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Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Shopping Duty

Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:23 pm
Missions Attempted
Shopping Spree Supervisor
Paranoid Merchant
Missing Merchant

It was a chilly morning in Hoshigakure as Kayori began climbing out of her bed and started her daily routine. However, she was a bit tired from having to juggle her church duties, along with the new missions she found herself being assigned to. Regardless of her exhaustion, she slowly began preparing herself for the day. As usual, she’d take a 2-mile jog around the village to wake herself up fully after saying a few prayers to Amaterasu. Upon returning home, she’d take a long, cold shower before then getting dressed. Thankfully she was able to push whatever exhaustion lingered in her body to the side and continued her day as normal.

After a quick breakfast with her parents, she’d walk out of her home and out into the streets. To any that observed her, they’d see a seemingly friendly and confident young woman. Her long, platinum-blonde hair was braided loosely down her back and stopped just below her waist. A finely made, blue and white yukata was wrapped neatly around her body. Along with her village headband tied around her waist. She didn’t look to be wearing armor and only had a tanto sheathed on her left hip. A golden necklace with an intricately made sun pendant sat gently on her chest and moved slightly as she walked.

Before she could attend to her village duties, she needed to take care of a few things at the church. Though recently she was able to take a step back and allow her siblings to take care of a few things, she still wanted to lend a hand. Also admittedly she missed being so close to the community that raised her so she was happy to help when she could. However, she wouldn’t be able to remain here long since she had been assigned a mission that would soon require her attention. After finishing up her tasks, Kayori would say her goodbyes and begin heading to the meeting spot.

The mission she had received seemed rather simple, so she hoped it would be rather uneventful. She was to join a young man named Rilo Ametsuchi, a Genin like herself, and take a shift guarding one of the various merchants within the village. The man himself was middle-aged and was rumored to have a rather unempathetic attitude with a short temper. Apparently, he had recently received death threats and insisted he needed the village to provide him with some security. Their task was to pick up the merchant along with his wife at their home, escort them throughout the City Square, ensure their safety during their shopping trip, and deliver them back to their home unharmed.

It would take Kayori roughly an hour to traverse the village streets and find the home he was looking for. As she approached the gate surrounding the estate, she was stopped by a guard. However, after explaining the situation and providing any documentation he requested, Kayori would be allowed in. She would be escorted inside the home and placed in what looked to be a living room. For a few minutes, she’d sit in silence awaiting the arrival of her mission partner. She had been a bit early, so she wasn’t too concerned that he hadn’t sown up yet.

If anyone else entered the room, she’d offer them a warm, welcoming smile along with a brief wave. Speaking up, she’d introduce herself with a relaxed but polite demeanor.

”I assume you’re Rilo Ametsuchi? It’s wonderful to meet you, I’m Kayori Hatake, your partner for this mission.”

Extending out her arm, she’d offer him a handshake and wait patiently for his response.

WC: 608

Last edited by Kayori Hatake on Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added missions)
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:29 pm
Most on a chilly would find comfort in being under blankets and around those that gave them comfort. Sipping on teas and drinks that created a sense of warmth and comfort that would make them forget about the frigid touch of the cold. For Rilo however he preferred the touch of sparks hitting his skin. The sound of metal against metal breathing new life into a weapon or armor. The cold had never bothered him, but in the midst of the forge it was welcomed. He was just about to finish a project he had been working on for a few days for himself. His sword, Enten, had been given new life in the world but now.... now he needed an accompanying armor. The form had finally taken shape but the tailoring of what he had wanted was yet to be seen. Setting the item down into its place he would wipe the sweat from his brow as he took a small breathe and looked around. The silence inside of the forge after his work. The Wyrmling Lord had been in another part of the shop, both of the twins had left out to run errands which left Rilo to his own devices. Sometimes he had an issue with silence because it left him with too much to do. He liked to stay busy and continually work on something whether that had been training or even working on a project. Given the situation it was probably for the best for him to step out and find something to do. A thought came to mind for him to take on a mission not for the ryo but simply for the passage of time for the shop to become lit with its usual chaos. From the forge he would begin to head into the upper portion where the fledgling lived with his chaotic family and turned right to head to the master bedroom. In here he would begin his day and get ready to head out. After an hour or two passed he would begin to head back down into the main area of the forge, dressed in his black jacket that had been under his black overcoat, black pants and boots to match. On his hip had been his Refined Katana and over it had been his weapon of choice, Enten. He could feel the energy within the blade, as if it had been trying to commune with him. The blade was the only memento he had of his past life which had still been riddled with mystery and a black fog he could only pierce in his dreams only to leave him by the light of the morning sun. As frustrating as it had been, he knew that eventually he would find ways to recover his memory and finally hear the voice of his blade.

