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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Wed May 22, 2024 1:52 am
She’d listen intently as he informed her about his numerous hearts, admittedly she was a bit taken aback by the statement. Out of all the things she imagined, extra hearts weren’t on the list. He then would continue to explain that it gave him the ability to wield all of the basic elements even with the masks removed from his body. She’d look a bit shocked as he explained that this also kept him from aging, though would attempt to contain herself. He then would mention that he could have them move around if he wished and that their bodies were primarily made up of string. Her urge to see the inner workings of his body sky rocketed as he finished explaining their properties

Junko would lean closer to him as she continued to inspect his back in awe. Though she figured he was relatively strong, the more she learned about him, she found herself continuously impressed by his capabilities.

”Thats… that’s absolutely fascinating. I can’t do anything even remotely close to that, and the fact that it doesn’t make you age is remarkable! Forgive me if this if too forward, but would you mind if I…”

She’d pause briefly as she considered her words carefully. Not everyone would be so open to having their organs inspected so carefully though she hoped he would allow her to do so. Recently she had become quite fascinated by the human body and had been spending what little free time she had to study it carefully. To her, he was a medical anomaly and she wished to understand what exactly he was.

”Would you mind if I.. uh.. Inspected your organs? Before you say anything I know it’s an odd request, but I assure you that it it won't hurt. It’s one of the abilities that my dojutsu provides, but I just wanted to make sure I had your permission before doing so.”

Should he agree, Junko would activate her Ketsuryugan and her crimson eyes would begin to glow a dull red color. Her pupils would become slitted slightly as he eyes began to trace over his body. Her expression would change from shocked to intrigued as her gaze shifted between the 5 hearts that pumped in tandem throughout his torso. He seemingly was also made from string as she followed the various threads that made up his body. Realizing she may have been staring for a bit longer than she should have, Junko would quickly release her dojutsu as she looked into his eyes once more.

”Akabayashi… you’re absolutely incredible! I’ve never seen anything quite phenomenal. You must show me how that works some day, I’d love to see it in action! Have you always been made of threads, or was that an addition as well?”

She couldn’t help but swoon over him slightly as she spoke. Admittedly she was attracted to him in this moment, there was much to still learn about him and she was eager to discover what other secrets he hid within himself.

WC: 515
Total WC: 2860

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Thu May 30, 2024 12:17 pm
An interest in the medical arts was a plus, the downside was if she explored that curiosity like he did. Another benefit was an interest in his body, he could not say he was not interested in hers. She was inspecting the masks rather closely as she spoke. If she was just going to look like it was an X-ray he had no problem with the exam. He could not see her face as she moved her eyes to view his inner workings.

"No, not always I just woke up and could only use the Earth element. We had just killed a guy with masks like these, I wonder if its contagious? Anyway, I somehow knew I needed additional hearts for the other elements." He would turn around to face her now.

"I think you are the incredible one." He would say getting a look at her activated eyes. "I'll show you how it works if there is a second date." He would say leaning in a bit his hearts beating faster which she could now see. "Unfortunately, for me it will have to be at a later time. I have to return soon if I want to keep my position. But we still have the evening to enjoy ourselves. "
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Fri May 31, 2024 1:05 am
She’d listen to him intently as he explained how he had come upon such power. Junko found it quite fascinating and she appreciated how open and honest he was with her. He then would turn to face her and remark that he believed she was the incredible one, which she disagreed with completely. Though she still appreciated the compliment, a light blush could be seen across her face as she offered him a sweet smile. The red aura around her eyes would dim as she released the Ketsuyrugan but maintained eye contact with him.

He then would offer to show her how it works if they were to have a second date. Though she didn’t want to seem too eager, she’d offer him a nod as he continued to speak. She was having a rather fun night and didn’t see the harm in spending time with him again. He then mentioned that it would have to be at a later date since he needed to return to his village. Junko completely understood this, she couldn’t even fathom leaving Tsukigakure right now. However, she was a bit relieved to hear they could at least spend the rest of the night together.

