimera stood in front of the building as he stared at the door, he was meeting someone or someone's here to embark on a series of missions. 

This was the first stop on the list. Meet here, patrol around the headquarters, and notify of any strange occurrence. After that, they will take their journey towards the residential district, trade district, and the village outskirts, which then, would lead them to the slums and the village walls. The further they patrolled, the more dangerous it became. While not fearful of what could come, as he has been in many dangerous missions, he was more anxious about who he was teamed up with. He’s only been on missions with his team and the Kage. So, new faces made him nervous. What if he didn’t like them? Worse, what if they didn’t like him!? Giving a sigh, he leaned his back against the concrete structure near the door and waited for those that made up his squadron.

TWC: 512

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Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:40 am
As the day progressed Leon would make his way towards the headquarters, he was called to take on a series of missions that includes him doing some patrolling. Now Leon had no problem with doing these missions but the problem was that he was still undergoing training he doesn't exactly know many techniques but he had to give his best no matter what. If he is able to do anything it would probably be scouting at least he hopes so. He can't risk losing his ability to go on missions right now. The 16 year old was wearing a white lab coat with his headband on his forehead, where it should be, and a kunai pouch on his back under the coat. He was dark skin with silver hair shines a bit in the light as his ocean blue eyes surveyed the area. Since he was coming from his home he didn't have to worry about being too far from the headquarters but he definitely felt he was going to be the weakest link in this patrol if he's not careful.

Once he arrives at the headquarters Leon would look around before his his fell on Kaimera. The Shinobi would walk forward stopping before him and smiled softly. "Hey I'm Leon, Leon Rentai, please call me Leon are you the one who's also here for the patrolling too?" The young man would stretch his hand out towards him out of respect and in hopes of a handshake back. "Is it just us or are we expecting more people to show up?"He asked him as he started to move next to him joining him as he started to look around at the many people who were walking the streets before them. To Leon he wanted to make sure he didn't come off as annoying but instead as a trusting friend he just has the tendency to talk forever or start mumbling to himself about anything and everything.

WC 327
TWC 327

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Kouji Masaki
Kouji Masaki
Stat Page : Kirigakure's #1 fan!
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 68600

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:35 pm

The rays of the morning sun had just started to peek out, illuminating the dark, night-time corners of their village. Kouji yawned surreptitiously as he left his house and mentally prepared for the day. He was normally an early riser but dawn was a bit too much so, even for him. However, you couldn't compete with the beauty of it. The light filtering between the buildings, only a few people about before the true bustle of the village came to life.

As he walked he saw bakers, porters, and a few other civilians who had their own reasons for being about so early in the day. Beyond that there were plenty of shinobi, if one had the eye to look for them. Their duty to patrol and look for danger was undiminished just because of the time of day. He would be joining their ranks soon, relieving a tired ninja who had fulfilled their duty for the day, or night in their case. He was happy he was finally being assigned more difficult missions, becoming of use to the village beyond the simple tasks he had accomplished so far. Not that he didn't value such work, the village had all kinds of needs and not all of them were glamorous. But he knew he could be of service in a greater capacity than he had so far. He just hoped he could take the lessons from his last patrol to heart. He would not fall so easily again. At least he hoped as much, or Izu would have his hide.

It was thinking of this that his hands twitched, half forming the seal for Ram and casting the clone technique. He caught himself in time and forced his body to relax. He had learned that jutsu in a trial by fire, and the experience had served him well when he went for his Genin exams. But it didn't make him want to relive the memory. He never wanted to feel that helpless again.

He was soon interrupted from his musings as he realized he had arrived at his destination. He was startled he had arrived so quickly, he had been in deeper thought than he had realized. Yet, he wasn't the first to arrive or even the second. Two shinobi waited at their first patrol location and neither he had met before. He raised his hand in greeting and gave them a warm smile.

"Hello, fellow shinobi. I'm Kouji Masaki. It will be a pleasure working with you two today. What are your names?"

