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The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Ichigo Sato
Noboru Kaito
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The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:43 pm
He made haste in his stride to return to the office, not stopping to speak with anyone until he had returned to his office...the bitter silence and darkness. Flicking on the lights he moved to place his blade onto the desk and once Noboru had came in, Kiseragi would ask him to close the door and take a seat. Kiseragi himself would be pacing behind the desk trying to get his thoughts in order before speaking," We have learned a lot of the state of the world due to this Kage Summit. Konoha is in a state of disrepair and Kiri is still an oppressive force. While Suna has regrown and strengthened themselves that leaves only us... Our village is still in the midst of recovering from an attack from Kiri and repositioning our ranks. For that we need to streamline our...growth. We need to show that we are still the force we once were but for that...we need to make some changes to our regime. With Maximillian's rule we got rid of the scars of the past...WIth Gidyeon nothing much has happened...and with mine the same. We are in such a stagnated state that we are falling behind and we cannot have that," turning around he would look to Noboro he would give a small smile," and with that we come to you. I've been keeping tabs on you for some time before our leaving and i've been doing some thinking. My role in this village shouldn't be to that was a dream i wanted to continue from my master's legacy. My legacy should be something different...more suited to the progress and progression of our village. You have only been a Deputy for a small time, but this village needs a fresher outlook to push it forward. So," he would give a small pause to allow the male to catch up with the progression of their "talk"

After a moment more of silence the Raikage hat would be thrown toward the male as he Kiseragi then turned his back on the male to finish what he would say," Because of this I am stepping down from the role of Raikage and naming you... The Jyuichi Raikage. More aptly the Eleventh of our line. Show the world and this village you have the means and the duty to push this village further than your ten predecessors...and carve your own lineage in history. No need to fret, I will remain as an "Advisor" of sorts while returning to my original position as the Head of our a new name should be coined for this new group," pausing for a moment he would tap his chin and smile as he picked up his sword and attached it to his back," Maybe something to signify our village. SUMMIT maybe? Either way I will be tearing down the story of STORM and rebuilding it. I look forward to seeing what you bring to our Village.... Lord Raikage," a small smile appeared on his face as he moved to pull something out of his ninja pouch - mask. In one swift motion the mask along with a hood would shadow his features and from there he would stay, looking out of the window.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:06 pm
The pace of the Raikage was implacable, but Noboru’s long legs more than kept up. Once they entered the room, cold and dank as it had been, the lights came on, and Kaito followed the commands to shut the door and take a seat, looking on to Kiseragi as he paced. Something seemed to bug him, and what, Kaito couldn’t quite tell, but likely, it was the results of the Kage summit. He sat in silence, one leg crossed widely as he leaned back on the chair; no point in him stressing as well, even though that was all he knew for the past year, with the slight break of the chunnin exams which got him in a fighting mood. Every one of his victories had been bittersweet though, and all were crowned with failure.

When Kisaregi started speaking, he listened with intent, his left eye fixated on the man while the right eye followed the same motions but without seeing anything beyond the eyepatch. He spoke of the disarray of the world, how Konoha was a mess, and Kiri was a threat, while Suna had grown strong -- something Kaito had been able to see with his own eye, to his dismay. Kumo, on the other hand… What a beautiful mess it was. He spoke of the need to move forward and grow, talking about how Maximillian had taken good steps, but how him and Gydine had not, especially considering he did not believe leadership to be his legacy. With that, he revealed he had been keeping an eye on Kaito -- how everyone managed to do that flabbergasted him, but as long as nobody knew his secrets… and then, he threw the hat at Kaito.

He caught the hat in his hands, the hat Maximillian lost, the hat Kutari Uchiha picked for his own, the hat which had sat on the table at the Kage Summit. Kiseragi announced he would be stepping down from the position, then naming Kaito the Eleventh Shadow of the Hidden Cloud. An opportunity to fulfil his dream of stamping down his name onto the annals of history, and before Kaito could even worry about Kiseragi, he announced he would stay and retain his Anbu Commander position, something Kaito wasn’t even aware he was; a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. In order to leave the past behind, he would retire the name STORM, and instead, use SUMMIT. Fitting, for the village hidden in a mountain chain. He wished Kaito luck as he put on the mask, the same mask he had seen on the Anbu which visited Lord Maximillian that night. “Huh, so that was you…”

“Thank you, Lord Kiseragi.” He put the hat on, trying out how it felt. “Let’s make this village a force to be reckoned with.”

