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Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:38 pm

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] A9ZAf7m

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] RlNMUAA

Arantima had Pakuun resting on his shoulder as the little creature was taking a nap. Pakuun had already given him the rest of the directions that he would need to find Yugure through their telepathic connection and Arantima couldnt contain his excitement. He looked back towards Kana-Mi and his smile was nearly insane with its mirth as he spun on his heal in a full spin, swinging his arms out like a child might. He laughed and jumped, dismissing pakuun so as to not disturb the little owl with his sheer joviality. "Im coming home! Im almost there Mizu-ane!" He shouted out as he saw the pathway through the gate that was ahead of them and his whole being started to vibrate as he took a few runnign steps forward and jumped Forty-five meters into the air as if it was nothing to do so for him.

His hands both swiftly formed the handsigns Bird - Ram - Dragon and suddenly his legs were wreathed in small dust storms and as he fell through the air he took a soft step off the very air as he hit Twenty meters above the ground and began to step across the air at that immense height so that he could have a better vantage "Kana-mi Its gorgeous from up here! Look at our home!! I cant wait to explore every inch of it! But.. I really cant wait for you to see Mizu in her best moods! Mizu is such a wonderful person if she can let her walls down.. I so hope she can do that here finally. for once. My sister deserves to have a home surrounded by family."

Arantima falls onto his back and begins to spin rapidly down in a corkscrew towards Kana-mi and then flips back and takes a gentle step off the air at about three meters above the ground to land next to her and reach for Kana-mi's hands to grab them happily and gently. "i am so happy you decided to come.. I know.. it must feel strange, but i promise we will make it feel like something you would have regretted not experiencing.. Now.. Back up I go!" He Takes a few running steps and leaps back up to Twenty meters high once more and begins to take his gentle and competly silent steps on the air.

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] RlNMUAA


- 30 to activate Step on high ladder C rank

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1510/1540

Vigor: 90 |  Chakra: 30 | Speed: 150 - 30 (120)| Strength: 30 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 45 Meters

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] A9ZAf7m
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:29 am
“This place is enchanting. . “ were the words that were uttered from Kana’s soft lips. Her carmine eyes looked about herself, trying as hard as she could to take in the full picture of what was before her. She couldn’t decide what she loved most about the place; the waterfalls that spilled from the water veins or the view she witnessed after passing the front gate.

. . . or the way that Arantima reacted as he too beheld the place’s beauty. Kana witnessed the full event of Arantima dancing and jumping high within the air, to which he proceeded to walk onto the air itself. One of her red eyebrows raised in amusement, this was definitely something she had never witnessed in all of her years. The enthusiasm this man possessed was sky-high at this moment, as he called for Mizuki. Announcing his arrival to the very air around them.

“It definitely is beautiful~” Kana agreed with Arintima’s statement. Glancing around, half expecting to see the dark haired woman somewhere about. The one that was named Mizuki.

Kana felt as if many things were happening all at once, and hearing the word family from Arantima’s voice had her taken aback. Family was a subject that she hadn’t really thought of for some time now. It was a shock to be thinking of that word once again, but hopefully, it meant a good thing this time.

Arantima returned back to the ground, grasping her hands with his own as he spoke to reassure her. Kana nodded in return, doing her best to trust his words as she watched him go back to the air. It made her chuckle lightly, witnessing the man having hardly any restraint for the excitement he was experiencing just now. She continued to follow along, wondering what things would soon be unfolding for them. Her feet kept to the ground as Arantima stayed up above.

{WC: 315}
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 6:51 pm
Waking up in the new confines of Yugure she would sit up in her bed, staring around at the still room and hearing nothing but wildlife and the eerie silence only a too large space with too few people could muster. She had spent the time creating the space and while she loved it, walking the grounds felt empty … hollow. Once she longed for the peace of solitude but now she felt an itch in her bones that called for action. Getting dressed in more leisurely attire than she had worn for a while - a long flowing blood red Kimono that dipped down to her waist in the front, hair long and flowing, choosing not to wear the signature wide brimmed hat this morning. The hat was her personal token of battle, foolish but she had had it for so long now that when it was on it was like a switch in her mind - without it she was.. Calmer. 