With his right hand he would push the door to the forge open and head out into the open world, his destination had been to a mission that was signed up for previously. His stride was long and with purpose, and each step would quickly bring him to his destination. Rilo was rarely a person to waste even a single movement as he was taught that each movement served a purpose. Every breathe and movement of the body would serve for him to get some objective done. He would arrive ten minutes after Kayori, walking in and shortly after his crimson eyes would scan the area. For a moment he stood in silence until a voice spoke up through the void of silence, and his eyes would slowly move over to the voice. His eyes and brow would lower for a moment as he observed the female, not out of scrutiny but to size up the person to see whom he would be working with. Relaxing his posture he would extend his left hand to meet hers and shake it twice before releasing and returning his hand to rest upon the sheath of Enten," It seems you already know my name so that means we can skip the introductions. Are you ready to proceed or are we waiting on others?," as he spoke his head would turn seemingly as if it was on a swivel and return back to its normal position so that his eyes could rest upon her.

726 WC
Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:12 am
Their hands would disconnect from each other as began speaking. After noting that introductions could be skipped, he inquired about starting the mission. Kayori would shrug slightly and fold her hands together in her lap before speaking up once more, though now she sounded a bit frustrated.

”I was told to wait here until summoned. I assume we’re just waiting for our employers to be ready, hopefully, it won't take them very long.”

Sitting back in her chair, relaxing once more, she’d cross her right leg over her left and patiently await their summons. Usually, she would attempt a bit of small talk with those she was partnered up with. However, she felt as if the boy in front of her wouldn’t be interested in such things. As she waited, she’d remain silent unless he decided to speak up first and seemingly would be interested in whatever he had to say. Regardless, roughly 5 minutes would pass before the door to the room swung open.

Standing before them was a couple, both of them seemingly middle-aged. The man was a bit tall, though quite frail-looking and balding slightly. The woman was of average height, seemingly in good health though crow's feet could be seen beginning to form at the corners of her eyes. Both were dressed in well-made, matching attire that showed off whatever status they held. Kayori would rise from her seat and offer the two of them a bow as they walked into the room. Breaking the silence, the man would speak and introduce himself as Tatsuki, then his wife as Naomi.

Kayori would introduce herself and look to Rilo for him to do so himself. Once that was out of the way, Tatsuki explained that there were a few shops in The City Square they wished to stop at. He then mentioned that they were now ready to depart, and Kayori happily followed about 5 meters behind the two of them. Her hands were held together gently behind her back as she walked and seemingly looked focused on the task at hand. Though admittedly she was quite bored and couldn’t help but have her mind slip slightly. Thankfully the streets weren’t too busy so it was quite easy to keep track of them.

Soon they would find themselves at their first destination, a quaint open-air market. Various stalls could be seen filled with different types of items and treats. Due to the isles becoming smaller, Kayori would close the distance, standing now roughly 2 meters behind them. Not wanting to be overbearing, she’d continue to remain alter but give them as much privacy as she could. Thankfully she had been to this market plenty of times for her own purposes and knew it to be a relatively safe spot. However, she knew she had to stay on her toes to ensure their safety while they moved.

If Rilo had decided to stay near her, she briefly looked at him with a warm but neutral expression before speaking up.

”Have you been to this market before? If not, I suggest visiting it in your free time. Some of the food is absolutely remarkable and there’s always different kinds of items coming in and out.”

Moving her gaze off of him and returning it to the crowds of people, Kayori looked around attentively. Though she wished to slack off and go to one of her favorite stalls, she’d push her desires to the side and simply follow the couple until they were ready to move on to the next destination on the list.

WC: 600
Total WC: 1208
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:01 am
Rilo didn't say much after but he could infer that it would likely to be the both of them, something that was probably for the best. Less people meant they could be more efficient in their task while not being as overbearing for those they would be escorting. His right arm would only shift a bit as he gave a slight shrug and began to look around again," Makes sense to me. The less of a party we have the more efficient we can be in our objective. If we have to wait for our employers then so be it, I am used to it after all," being someone who had also owned a business he knew that sometimes it was simply a waiting game and he wasn't that impatient of a person. He stood in silence and as the door began to creak and open, his eyes would shift to it and watch. The only thing that had annoyed him was the creak he had heard from the door and wondered why no one had stopped to deal with it or even fix it. That was not his problem however so he would shake it from his mind before giving his full attention to the couple. His eyes would meet the male and then move to the woman beside him before bringing his right hand to his chest and offering them a small bow. As pleasantries were exchanged, his right arm would return to its resting place upon the sheath of Enten as he spoke," Rilo. Pleasure to meet the both of you. Whenever you two are ready we can head out and into the village," for how he talked he sounded very callous and cold but his words also held an undertone of respect and calm which was confusing. He would wait for the couple to leave out first and then Kayori before he left out last and shut the door behind him. Taking his place to the right of the couple and 2 meters from his mission partner, Rilo would walk in silence while maintaining a vigilant watch over the surrounding area just in case.