The intercom from the downstairs secretary came in. “Lord Raikage, the genin are here. Should I send them up?” He looked at Kiseragi, who looked out the window, and realized that now he was the one the secretary spoke to. He got up, circled the desk, and sat on the side he never though he'd see, before clicking the intercom to speak back. “Yes, send them up.”
Stat Page : Ryu
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The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:11 pm
The sun had risen to its apex, it sat above the village and provided light to all the areas it could reach. Ryu had made his way into the village from his home in the mountainous border region at the request of Miyazaki, a face that had risen to prominence in the recent months due to the turmoil in the village leadership. He was a tall, well built older man for a chuunin, but Ryu had always appreciated the man's laid back attitude since it was the polar opposite of his own. 

Ryu entered through the village gates and had his customary interaction with the gate guards, he then moved through the village swiftly, only stopping to grab an on the go breakfast consisting of a hot chocolate and a ham and cheese panini. He ate the food quickly and deposited the trash as he passed a garbage can. He then entered the building that housed the Raikage building, a women sat behind a simple desk on the ground floor of the building, Ryu approached and spoke calmly "Excuse me I am here at the request of Miyazaki, to meet in the Raikage's office". The women looked up with a sharp look on her face, evidently, something was going on at this point that had people on edge "Yes, if you will wait through that door on the ground floor until you are called" She said, pointing to a door on the other side of the room from whence Ryu entered, she was then instantly back to work, sorting some files. Ryu moved off and pushed through the doorway, inside the next room he took a seat and awaited his summons. 

After a few minutes, the secretary poked her head through the door and told Ryu he could make his way upstairs. Ryu wound his way up the stairs and knocked at the door of the Raikage, he would wait a few seconds for a response, then head in any way.

WC: 333
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
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The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:18 pm
Dawn had arisen in the beautiful village of Kumogakure. Many things could be said about the place in the Land of Lightning, but to the Drunk its beauty was always the first thing coming to mind when thinking about it. As usual, Ichigo didn't need too much time to prepare for his day, it would be yet another one where he'd spend most of his hours cooped up in the hospital, learning about the medical arts and everything around them. Dressed in his typical black sleeveless robe and the village's headband shifted sideways over his right eye to hide the crimson dojutsu, the Drunk was headed over to his location. 

However, before he could even make it to the hospital, Ichigo was stopped as he received a message from Miyazaki, one of Kumogakure's most famous Academy teachers. "Hm, I see" the scarred shinobi spoke under his breath. Always expect the unexpected, or however the saying went. The Drunk changed directions as his presence seemed to be required at the Raikage Chambers. It hadn't been that long since the last time he paid the Kage a visit, perhaps there was something else that needed to be discussed, or maybe it even had to do with the fact that he recently spent most of his time in the hospital learning about all sorts of stuff. Who was to say?

Upon his arrival Ichigo would head to the waiting room where he quickly informed the secretary about his reason for visiting, sharing he received a message not so long ago which contained a request that he was needed at the Raikage Chambers. From that point on the Drunk simply awaited further instructions, wondering and curious about the events that were to unfold. A couple of minutes had passed when suddenly the robotic sound of a distant voice came through and reached Ichigo's ears without the secretary needing to inform him. Regardless, the Drunk remained patient until the lady at the front desk gave him the signal he could go up where he was expected.

And so he did. A small step for a drunk, a giant leap for Kumogakure.

(WC: 356)
Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:23 pm
The fat bastard of an Akimichi started his day off with a bowl of cereal, 8 skewers of grilled pork, 6 bags of fries, 2 burgers and 3 milkshakes but he was yet to be satisfied. Between his index finger and thumb was a small note signed by Miyazaki summoning the young Akimichi to the Raikages chamber. He was nervous, his knees weak, arms heavy, he had a bit of vomit on his sweater, no, it was his moms spaghetti. Briefly cleaning his orange jumpsuit, he rose to his feet, grabbing a dozen or so bags of chips that he intended to eat on his walk to the Raikages Office.