Taking the path that led to the shrine she would stare up at the stone effigies of the original seven, recreated exactly as she saw them in the tomb of Kyuketsuki in the Wind Country. Not fully entering the room she would gently bow her head to the figure of her father before turning from the room and moving through the main entry. Once she was outside she took in the court yard, still with motion but blooming with life. Taking a deep breath she would look up to the sky and see… Arantima.. Walking on air. Stiffening suddenly she would stare before melting into the ground - sensing not just his but another’s chakra - follow it and meld back with the earth 6 meters behind the familiar red haired woman; Kana Mi. 

Standing still as a statue she would stare at the two - Arantima unapologetically flippant with joy - and Kana Mi unsure but smiling in earnest. Tilting her head to the side she stared for only a moment more before speaking, “Welcome Home.” Spreading her arms wide she would look up and around as though appreciating the space for the first time with them. “Care for a tour?” her arms would slide behind her, clasped as she waited patiently - reserved on the outside but exuding pride in her family.
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 54000

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 7:18 pm

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] A9ZAf7m

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] RlNMUAA

Arantima was just stepping along the wind, keeping an eye on the Compound before them, but not only that his gaze was all around them as well. His training had told him that while he was quite plainly visible up here in the air like this.. So too could he see anyone trying to observe him. However Mizu being Mizu.. Had wonderful timing and while he was faced away from Yugure proper and looking around to make sure there was no one following them or stalking them from the edges of sight he didn't see Mizu step out of the building before she melded with the floor as she does.

It wasn't until he heard her speak that he gasped once audibly and spun, taking a step off the air and sending himself bolting down towards the ground at Mizu's feet. He was aimed head first like a missile, traveling at speeds that were difficult for many ninja that couldn't walk on air to match. He tucked and curled right before hitting the ground and with a silent touch down he was kneeling before Mizu and the dust devils around his legs were gone.  He was not fully prostrating himself but the kneel was one of perfect respect and duty, as if a switch had been flipped in him the moment her voice hit his ears.

He took a soft breath and managed to peel his gaze off the ground, slowly making his way up her blood red kimono before meeting her eyes with his own Blood red serial killers gaze, which before was off putting behind the face of a young boy who knew nothing of the world but now was set into the wonderfully happy face of almost a man who knew how to control himself when needed, but perhaps might not always know when its needed yet.  His Smile was broad and his breathing in complete check as he said "Thank you Mizu-ane.. I want to see all of it, also we were not followed I checked." He pointed up and knew that it was a poor excuse but a believable one at least.

He looked back towards Kana-Mi and nodded to her before he looked up towards Mizu, as if wordlessly asking permission to stand.

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] RlNMUAA


-20 upkeep on Step on high ladder - speed returned to normal when dropped.

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1490/1540

Vigor: 90 |  Chakra: 30 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 30 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 45 Meters

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] A9ZAf7m
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Drifter
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Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:58 am
Find her by the river, huh?

At the shore of a flowing body of clear water Yazui would emerge from the nearby foliage. He looked around, observing his surroundings and looking over his shoulder frequently. He was unable to mask how uncomfortable he was, as part of him was expecting all of this to just be some elaborate trap. Thankfully, he found Kinko standing at the water’s edge. While the two were still not trusting each other, seeing a familiar face put him at ease. Especially since judging by Kinko’s body language and the way he was scanning the area he was also looking for the woman. Yazui expected her to be waiting by the water’s edge, but for now she was absent.

“So…”, Yazui would begin the conversation. “…..seems like you made up your mind as well?” He would nod at Kinko as a form of greeting before crossing his arms and looking around. He would be wearing the same outfit that Kinko had seen him in earlier; baggy dark pants and boots, simple t-shirt and red traveling cloak. The only visible difference would be the round, reflective sunglasses he was wearing right now, shielding his eyes. Yazui felt somewhat embarrassed at showing up wearing the exact same clothes as three days earlier, but it wasn’t like he was carrying a portable wardrobe. Still, once he was settled at Mizuki’s organisation, he would give his clothes a proper rinsing.

“Reckon you haven’t fo-“, Yazui would start before his attention was drawn to something in the corner of his eye. There seemed to be a man ascending through the air about 30 meters away from the duo. Yazui would instinctively position himself behind a boulder on the stony shore, obstructing the floating man’s view of him. From behind this point, he took a second view. The man seemed to be walking through the air itself. He would then descend out of Yazui’s view before ascending into the air a short while later. Yazui would look over his shoulder at Kinko. His voice, albeit the same in tone, took on a steely, calculating and almost authoritative quality that was at odds with his dishevelled appearance.  “Alright, first trust exercise. I say we go check it out. It could be other members of the organization. It could also be an enemy. Should it be the second, I trust you have my back. I, in turn, will have yours.” If there was no protest from Kinko, Yazui would slink back into the woods near the shore and into the direction of the flying man. He would move in short bursts from tree to tree, relying on the canopy of leaves and branches above him to prevent the airborne individual from spotting him. If this was an enemy, the last thing the Tenka wanted was to be attacked from the sky.

