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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Everyone wants a piece of me!

Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:35 pm
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Last edited by Sakurai Ushitora on Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:07 pm
Blue skies and a sunny afternoon in kumogakure village.  Sakurai would be seen jogging in a 30 meters radius circular plain field of fine sand (60 meters in diameter), turning his head into different directions as he moved, yet, focused on his path. Directly surrounding the circular field of nothingness were thick forest that one can not pass through, see through or jump over. There was only one entrance into the field, which was an alley, north of the field. On both sides of the alley were thick forest that one would not be able to pass through or see through or jump over. The sun was smiling brightly that one could see the shadow of anyone in the field, and even  the shadow of anyone coming from the alley would not fail to be visible.

At the center of the field, the ushitora would be jogging from edge to edge, east to west and west to east.  The crimson head would be totally aware of his surrounding, as he was not one to let down his guard just because he was doing a physical activity, and would be ready to react to anything that comes up at anything point in time.

The ushitora would be seen in a turtle neck white shirt, black short and black sneakers. Perfect outfit for jogging. The crimson head Ushitora would hope to go further to spend more time jogging in this beautiful yard, for as long as he wanted, if undisturbed.

WC: 248
Kana Mi
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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:36 pm
Meiski Ushitora (Hunter-C):

And yet it was fate that decided that his peaceful jog would come to an end. His hopes of it going on undisturbed would be in vain, as the assassin made her way to her mark.

It must have been about a month now since Meiski first received her assignment. From that time, the female Ushitora had kept a low profile but found her target within the Lightning’s range. Meiski lacked the knowledge as to why the crimson Ogre would be spending his time within this village, and she didn’t have the time to entertain her curiosity.

All she knew was that it was time to bring an end to this assignment, with either his or her loss.

The civilians were skeptical of her questions, but after a little convincing they didn’t mind pointing her to where the crimson Ogre was spending his morning at. So Meiski headed in that direction. Time was running on an edge, it wouldn't be long till some of the ones in charge would end up being the ones asking the questions and Meiski couldn’t afford to be discovered.

So she made her way along the alley that led to the empty field of sand. Fully aware that such a decision would lead to her being discovered by her target, but under the given circumstances Meiski didn’t have any other option. She would be coming face to face with her opponent and there would be no need for traps or an ambush.

The dense forest that ran along each side of the alley suddenly opened up to view the field of 60 meters in diameter. Her target was running back and forth within the center, making him 30 meters away from where she stood at the entrance. Meiski clicked her tongue to draw his attention if she didn’t have it already. “It’s been some time, Sakurai. I hope you know how to entertain an old friend.” Her words cut through the air in a cold, hollow tone. Both Ushitoras came from the same dreaded village that met the fate of a terrible drowning. No doubt he would recognize her from back then when they were so young.

Fate was so cold, twisted, and yet so beautiful to bring the two into such a predicament.

Last edited by Kana Mi on Sat Nov 05, 2022 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding color to dialogue)

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Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:03 pm
The early morning jog had been nothing but exciting and nourishing so far. That's how much the crimson head was enjoying the activity. Sweat drips from his body and some droplets to the ground as he jogged back and forth, some section of his clothing partially soaked in his own sweat. The boy's sneaker was already looking dusty. Every step he took, as he jogged, had made the dust around each footstep to bombard the formerly neat and nice looking sneakers. 

However, the exercise would be cut short, as an unknown figure would start approaching the plain field of fine sand. The shadow of the female figure caught the crimson head's attention. Sakurai would notice the lady as they were coming from the alley, and the young lad who was now directly facing north would fix his gaze on this approaching figure. She seems to be someone he knew from when he was little, But Sakurai doesn't want to jump into conclusion. The lady's voice would ring through the air as she uttered some statement.   “Is it that...? it must her. Meiski!” The ocean blue eyed would say to himself.  These two were born in the same village, and it's been more than a decade that they separated after the flood that hit their village. “It's been more than ten years. How did you find me, Meiski?" The boy would ask with his eyes narrowed and fixed on the lady in front of him, 30 meters away. His old friend suddenly popping up in the arena seems strange to him, and the crimson head ushitora would want to confirm if the cute little angel he knew back is the same person  standing in front of him. The ushitora, at anytime, would be ready to react accordingly. 

TWC: 545
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:55 pm
"It definitely has been a long time. . ." Meiski turned her gaze to the sun that showered above them, for just a moment if so. It was on that moment that the female Ushitora failed to have the ability to fully explain the situation to Sakurai.

It wasn't a situation that Meiski was meant to explain anyways. She was just meant to do it, no questions asked.

