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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
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Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
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A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:21 am
She’d offer him a nod in agreement as he mentioned that it was getting pretty late and thought it would be a good idea to head to the Kage Tower for the night. Junko would stand and make her way out of the hot springs. As she exited into the cool night air, goosebumps could be seen over her pale, exposed skin. She’d blush slightly if their eyes met as she wrapped the towel around her body, covering her slightly, though a bit of her upper leg could be seen between the slit. Offering him a slight bow, Junko would excuse herself to the bathroom once more in order to change her clothes.

While in there she’d take a moment to freshen up and preen herself slightly after getting dressed into the black sun dress she wore prior. She’d remove her hair from the ponytail and allow its thick waves to cascade over her shoulders once more. Admittedly she was a bit anxious about what potentially would be transpiring between the two of them, but she found herself excited about the interaction. After she finished and was seemingly happy with her appearance, she’d reconvene with Akabayashi once more.

Once by his side, Junko would offer a quick goodbye to the woman working and they would head off towards the Kage Tower. If he allowed, Junko would be walking arm in arm with him as she gazed around the empty streets. As normal she’d attempt to keep up small talk, hoping he wouldn’t grow bored with her company. Soon the two would come upon the Kage Tower, and after greeting a guard at the door, the two would be allowed entry. She’d then lead him up a rather long staircase to the very top of the tower where both her office and suit waited for them.

Soon they would reach a rather ornate-looking wooden door, the name “Junko Tsukiko” written on a small, gold plaque. Pulling a silver key from her bust, Junko unlocked the door, walked in, and beckoned Akabayshi to join her. Once he was inside, she’d close the door behind them and lock it once more. Briefly looking over her office, Junko’s eyes would dance across the various knickknacks on shelves and ornate tapestries that hung from the walls. A large, wooden desk sat in the middle of the room, along with two comfortable-looking chairs sitting opposite of it. Like everything in her life, her office had been meticulously tailored to fit her personality and needs.

She’d move to the center of the room, and from behind the desk, she’d hit a small switch which caused a clicking sound from the back of the room. Realizing this could be seen as potentially suspicious, Junko would offer him a reassuring smile before speaking up once more.

”I had an apartment made above here so I wouldn’t have to worry about coming here every day. I figured it wouldn’t be wise to just have the entrance out in the open if something should happen, so I tried to hide it as best as I could.”

They wouldn’t linger in the office for long as Junko motioned for him to follow her to one of the various large bookcases. She’d pull one of the books slightly forward, which caused another clicking sound, and the bookcase to swing gently towards them, revealing a doorway. Junko would gingerly walk in and beckon him to join her. Should he accept, she’d close the bookcase behind them and lead him up a small set of spiraling stairs. Once at the top of the stairs, a dark room would reveal itself to them. Much like her office, it was rather neat looking, though it did seem to be lived in.

She’d turn on a few lights, and give him a brief tour of her apartment so he knew where to go if he needed anything. Admittedly the place was rather small, but it was big enough to suit her needs so she was happy with it. As they neared the final room, Junko would gaze up to him with an excited look.

”One last thing I want to show you, then I promise we can head to sleep if you’re ready alright?”

She would then open the door to the bedroom, though she’d move to the other side of the room towards what looked to be a sliding panel. Opening it up, a balcony could seen just outside that seemingly wrapped around the whole building. With a bit of an alluring expression, Junko would motion for him to follow her out. If he agreed, she’d walk out into the somewhat breezy, cool night air. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as her gaze danced across the village below the two of them. Now leaning forward slightly, Junko’s eyes wandered through the streets as she spoke.

”Isn’t it absolutely gorgeous from up here? I honestly don’t think I could imagine a better view if I tried.” She’d move her gaze to meet his as a light blush began to form on her cheeks. ”I’m happy I get to share it with you, and hope the feeling is mutual.”

Slowly she’d stand from her leaning position and orientate her body to face him as she awaited his response.