He was not the most talkative person but he liked to assure that his job would be without incident and without an issue. The group would have arrived at their first stop, an area of the market that he admittedly had never been to. Ryouma and his sister had been to this part and told him many stories about what they could find here and how they enjoyed it, but it was never really Rilo's cup of tea. Realizing Kayuri had been speaking to him, Rilo would blink twice before turning his head to her slowly and shaking his head," Can't say that I have honestly had the pleasure or time to come to this market. The two that I live with have ranted and raved about this being their favorite place to come, but I...don't honestly see the appeal. Not yet at least," he'd admit as he looked around scanning the area for something that might grab his attention. As the couple shopped he walked past a single stall that had a fruit that he had not seen before. The colors and aroma of the item filled his nostrils as he blinked inquisitively at it and inquired about it. The stall owner would exclaim that it was an exotic type of mango that he had just received. That at least piqued the Ametsuchi's interest as he picked one up and paid for it in the same motion. He turned it in his hand quizzically while still making sure his attention was on the couple. It took him only a moment to figure it out as he reached into his ninja pouch that had been hidden behind his overcoat to reveal a small knife. As he came back over to the group he would be in the process of cutting it in half. He knew of mangoes to have pits in them, but this one did not. Interesting. As he cut it again into fourths, he'd offer one to Kayuri. A token of friendship most people called it.

TWC: 1,422
Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:24 pm
Kayori would listen to him as he turned to her and answered her question. He’d mention that he personally hadn’t had the time to visit, but his roommates seemingly enjoyed the place. Growing up she had often visited the place with her friends since most things were relatively cheap and there were always new things to talk about. Catching his gaze once more, Kayori would offer him a warm smile before speaking up once more.

”Well while you’re here you might as well give it a shot. Maybe check out something you haven’t tried before, I know I’ve been curious about a few things we’ve passed”

The two of them would remain close to the couple as they continued to walk from stall to stall. As she stayed on watch, she’d allow her mind to wander slightly to the various memories she had formed here. She had many hours spent with both her friends and family roaming the grounds, though she still found herself intrigued by the new sights and smells. Though she tried to stay focused on the task at hand, she couldn’t help but occasionally glance at some jewelry that caught her eye. Noticing Rilo stop briefly, she watched as he purchased what looked to be some kind of fruit

Not knowing exactly what he had bought, she admittedly was interested in the odd fruit he held in his hand. He then would make his way over to the group as he began to slice it in half, then one more into fourths before extending a piece out to Kayori. She’d offer him a beaming smile and accept it, seemingly excited to try it herself. Briefly, she’d wait for him to take the first bite, then soon she’d do the same. Immediately her taste buds were overwhelmed with a sweetness that even most desserts couldn’t surpass.

Once she had finished chewing, she’d offer him a bow and thank him for sharing with her. Her voice was soft and sweet, almost like the fruit they had just consumed.

”Wow that tasted amazing! Perhaps I’ll have to swing by in my free time and pick up a few for home. I appreciate you sharing it with me, did you like it?”

She’d listen to him if he responded, and offered him a nod in acknowledgment to his words. Her attention continued to linger on the crowd of people around her, ensuring that nobody got too close to the merchant and his wife. The next few hours were spent continuously wandering the marketplace, occasionally backtracking when the wife couldn’t decide on what she wished to purchase. As they prepared to leave, Kayori found herself carrying a handful of bags though admittedly she felt more like a servant than a bodyguard at that moment. Thankfully it wouldn’t be too long before the couple finished whatever shopping they needed to do, and quickly found themselves leaving the market.

As they walked, Kayori could feel herself beginning to grow bored of the silence and attempted to strike up a conversation with her new companion. With the couple walking roughly 5 meters in front of them, she’d look over to Rilo with a questioning expression before speaking up once more.

”Have you always lived in Hoshi, or did you grow up outside of the village? Personally, I’ve lived here my whole life, though in the religious sector so I really don’t know too much about most of the village.”

Kayori was a bit embarrassed about being pretty isolated growing up, she felt that it could be considered odd for a woman of her age to be so sheltered from the hardships of life. Though she wished to travel and see the world as it was, she knew she currently viewed it through rose-tinted glasses.

