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Shin Kenshin
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Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:13 pm
'Back the fuck up bit-' Mikofujo knew full well how this sentence would have ended given her prior experiences and this would be a thing that took quite a bit of willpower to suppress a natural reaction to outright strike and then flee. The shinobi was glad she did as the male's next action did not mirror the events that had given her that visceral response and as such her reacting that way would not have been appropriate for this situation. Kitty kat, while not the best name and not her actual name was much better than being called the derogatory word for a female dog so the raven haired short shinobi would look up at the outsider with dead eyes as he spoke to her. Having since gotten up from her bowing position she would simply cock her head to the side as he continued to ramble on, some men just simply enjoyed hearing themselves speak.

"Don't make me put you in chakra strings, I let you into this village so you are not going to be harassing the ninjas or citizens inside of it and you will show a bit of at least friendliness if not respect to them. Am I understood 'Doggy Dude'? If you can do that I can get you a treat okaaaaay?" her voice was completely neutral, and emotionless mirroring her eyes and her face. Thanks to the male triggering her earlier her emotions were nowhere to be found despite her placating to her superior Suna companion. That was not to say she did not respect him, but rather that she simply was not in a state of tears due to worrying about offending others compounded upon failing her village. Had honey come instead of vinegar the 'Uchiha' boy probably would have been able to walk away with her, instead he steeled the kunochi who knew she could very well be justified in using anything on her should the male try to sway the conversation back his way. 

Turning back again to the jounin from her village a smile would light up on her face that was not hard to force thanks to the man being kind as well as the fiendish idea she just had. "Why of course I can, in fact he promised himself to me but at a price. That price was that he had to listen to what I said as he was just a poor orphan boy who had never been raised to care for himself, why you should have seen him. He did not know how to take a bath, the poor dear did not know what running water was." Putting on the act in this state was rather easy for the woman who made sure her face and tones reflected the words that she said, lies though they may be the older man had assumed they were together so it was not her direct fault for running with it right?

"I'm ever so glad you think our children will turn out beautiful, I do hope that you day goes wonderfully!" at this the lady curtsied to Raleth and shifted back around onto Katsuragi and attempting to grab him by the waste and pull him close in as if they were about to go on a date instead of her lecturing him about proper etiquette for the next hour an a half.

It was then that she saw what was probably another ninja from her village approaching her, today was just really stacking on top of each other in truly the most mind boggling and mentally exhausting ways. Was she to keep up the act yet again? Probably not but then again if she let the ninja out of her sight, Katsuragi would no doubt try to slink off and go cause some chaos elsewhere like a god damn scamp. With all this in mind Mikofujo dropped into her actual voice which was low, groggy and near her emotionless voice but with far less volume and far more mumbling. "Oh I know, letting this guy in has become such a headache and on my first day of guard duty too. I was doing so well before this. Mikofujo, but you can just call me Miko if you want." A light smile was on her face and reflected in her eyes as she spoke though she did not keep her eyes on Shin the whole time but instead flashed them back to the rouge who was excellent at dragging her into trouble.

Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:07 pm
The events unfolding below him continues as he looked on, unaware that the young man who had started the noise was a guest from another village. Once the situation had been diffused Zaine would get a distinct wave from his old teacher followed by an act of kindness that he had come to love- the aged Sarutobi would reach into his fruit basket and with great strength throw an apple straight at Zaine. He would watch as the apple approached as high speed keeping his left hand firmly planted on the edge of the building supporting his weight while he lifted his right hand to catch the apple-looking at it, smiling thinking to take a bite out of it but holding off on it. He took this as a signal that it was a good time for him to join the festivities and with one great leap he would come flying down, landing 2 meters from Raleth the young Uchiha would look on at his old sensei as he spoke "You cant even go to pick up groceries without causing a fuss huh?" Zaine would look at the two genin standing before them before speaking once more "By the looks of it, these two have their own business to be getting to today so maybe we should give them some privacy." He would say in jest as he turned his back to the two after nodding his head and smiling at them. 

He felt as though this could continue to be more of a casual day but there was something in him that wanted a bit more excitement so before he and Raleth took their leave he thought he might stir the pot a bit. "Although, I have to say Sarutobi sensei ..seemed like you were pretty on edge the second this guy got in your face. You wouldnt happen to have been scared that a foreign shinobi could get the better of you?" Zaine would smirk understanding that his friend would most likely pick up on what he was trying to do and would take it in stride. He would await the reply from the ashen haired shinobi after he looked down at the apple he still held thinking for a moment and then passing it to Raleth, hoping that he would think back to That time during Zaine's training. 