The tubby fella left the Akimichi estate making his way down a series of hills into the city centre. From there he maneuvered between the streets, tucking into the third pack of chips at this point before finally arriving at the Raikages Tower. He had heard stories, rumors about how incredibly strong the Raikage were which was what instilled fear into the young Akimichi. “I was summoned by Miyazaki for arrive before the lord.” he explained to the receptionist with an unusually calm tone. Briefly bowing her head, she instructed him to wait in the lobby. It was a few minutes before the women issued a follow up instruction, "Go inside." she commanded. As he made his way towards a now partially open door, let unlocked by some of his colleagues, his heart began beating at a more of an accelerated pace, in turn he began stuffing his mouth with more and more chips in a rather grotesque manner. Tossing the remaining bags into a nearby bin, he patted his attire free of crumbs before making his way inside…

Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:30 pm
A small chuckle came from beneath the mask as he shrugged and turned slightly to face Noboru," A man can wear many faces and only be recognized by a few. As I said I had eyes on you but I never said who's," slowly as he spoke his voice became slightly distorted, a low murmur of his usual voice, but as he turned to face the window once more he heard the intercom buzz to life. A low chuckle escaped his lips as he returned to gazing outside of the window," Looks like she's calling for you Lord Raikage." It was odd for him to return to such a role, but for the growth of his village it was necessary. As the door began to open and bodies filled the office, he remained silent and unmoving, staring out of the window but never letting his guard down. For the moment he was simply there and if anyone tried to speak to him, Kiseragi would not answer. Not now anyway.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:46 pm
Kaito smiled at the comments of the Lord; it wasn’t often someone pried a smile off of him. Now sitting on the desk with the hat on his head, he decided to put it down on the desk next to him, with the symbol of the Cloud facing towards the door.

The first one in was Ryuzaki Nara, a portly lad a tad taller than Kaito, if his left eye didn’t deceive him. Next up came in Ichigo Sato, the drunken doctor, with whom Kaito had shared sake and cookies. He would have his moment in the meeting too. Lastly, the portliest of the trio, Gin Akimichi, a massive lad who surprisingly made it through the door. “Lads, take a seat.” he opened his hands to the two chairs in front of his desk. “Ichigo”, he would say while aiming his left hand at the couch closest to the door.

After they sat, he started, bringing his hands together and linking his digits together against the table. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Noboru Kaito, the Eleventh Raikage of the Kumogakure.” As he spoke, he kept a placid expression, in spite of the surge of pride he felt when he spoke the words. All in all, he had not conquered the title yet, as it was gifted to him, and he would need to do something that would put respect to the title belonging to him, if not for the respect of others, for his own respect. As for the Anbu behind him, he pretended Kiseragi was not there, as the shadow he was.

“We have just returned from the World Kage Summit, which took place in Sunagakure. While the details of this summit are for me and my advisors to know, what you need to know is you are hereby invited to participate in the World Chunnin Exam that is to take place in Hoshigakure. Ryuzaki, Gin, you two have been chosen as candidates to participate. Congratulations, lads.”

He eyed them with his left eye for a moment, the right eye tracking the same motion under the eyepatch. “This, of course, is not without certain expectations. While I want you to go there and do your best, you should know that in any chunnin exam, especially one among so many villages, there will be many eyes prying upon you, and it will be used to gauge the potential of the village. I don’t want you to go out there and kill yourselves for the title, but I will expect a good show.” As the winner of the last chunnin exam held in the Kumogakure, he wondered how he would’ve felt if Kutari had told him that. Determination, maybe? Stress about the fact he would be competing against the world’s best genin? Unlikely. Only victory would’ve mattered. “You will have one week to make preparations for travel. This may be a sudden announcement, but I would expect the genin of the Kumogakure to be in peak performance at all times, so I take it there is no issue in having to participate within the week?”
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
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The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:07 pm
Upon entering the room Ryu was joined by two others, one he knew from a night of debauchery, the other was unknown to him. Ryu would have liked to converse with Ichigo again, but he was aware that this situation required his professional attention. Ryu noticed that there were only two chairs in front of them but three guests, he chose to stay standing in the middle of the two chairs. in front of him were two figures, one staring out of the window and did not appear to be engaged in the situation and the other who sat behind the Raikage desk and wore the familiar hat marking the position. Ryu had seen this hat once before at a pivotal moment of his training. 