WC: 425
TWC: 425
MTWC: 1,264/13,000

Last edited by Kouji Masaki on Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Bad math for MTWC)

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Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 145190

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:35 pm
Nemui's waking moments for the day would be spent remembering a nightmare. In it, he was not himself but rather a fairly tall man, accompanied by a large group of civilians. For some reason he and this group were fleeing from something. Whenever Nemui attempted to glance over his shoulder it was a blank canvas following them, seemingly preventing him from understanding what they were all afraid of. However, this blank canvas caused an unbridled level of fear to overtake him, causing his legs to numb before suddenly a bright light flashed from behind him and at that point, he woke up. A strange nightmare but Nemui had never given meaning to such things, so he'd brush it off and get ready for work as though it never happened. After washing himself, eating a banana and drinking some cold brew coffee, the boy would get dressed in his usual patchwork attire and leave to meet up with some fellow Genin.

The beautiful day and the busy streets of Kirigakure quickly caused him to forget the events of last night. Nemui took note of the people around him, ensuring no criminal activity was taking place along the way, since the missions he would be partaking of all involved patrolling the village. Gradually, slowly making his way to the meeting spot, the boy wasn't in a rush since he lived fairly close by. While studying the populace surrounding him, Nemui suddenly realized he wasn't feeling anxious despite looking at people fairly intensely. Normally he'd be quite shy and pay little attention to his surroundings, however while acting in the best interests of the village, he had conquered this shortcoming. Nemui would briefly smirk while realizing this before dismissing the feeling of accomplishment so he could continue focusing on his surroundings.

Not long thereafter the group he'd be working with today came into view and Nemui realized he was the last to arrive once again. At least this time he also recognized a member of the group, Kouji. The two boys had met during some prior missions accompanied by another boy and girl. This time it looked like the group consisted entirely of boys. What first stood out to Nemui was the boy with red and white hair, a very unusual sight; not wanting to be rude, he decided to avoid staring at or talking about it. Arriving some time after the others would have made their introductions, he would wave and begin speaking. "Hey, nice to meet you both, my name's Nemui." His gaze swapped between the two faces he'd not seen before. Following this he looked to Kouji, "And I'm glad to be working with you again."

Wearing a sincere smile, Nemui was happy to be among some familiar company this time around. He'd hope at this point for the two unfamiliar boys to introduce themselves before getting started on the missions.

WC: 481
TWC: 481
Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:35 pm
The calming weather and muting colors brought tranquility to the male Yakedo as he soaked in the atmosphere. A serenity of calmness is something he quite enjoyed. From what he knew, the world could be a dangerous and hostile place; therefore, times like these are always meant to be appreciated. Well, that is what he believed. Standing against the cool concrete wall, he could feel his chest slowly heave in and out as he relaxed. The harmonious sounds of songbirds came along with the cool, gentle breeze. A faint sound came over that noise. It was that of slowly approaching footsteps on the gravel road that made up most of Kirigakure.

Turning his focus towards the closing in steps, he looked up at the taller male that stopped a few meters before him. Heterochromia eyes meet ethereal yet piercing blue ones. As the individual named Leon began to talk, Kaimera began to take note of his entire person. Hair as silver as the most pristine metal you could ever see. Dark but equally as enchanting skin that almost seemed to glow underneath the bright rays of the sun. Covering most of skin was his attire, but what really stood out was the lab coat that he wore. Perhaps a medic, or maybe some sort of scientific researcher. Kaimera is sure he’ll know in due time.

“Yes, I am,” Kaimera’s melodic voice rang out as he outreached his hand to place his palm against Leon’s, “the name is Kaimera Yakedo.” He enticingly said as gave a slow shake to the boy's hand. Looking down at their hands connected, a thought formed inside Kaimera’s head before he let go allowing his arm to fold back into place with his other across his chest as a smile plastered against his face. “I suppose you’re a medical ninja? If so, your hands are wonderfully soft. I wonder what other activities you do that keep your hands so moisturized.” Kaimera said as his smile fell into a smirk. “But to answer your question, yes, we have a couple more coming.” He answered as he slowly looked past the taller male and noticed another individual walking their way, waving at them. “Speak of the devil, here is one.”

