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Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:21 pm
Mission Details

Kuniko woke up early that morning in the stone confines of his castle room. He had accepted a mission the previous day, but though it best not to go at it alone. He took a bath and washed his hair three times, then completed his normal early morning rituals to get physically and mentally prepared for the day to come. Since he would be on a mission with another shinobi today he had to look sharp and presentable. Kuniko frowned while looking at his wardrobe though. It was painfully dull. He needed more money and fast. After he was completely prepared, the young ninja head out towards Sakuragi's home. He was a distant relative among the Hyuuga clan, but he was also someone Kuniko could trust. 

Looking at the card Sakuragi had given him in their previous mission, Kuniko went into town. It was cooler today than it was before. The young shinobi hoped he wouldn't catch a cold out on a day like this. After some minutes, he had arrived at Sakuragi's home. Kuniko would knock on the door if the no one was standing outside waiting, and greet whoever answered him. If Sakuragi answered the door himself, Kuniko would say to him in a calm and welcoming tone, "Good morning, Sakuragi, how are you fairing today? Are you prepared for our mission?" 

WC: 225
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:56 pm
It was a Chilly morning. Sakuragi was still lying on his bed buried with a blank over his body. It was cold today. He was suppose to be up by now, but he slept late Studying last night. He wasn't studying any special tech or something. He was studying the history of hyuuga and it ancestors.Several night, he would burn the candles to study. Last night shouldn't have been one of those midnight candles night, because he knows quite well that he was going to embark on a mission today with his teammates  kuniko a fellow hyuuga member. He was still sleeping like a baby when there was a knock on the door. His grandma who was in the kitchen doing some dishes went to open the door. Alas,  there stand a young boy who has a pupiless eyes, she could tell that he came to see sakuragi. “Good morning my son, sakuragi is still on bed, come inside while I wake him up for you”  she said as she opened the door for the hyuuga boy to come inside. His grandma walked into his room and pull away the blanket from his body,  “Wake up sakuragi, your friend is here” she said as she tapped him gently. It wasn't that he was all gone in sleep, but the cold day was what chained him to his bed. Sakuragi would rise up from his bed and greet his grandma good morning.  He doesn't want to be the reason why they would be late for the mission. He went to the sitting to greet kuniko “ what's up friend, sorry I'm late. Give me few minutes to freshen up”. He said as he dashed into the bathroom room and took his bath, he went into his room, wore his clothes and sandals.

In the sitting room, a brown figure walked in, who wore black long jacket, black shorts, white inner shirt v neck and black sandals, that was sakuragi. He took two apples from the dinning table, threw one at kuniko to catch and told his grandma good bye, he would be back soon. They were going on a mission, he didn't bother telling his grandma about the mission they were going for because he feared that she may fret, thinking he was embarking on the type of deadly mission that killer his father . “ OK, I'm ready, let's roll” he said to kuniko who was in the sitting room. 

TWC: 410
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:12 pm
After the introductions and pleasantries of meeting Sakuragi's grandmother, Kuniko patiently waited for his friend to finish his morning routine. While waiting, the young shinobi carefully inspected the home for exits and weak points, as was normal for him. It was wise to always know how to escape an area. Kuniko had become very conscientious of his surroundings ever since the encounter with the pale beast in the Wildlife Reserve. 

After catching the apple that his partner tossed him, Kuniko followed Sakuragi out of his home and into the street. Once they were outside Kuniko would politely compliment the other shinobi by saying "You look well prepared for today. Let's head over to the restaurant and try to look inconspicuous. Just two Hyuuga boys out on the town, right?" After saying this Kuniko would give Sakuragi a wink and tap him with his elbow. It was a friendly gesture, but also one to test his partner's temperament. 

Kuniko had a lot of questions for his partner, but he had all day to ask them. He was content with just walking to their designated location for now to await their package. Should Sakuragi follow him, Kuniko will head to the finest restaurant in all of Hoshigakure and wait outside its entrance, standing near a wall.