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:30 am
Katsuragi couldn't believe what he was hearing, the lies she told. It made his skin crawl as well as his stomach. His stomach kept churning at the thought of all. The two of them, together? Exclusive? With her doing all the talking? As if he would dare himself to go steady, much less with a glorified gatekeeper who couldn't even do her job right. Plus, she was way too square, and clingy too. He drops his shoulder while still fastened tight to the genin. 

Doggy dude?, he almost let out a chuckle when he heard that. It took almost everything he had for him not to break character.  

Nevertheless, he remains bound against his will, yet stands still, at the mercy of the surprisingly incredibly strong kunochi. Where did this strength come from? Was she stocking up on the solider pills? Taking a few extra supplements she wasn't supposed to? The strength however was unnoticed until after she let go him, due to him not resisting. Why? Because as kitty kat entertained the ash haired jounin, who would now be known as the gentle giant, with their own delusions and fairy tails; Katsuragi managed to pick out a few others who were watching them this whole time. 

Eventually Katsuragi would be freed from the grasps of the gatekeeper, he regains a bit of pleasure from it. It was time for him to leave the scene, too many people around, all playing for the other team. He wasn't too worried, he was sure he would catch the gentle giant individual on the rebound for sure. His eyes narrow upon seeing kitty kat making her way over too him, with no hint of stopping. This had to be some form of harassments, everything was going mighty fine until he showed up to the scene, with her annoying trying to prove something attitude. 

Currently zipping backwards..."Now hol up, you can't be doing this...", he pauses for a split second upon seeing the gentle giant toss the apple far up towards the individual who had yet received a nickname. What arm, Katsuragi thought. Refocusing back on the sauntering girl "...oh ye, right you can't be doing this all the time. You remember this?? He quickly shoves his right hand into his jacket, reaching into the left inner pocket of his jacket while shifting his body slightly to the left as well. He had to beat her to the punch as she closed in on him, thought as he fumbled with the item in his coat. Finally, he stops moving and pulls out an average size ID card, only to shoved it in front of him at an angle which if the genin proceed any further, she would run right into his knuckles. It was indeed the same ID card he received when he was granted permission to enter the village.

Now standing proud behind his immunity, he boasts. "That's right, I got rights now too. Can't do shit to me... and it's all thanks to you kitty kat... UH OH wait a minute! It wasn't you, cause shorty with the dusty hair had to step in to do yo job for you" he said, jolting his head up high while keeping his vision on her, his smile glowed bright for a single second with superiority after his sentence.

Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
Stat Page :
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:39 pm
Shin chuckled when the konichi called the stranger "doggy dude'. Shin wasn't known for his mature humor, he was only sixteen. The stranger responded to the nickname with offense, quickly spiraling into multiple conversations. Shin assumed he was nervous. He would be too if he was surrounded by name formidable shinobi from the village you were staying in. Luckily, it seemed that the jonin that he was bothering before was continuing on his own again, not fueling the fire more than it was already lit.  

When Shin thanked the Kunoichi, or as the stranger called her "kitty cat", she seemed to drop her gitty sound and went to a more monotone and exhausted tone. She explained that her day was going a lot more smoothly before this "headache" came around. She also introduced herself as Mikojuo or Miko for short. "I'm Shin, Shin Kenshin." He would give her a devilish grin. "You mind if I tag along? I wouldn't mind helping you keep this guy in line." Seeing that he had already caused some problems and he had JUST entered the village. It might be for village safety that he accompany her. 

WC: 192
TWC: 767
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:54 am
"You cant even go to pick up groceries without causing a fuss huh?"
A smile spread over the stone-faced Sarutobi, his old student's retort and attitude was both welcome and endearing. And, as always, mischief seems to play in his mind.

"It's not intentional," thrums the bass voice of Raleth as he shrugs his shoulders, "just happens."

Raleth eyes the strange Uchiha, Echo and the sleepy eyed girl as they bicker and fuss, looking like a soon-to-be-in-love couple to the immense jounin, and nods in agreement with his friend, Zaine Uchiha. The white-ash-haired shinobi gestures with his head, to have his old student accompany on his errands, when the unknown chuunin, who radiates awesome power, comes up to the new-born-love-doves. This chuunin introduces himself as Shin Kenshin and offers his service to the sleepy-eyed-girl to help reign in the obnoxious whelp, Echo Uchiha. Seeing this as a good conclusion, Raleth Sarutobi resolves to leave the three to their own devices. Until his firned, the Uchiha, spoke. 