As the new genin greeted them, Kaimera took the time to study this one as well. Silvery-blue hair that radiated an elegant shine. Eyes so blue that you could almost get lost in them if you kept staring into them for too long. Skin almost as pale as a ghost, but what was most interesting was that his aura was like a dark, winter night. Even though it is winter, this one intensified that coldness. Saying it was chilling was an understatement. His attire was made up of colors closely aligned to the pigment of his hair, eyes, and skin. After observing Kouji, Kaimera spoke up. “Hello, Kouji, I am Kaimera Yakedo. It seems you came with the very forces of winter.” He then gave a respectful bow to Kouji.

As quickly as the first two came, so did the third. This one was rather small. Must be suffering from a case of dwarfism, how tragic. On other notes about this one, he had long fiery, golden hair that was almost the length of his body size. However, while his hair was different, his eyes were not. They were almost the same color as the others being that of a dark tinted blue. So ordinary but it doesn’t make it any less beautiful. “Welcome, Nemui. I am Kaimera,” he announced, offering a bright smile with his head tilted to the side. 

“Now, that introductions are out of the way. Shall we get a move on,” Kaimera said as he raised himself off the wall that he was leaning on and used his thumb to initiate for them to begin to move. Moderately moving, he started his trek around the headquarters at the front of the squad. As they moved, he was sure some would initiate small talk, something that Kaimera would not do. Choosing to be quiet as they moved through the area. However, he wouldn’t be entirely quiet as if someone spoke to him, he would give an honest answer back. Was it just that he was shy or nervous? Perhaps, but maybe he just needed time to get accustomed to working with others on a moment notice.

WC: 731
TWC: 1,243

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Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:33 pm
Leon would smile as he felt his hand shaking it as he introduced himself though when he commented on his hands and their softness which caused Leon to chuckle a bit. "Thank you," he said as he couldn't help but smile as he brought up his lab coat and asked him his projection a bit. "Oh well kind of, my family is really good at medical jutsu where I am not I'm decent at regular medical first aid." He admitted as he pulled his hand back embarrassed about it but was still smiling. He hasn't exactly used to people talking about his hands at least not like this though his thoughts would be interrupted by someone else. Leon would turn around to face the silvery-blue hair young man and just smiled as he stared at him as he introduced himself as Kouji, he almost expected him to say his last name was Rentai mostly because his similar their eye color was. The 5'11" tall genin would place his hands in his pockets before looking back to Kouji he would get ready to introduce himself until a forth person came up.

When he did Leon would notice how he spoke to Kouji showing that they knew each other. Leon would smile when as they introduced themselves as Nemui, Leon would take a hand out and wave at them both as he opened his mouth again to speak. "Hey, I'm Leon, Leon Rentai it's great to meet y'all both." Leon said with his hand stretched out towards them if they wanted to shake it. If they did or didn't the genin would smile before as he pulled his hand back and placed it in his pocket as he faced Kaimera as he started to move after saying this was all of them. Leon would move behind him as they started to move, normally Leon was a bundle of questions but right now he couldn't think of anything that wasn't exactly a stupid question until he remembered that two of them already met. "So you guys been on missions together already? Have you guys already done missions besides these?" He asked as he looked at Nemui and Kouji then back to Kaimera as he started to look around the area examining their surroundings. "I haven't been on many yet, kind of been stuck trying to multitask and falling short in a few areas before actually getting a chance to go on a decent mission." He said as he started to look around slightly as Leon was realizing he may be talking a bit too much and decided to shut up and let everyone else speak and waited to hear any story they all would be willing to give up. Leon would look towards the sky as he listened to everyone, the day was truly beautiful as the sound of voices was everywhere. His eyes would eventually fall back to the people around him as he should before starting to think about his mission before when he met an old lady cleaning a monument.

WC 510
TWC 837

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Kouji Masaki
Kouji Masaki
Stat Page : Kirigakure's #1 fan!
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 68600

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:17 pm
Kouji would smile warmly at everyone as they introduced themselves, providing an extra warm one for Nemui, whom he had met before. He was always interested in meeting Genin, after all, he would be teaching kids this age one day. He just had to make sure not to do that now, rarely do ninja of the same rank like to be 'taught' by others. He'd been accused of bossing people about before. However, it wasn't long before they set off on their patrol.