WC: 892
Total WC: 3902
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:41 am
Well the hidden space within her office was a surprise, more surprising was that it didn't lead to a vault, but to a bedroom. As she walked forward she beckoned him to follow. Which of course he would what person in their right mind would resist such an invitation from a beautiful woman. Akabayashi would follow her up the stairs to the furnished apartment above. As she showed him around she would stop at a door and tell him there was one final thing she had to show him.

As she opened the door and exited she motioned for him to follow her out onto the balcony. She stood over the edge looking down onto the street as people walked along. He would stand to her side, but slightly behind her with and wrap an arm around her shoulder.

He would listen as she took in the sight and spoke, before turning to get a response. The view and the sight of her eyes moving to his, the blush forming on her cheeks, along with the words she spoke. "I can positively say it is mutual, but I would like to show you." Akabayashi would lean down and give her a soft kiss on the lips, before placing one on her neck, another, and another, each one slightly harder than the last before reaching her shoulder. One more kiss there before a gentle bite which would leave teeth marks for only a few minutes. He very much knew he was being aggressive in his pursuit so, he would slow it down. Kissing her once more on the lips with more inensity, before asking. "Is this mutual?" He wanted Junko's input before continuing with what he had in mind. If she was not interested in where things were going she could stop him at any point or deny his request to continue things.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:50 am
Junko leaned up against him slightly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder once more and gazed out towards the village. After speaking and turning to him, she’d smile as she listened to his reciprocation. As he leaned down towards her, Junko would tilt her head up and meet his lips as he moved to meet hers. She could feel her heart beginning to race, though, for the first time in a while, her mind was at ease. When their lips parted, she’d tilt her head slightly allowing him to kiss down her neck to her shoulder. She’d move one of her hands to the back of his neck to play with his hair gently, and the other to rest softly on his shoulder.

A light gasp for air escaped her mouth as she felt him bite down on her skin, though it wasn’t enough to hurt, it still felt euphoric to her. Admittedly she felt a bit bashful at this moment, the last time she was in a situation like this she was wrapped in Rens's arms, and though she had denied him, she wasn’t planning on doing so to Akabayaski. She could feel herself giving into him, becoming malleable as his mouth danced across her soft skin. He then would pull away slightly, only to place a kiss on her lips once more, which she reciprocated. As they parted, he’d ask if it was mutual to which she’d nod to. However, instead of her normal, confident demeanor, she seemed to be a bit sheepish as she spoke.

”Y..yeah, the feeling’s mutual. Forgive me though, I’m not very experienced in this field”

Her cheeks became a bit more pink as she spoke, feeling a bit embarrassed about her lack of knowledge. For a moment her gaze would shift to the village as she attempted to keep her cool, though it didn't seemingly work. Being genuinely flustered was an odd feeling for Junko, usually, she was the one putting people in this position so she was unsure of how to act in this state. Looking up at him once more, Junko nodded her head back toward the bedroom with an alluring look, though wouldn’t make any move to enter yet.

WC: 375
Total WC: 4277
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:32 pm
Her slight movements were telling him that she was enjoying being physical. Akabayashi listened to her gasp as he bit her neck and grew a little more excited. The nod to affirm her feelings and the accompanied words sent him over the moon. He was unsure on whether she was telling the truth on her inexperience she had invited him skinny dipping then to her home. Junko was bold which is one of the traits he liked in her. He would not show his doubt if she was indeed inexperienced he would make this a night to remember. "I'll be gentle." He would say brushing her hair and scooping her up to be held in his arms. Kissing her once more.

He took her toward the bedroom, closing the door with his chakra, it did not slam but in his excitement definitely used more force than necessary. Placing her on the edge of the bed Akabayashi would begin by removing his robe once his shirt was off. He would remove the straps from Junko's dress allowing it to fall naturally, before removing anything else. He would climb onto the bed on top of her his lips locking with hers as he held her hands. He would kiss downward further and further the intensity increasing with each one placed.

He would toy with her body for quite a bit, until she was ready. Then if Junko wished she could remove his remaining garments. If not he would simply take them off and begin their union.