"Although, I have to say Sarutobi sensei ..seemed like you were pretty on edge the second this guy got in your face. You wouldn't happen to have been scared that a foreign shinobi could get the better of you?"

Raleth raises a curious brow and scans the face of his friend. Mischief spreads in the corners of the Zaine Uchiha, he picks up what his old student's putting down. He faces the youngblood after he pulls out his ID card and scans it quickly, discovering the real name of the whelp: Katsuragi. Raleth stone's his face and furrows his brow, giving the foreign genin a burning gaze. He walks forward, towering over Miko and Katsuragi. He flexes, his great strength almost bursts through his pink-flower kimono.

"We have laws here, whelp, where one respects those of higher status," Raleth's voice booms over the crowd and shudders over Katsuragi, the power of the Sarutobi batters the youngbloods eardrums. "Something must be done to fix this sleight, see?"
A quick and hidden wink is given to Miko and Shin, Raleth hopes they will catch onto the game he's playing. Raleth looks back to Zaine, the thought his friend has is read instantly. Raleth raises his hand as the Uchiha tosses him the apple and catches it.

"Normally I'd challenge you to a duel, but I'm feeling generous," says Raleth as he brandishes a pristine apple in front of the three. With a quick and fluid motion, Raleth rolls the apple into the sleeves of his bright kimono. "See if you can take this apple from either me or my old student, Zaine. If you can, nothing will happen. Hell, I'll even treat you to your next three meals. Hell, ill even let your girl and Shin Kenshin aid you, if you think you need the help!" By this point Zaine would know the exact training exercise Raleth was referring to, and would come up to his old sensei. "Whaddya say? You can use any methods at your disposal, just don't get carried away." The Uchiha and the Sarutobi stand next to each other, grinning.

Stats n Jutsu:

[[WC = 493 / 2101]]

Last edited by Raleth on Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:07 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Clarification)

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:44 am
D Rank Stats:

"I can if you keep causing trouble like this" Mikofujo simply responded in a dull tone ignoring the boy as he went about on his tirade about his ID. She had steeled herself this time to his trickery of appearing nice but not understanding the kindness of others, his current actions and words spoke volumes to back this theory up to the shinobi. She wondered how he would react to his entire speech being ignored like he was some child who was ranting about McDonalds while the adults were talking. 

"I would be most delighted Shin, he does seem the unruly type, I just really didn't...expect...." Miko felt something big come up from behind her whether due to shift in the air pressure or a mixture of senses like scent and sound giving the alarm but it stopped her words short suddenly. Turning around the shinobi felt a bit of relief as it was the jounin from earlier and not someone who was upset with her, at least she had hoped. Perhaps he was irritated at the outburst the outsider displayed while supposedly under her care, the ninja did not know what she would do if she had to deal with another failure due to this Katsuragi fellow. The words the person who had came up from behind her spoke next displayed this was not the case however, and a further wink showed he probably was not too upset with the boisterous young man who was probably going to rush up and puff out his chest while beating on it in response.

If she was allowed to respond to this challenge that was issued then she would ask a simply question, "Are chakra strings cheating?"

Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:46 pm
Zaine would look over in the direction of Shin Kenshin as he requested to tag along to keep the young man who had caused a few issues earlier in check, he smiled and nodded in approval appreciating his efforts to help keep the situation in check. Looking back at Raleth he would note the devious smile he had and realize that he was fully aware of the exercise he was trying to get him to do with the genin. He would focus his attention to both of the genin standing before him as he took a back seat in the back and forth between them and Raleth, understanding that his job now was to throw them off and keep them from knowing who has the apple while evaluating their skills. A smirk would come over his face as Raleth stated that the shinobi could use any means they wished to get the apple from the two- even if they were genin, the two had no idea what they were capable of and would need to stay on guard if they were to be successful. "As Raleth said, you can use whatever measures you wish to. However, that would mean that we can as well." He would close his eyes and reopen them revealing a transformation from dark brown to scarlet red with 3 tomoe placed evenly around a pinpoint pupil. "So, what do you say? You think you guys are up to the challenge or not?" His hands were now placed behind his back, his gaze focused in their direction. If they accepted the challenge, it would be up to Raleth to decide when they would begin playing "keep away" with the apple. Zaine would follow his lead, ready to take either an offensive or evasive approach depending on the capabilities of their three opponents. 