WC: 214
TWC: 439
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:13 am
Sakuragi was ready to move with his friend, kuniko. They both headed out of the house to face the day. Sakuragi would respond to what Kuniko said “  yeah, we are both prepared for the day, two hyuuga boys are about to light up the day”, he said with a loud voice.  He wasn't mindful of his surroundings, neither did he cared if anyone was watching them. It's not like he gives a damn anyway. Kuniko gave sakuragi a compliment and tapped him gently with his elbow, sakuragi smile brightly “Thanks. you're looking good too. Now let's rock the world” he said to his friend. 

Kuniko was a lot more older than Sakuragi, probably four years older, he wouldn't know. But they are a lot of things sakuragi don't just care about. His mentality is quite different from the way other people thinks . He had lived with his grandma all his life, with no parent. 

Sakuragi and Kuniko reached the restaurant, they stand in front of the restaurant. Sakuragi doesn't know much details about the mission,  so he asked kuniko about what they are going to do “Kuniko-kun, I know someone is gonna bring us something, but I don't know what it is. What is the thing and what are we to do with it? ” he asked in a low and soft tone, he waited for his friend to answer his question. 

TWC : 644
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:27 pm
The two Hyuuga shinobi were now standing outside of the best known restaurant in Hoshigakure. Kuniko turned towards his partner who asked a question to him and responded in a whisper, "we just have to wait here until someone gives us a package, then we deliver it. Very easy. They'll say something about a peacock first. 'The Lavender Peacock,' I think." Kuniko did have trouble paying attention at times during mission briefings, he always got caught up looking at his surroundings, judging the decor. As the young ninja settled there near the wall, he began to examine the restaurant's exterior. It had a marvelous color scheme, along with large red lion statues on either side of the stairs leading up to the entrance. Kuniko nodded in approval. 

"So what do you like to do in your free time, Sakuragi?" Kuniko decided to make small talk why they were waiting since he wanted to get to know his partner a little better. The mission seemed very simple, so he might as well use the time productively. If Sakuragi stated his interests, Kuniko would tell him of his own hobbies, "I enjoy keeping up with fashion, I make most of my own clothes. I also love art and decorations, since that can be viewed as fashion for buildings in a way. Aesthetics are everything in life." 

WC: 224
TWC: 663
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:28 pm
Kuniko would brief him about what they mission his about. Sakuragi wasn't sure about what was going through in kuniko mind. Does kuniko sees himself stronger than  him because he is older?.  He hates people who thinks that way. Sakuragi just learnt a new and powerful jutsu, a perfect defense that is difficult to break. A lot of thoughts running through his mind as he looked at his teammate. He wanted to ask some questions about him, but he wouldn't. 

Eventually kuniko asked him a question, “ I love studying most importantly, a life of ignorance is a foolish wretched life. I enjoy writing too,  I'm basically a poet. I do a lot of  things during my free time, anything that will give knowledge” he said with a smile and then paused for a second or two before he talked again , “Knowledge is power and power is all that matters to me, what about you? ”. Kuniko may not know that part of his gaining knowledge involves studying a wide range of Hyuuga jutsu.  Sakuragi didn't bother mentioning that. Kuniko would proceed to tell him what he enjoys doing doing his free time, he's the fashion aesthetic guy. Sakuragi was amaze when his teammate said he sew his own clothes. Maybe someday he would sow clothes someday. “That's cool kuniko, I may need your help on sowing some clothes someday. Now when the hell is this package gonna come?” he said to his teammate .  He was tempted to activate his byakugan to see everything going on in the restaurant but he didn't. They had been standing here for some minutes. Sakuragi was getting impatient though he tried not to show it. He tried to keep calm. He brushed over his spiky hair with his right awaiting what's  about to show up next. 

TWC : 947
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:42 pm
Kuniko closed his eyes to take in every word that Sakuragi said. He was not one to stare directly into someone's eyes while talking to them. When someone tells him something important, he liked to absorb as much as he could from every word they said. When his partner commented that he would one day like his help sewing, Kuniko's eyes would light up with joy, and he would smile at Sakuragi, saying "I would gladly help you anytime with style of clothes. I find it very interesting that you fancy yourself a poet. Perhaps you could also write me a poem someday." After he said that, a man came walking out of the restaurant holding a package. 