[Fade to black]

After they had coupled Akabayashi would stand put back on his trousers and walk outside. If Junko followed he would wrap her in one of the sheets she had on the bed. He would stand over the balcony. If there was a long chair he would have spent the rest of the night out here with Junko in his arms and watch the sun rise. He would look to her. "We already have a second date, so was this just for fun, or are we something more?" He knew he shifted into a more serious person now, but honestly he was preparing himself for an answer he did not want to hear that it was simply fun.

He would save her from having to be the first to share how she felt. All he did was ask a question. "It can be short-long distance, I have a way to traverse the world in seconds. I would like us to continue together, but if thar is something you do not want, I understand. Long distance usually sucks."
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:27 am
She felt relieved as he reassured her that he’d be gentle with her, and allowed him to scoop her up in his arms. Junko would reciprocate his kiss once more as he carried her into the bedroom, closing the door behind them as they entered. As he placed her down on the bed, she watched as he began to undress his outer layer. She could feel her breath becoming bated as she felt a bit of anxiety beginning to flood her brain. What if she wasn’t adequate, or unable to live up to his standard? She attempted to steel her nerves as he moved to slip the straps from her shoulders and felt the top of her dress now sit around her waist.

As examined her, she removed the black bandeau that covered her chest by pulling it up over her head and tossing it to the side. She’d breathe in deeply and hold it momentarily as he closed the distance between the two of them to climb on top of her. He’d place his lips on her and intertwine their fingers once more. As he pulled away from her and began to kiss down her skin, Junko finally released her held breath while a humming sound escaped her soft lips. A relaxed smile could be seen on her face as she tilted her head up and arched her back slightly as she felt his touch become fervent.

Junko became malleable in his hands and seemingly enjoyed what he was doing to her. She felt euphoric as he began to explore her body, small pools of sweat could be seen beginning to form on her forehead. Seemingly satisfied with his work, he’d pull away from her and stand up to remove what clothing still lingered on him. She’d sit up to assist him but would attempt to maintain eye contact as she did so. Once finished, she’d relax on her back once more and stretch upwards slightly to interlock her fingers together above her head.

[Fade to black]

Time would pass, and the two of them had seemingly had their fill as they parted. Admittedly Junko felt quite exhausted as she lay on the bed, attempting to catch her breath. She’d looked a bit begrudgingly at her clothing as she noticed Akabayshi beginning to pull his undergarments on once more. However, as she moved to get dressed, he instead wrapped her up in one of the sheets. With the finely made fabric draped nicely across her skin, it hung loosely around her shoulders, and she followed him back out to the balcony.

The cool night air danced across her skin as a light breeze passed by the two of them. Silence would linger between them for a moment, though Junko felt as if she was still trying to mentally recover from their exchange so she was a bit spaced out. She would fully come back to earth as she heard him speak in a serious tone, asking about what would become of them now. Though it had only been a few hours, Junko felt drawn to the man before her, however, she still felt conflicted about what to do.

Her mind held memories of being in the same situation with Ren, though Akabayshi seemingly didn’t adore her unconditionally as he had. This was a good thing however, with Akabayashi she felt as if he had taken the time to actually explore her mind before deciding to give their potential relationship a shot. Though she adored Ren, she had always felt that he had fallen for some romanticized versions of her, and not for who she actually was. In all honesty, she felt like this with most of her relationships, but with Akabayashi it felt as if he was genuinely trying to get to know who she really was.

Before she could respond, he’d continue on and explain how they could make it work. Admittedly if he hadn’t been able to teleport to her side as he wished, she probably would reject him in this moment. She needed somebody she could rely on, who would be there for her when needed, and due to his abilities, he fit the bill. He then mentioned that he wished to continue together, but understood if she didn't feel similar since long-distance relationships could be rough.

Wanting to look him in the eyes, she’d reach up and pull the sunglasses from his face if he allowed. For a moment she’d remain silent as she gazed up at him with admiration. She’d offer him a reassuring smile as he finished talking and would speak up in a warm, caring tone.