Stats and Jutsu:
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Thu Oct 08, 2020 11:22 pm
Placing his plastic ID card back into the inside pocket of his jacket with his left hand, keeping it in a sort of way to avoid stabbing himself with his own weapon. He then looks over to the other adult who was just about the same height as himself. The stylish hairstyle worn by the shinobi known as Shin(No nickname available yet) drew a lot of questions. Did he play for the other team? he couldn't get much, but was leaning towards the nickname, sunshine. 

Katsuragi suddenly felt, weird at the moment. Thoughts from the past came flooding into his mind. Why he wondered? He was still a bit too young to be reminiscing. He was sure it wasn't due to the flamboyant hairstyle, but due to this exact situation he was in. It was starting to come into focus. It was also most like it was yesterday, a young boy like himself pacing in the high fenced in yard with his head down minding his own business; his thoughts only pertaining to the convoluted concept of freedom. What he had to do to stay alive and sane, to stay well. Time alone allows one to know themselves better. But that wasn't the true goal of the penal system he became a part of. It was all about the ryo, and turning humans into obedient automatons.

Suddenly, the gentle giant made his way towards Katsuragi and the gang. The hustler, casually turning towards the gentle giant with a gentle hint of a smile while the giant explained how he was going to fix things. Anyone could tell that Katsuragi wasn't interest at all, his lazy eyes however gave him the time of day. Fixed on him eye to eye. His fist weren't even balled when listening to the heavy toned voice of the giant. He had to admit, Raleth had presence. 

*Katsuragi remembers that Raleth is a pushover*

He couldn't do it, Katsuragi pursed his lips. The giant's hand was already revealed, the deck value null and void. Katsuragi couldn't take him any more seriously than his pink wardrobe. What was he gonna to do, honestly? Katsuragi pondered this while nodding side to side softly... that was till he heard the following.

Normally I'd challenge you to a duel...

That was all the hustler from quarter town needed to hear. The supposed whelp wasn't going to let that slide. The boxing bell went off within Katsuragi. He already let the shoe scuffing incident slide, due to kitty kat entertaining him. But any more extensions, look always, and any more cheek turning would make Katsuragi look more and more like a lame simpleton. A whelp in the gentle giants vocabulary. No more. That was when, Katsuragi cut the giant off. He needed to nip this in the bud, quick. 

"Orly? ight! I'll take a piece of that...", he finally lets out a few giggles, his face let loose with extreme judgement and doubtfulness towards the ash haired individual. His hard callous hands were now balled up tight, right after his first response. He could see it now, the future. Him towering over the giant for all to see. The champ now being recognized only to further his goal upon making use of these chance happenings. Achieving a lucrative dream in this land of opportunity. Fireworks and parades were the end results of all this.  

"I accept the duel.", he stands currently two meters away from, Raleth. He stands his ground.

((TWC: 1814))

Kat's Stats:
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Sun Oct 11, 2020 4:07 am
Zaines eyes transitioned from red back to dark brown as he deactivated his sharingan- he could tell at this point that the young shinobi planned to enter combat with Raleth and while the idea for a group training exercise was fun, it was clear not all wanted to participate. This realization was fine as it was probably better that he took off and headed over to the hospital, there was some business that he needed to take care of there. He would bow to the young lady with purple hair as well as the rambunctious young man that had stirred up an entire scene "Good luck to the both of you!" Now looking at the young woman specifically Mikofujo was it? I appreciate you keeping the peace and I wish I could stick around to see what you planned to do with these "chakra strings", maybe another time." He would turn to Shin Kenshin and smile "Shin! Whenever you get a free moment you should stop by the training grounds so we can train a bit. By the look of it, you've got some physical prowess on you." Whenever he would reply he would nod and turning to Raleth he would smirk and speak again "Take it easy on the guy and try not to damage any village property again." 

Turning away from the four shinobi he would begin walking in the direction of the hospital- if he made good time then he would arrive before the special guest that had agreed to assist him in his growth process. He wonders how this alteration will change him and if he will be able to maintain who he is at a fundamental level- maybe he was just overthinking it. Either way he was both excited and nervous as he made his way to the hospital, hands laced behind the back of his head. 




  • Putting 750 WC towards Jab V7 [1,000/1,000]
  • Putting 750 WC towards Chakra Absorption V7 [1,000/1,000]
  • Putting 1,600 WC for 16 AP
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Errands - Page 2 Empty Re: Errands

Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:00 am
Approved @zaine
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