It didn’t take long for the missing-nin to draw close enough to see someone. There was still about three meters worth of trees between him and a road. The road leading to what appeared to be a gate of sorts. The thing looked magnificent, and Yazui had a hunch he was on the right track. He would briefly look over his shoulder to check if Kinko had followed him before observing the individual standing on the path. It was a woman, short of standing and with crimson red hair. She was clearly not the man he had seen in the air earlier, unless there was a transformation technique in working.

Then, a familiar face appeared.

It was Mizuki, rising from the ground as easily as she had vanished into it that night three days ago. She was wearing a red kimono, looking elegant as well as beautiful. She would extend her arms before giving the other woman an earnest welcome. This moment was followed by someone plummeting down onto the ground at high speed, kicking up some dust as he landed on both feet. It was the airborne man. Now that Yazui could take a better look at him, he noticed how tall this individual was. He easily towered over the two women and was broad and strong of build. Yet his demeanour almost seemed like that of an exited puppy at the sight of Mizuki. Yazui took note of the way he addressed her. Mizu-ane….

A smile crept across Yazui’s face as he remembered how flabbergasted Kinko had been at Mizuki’s appearance. “And now she had this guy acting like a puppy. What’s with this woman?” She was indeed beautiful, but there was a plethora of beautiful woman on the planet. If anything, the redhead standing there proved that point. So why act so…. Desperate for attention at the sight of just one of them. That being said, Yazui realized he hadn’t enjoyed a woman’s touch in quite some time. Back in Kumogakure no Sato he had always enjoyed their attention and had been quite good at getting it, despite his short stature. Yet the last few years romance had not been on his mind. Not that it was now, for even though Mizuki was stunning she was also a mysterious and deadly shinobi and Yazui doubted he could ever let his guard down near her in full.


Now that the woman’s presence was confirmed, there was no reason to hide in the bushes anymore was there? On the contrary, it would only make him and Kinko look more suspicious. Yazui would raise both hands at the height of his head, slightly spread outward before emerging from the treeline. While he didn’t expect Mizuki to attack him, the other two were strangers and Yazui thought it was sensible to appear as non-threatening as possible for now.

Emerging from the woods possibly with Kinko in tow he would approach the trio and come to a halt three meters away from them. “Good day..”, he would say in a pleasant tone, flashing a smile at the redhead and the man before addressing Mizuki. “Mizuki-san, consider your invitation accepted.”

WC: 1004
Stat Page : Kinko
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Ryo : 71000

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:13 am
The Kyuketsuki from the Lightning Country found himself by the river searching for answers.  The answers were held by someone he previously met, Mizuki.  Another Kyuketsuki but not just another Kyuketsuki but one of significant importance that has put a reason to withhold his search of another.  Kinko was not frustrated, disappointed, or upset with this new unforeseeable invitation.  Quiet contrary, particularly eager to see where this organization will go in the future.  He did not know much about it but knowing who this Kyuketsuki was, then this organization will surely not disappoint.  Kinko has always had a desire to raise to power, not for the desire to rule people but for the self-autonomy.

Regardless, he was fairly comfortable with the words from Mizuki, he believed he could trust her.  Much more than that dork from the hut. ‘This guy.’ The words danced in his head as Yazui approached him.  The two would exchange nods in mutual respect and perhaps, the two had now become a duo.  Kinko would look rather blankly at Yazui, examining him up and down. “Seems that you have had a rough couple of days.”  He said in a way to break the tension and build report, in a casual way.  However, in Kinko’s head, Yazui seemed to have had a rough couple of years.

Yazui was interrupted by a man who was running in the sky.  The two had quite different reactions, must have been the reaction of a paranoid missing shinobi.  Kinko would not follow Yazui into the coverage, for he felt no fear.  In fact, intrigue!  He wondered if he could learn that jutsu, what was it, what was it called.  Forget the cherub running through the sky, Kinko only wanted to know HOW.  He would never admit the envy driving his curiosity.  