”You know, if you had asked me a few months ago I probably would have said no… I think I’d be willing to give it a try if you believe it’ll work out. Though if you break up with me by simply not returning, I may hunt you down alright?”

Junko would giggle slightly as she attempted to break through his serious demeanor once more. If he had allowed her to remove his sunglasses, she’d placed them on her face before giving him a playful expression.

WC: 860
Total WC: 5137
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:50 pm
Maybe he should let her keep those; he could always buy another pair. It seemed she wanted to look into his eyes for what she wanted to say. He listened to her full sentence as she spoke, lowering his shoulders as she said no but raising them back to normal as she continued. It wasn't the yes he was looking for, but it was something she was willing to try.

He would pull her into a hug and rub her arms. "Whatever it takes to bring you to Kiri," Akabayashi would say jokingly about her hunting him down. There was a lounge chair on the balcony. They could cuddle and talk to each other until it was time for bed or the sun rose. He would hold her, let her go, and sit down on it. He would ask her to be next to him. If she did, the kage would sit under the sheet with her and start talking again.

"So, I know some stuff about you. Are there any important dates I should know, like your birthday?" His eyes were their normal green as he asked. "My favorite color was purple, black, or red, but only for clothes. What about other things?" Akabayashi asked, looking up to the moon far out in front of them.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:53 am
Junko allowed him to pull her in for a hug, though she wished to wrap her arms around him in return, she needed to maintain a grip on the sheet draped over her. She’d reciprocate by gently nuzzling him, and offering him a gentle kiss on the neck if he allowed. A soft smile crossed her lips at his comment, she was happy he was seemingly satisfied with her answer. She would have felt guilty if she hadn’t shared her hesitation with him, but his reassurance eased her mind about it for the time. Though she knew it was going to be rather difficult for her, she was confident they would be able to persevere.

After pulling away from her, she’d watched as he made his way to one of the lounge chairs. Though she could pull up another chair directly beside him, she desired to sit elsewhere. If he allowed, Junko would move to sit on his lap after removing his sunglasses and handing them back to him. Her shoulder would rest up against his chest, and her head near the base of his neck. With the sheet pulled over the two of them, she’d use one of her hands to gently trance her nails against his skin.

For a moment silence lingered between the two of them, however, it broke as he inquired about any important dates, and what her other favorite colors were. There were only a handful of dates that had stood out to her, though most were from not-so-happy memories so she didn’t feel like bringing them up thinking it’d sour the mood.

”Well my birthday is the 30th of October, but I don’t think there are really any other ones. I hate to admit but black, red, and purple are usually my go-to for most things. Lately, however, I’ve fallen in love with the pinkish color of the sky before sunset and the bright greens of the flora around the village. What about you, when’s your birthday or are there any other dates I should know about? Also, I don’t believe you mentioned your favorite color when you had asked me originally, so what’s yours?”

She’d tilt her head up slightly and rub her nose against his neck as she finished speaking but would stop as he began to respond.

WC: 398
Total WC: 5535
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:59 pm
Akabayashi enjoyed his time with Junko every kiss or nuzzle sent a flood of endorphins to his head. If she kept it up the flood may just pull him under and in this case he was willing to drown. Fighting against the current was a bad idea normally and it was a bad idea now, it was time to move against the current so they could talk. As she handed him back his sunglasses he would place them on the ground next to him, she wanted to look into his eyes earlier maybe there would be another chance later.

He would listen as she spoke and answer as she asked the questions. Akabayashi would remember the date she gave he had to come by if they were still together. My birthday is July 4th." He knew it was quite close so he wasn't expecting for her to rush to plan something. He would probably return for a day just to hang out with Junko. As she asked her next question he would answer that as well. "My favorite color is purple, but not like violet like a royal purple. Though I would never wear it, so hard to pull off." Her rubbing his neck with her nose almost made him pause.