”A second date sounds wonderful, how could I turn down such an offer? I’m not planning on going anywhere, so just stop by whenever you can and I’ll make sure to free up my schedule. Maybe you could take me to Kiri with you sometime! I’d love to see your village and meet some of your people.”

Though she loved her village, it would be nice to go out and see some new sights. It had been rather difficult adjusting to living in one spot, and a bit of her still yearned for new and exciting experiences. If he wished to respond she’d allow him to speak uninterrupted, however, if he let her continue she would.

”In the morning, perhaps I can make us some breakfast and see you out? Though if you wish to leave first thing, I completely understand”

She’d lean back and rest once more on the edge of the spring and smile warmly at him while she awaited his response.

WC: 370
Total WC: 3230

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:50 am
His eyes remained purple and ringed the steam of the hot springs forced him to remove his sunglasses. He would listen putting the shades on the edge of the spring outside the water. He would listen to her speak and smile knowing this would not be their final lark. He was quite enjoying her company. As she continued he would go from happy to excited though he would not show it. She had mentioned him spending the night earlier, but he did not know it would include a meal.

"Breakfast, would be great. Though, I don't have to go back in the morning. It will only take a moment to return. I just have to teleport to the kunai my bodyguard has then both of us to Kiri." Unless she stabs me for not bringing her with me. He would consider given her past it was very likely. He would move that out of his mind quickly though.

He would move closer to her throwing an arm around her shoulder and just leaning back to enjoy the spring. "This has been an incredible day."
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:26 am
She’d offer him a nod as he explained that he didn’t need to leave first thing in the morning. There were a few tasks on her agenda for tomorrow, perhaps before leaving he’d help her with them. Really she was just looking for any excuse for him to remain at her side, so she hoped he’d agree to assist her. He then mentioned that it’d be easy to return home since all he had to do was teleport back there. She knew that some shinobi had this ability, but hadn’t met any in person yet so she was admittedly a bit in awe.

He then would move to wrap his arm around her, which she’d allow with no issue. A blush could be seen across her face as she felt her skin press gently against his, though she’d attempted to hide it as she rested her head on him. As he leaned back, he’d remark that it had been a wonderful night, to which she agreed.

”It’s been nice to be around somebody who just wants to get to know me. Since I became village leader, most people I interact with just want me to do something for them or try to befriend me because of my station. So I really appreciate you taking the time to actually get to know me.”

As she looked up at the stars, her mind would flood with the memories of her lonely nights within the tower. She had been so engrossed lately in ensuring that the village stays afloat, that she had been significantly neglecting her social life. Though now with things slowing down, she felt comfortable enjoying nights like this. She was with a wonderful man, sitting in a hot spring under a clear, star-filled sky. What more could she want in this moment?

WC: 305
Total WC: 3535

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:53 pm
As her gaze shifted to the stars he would think on what he wanted to say. "I agree, it is a tough job. Everyone expects you to he the kage. Which comes with expectations of you being some infallible figure. They see you only as Akabayashi the kage or Junko the kage, but miss Junko the person and how beautiful she is or Akabayashi the person and the cheesy lines he says."

He would lightly place a finger on her chin to turn her face towards his own. He would look into her eyes for a moment looking for any sign of resistance. If there was none he would place his lips gently on hers one quick kiss, before a second and then pulling away and returning to relaxing clearly happy with himself.

"The stars are wonderful here." Looking at the stars was romantic, but nothing could hold his attention more than Junko at the moment and the rapture of the evening so far. Akabayashi had to wonder if she was feeling the same thing at this moment.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:08 am
His words would reassure and calm her mind slightly, she felt relieved that he had felt similar about their position and wasn’t alone in her thoughts. She had been worried that her insecurities were potentially getting the better of her, but he seemingly knew exactly what she had been feeling. This had been bothering her for some time and she hadn’t had anyone to talk to about it. Though she craved validation from those around her, being consistently wanted and depended upon was becoming mentally exhausting. A brief giggle escaped her lips as he poked fun at himself slightly.