The man looked like a regular waiter, with a black slacks and a white suit top. He clearly worked at the establishment. He had under his arm a small package, no larger than a shoebox. It was wrapped in brown paper and tied together with string. The man said in the direction of the two shinobi "Now where has the Lavender Peacock gone off to?" As he said this he started looking around as though searching for such a ridiculous bird. Kuniko nodded towards Sakuragi and as the man who was holding the package approached them. While still looking about, the man handed the package to Kuniko, then walked around the street for a minute before returning into the restaurant. 

As soon as he had the package in hand, Kuniko checked the address and began heading in that direction, assuming his partner would follow him. The box needed to go to a spot on the other side of town. When the two shinobi had entered an ally, Kuniko would turn to Sakuragi and whisper, "Well, we were told to deliver this package to this address and then the mission will be complete. And we're also not allowed to open the package under any circumstances. No opening the package." Kuniko then looked at his partner to gauge his reaction.

WC: 336
TWC: 1000
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:48 am
Sakuragi and his team mate had been standing here for quite a while. It appear kuniko fancy his Poet thing. Sakuragi was glad that kuniko likes his free time thingy. Although, there are quite a lot of things about sakuragi that kuniko did not know any may never know. Sakuragi was starting to get impatient, he had hissed several times in frustration. Some minutes later, someone would walk towards them to deliver a sort of package thing to kuniko. Sakuragi was curious to know what was inside . The man who delivered the package had left them. The two would head towards the location where the package is to be delivered. However, kuniko told him that they can't open the package,  “ don't be stupid, what are byakugans for? ”. He chuckled and activated his byakugan. He doesn't need to open it, sakuragi can see everything from outside with his dojutsu. His mouth would open widely in awe of what he saw he the package. He saw several small organs. He wasn't sure if this organs are human organs or animal organs. Could it be that the restaurant was doing organ trade?.  He would deactivate his byakugan after he has seen everything. He didn't care what his partner would say, his pupiless eyes narrowed, unless his partner get him to talk,  he wouldn't say anything to his partner until they get to the spot where they are to deliver the package. The brown skinned boy seem to regret ever doing this mission with kuniko. Why on earth would they be delivery organs of something they don't know?.  It's tragic and horrific. Sakuragi wish the mission was over already as he walked together with his teammate to the delivery location. 

TWC : 1236
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:21 pm
As soon as his partner activated his Byakugan, Kuniko did the same. He saw some sort of organs inside of the package. Perhaps if he were better trained in medical ninjutsu he could identified them based on the remnants of their chakra network, but he didn't care to do it even if he could. "Well that's disturbing, let's just get this box to where it needs to go." After deactivating his Byakugan, Kuniko began to head to the other side of town, as long as Sakuragi followed him. 

Kuniko eventually arrived at a small dingy shop on the other side of Hoshigakure. It was a back road not often traveled in a area that was poorly lit. The cool wind picked up on this street, which caused Kuniko to shiver. This mission was turning out to be more troublesome than he thought it would be. The surroundings were also painfully drab and unclean. When Kuniko was walking up to the door of the unnamed shop whose address was on the package, a man in a robe came out of the building. Kuniko quickly stated the password he had been given in an effort to hurry up and end this mission. "The Lavender Peacock..." Kuniko let his voice trail off, and the mysterious man before him held out two pale wrinkled hands to receive the package. 

After Kuniko handed the box to the robed individual, he turned around to leave. He said to Sakuragi, assuming he was still there, "well that's a mission well done. Thank you for accompanying me. I don't know if I had the heart to do this job myself." And with that, Kuniko would bow to his partner and then begin the long journey back home. 

WC: 290
TWC: 1290


Claiming D-rank mission rewards, 3 AP, 1300 Ryo, 3 stat points
2500/2500 Eight Trigrams: Palms Revolving Heaven 

500/500 Gentle Fist: Palm Bottom  D
200/1000 Gentle Fist: Palm Bottom C
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Byakugan
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 75700

Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)  Empty Re: Mysterious errands indeed... (NK)

Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:50 pm
Approved Kuniko <3

However, please link where your previous WC for jutsu came from the next time you make claims. It makes staff's job easier that way when approving things ^_^
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