Kinko looked over to Yazui, peering from a boulder like a genin hiding from his kage.  Kinko looked around to see if anyone else was seeing what he was seeing.  Perhaps, Yazui was being too careful, perhaps Kinko was being too casual.  Either way, there was a clear difference between the two.  Kinko would only approach the tree line, staying in full view of and from the river as he watched Yazui dash like a mouse from tree to tree hiding from a hawk.  Kinko would simply walk down alongside the tree, like a parent placating their child pretending to be a shinobi.  Kinko would nod in agreement regarding the trust compact to two would orally agree to.  Kinko nodded in acknowledgement, and only perhaps, in content if needed.  Kinko did not fear or question the trust of Mizuki like Yazui did.  

Kinko was from the same clan as Mizuki.  There seemed to be a natural sense of trust from Kinko.  Moreover, Kinko did not have that trust in Yazui.  It was interesting for him, to see Yazui not have trust in anyone and having to be relegated to trust Kinko.  Without more, Kinko would still plan to protect and defend Yazui as needed, hopefully this defense would remain orally.  There may come a point where Kinko too, could not do anything.  Yet, Kinko would surely try.

Mizuki would appear not far from the duo, in a lovely dress.  Kinko nodded his head in approval, not that she needed it.  She looked great, Kinko was sure she knew it too.  A smirk would appear on his face in response to Yazui's physical response of disgust, it was not very present, nor did he need to say anything because his face said it all. Certainly, the two were thinking the same thing about this oddly frenzied happiness from this man. Truly, a strange spectacle. “I am certain you will be eating out of her hands soon.”  He said with confidence and a smirk to convey the comedy, Yazui was living like a dog, so that made it even more ironic.
Kinko’s inner Kyuketsuki would show itself as he too, was reserved in emotion.  Making the walk towards the trio with little emotion to show, perhaps his body language showed an eagerness to learn but he tried to maintain his confidence and self-esteem.  Only for the evermore comedic appearance of Yazui by jumping from the tree line.  Kinko’s eye would blink in a showing of disapproval but would remain steadfast.  Almost like an older brother accepting the strange and bizarre actions of his little brother, of a little puppy even.

Kinko would smile at Mizuki and then turn and smile and nod at the other two.  Were they Kyuketsuki too?  He was noticing a lack of heart beats around.  He wondered where they were from.  And was willing to give information to get information.  “Hello Mizuki.”  He said in a smile, surely enough to indicate his desire to learn more about the organization. “I, Kinko Kyuketsuki and…” He looked over to Yazui forgetting his name, “Yazui from the Lightning Country are eager in this opportunity.” He said acknowledging and also speaking to the two other shinobi.  He would then bow in respect, only briefly, a quick bow.  Yazui’s last name was not important, it was clear he was not from this clan.  His paranoia reeked of it.

[WC: 844]
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
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Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Mon Sep 19, 2022 1:40 pm
Kana's carmine eyes gazed forth, traveling down the path that snaked before both her and Arantima, as if searching for someone. Arantima had already announced that Mizuki's presence would be about, somewhere within this fantasy - like setting. Thought for the time being . . the dark - haired woman was absent. So instead, Kana took the time to completely take in the place that surrounded her as Arantima continued his gravity defying walk across the air itself.

This place was much different from Tanbogakure. Although Kana had no intentions of staying within the land of Rice forever, she was still shocked by how quickly the time had passed within her stay. It still surprised the lass how the people of Tanbogakure didn't seemed bothered by the prolonged stay of strays as herself.

But now wasn't the time to be thinking back to that place. Tanbogakure was in the past for the time being and Kana couldn't judge as to whether or not she'll take the time to visit again. Perhaps she will for another drink or two, but not for the repeat of another season stay.

Kana's thoughts of Tanbokaure whisked away like a spirit in the wind, when a familiar feminine voice spoke from behind her. She already knew who it was before she shifted to face the woman before her. Both herself and Arantima was welcomed with open arms, and the silver haired man darted to the very ground at Mizuki's feet. Once again. . Kana wondered about the power that this woman radiated from her very being. Watching this man dive to his knees only made Kana even more curious. It only seemed to confirm Kana's first impression of Mizuki that she received during their very first encounter. This woman didn't have to flaunt her abilities to be intimidating. Her very demeanor spoke it.