"So you guys been on missions together already? Have you guys already done missions besides these? I haven't been on many yet, kind of been stuck trying to multitask and falling short in a few areas before actually getting a chance to go on a decent mission."

"We have! We did a set together the other day alongside Heibon'na and the newest Genin to join our ranks, Mako." He paused and took a breath, hoping he didn't get too serious as he continued on, "I've done a variety of missions so far, but I'd be careful about being too eager to complete them. Shinobi die every day, and few make it past Genin or Chuunin. Today will mark my highest ranked mission though. We'll have to be extremely careful when we patrol the roughest parts of town."

He blushed a bit and looked away, embarrassed. It seemed he couldn't entirely suppress his teaching streak, even when it was for the best. He was grateful they had started at perhaps the easiest place to patrol, headquarters. But he was worried starting easy might lower his guard as they went to the shadiest parts of town, let alone his allies. He knew Nemui was capable, in spite of his size, but it was his first time meeting the other two and Leon seemed pretty green. He was honestly surprised they had assigned him a mission like this on his first few rounds. Kouji had been given steadily more difficult tasks instead of being thrown right into the deep end. Although perhaps that was a testament to the potential in his ally. He'd have to watch him closely, he might have more to learn from him than the other way round.

WC: 371
TWC: 796
MWTC: 3,357/13,000

Last edited by Kouji Masaki on Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Bad math for MTWC)

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 145190

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:05 pm
Unaware of the rude thoughts Kaimera had regarding his height, Nemui would smile as he was welcomed to the group. As usual everybody else was taller than himself but that no longer bothered the boy. As Leon offered his hand, Nemui would take it in his and give it a firm shake. "Likewise Leon, here's hoping today is uneventful." Later, concurring with Kaimera's suggestion that they get a move on, he'd nod in agreement "Sounds like a plan." The group would then begin their patrol around headquarters. It was a pretty solid idea to start with the safest mission, Nemui would believe. During this mission he'd focus most of his attention on scanning the area for suspicious activity, however unlikely it may be this close to headquarters.

Hearing Leon initiate a conversation concerning Kouji and himself, Nemui would think about what to say but quickly noticed Kouji had an answer formulated already. Listening to the conversation although his attention was really on their surroundings, it didn't sound like there was anything for him to object to. At the end of it however, Nemui noticed that Kouji sounded a bit flustered at the thought of danger and what could happen. To this he would attempt to comfort the group by adding "Don't worry though, if we run into any situation that's beyond us, I volunteer to stay behind and cover the retreat." Despite being sincere in this statement, Nemui mostly wanted to assuage any fears the group may have by assuring their safety, he didn't truly believe such circumstances could take place.

Still, he'd be prepared for the worst now that promise was made. The boy also fully believed he would be capable of fighting off any potential assailants, given his strength. It was about this time when they'd finish their patrol around headquarters and begin moving into the residential district. The area was still quite safe and one could ordinarily patrol it without encountering any problems. So taking a moment to try and keep things moving, Nemui would speak to the group. "How about we get to know each other's abilities a little better encase we do run into trouble?" Pulling up his right sleeve to reveal a sizeable amount of muscle, he'd continue. "I practice Taijutsu and focus mostly on my body's strength, so I can also lift really heavy things if anything like that comes up in future."

This could prove as useful information he thought. "I also have the Water element, big shocker for somebody living in Kirigakure I know." Nemui would chortle. Then feeling like he had nothing more to say, the boy would finish by saying "And well.. that's me, if anybody else wants to share." At this point he'd look expectantly at the group, hoping somebody else would open up as well. Should they do so he would excitedly listen, always eager to learn more about the people around him. Despite this conversation piquing his interest however, he would not fail to continue observing their surroundings and listening for anything nefarious.

WC: 507
TWC: 988
Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:52 pm
It was not long before small talk and conversations began to fill the silencing void in their walk around the headquarters. Topics ranging from how Kouji and Nemui have already been put to work together, everyone's specialties and talents, then simple but obvious advice from Kouji. While Kouji wasn’t wrong in his counsel, it still struck a nerve with Kaimera. Perhaps, he was still sensitive about it but who could blame him. The mission was a success; however, with the number of losses he - they - experienced, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was worth it.

