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Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:02 pm
Mission Specs:

Hado waited across the street from the finest restaurant in the known world, waiting for, funnily enough, a certain pair of twins who were paired up with him for a simple mission. Probably he was supposed to deliver the package, and they were security or something. If/when they showed up he would try to quietly review the mission with them.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:47 am
In perfect silence the twins walked up, Ash wearing a camo suit easily recognizable to any who called themselves a gamer. Her hair was tucked into a short brown wig with a blue and black bandana across her forhead. Yep. She went there. Solid snake. I hate this part. Beside her seemed to walk OH COME THE FUCK ON WITH THIS. are you serious? well. Beside the girl dressed up as solid snake was..... just a box. the pair moved to stand directly beside hado in silence, Snake giving the boy a nod.

Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:59 pm
Hado saw the others on the mission, and something was amiss. Wait. One of them was there for certain, dressed like, some kind of wierd soldier from a far away land perhaps? Dunno.

The other? Where was the other? "Where's Rei?" Hado look ed a little befuddled. "That box is a puppet right? Could I examine it later? Those things look so cool! Oh wait, I don't have time for this, they might open that door any moment now!" Hado looked quite worried at the thought.

He scampered up to the door and waited, trying to look like he was supposed to be waiting there. This would happen regardless of whether Ash followed him or not.

After a while, a crowd of people came out, and in the midst of it all Hado heard the code words whispered into his ear, and the package pressed into his hand. Even if he had looked he would not have been able to figure out who gave it to him. Walking over to join Ash, he would say "I don't know where this address is likely to be, do you?"
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:54 pm
"........I'm the box hado. I'm cosplaying as a box because i've lost control of my life and my sister hates me." soft blue eyes peered out from the slit in the side of the box generally used as a hand hold, a glare of sharp steel aimed at the genin boy as she spoke. Ash of course simply waved it off.

"now now. This was the perfect oportunity to show off my most covert ops cosplay. So like. Do we just wait here forever or like...... Will they be here soon. Maybe we should create a secret hand shake. I was thinking something simple like a twenty two movement one that involves four full body rotations and a double backflip. " The girl was as bright and excitable as always, her features bathed in the youthful exuberance that garanteed an inability to sit still, and assured her sister this would be quite a long night.

"Ash. Shut. Up." Inside the box the small girl worked, a large block of wood taken from the overfilled brown backpack sat by her left leg being slowly carved. Unfortunately she lacked her general woodworking tools, which ensured this would in fact take an unbelievably long time. thankfully time wasn't something they lacked for.

"So like..... We need a way to pass the time I think. Also dont forget the pass code. It was um..... barbacoa? banana hammock? bees knees" Ash was lost, as usual. She went through phrase after phrase that had absolutely nothing to do with the task at hand before finally going silent, and it would seem as if an angelic chior rang out at the action. Not really of course, that would be strange, but it was quite pleasant.

The plan was simple for the twins. Ash and Hado meet the carrier, Rei makes sure they dont screw up the password, pass the package to the box..... make the drop. Taking the Ashareial principal out of the equation this was probably the easiest mission they'd had to do since they joined the village hidden in the stars. Unfortunately Ash did in fact exist which meant things needed to be a bit different. At a swift pace Rei worked through the preparations for her newest puppet. She wanted to make sure as much of it was done before the point when she had to take her attention off of the work at hand. With her chakra strings she worked on each piece in tandem, two legs, two arms and a torso propped up the inside of the box with tools shifting to work quickly through both her hands and a gentle shift of her fingertips.

Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:27 am
will post tomorrow sry
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:19 pm
"Uhhh...." Hado was more than a little surprised to see, err, hear Rei inside the box. He awkwardly tried to pat the box a few times gently where he thought her back was but given that he didn't see inside he could easily have goofed up. His voice lowered a lot, his mouth next to the flap "I don't know if I can help you out much, I'm not very strong and she's pretty headstrong, sorry."

He showed Ash the package first, figuring she would be the louder of the two twins anyway. "Do you recognize anything of this address?" If Ash didn't answer he would go and ask Rei next. "If memory serves its in that area of town but I dunno, I'm still pretty new here to be frank." He pointed south east as he spoke.

(srry for another short post im having truble getting it up ;-; )
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:10 pm
"AH. did you get the package?" the voice came once more from just inside the large cardboard box. For a moment the sound of metal on wood ceased, Rei's attention taken away from her primary task crafting a new puppet to actually ensure that the responsibilities of their mission was taken care of.
"Ash no." Ash began to speak, reaching out for what the boy had, only to be shut down nearly immediately.

Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:48 am
Mmk. Good. Rei was starting to show more backbone, and better yet, Ash listened! Hado did a jig in the back of his mind. Ash seemed to have good intentions but got caught up too much in everything without considering other people. Rei on the other hand, well, hopefully this could continue without being a sisterly blood bath, cause Hado would sure feel bad about that.