Kana tilted her head into a brief bow in respect. Once again being amazed by this woman's capabilities with little need of demonstration. And once again the word 'home' echoed into Kana's thoughts as Mizuki brought the word to life. "This place itself is certainly spellbinding, Mizuki" Kana spoke with honest words, and honest intentions. Though she wasn't overly expressive with her excitment like Arantima himself, Kama felt a driven curiosity that wouldn't be objective to the exploration of this new place. Led by Mizuki herself to introduce it.

But then Kana felt her form stiffen as the feathery rythm of a heartbeat pronounced itself into closing range of the three. Her gaze shifted to the treeline, following the sound to see not just one person, but two appear from it. Her eyes quickly averted back to Mizuki as Kana relaxed her status, while still feeling like a tense spring ready to shoot if this situation in any cause was unexpected. She waited in hopes of sending some sort of recognition from Mizuki to the two other men that approached. Kana didn't know if she dared to wait or if she should interrupt them. Instead; she decided that she would wait for Mizuki's reaction. Being surprised when one of them introduced themselves. Another Kyuketsuki amongst the three, and the fourth. . well Kana could understand why the man was hesitant on introducing himself on his own.

{WC: 538 | TWC: 853}
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:56 pm
Hands clasped behind her back she would watch in interest as Arantima walked amongst the air, her eyes searching the space underneath each step for signs of how he was managing it - not narrowed but genuinely curious. Until of course he spun once more and dived for her, causing an eyebrow to rise as he descended at an accelerated rate before he was kneeling down in front of her. The show was a bit much for her palette but it was who he was after all and she had known long ago there was no changing the theatrics that were Arantima. He would be his usual exuberant self, explaining they weren’t followed from Tanbogakure. “Spell binding and encompassing, I can’t wait for you all to see it.”

Unfortunately for her brother he wasn’t exactly correct, while using Mayfly she was able to detect a pair of chakra signatures that weren’t exactly memorized but were so fresh in her mind she knew who it could be… with hands raised up the man with the interesting control over his emotional state would emerge from the trees and approach with Kinko following behind him. Shaking her head at the flash of smile directed at Kana Mi, and smirking in turn at the unspoken interest there. “I am so happy to see that smug face of yours Yazui and of course another family member is always a welcome sight Kinko.” To his small bow she would nod her head in a respectful acknowledgement. “You are both just in time-” Pulling one hand from behind her back in a fluid motion she would gesture to Arantima before placing her hand on his arm, a double meaning to keep him in check and to introduce him. “This is Arantima Kyuketsuki, he was the first family I found along the path, and this-” removing her hand from Arantima she would gesture, open palmed at Kana Mi, “-lovely woman is Kana Mi, another family member found along the path.” 

Taking a deep breath she would look at the small group before her, her eyes scanning each in turn - the violet eye tinged so deep in red the purple was hardly noticeable and the white looking as hollow as she felt at the thought of the coming months. “It pleases me to a deep degree to see you all here, this is as much my home as yours and I want you all to feel as included in its growth as I was in it’s creation. This organization has clear goals that I will share with you all but first… something more light hearted. Follow me.” With that she would slide both her hands into pockets sewn into the side of the Kimono and begin along the path lined with cherry blossoms leading to the main house. Inside there would be the main living space, kitchen, dining room, and a large hallway leading to different closed doors. “This is where you can choose your living space and settle down whenever you are home, the door at the end is mine.” 

Moving on through to an adjacent hall she would lead the group to the Yugure Sanctum, a room set in gold, swirling gold inlaid patterns of owl feathers swirl in the floor, solid gold feathers lined the walls like pillars and in the center sits a large mahogany circle table with several plush chairs equal distance around it. When walking in the room though a dominating gold statue of owl wings flows down over a singular white throne. “This is the official meeting room where all vital information is to be discussed, please take a seat.” She moved into the room, stopping as her hand touched the table and waited til all were seated in whatever fashion they chose. Instead of moving to the throne she remained standing at the edge of the table, tips of her fingers resting on the surface. 