"I didn't have much of a choice, Sakurai. I dearly wished that we could have met again in under different circumstances." And with that, there was a sudden shift in the wind as tje sound of rustling leaves filled the quiet void of an odd, unexpected reunion. Meiski smiled softly, a smile that made her look somewhat sad about the fact that her mission was moving forward.

And then she suddenly pivoted forward, her lightness skill taking affect as the female Ushitora launched herself 5 meters into the air and five meters forward towards her target. Landing with a brutal demonstration of her strength as Meiski landed a blow to the very ground in which she made contact with. Her fist connected to the ground as both a sonic wave and deadly earthquake spread simultaneously from her contact with the ground.

The fine sand around them would kick up as her attack spread out 35 meters from her new position, at full given speed and strength which was more than demonic. This attack spread from above and through and threatened to knock Sakurai backwards if his strength failed to overcome this new threat.

Battle Notes:

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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:40 pm
It was probably very glaring by now, that male ushitora was not so excited by the sudden appearance of his old time friend. Something just does not feel right with Sakurai. The crimson head ushitora was attacked more than twice during his journey to kumogakure. Even after his arrival to kumogakure, he had been attacked twice. His old time friend suddenly popping in the 60-meter diameter arena just does not sit right with him. Even from her body and facial expression, something felt off. The horned female ushitora started talking about how she wished that they had met under different circumstances. Every single detail and word, the horned boy had been noting since the very beginning and this just does not still make sense to him.  The ushitora had his eyes fixed on Meiski who was 30 meters away from him, when suddenly his old friend would pivot forward, launching herself into the sky, 5 meters into the air and 5 meters forward. The female would land with her fist striking the ground. A powerful wave and dust cloud would spread out upon the horned female’s fist connecting to the ground. 

 Why would she be attacking Sakurai? Initially, the crimson did not understand what was going on, but, he at least knows that his life would be in danger if he does not get out of the way of the incoming technique, or defend himself from it. The ocean blue eyed was fully aware of every detail of the technique used. The female ushitora had used Sakurai’s strongest jutsu, and it was this same jutsu that helped him to instantly end the life of the assassin lady who last attacked him. Upon Meiski activating the hydrogen bomb jutsu from 25 meters away, Sakurai would watch as the dust cloud and wave moved a meter, before dashing backwards, but his face facing forward. Sakurai would move out of the range of the technique, moving 12 meters backward. At anything point in time, sakurai would be ready to react accordingly.  Unless Meiski has other means of detection or sensory, she would not be aware that sakurai had moved from his initial location while in the dust cloud. Although, sakurai was aware that the dust cloud would blind meiski, as it is currently obscuring his own vision, the crimson head would be reluctant to attack the ushitora lady. Not wanting to attack his old time friend, he would simply be at alert, ready to react accordingly to anything that comes up.
TWC: 963
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Fri Nov 11, 2022 7:24 pm
The dust scattered along the field as Meiski listened closely around her. There was no response that followed after her attack, which of course was to be expected.

The very moment she was assigned this mission, Meiski couldn't help but feel as if this task was foolish to partake. Ushitora agaisnt Ushitora.

They both was already aware of how much each of them could body.

This battle would be the type that would last for an awfully long time before one of them bent the knee.

Even now. . the battle refused to fly into motion. Even as she announce the first attack, Sakurai didn't appear through the dust cloud to strike back. He was only making this more difficult, dragging it on like this.

Meiski drew in a breath. The cloud would soon disperse and it was his turn to make the move. She willed it!!


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Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Sat Nov 12, 2022 8:01 am
Sakurai was still reluctant to attack the horned female. But at this point, the male ushitora felt that he should use some light attacks of his own, not wanting to go full power on his old time friend. Although, if Meiski continues to attack him, he might change from being reluctant to going full power.
The dust cloud was still visible in the arena, and Meiski seems to be centered in the dust cloud, at least, that was where sakurai last saw her before the cloud obscured both of their visions.  The Ushitora would simultaneously unleash his enhancer technique and would pull out five shuriken, throwing them at his target. Two shurikens were thrown in such a way that they would curve inward to hit the target, each curving to hit the left rib and right rib respectively, one was aimed directly at the torso, the other two shuriken was thrown such that they would curve inward, sideways, behind the target to strike them by the side of the torso should the target (Meiski decides to move backwards). Using the dust to hide his attack, Sakurai threw the projectiles with the impression that Meiski was still at the point where she activated her hydrogen bomb technique. The projectiles were thrown with precision and would move quietly through the dust. Being projectiles and not chakra made, Meiski would not be able to sense or detect them unless she has the means to do so. An even if she was able to sense them by some means, she still has to react to evade or blocked the attack, or else, her precious body would be a nesting place for the incoming shurikens.
Sakurai at any point in time would be react to react to whatever comes up.