He began concentrating his earth chakra under his skin, under the areas that were hidden by clothing. He wanted to keep it a secret from everyone that he was training the Earth Spear technique to be able to take hits better, but honestly, this was easy to hide for now. The dark chakra spread out over his skin, slowly stiffening to increase his defenses. Now to find a way to test it... He punched himself in the chest and his fist hurt a bit, but that could have been because of his skinny body and them ribs instead. He would look for other ways to practice then.

He read the package again, figuring it would be kinda rude to show Rei if she had just shut down Ash so promptly. Taking his best guess about which district, it would be in, Hado set off, forgetting to even remind the twins of his direction. Shortly thereafter, it came about that he was not headed the right way, the district was entirely wrong. So, he began heading back to the starting point, winding his way through the city, taking a roundabout route just in case he saw something useful.

The first time he walked right by the address. He only realized he had passed it when he came to an intersection and he saw the road sign. Whoops! He did an about face, and began walking back the way he had come, scanning the street.

He was so busy scanning the street that he walked into a lamp post, head on, hisentire torso and head impacting with an audible crack.

Dazed, he fell to the ground, amidst the pedestrians, of which only some noticed him. As he slowly got to his feet, his body tilting back and forth, the ground seeming to sway in front of him, he picked back up the package which had fallen. Good thing it was ok. He dusted it off, while his mind still cleared from the awful collision it had suffered. He nearly put his hand up to start trying to heal but remembered at the last second that this was in public, and people didn't take kindly to ninjas here.

That being said, his torso didnt hurt that much despite the angle at which he had walked into the post. He poked himself in the chest - yep, the earth chakra was still reinforcing his skin. Looked like it was working!

He kept walking as he did this, and missed the address a second time. Looking up after a few minutes he realized the addresses were off. Setting out again, one hopefully last time, he was very careful, and at last found the address. Not seeing anybody around, he reached up from his height and tapped gently on the door.

(385+532= idk im lazy atm)

(btw wanna control the npc person? then you have something easier to do with the wc)

Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:10 am
Finally they were off, package in hand. They moved quickly down the mostly empty streets of hoshikagure, Ash thankful they'd waited until evening time. As as walked, at first it would seem as if Rei simply wasn't coming along, but finally at the five meter mark the box would seem to catch on something, one of rei's chakra strings allowing the box and the girl underneath to slide on.... well it looked like nothing. Looking under the box using my over powered third person omniscient narrator powers has determined... ah. yes. Beneath the box, which was unimportant to mention until right now but i totally knew about and didn't just now learn of is a sleight of some sort connected to the bottom of the box that was allowing the girl to be fairly easily drug behind her sister. That.... is actually slightly impressive.

Finally they would reach the area needed... though it would seem that the boy with the twins failed to realize. He passed, causing Ash to speak up and rei to look up from her wok. "Um... right...oh. " her comment was timed perfeclty to ensure that the young ninja named hado succeeded in slamming face first into a large metal pole, shaking the light above them a bit. "Never mind. I think you saw it. " This Rei took as her que finally. The box lifted up, Rei walking off of her sleigh and over to Hado. If he allowed she'd take the box, hiding it under her own box and walking up to the door. Ringing the doorbell... because thats how you do shady deals right?..... She'd wait until a tall questionable looking man answered.

"Um... Hello? waht.... " He kicked the large box once, a large red question mark appearing above his head.... somehow. How do these girls succeed in things like this. I swear. At any rate he'd shrug finally saying "huh. It's just a box." which would prove quickly to be incorrect as she nudged him. Once more he turned, finally understanding what was going on.

" The lavender peacock?" He said, drawing a nod from the box. no not the girl. the whole box. Lifting up she'd walk back to her group, the package left on the man's doorstep. Quickly he took it inside, closing the door.

"Alright. we did it, and I finished my puppet." From beneath the box a small pinochio puppet walked, waving at the two. All around today was somehow an effective day. mission complete.

(1023 1k ryo and 3 ap each claiming pinochio puppet created and exit )
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei) Empty Re: Mysterious Errands (Hado+Ash/Rei)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:15 pm
Ah, good thing, it seemed that Ash and Rei had this weird mission under control. Good thing too, as this mission had taken far longer than it should have. What was the code word? “Lavender Peacock…” Hado repeated the code phrase to himself silently, as he made it back to the address. Of course, by the time he arrived, the box was being in the process of being delivered. “Hey, nice job Rei!” He would accompany Ash and Rei back, since he had nothing better to do at the moment.

(exit, 917+90=1007?)
(gonna go for 1k ryo from mission reward and 3 mission ap I guess?)
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