“Before you jump in, there is something I should let you know. I don’t want to lead you on so I am going to lay it out on the table - my belief is that the world is sick. My methods are controversial but I have tried letting it play out on it’s own, and while under the hat of Kazekage I tried to enact change in the political fashion but…”, closing her eyes she would lean her face up to the ceiling and take in a deep breath. When her face returned at level with the group there was rage in her eyes, her face was calm but her eyes were wild as she stared at each face in turn. A glimpse at the true Kyuketsuki that laid dormant under her mask, a slight tremble in her fingers now as she continued, “... there lies the problem. Politics and words.” Turning from them in a 180 she would lean back against the table, her hands splaying out to hold her up - and the nails growing out to full length as the gentle words continued. “I see a world with this root problem gone… I see a world without the few telling the many how to live, who to kill, and where to go. Some call it chaos but I call it freedom. Your actions should be your own, not the orders of another. So if you wish to join me in this endeavor you are welcome… if not you may use my home for as long as you need before moving on with your lives. That is your choice afterall.”

wc 922
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:10 pm

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] A9ZAf7m

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] RlNMUAA

Arantima was standing just as he felt the heartbeat of someone enter his sensory range and he was suddenly up.. He had been moving slow, at a pace that most could follow but when he sensed something new he moved at his full speed. Luckily for the ones who approached as his arm flexed as he was armed literally to the teeth and ready to pounce at any time he was quieted only by the touch of mizu's hand. There was however a clear sense that even being this close was a death sentence had he not been stayed by her hand as his eyes pierced through the two new comers like they were kunai launched from a cannon.

He took even steady breaths and rolled his shoulders, the plates of armor on his Demons shroud armor shuffling lightly as he did and the blades up along his hands and forearms glinting menacingly in the sunlight that passed through the trees on the pathway. His voice was not seemingly muffled by the face mask that he wore either All=together he was a Black clad ninja with blood red eyes and stark white hair that was clearly armed and while there was a boyish exuberance to him at rest that was now all gone for a serious demeanor and a stance that showed by familiarity that his armaments were not just for show.

When his name is said he nods his head respectfully to the two newcomers though he himself does not yet speak as he keeps his eyes on them when Kana-mi is also introduced. When Mizus hand comes away from his arm he flexes the hand on that arm menacingly, though with his eyes closed it seems to be a  reflexive thing and less of an intimidation tactic. He takes a deep breath in through his mask and there is a soft and subtle click that follows the intake and proceeds the out pour of breath indicating that there is some system that affects the air that flows through the mask.

When his eyes open again they have lost some of their hardness but not yet all of it as he follows Mizu through into the Buildings of Yugure proper. Arantima follows Mizu's direction as she shows them the living areas and when she points out her own living quarters he casually walks all the way down to the back and when he finds the door Mizu had indicated as hers he finds the one directly to the right of it and presses his palm to the door and In a Blood red lettering his Name is suddenly emblazoned across the door.

Those that were paying attention would have seen his inhumanly fast hands form Ram and dog before touching the door but the speed at which his hands moved was immense. When his name was on the door he nodded and without leaving scratch marks in the door he pulled his hand away and ran his bladed hand through his hair without slicing up his scalp as he returned to Mizu as she moved the group onto the next room.

When he saw the next room he looked around in obvious awe and wonder but this was a reserved affair.. Especially when one considered this was Arantima we are talking about. He wandered across the room looking side to side, trying to take everything in without running up to it and touching it like he normally would.  When he was directed to sit he chose a seat that would allow him to look at where Mizu was without having to twist or turn at all.

As he saw her mask start to drop, that is when true mirth would show on what was revealed of Arantima's face as he started to bounce in his seat a bit.  He was keeping the majority of his exuberant outbursting contained for the time being but when she was finished talking he raised his bladed arm high into the air and nodded enthusiastically. "You know that I am with you no matter what Mizu-ane..  But i also agree.. This world is sick and I saw how hard you were trying to do it their way.. But their way is also sick.. its not strong enough to heal the sickness.  So the sickness needs be cut out root and stem." He places his hand down and looks at the rest of those gathered around, especially the two newcomers.

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1490/1540

Vigor: 90 |  Chakra: 30 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 30 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 45 Meters

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] A9ZAf7m

Last edited by Arantima on Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Drifter
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members] Empty Re: Flowing back to the heart [Only Yugure members]

Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:04 am
“This is spoken dialogue.”
“This is internal dialogue.”

Yazui and Kinko’s appearance riled a strong reaction in the man who had been airborne earlier. His movements suddenly escalated in speed as he assume a more alert and battle-ready position. His mask prevented Yazui from getting a better look at his face, but the death glare he gave both individuals was enough to indicate his mood. The intensity of this glare and the quickness of his movement made Yazui halt his steps and instinctively raise his arms an inch higher while also slightly lowering his head.

