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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito) Empty Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito)

Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:45 pm
Shortly after becoming the Juudaime Raikage, Kiseragi had been hard at work completing the plans of the previous Raikage before him. The putrid fields left by Youka Tau were being removed and those that were still afflicted with his blight were being looked after by some of the best medical ninja the village had. This was something that his close friend, Maximillian had been working on during his tenure as Raikage and he would see it his honor. Looking at the reports, the issue was being dealt with with good results, but the scars of the past were always going to be hard to heal. Leaning back into his chair, he still had the letter from the Kazekage calling for a Kage summit. He had already sent his response detailing his participation in it, but the issue had been finding a proper guard to come with him. Several folders had been strewn across his desk, but one had came up that had caught his eye. He had already dispatched a shinobi to go and retrieve the ninja known as Noboru Kaito, and from there he would speak with the ninja to ascertain something important. In the meantime he would be pacing around the office getting things in order. Missions, jobs, and making sure the detail of the village would be in good hands until his return. When he had heard the door open, he wouldn't turn to face the person, but his head would swivel just a bit so that his crimson eyes caught the visage of the person coming in," How important is your home to you Noboru?," that would be the first question that the male would ask as he closed a file and tossed it on the desk. His body would turn as he moved his bandaged sword from his back to sit it beside the desk. Beside his sword would sit the Raikage hat that he slowly began to pick up," I've been reading your file for a good bit...and I have called you here for two things. Depeding on your answer to the first question...will determine how this goes."
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito) Empty Re: Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito)

Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:46 am
“Right this way; the Raikage is expecting you.”

When he had been summoned earlier that day, caught off guard in his regular clothes he always wore, black sleeveless t-shirt, black pants, bandages from knuckle to wrist and from mid calf to toes with the typical sandals of the ninja, headband on his head and eyepatch over his Byakugan,  Noboru wasn’t sure what to expect. For starters, the ninja who summoned Kaito had done so on behalf of “the new Lord Raikage, Kiseragi Onomori”. Not a name Kaito recalled, as far as he could think, but it was no matter. He half expected the new Raikage to meet him behind these doors to be Gidyne in another one of his costume changes. Would he look at a new face each time he walked through these doors?

With his curled hand facing him, he let his knuckles rap against the door, before opening it and peeking inside, slowly walking in. The person who had been facing the windows at the time slowly turned back, crimson eyes peering from behind the desk. Fuck. If this person had a Sharingan and just looked him in the eye, he could play all sorts of tricks on Kaito now. He would have to pay special attention to what happened; it wouldn’t do to activate his own Sharingan or activate the Byakugan and risk the veins on the side of his eye to bulge out, denouncing him as a Byakugan holder. Kaito liked to have his secrets, after all. Anything to catch an enemy with their pants down.

This new Kage, however, already knew his name, and even before he swung around he asked Kaito how important his home was to him. He was pretty sure he meant the Kumogakure; the rinky dinky place he had on the belly of the city could barely be called home, the only thing homely about it was the comfort of the familiar that Kaito could recognize from having been poor in that shit stain for so long.

The Raikage flung a folder onto the desk as he turned around, a massive sword covered in bandages then slung over his shoulders to place the sword on the desk, as he picked the Raikage hat. Perhaps this was not Gidyne at all, or if he was, this was another one of his tricks. He thought they were beyond that, considering their last conversation. The new Kage explained that the conversation would evolve depending on the response of Kaito.

“Lord Raikage.” Kaito would take a curt bow, just enough to show respect but not enough to lose sight of the man in the chair. “My home is the most important thing to me. I have no deep personal relationships or children, nor do I own land of my own. Yet if I did, I would like them to be in the Kumogakure, and I would like my descendants and bloodline to live in these lands as well. Whatever they may be, they are my lands, and the lands of my ancestors. I have bled for the Kumogakure, and made others bleed for it too. I live for it, and one day will die for it as well.”

WC: 534
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito) Empty Re: Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito)

Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:54 am
Kiseragi listened to the man's response as he kept the hat within one hand, but placed another on the seat in front of him as he thought on the answer that was given. He didn't detect a lie from the male and in his eye he could see the earnest feelings he had for this village. Putting down the hat on the pummel of the sword he would begin to chuckle lightly, his eyes looking down on the hat that had seemed to have aged gracefully with time," I've know four people who have come to wear this hat. One is no longer with us. Two are still around but dealing with something of their own, and the last isn't here at the moment. Of the four, three of them knew this place as home and protected it to their last breath. I believe it is that quality that makes us great...makes us what we are to our home and our village. I see that in order to steer this village past the cloud cover, we need more people like this that are going to push us further from the rubble and to our once grand status. So. Noboru Kaito," he would pause for a moment looking at the male for a moment before easing the atmosphere of the room," Will you take the duties of being the Deputy Kage in order to assure our home continues to grow?," he would wait for the male's answer before picking up the hat and placing it on his head. A few short moments afterward he would begin to throw on a white long jacket then his sword onto his back, filling it with his own chakra before they departed," I figured that would be your answer...Now we depart for Suna. I'll explain things as we leave," with that he would begin to head out of the office and toward the docks where their boat would be waiting for them.

[Potential Exit]
TWC: 682
Putting 12 words into Split Second (Previous total 1,488) completing it
Putting the remaining 670 words into (using Max Stat Discount)
Storing 250 AP inside of Hiramekarei
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito) Empty Re: Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito)

Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:40 pm
Following a light hearted chuckle, the new Raikage spoke of past Kages. Out of four he had known (a considerable number), only three knew the village as their home. He figured the fourth might’ve been the Ninth Raikage, the one the world knew as Gidyne Rygisae, the one who Kaito now knew as Kutari Uchiha. Perhaps he was the last living person to know him by that name inside the Kumogakure. Perhaps Kiseragi would know as well; after all, why else would he have taken this position if not with the authorization of Kutari, the man who claimed he would only take his youngest form if there was a need for it?

When Kiseragi offered him the position as Deputy Kage, Kaito kept his composure, not wishing to give away anything that could betray the surprise or excitement he felt at the prospect of taking such high office. However, Kaito himself had walked into that question: what he had considered to be a test of loyalty (one he did not lie in, either way) had turned out to be a job interview. Following the logic of previous kages having been loyal countrymen of the Kumogakure, he felt he liked where this proposition might go. “I accept it, Lord Raikage.”

When the Raikage made to leave the door and informed Kaito they would be going to Suna, Kaito got ready to follow behind the storm lord.
WC: 235
TWC: 769
307 words towards A-Rank Tank, bringing new total to 2500, unlocking it.
449 words towards Wind Release: Vacuum Blade, bringing new total to 1500, unlocking it.
Discarding rest.
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Clan Specialty : Ninjustu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 6404

Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito) Empty Re: Meetings at First (Noboru Kaito)

Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:04 pm
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