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Passing on the Torch! [Imane] - Page 2 Empty Re: Passing on the Torch! [Imane]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:50 am

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Passing on the Torch! [Imane] - Page 2 Empty Re: Passing on the Torch! [Imane]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:48 pm
The energy of the woman was something else- one moment calm and collected with the next featuring the tempest of the ocean in it’s fervor. Even her skills of observation didn’t fail her. Her compliment to his teaching skills revived the spirit of the smile that had never really left his face, bowing his head politely in return for the statement. “I’ve been learning more and more lately, so teaching I guess kind of comes along with that. I know where I struggle, so I can help other people when they struggle. Sort of a give and take, kind of thing.” A hand reached up to rub at the back of his own head. He wasn’t exactly used to being complimented on his technique, let alone his abilities. He had never considered himself anything special in the way of learning, and that would continue to be true even after this point. “You should give yourself some credit, though. You obviously pick things up very quickly. The amount of water you pulled on your first try was awesome. If you spent enough time practicing more of that, you will probably become very good at whatever it is you chose to specialize in. So just don’t give up if you get frustrated.” He nods.

Her comments to his wise words were first greeted by that same smile that would diminish only slightly when she mentioned him having been through a lot. For all the thinking Yuuma did, it was rare that he reflected on his own situation as anything more than something to be improved. In truth, her words hit a lot closer to home than she might have realized. His gaze grew distant for a moment as he took a small inventory of the things he had lost: his sister, his home, his identity- just to name a few. For all these losses, however, something had been gained in return. The village, the discovery of heritage, and a purpose. It was hard to gauge the worth of things that were intangible, but at that point in time, Yuuma didn’t feel like he had lost out on anything save for one. “Thank you,” was his reply after a moment of contemplation. “I am sure there are others who have been through more than I. And now that I know that, I’ll be certain to stop by the area sometime and see if you need a training partner. Or a target.” His humor returned in good order, a short chuckle issuing from him.

His expression shifted to one of curiosity as she made a pause before her departure, moving to her belongings and digging through them. Typically, Yuuma would have been remiss to accept anything just for the kindness of helping someone. Besides, he had made a new friend that didn’t give him funny looks at the scar on his forehead. The simple sensation of a comfortable conversation was, in itself, a treat of sorts. When she returned with the coin, however, she would find his hand ready to place palm up and receive what it was she offered. With the copper placed, his fingers would slide the metal piece between two digits and bring it up to his attention. The unique cut of the coin drew his eyes along the edges of the cut made in the center. “Huh,” was his initial response, turning the coin over a few times in his hand. “This...was not necessary. But thank you. I’ll consider it a token of friendship.” Instead of weaving hand seals to place the coin into a dimensional space, he would instead place it in a pocket on the inside of his robe, tucking the metal piece away from sight. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Imane.” A bow of his head followed the sentiment, unashamed to follow her lead of speaking less formally with each other.

Archimedes, for his part, had remained silent during the exchange and continued to do so even when offered departing words. The two of them watched the girl depart before they continued their travel along the garden’s path. Despite the waning of the day, Yuuma didn’t seem to be in too big a hurry to return home and instead opted to continue his walk. “She seemed nice. I look forward to meeting with her again.”

“Mmm,” hummed the owl at his shoulder. “I appreciate that you have taken your studies with the sense of seriousness needed to begin teaching others. Just try not to get distracted in your own pursuits, mm?” The pointed expression garnered a curious glance from Yuuma, prompting elaboration on the part of Archimedes. “I know how you young humans like to get. Though you are particularly focused, hormones do have a nasty tendency of getting in the way of level-headed thinking. Just remember what we are focusing on, hoo?”

Despite the laugh that came from Yuuma, he could feel the blood rush to his face. “It’s nothing like that. She seemed interested in what I could teach her, and so I obliged. Would you not have done the same?” No immediate reply would issue from his companion, causing Yuuma to shake his head. “I am focused. Don’t worry.” At least for now.

Mission Complete.

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Passing on the Torch! [Imane] - Page 2 Empty Re: Passing on the Torch! [Imane]

Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:34 pm
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