Enchanced Strength (-40AP)

1200 AP - 40 AP = 1160AP

New Stat
Strength - 200
Speed- 140

Shuriken throwing speed / Impact force = 70/70
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:08 pm
Meiski charged forth and the dust cloud began to disperse. She was unaware of the new distance between both her and Sakurai, and the flying shuriken that was closing in on her, but that didn't halt her into waiting for some attack to come to her instead.

Instead, Meiski dashed forward as her hands wove into signs. As the dust cloud dispersed, the oncoming attack would become visible for the female Ushitora. But that didn't change her current act of advance, instead she pressed on. Advancing 10 meters forward at full sprint from the position that Sakurai aimed for his shuriken to strike. That ones that was aimed for her sides and back behind her would end up colliding into one another whenever they finally curved inwards, but the one flying straight head-on would be met with a different fate.

A stream of fire expelled from her parted lips after Meiski dashed full speed to cover the 10 meter distance that she had in mind. This distance satisfied the plan that etched within her mind, and the on-coming shuriken still had distance between both her and it as the stream of fire extended into a great wall of fury. This wall of fury became 20 meters wide and tall, and will spread to its full given range of distance forward.

The shuriken caught in the fire's path would melt under the overwhelming intensity as the fire clawed towards the male Ushitora at it's given speed.

Battle Notes:

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Everyone wants a piece of me! Empty Re: Everyone wants a piece of me!

Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:01 pm
As the shurikens made their way to their mark, the cloud would start to disperse and reveal the hidden attack. The horned female would have no problem escaping the projectile attack.  She had moved away from the location that sakurai originally thought she was at. Sakurai did not expect the shurikens he threw to end this fight anyways; he only threw them to slow down Meiski. But that does not seem to work. The female ushitora was not slacking in her attacks in any way.  Sakurai could see Meiski dashing towards him, and although, the crimson head could have used this opportunity to attack the lady, he was still reluctant, and the boy wanted to see what the ushitora lady was up to. The only thing the ushitora would do was to deactivate his enhancer technique. He only activated them to help with the shuriken power and speed anyways, and to sakurai, it has done its job.

 At this point, the dust cloud had dispersed and there was nothing obscuring the ushitora vision.  After moving 10 meters at full speed, and now 27 meters away from sakurai, she would use what seems to be a fire jutsu that would rapidly and instantly expand, after moving a meter, into a 20 meters wide fire wall. Sakurai upon seeing the fireball jutsu, realized one thing. Using a technique of this caliber on someone she has not seen in ages, she is definitely here to kill him. sakurai has had several attacks these past few months. Perhaps, the same set of people who wanted him dead hired her to do the job. The ocean blue eyed knew he had to survived, and to do that he would have to be on the offensive from on. Sakurai does not have any defensive technique. More so, the only route of escape from this arena is currently being blocked by the ushitora lady. Not that the male ushitora was thinking of escaping, but he did not want to kill meiski, but her actions are tempting him to do so. 

Plunging into the offensive upon seeing the fire wall form 26 meters away, the ushitora would simultaneously activate another of his enhancer technique and the motion for one of his strongest technique, activating the jutsu. In a blink of an eye, the activated jutsu would fill the atmosphere, and would race towards Meiski. The 20-meter-wide firewall would have supposedly obscured Meiski’s vision, because the firewall was formed right in front of her. The female ushitora would not be aware of any of Sakurai recent actions unless she has the means to do so, or the ability to see through the firewall. Being four times faster than Meiski’s firewall jutsu, sakurai’s day time tiger jutsu would have moved 24 meters by the time the firewall moved 6 meters, and 28 meters, by the time the firewall moved 7 meters.  This does or does not mean that sakurai would detonate his jutsu at these distances. The crimson head’s next offensive move would be determined by how meiski react to the this, and if she survive this attack. The male ushitora attack would surely put some heat to this battle, as sakurai has been the one slowing it down initially, but is now stepping up his attack. Sakurai would watch closely to note the right time to detonate his technique or when to use another technique. In any case, the pure blood ushitora would be ready to react accordingly to anything that comes up.

TWC: 1842

8 gates -( 7th gate = 50 AP) 

Daytime Tiger ( 240 power and speed = 50 AP) 

Remaining AP = 1160 - 100 = 1060AP

(All actions done at max speed possible)
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