Time to drown. The flood was taking him and he was tired from fighting it for so long. With her on his lap, he would go in for another passionate kiss, this one not as gentle as the earlier ones. "I can not wait until I come back, want to just sit here and watch the sunrise together? Its not sunset, but I'm sure the colors are beautiful too.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
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A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:32 am
Sitting snugly on his lap, Junko listened as he mentioned his birthday which was seemingly arriving soon. If she had known him sooner she would have planned to surprise him with some sort of festival or party in his honor, though due to the time constraints, she knew she wouldn’t have adequate time to do so. Perhaps she could buy him a gift and give it to him once he returned, though she knew it would be a bit before she would be able to hand it to him. She was happy to hear that his favorite color was similar to hers and would remember to wear something in that shade during their next meet-up.

”Once you return we’ll have to do something to celebrate, though I apologize that’ll have to be something small since I won't know about your upcoming arrival until you’ve made your way to my side. I hope that’s alright with you.”

After rubbing her nose gently on his neck, a small smile could be seen on her face as he moved to kiss her once more. This time his touch was filled with a bit more passion than previously, which she reciprocated. She could feel her heart racing in her chest once more as the two of them remained in this position for a few moments. Though as he pulled away Junko would gently bite his lower lip briefly before letting go and looking up into his eyes once more. He then would mention his eagerness to return to her side and ask if she’d like to watch the sunrise with him.

”I’d stay like this forever if I could, I think watching the sunrise sounds lovely if it means I get to spend more time with you. I can make us some tea or a snack if you wish my dear.”

If he requested something to eat or drink, Junko would oblige and stand from his lap before heading to her kitchen. Soon she’d return with whatever he requested, along with a cup of tea for herself. However, if he wished for her to remain with him, she’d happily do so. If he allowed, Junko once more would rest her head on his shoulder as a content sigh escaped her lips. She felt relaxed and more importantly safe in his arms, the various thoughts that consistently raced through her mind were silenced by his comforting embrace.

Unless he spoke up, they’d remain silent for a minute as they relished in each other's company. Though there was much she didn’t know about him, she didn’t feel the need to know everything right away and didn’t want to berate him with questions. He had already told her so much about himself and his past, that Junko admittedly felt a bit guilty for not sharing her bond with Lord Jashin with him yet. Thinking how she’d approach the topic, she decided to try and do so carefully. She knew that others viewed his followers as nothing more than cultists and chaotic forces, so she hoped his opinion of her wouldn’t change once he knew the truth.

”I have a rather odd question if you don’t mind indulging me. Do you know anything about Jashin, or his followers?”

Though she didn’t follow his teachings and was opposed to the ones she knew, she was forever tied to him and was sure others wouldn’t be too fond of her bond with him.

Total WC: 6117
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A Late Night Dip - Page 3 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:36 am
"Its okay, goth mommy kage  I would likely arrive before any correspondence I sent and spending time with you would be enough for me." He hoped she did not mind the nickname as it was just what he saw her as Whatever she offered was enough for him, he did not need or require anything else.

He wanted to watch the sunrise, but each action she reciprocated and added to was sending him deeper into the water. The biting onto his lower lip had his head spinning, if he could think at the moment he would wonder if she was feeling the same. Her words broke him out of the trance as they looked into one anothers eyes. He could see the world in those pretty red eyes. "Tea would be nice, thank you princess." He would watch as she moved away and relax a little in the seat. The waters had calmed as she moved away and he could take.a breath. Another minute and he would have been seeing if she wanted to go back inside for a round two and then watch the sunrise.

When she returned he would take the tea from her and take a sip."Thank you." She would then return to her position of laying next to him with her head on his shoulder. He took in everything about her the smell of her hair, the gentleness of her touch, the warmth of her body. Just the sensation of her being close was enough to fill the silence with joy. It was a sensation he was unacustomed to, but was appreciate of.

The silence was broken with a strange question. "Jashin? A god of murder. Bestows his priest with a special doujutsu capable of seeing the fear of people they look upon. People who kill these priest also recieve the power." He wondered if he should tell her he had such an ability from killing one of the god's priest. "I have the Jashigan, currently if you would like to see it."
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