From overjoyed puppy to vicious, protective guard dog in less than a second.

It reminded Yazui of the recent night where he had been taken off-guard by Mizuki  and the missing-nin himself had a similar reaction. The main difference being this man was even faster and seemed to have a lot more weapons on him than just some kunai. There seemed to be an entire arsenal just on his arms alone, and Yazui could only assume his dark outfit held even more hidden blades. It was a good thing that Mizuki was there to put the man at ease. The whole thing made Kinko’s casual approach to all of this even more baffling to Yazui.

Mizuki for her part seemed ever so in control of herself and the situation as she had been a few nights ago. After easing the tension, she would return Yazui and Kinko’s greeting and……


Between Kinko’s overall condescending attitude and Mizuki’s insult, Yazui’s mood was starting to take a turn for the worse. Tensing his body at the words, he would draw in a deep breath before exhaling and nodding at the white-haired, flying man and the redhead respectively as Mizuki introduced them. The redhead for her part took the cautious approach. looking to Mizuki for any sense of recognition of Kinko and Yazui. This made sense. Mizuki was the person who had brought them all together. This was her plan, and Kinko and Yazui were here only by her grace. This especially seemed true for Arantima, who had ceased his directly threatening posture but still didn’t seem to trust either of them. Yazui had a feeling he would have to earn both of their trust if he wanted it.

Pushing his irritation to the side, he would follow Mizuki and the rest through the gates. When he had gotten up this morning determined to seek her out, he didn’t know what to expect. But it certainly hadn’t been this. Hidden among this decrepit, dreary country was a magnificent palace. Walking through its exuberant halls, for a moment in Yazui’s mind there was no room for feelings of paranoia or irritation. There was only awe. And, as he listened to Mizuki’s words, gratitude. No more dingy, decrepit huts or smelly caves. He would have his own room in a palace. Part of him wanted to do as Arantima did and claim a room and then burst into it like a gleeful child, but despite being overwhelmed he had just enough self-control to keep his emotions from spilling into the open. Instead he would look around him as he followed the group to the meeting room, taking in every detail before sitting down in one of the chairs, putting at least one chair between him and Arantima. He figured it would be best to keep his distance until he could gain some of the man’s trust.

Sitting there, still somewhat flabbergasted, he would nevertheless lean forward, putting his elbows on the table and folding his hands before his face. His reflective sunglasses would prevent anyone from seeing his eyes, which would follow each individual member of this group as they sat down, before focusing on Mizuki.

He would listen intently, not shifting his position as he took everything in. The part about her being the former Kazekage, her assessment of the current world…. And her vision of a new one.

Changing the world…

It was an ambitious plan. Could it be done by just these five individuals?

Cautious at how to react at this new revelation, Yazui looked at Arantima who was the first one to react. He had gladly eaten up every word she said and wanted seconds. His loyalty to Mizuki appeared almost zealous and while he claimed to agree with her vision of the world, Yazui wondered whether this was genuine or blindly following Mizuki’s vision. As for the Tenka himself, he wasn’t sure what to think. The world was corrupt and rotten, this much was obvious. But how much of it could be solved by overthrowing the current status quo? Even without the established order, people were still shits. The only difference between the vicious dictators of this world, one of which Yazui had served under himself, and the average joe was the power to actually exert their will over others.

Yet still, the thought of being part of something world-altering riled something in Yazui that he hadn’t felt in a long time.

It took him back to the past. A different time in Kumogakure no Sato where he had been a fresh genin. During a sparring session he was matched with one of the bigger, more dominant boys that had always looked down on him. And using his genjutsu, Yazui got the drop on him and hurt him so badly he had to be dragged to the hospital crying.

It took him back to the years during Youka Tau’s bloody campaign where he would amaze everyone who had looked down on him with how much of an effective soldier he was.

And now, little, scrawny, goofy Yazui would change the world.

It was perfect.

“Mizuki-sama..”, Yazui would say after Arantima was done speaking. “We’ve only known each other for a few days, and already you’ve granted me the opportunity of a new life. For that, I will gladly pledge my skills to your ambitions.” He was smiling broadly and underneath his sunglasses, his blue eyes gleamed with a hunger that had long been dormant.

WC: 1001
TWC: 2005

Last edited by Tenka Yazui on Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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