Before she could speak, she felt his finger move to her chin and followed his guidance to look up at him. Her cheeks would flush as she gazed up into his eyes with a doe-eyed expression, though she seemingly didn’t resist his advances. She’d lean up slightly as he moved to close the remaining distance between the two of them, and their lips connected. Though soon he’d pull away and remove his finger from her chin once more. Admittedly she felt herself wishing he’d continue, but was unsure just how far to take things.

She’d look up to the sky briefly as he mentioned their beauty, and a sigh of relief would escape her mouth as she realized she was slightly holding her breath. A clear, cloudless night sky with, dozens of stars and a crescent moon hung above them. Her gaze would move to meet his once more with a bit of a bashful expression.

”Next time we’ll have to take a walk on the beach. At night there are bioluminescent fish and algae that make the ocean look absolutely stunning. I’d like to catalog the various flora and fauna of the island someday, but that’s more of a passion project. Do you have any interest in stuff like that, biology I mean?”

If he allowed, Junko would rest her head on his shoulder once more, continuing to press gently up against him.

WC: 336
Total WC: 2681

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:31 am
Her expression was cute as she looked at him before inviting him to a walk on the beach. Junko seemed to have an interest in marine biology and marine plant life. Her question on whether he had an interest was easy to answer, though his interest was in clans of the ninja world. Before she could answer, she would place her head on his chest and press against him.

"I do have an interest in biology. I have a couple of books detailing the abilities of different clans." However, unless you knew that, you would think Sorrow and Sightless books one and two were works of fiction. Only those who knew about the later stages of the Sharingan could work out the deeper meaning.

He would rub her shoulder with her head near his chest, simply taking in the moment. Not everything had to be said; sometimes, being silent and in the moment was for the best. They were two people enjoying each other's company. He chose to focus on that instead of having to leave soon. If he focused on that, he would be focused on the future and be out of the moment.

After that brief time was over, he felt something for Junko. Her presence in his mind and on his skin. He knew what he wanted at the moment, and it was her. He would move a bang away from her eyes as he looked down and caressed her face. "You are different." He paused a few moments, realizing what he had said. "Different good." He would explain further, but he did not want to say she was different because she was into the weird shit he was into. "And I like that about you." That is where he would end that sentence on its high note.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:34 pm
Junko would listen as he mentioned his shared interest in biology, though he seemed to more more passionate about the various clans. It made her happy that they shared a few common interests, and felt like she could easily relate to him. He was currently the only other person Junko knew who could relate to the various issues she was struggling with on a daily basis. The two of them would remain silent for a few minutes, soaking in each other's company and cherishing the time they were spending. Junko’s mind felt at ease as she felt his fingertips dance across her shoulders and she relaxed into his embrace.

He’d turn his attention to her once more as he moved a bit of her bangs from her face, caressed her face gently, and gazed into her bright red eyes. Her expression would change from happy to a bit confused as he called her “different” and paused momentarily. Though Junko knew she was far from normal, she was a bit taken aback by his bluntness about it. The silence between them would linger for a few seconds before he attempted to make his statement better, by simply stating that it was a “good different” and that it was what he liked about her.

She couldn’t help but giggle a bit before she began to speak up in a playful voice.

”You’re not too normal yourself you know, though I suppose that’s what I like about you as well. To be honest, I was a bit nervous when I bumped into you and the Otokage, but I’m happy it happened.”

The entire encounter was rather odd, but thankfully it seemingly had been beneficial. She was now a bit richer and had been introduced to Akabayashi so she felt elated with how things had ended. Though during the encounter her mind begged her to flee, she felt as if she made the right decision by staying by his side.

WC: 329
Total WC: 3010

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 2 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:17 am
He would laugh, knowing he was anything but normal. He did not remember much about the Otokage other than the strange way he had met him. While he did not quite know the location of the sound village, he had a feeling it was in the land of sound. He would probably send a scouting party to look for it, not with any ill intent, but finding its location would be important for the future.

"It is getting pretty late. I want to check the security measures you spoke about earlier. If you would like that." He would still hold her, his heart beating in tandem like a drum. If she would accept his proposal, he would let her stand before getting up himself and grabbing his towel to wrap around his waist. He would then grab his glasses and change into his clothes. Following this, he would get dressed and walk with Junko to her home.
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