As the three settled in the room the Raikage began to spoke, he introduced himself and then jumped straight into his reasoning for bringing the trio here. Ryu thought he recognised the man who was now the 11th Raikage, but he could not place from where, he pushed the thought from his head. He stood there, hands clasped behind his back with a straight back, almost at attention. Ryu's mouth widened into a slight smile as he was informed of his participation in the chuunin exams, pride spread like wildfire through his body. He would finally be taking the next step in his movement towards his goal, the storm ops. "One week will be plenty of time, sir." Ryu said with a firm tone "And with maximum effort".

WC: 253
TWC: 586
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:56 pm
Ichigo was the second to enter the room, walking behind Ryu who he remembered from a couple of nights before. The third and last person whose presence was required, the Drunk did not recognize. Upon making his way further into the chambers the scarred shinobi scanned the surroundings. One individual was simply staring outside one of the windows, almost as a shadow looking over the village and its people. Sitting at the desk, and to his own surprise, would be Noboru Kaito, his red haired friend he shared a couple of moments with and bonded over a couple of glasses. Well, who was he kidding? There were more than just a couple of drinks.

For now the Drunk remained silent, greeting his fellow Kumogakure comrade with a friendly nod and a slight bow before taking his own seat on the couch closest to the door. Ichigo was about to make himself rather comfortable if it wasn't for the sudden revelation of his friend deadass introducing himself as the Raikage. "This shit is confusing" he thought to himself. To say Ichigo didn't expect such a turn of events would be quite the understatement. Allowing himself to let it sink in he continued to listen attentively as Kaito, their new Kage, proceeded with announcing the upcoming Chuunin Exams and that the two individuals sitting in the seats in front of the desk had been chosen to participate. 

Once the topic of said exams was finished, the Drunk hoped to have read the atmosphere correct as he figured it was time to officially congratulate his red haired friend on taking the next step and becoming the Jyuichi Raikage. "Kaito, Kaito, Kaito,.. How come whenever we meet again you always find something to surprise me" he said with a smile. Ichigo was genuinely happy for his buddy, knowing where he had come from and the hardships he went through in order to get where he was now, sitting at the desk holding the title of Kage. "It should come as no surprise that you have my undying loyalty, Lord Eleventh"

(WC: 346, TWC: 702)
Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Passing of a Torch [Noboru] Empty Re: The Passing of a Torch [Noboru]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:23 pm
As he entered the room, the big boned Akimichi couldn’t help but instinctively hold his breath in the presence of a series of powerful auras. The most notable individual in the room was the one observing the village via a bow of windows. The second most noticeable individual was on with rather distinct red hair, the man who gestured the Akimichi to a nearby seat. Swallowing every last bit of saliva in his mouth, the young Akimichi assumed his seat, briefly glancing at the man to his side, while a forth individual made himself comfortable on a nearby couch.

Despite being a rather late bloomer, he hadn’t met any of these individuals yet they were Shinobi of the Land of Lightning. There was still so much that the fat boy had to learn… before long the conversation began and as the red haired fella introduced himself as the Raikage, the fat bastards instinctively widened. Nodding in response to the rhetoric almost like a domesticated dog on a leash, the Kumogakure Shinobi began to sweat. The fundamental problem to sweating was those of a lean body type had an advantage the sweat would increase its surface area and eventually evaporate. However, for the Akimich, a stocky male dressed in a near skin tight attire, the sweat simply lingered and made him feel somewhat uncomfortable amid the current situation. “What if it smells?” he thought to himself glossing over the statement made by the Raikage regarding Gin and Ryuzaki being selected for the Chuunin Exams.

Shifting his attention back to the Raikage as he congratulated the duo his face couldn’t help but flush red. “What’s he congratulating us for?” he thought once more, his nerves getting the better of him with every passing moment. The Raikage then went into a bit more detail regarding the previous statement and soon the Akimich was able to piece everything together. “Chunnin Exams… me?” his mouth dried, his stomach rumbled. His fight or flight instincts kicked in, darting between fight and flight with every word that escaped Noborus mouth. Before long, the Raikage asked the crucial question in regards to whether either of the men had any issues with preparing for participation within a week.

As the Akimichi attempted to compose himself the comrade sat to his side agreed and re-affirmed the Raikages statement. As attention turned to the Akimichi, sweat now slithering down his forehead the first sentence that sprung to his head was the one that he uttered, “Will there be food?” he spoke with somewhat of a nervous tone,  immediately raising both palms defensively as he quickly back-tracked, “I—i… I mean… er— of course, sir.”.

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