Choosing to forgo the thoughts and the majority of the conversation, he retrieved the book out of his back pouch that also housed an assortment of ninja tools and items. The title on the cover read “The Wonders of The Eye”. He read silently, absorbed in the text that explained the functioning of the oculus. Frowning for a moment, Kaimera placed the book into his pouch, playing with his hair thoughtfully as he considered what he had just read.

While the vision was a glorious ability granted to most living organisms, in the case of humans, it was rather lacking. Compared to other animals Man was essentially blind; there were many natural flaws and limitations in a human’s vision. But the one that worried Kaimera the most was a human’s poor night vision trait. In the dark, humans could barely distinguish their surroundings, and for a ninja, such a thing was dangerous. To be incapable of maintaining full awareness of one’s surroundings left one vulnerable to a sneak attack. But there was a way to get past this predicament. Like for Kaimera, he had the Kashōgan, which was a power eye dojutsu strictly to his clan that allowed him to see on an infrared spectrum. It was a unique ability, but still didn’t compare to his teammates Byakugan.

As their destination around the headquarters was completed, their next journey was towards districts near them such as the residential and trade districts. But first, they must pass through the Ginza district. Basically, where the rich people come to shop and eat out. Elegant stores and eateries packed the area, scent of high-end pork filled Kaimera's nostrils. The aroma was mouthwatering. Yes, while he did do most of his shopping here, exquisite dining was not his forte. His favorable choice is the tavern right outside the district. It was loud and rowdy, excellent food, and decent party goers. Unfortunately, he was on a mission and couldn’t stop by to grab his favorite meal.

Kaimera was lost in this sense of luxury until he heard Nemui speak up about how they should have a grasp on what each other could do. He supposes he could elaborate on what he can do to the others; plus, what better way to make friends than to open up. Waiting for Nemui to finish, he would speak up after.

“Surprisingly enough, I do not wield the water attribute but do harness fire, wind, and my clan’s kekkei genkai, scorch release. I have an array of ninjutsu abilities in my arsenal, but I also have some medical ninjutsu like our companion, Leon. However, I am not a healer, I only use offensive medical ninjutsu techniques.” Kaimera stated as he briefly paused before continuing, “I also have my clan’s dojutsu, the Kashōgan which allows me to see through an infrared spectrum.” With that being said, he concluded his statement allowing for the others to chime in with their abilities.

WC: 586
TWC: 1,829

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Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hellfire and Holy Water Empty Re: Hellfire and Holy Water

Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:58 am
Leon eyes would look over at Nemui when he said he'd stay behind if things go sideways, Leon would shake his head as he wasn't into the whole sacrifice yourself deal. "Don't do that, I'm certain we all can get back safely or maybe I'm just an optimist." He said as he continues to walk along side everyone as the next question came about and this was a bit more difficult on him. He would have to tell them that he was basically fresh out the academy which wasn't a problem for him but the others might not be the greatest fan of this knowledge. "Well, I'm pretty good at throwing stuff. I um kind of fresh out the academy I can still go toe to toe with the anyone." He admitted as he continues to walk as he didn't want there to be any confusion. "I was in the process of training but.... The person who was training me just... Didn't come back so I'm kind of just self training and such." He said as he turned to look at Kaimera once more as he listened to him.

As the destination changed he would look around already examining it. He would listen to the hustle and bustle around them as they left from the headquarters to Ginza district. He would look around the area as the smell of food hit him hard, he would look at certain stands that was selling some good looking food while also looking at buildings. "So very fancy." He stated as he followed behind everyone though he was certain that the fact he doesn't know much but he was the weakest link the problem is that he is someone who will still fight if need be but oh well he has a team. His medical knowledge is vast as long as it's nothing crazy he can help with at least basic first aid. Why did he have to be so terrible at iryojutsu, his family were splendid and very knowledgeable about iryojutsu but he continues to struggle with it maybe it's just not his thing.

WC 351
TWC 1188

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