WC: 638
Total WC: 1846
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:46 am
"Perhaps I will after our mission detail since I will have the time to do so. Maybe I will finally find a new place to get something that will be of use or new to me," out of everything though he did something new into his monotonous life. Every day had been the same day in and day out for him, but maybe by finally coming here things could change. As he finally got his hands onto the new, but strange mango and tried it he would also watch for Kayori's reaction to it as well. While the taste was a delight upon his own pallet everyone had a different taste than him. So there he waited in silence until she had gave a positive review of the fruit which made him all the happier about his new decision. When she had asked how he liked it he would look down to the remaining bits of it and only the softest of smiles would appear on his face," I did... it reminded me of a memory that I...didn't know i had quite honestly. It was sweet but also savory. Something I will definitely add to my repertoire of foods," as he finished he would take the rest of the mango to his mouth as he finished it and disposed of what he could not eat. As the family continued their travels through the market, Rilo would begin to speak to the husband as he could tell he had some or perhaps more knowledge on the aspects of business that he had currently. He'd ask him honest questions about what would be the best way to go about making sure one's business continued to thrive even through times where business or the demand was slow. He had learned quite a bit from the older male as he took down mental notes, adding a variety of new ideas to his eventual expansion of the forge.

As the time began to dwindle down, he found himself carrying a few of the bags in silence though when Kayori decided to strike up a conversation, he would look over to her slightly though his head would not turn. He thought about the question and considered his answer quite carefully. He would not offer a lie, though in all honestly he did not have much to remember about his time outside this village. A soft sigh would escape his lips as he began to speak and then he shrugged," Most of my life outside of this village I cannot remember honestly. I was found by Morio, who most know as one of the members of the Nova and the creator and owner of the Dragon's Hour. Truthfully the only thing I have of my past is my sword here and flashes here or there. Besides that most of my life, the parts i can remember vividly, have been here. I don't know a lot about this village as well though honestly...the history of it has me perturbed," he would offer a moment a silence as he touched his blade gently and looked back to her," But there are things here that I have found fill the void that i cannot remember or touch," a smaller smile found its way upon his face as he began to reminisce a bit.

Though something did pique his interest as he turned to her," You said you grew up in the religious sector of this village correct? What was that like?," he knew that the founding religion of this village had clashed with the growing populace of shinobi, but maybe this would be a good time to figure out exactly why.

611 WC
TWC: 2,033
Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:38 am
Kayori would listen intently as he responded to her inquiry about his time within the village. Her expression would remain warm and inviting as he began to speak. She felt empathetic towards him as he explained that he didn’t remember much of his past outside of the village. He then would mention that he was found by Morio, a name she recognized but she had never actually met him. Her gaze would move to look at his sword as he noted its significance and explained that he only had a few flashes of his memory. Continuing on he’d mention his lack of knowledge about Hoshi, and its rather odd history.

His hand would move softly to his blade as silence lingered momentarily between the two. Though he’d continue on, and explain that he had found a few things to fill what void he felt. She couldn’t help but feel bad for him, he was a bit younger than her and was already struggling with so much. Most of her life had been relatively easy, except for maintaining her religious duties, which admittedly could be stressful but was nothing in comparison to the struggles the young man standing before her had.

”I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with all that, I’m sure that’s been rather stressful. I’m glad you’re able to manage though, and hope you continue to do your best. If you ever need anything, please feel free to reach out to me anytime! You can usually find me at the temple of Amaterasu, or wandering around the village. So if you see me, stop and say hi okay?

She’d offer him a sweet, reassuring smile as she finished speaking. Due to their age difference and significantly different backgrounds, she was unsure of how they could relate to one another but didn’t think about it too much. One of her brothers was around his age, so she felt as if it would be relatively easy for her to get along with him. Hopefully, he didn’t view her as some random adult now trying to pry into his personal life. Switching topics, he’d inquire about her life within the religious sector. This admittedly made her a bit nervous, though it wouldn’t show across her cheery demeanor.

Though she had a relatively good childhood, a few things about the various religions within the sector made her a bit weary. She loved Amaterasu and the good the goddess provided to the world, but she couldn’t help but be a bit concerned for the more zealous members of the church. Kayori was never one to push her religion onto others and only really informed those who seemed interested in it on their own accord. However, there had been a few times when she witnessed even her own parents press others to join the church. However, she decided it was best to talk about the more positive aspects of her life, not wanting to potentially steer him away.

”Like everywhere it has its ups and downs, but I find it to be a relatively peaceful place. The architecture on some of the temples is absolutely phenomenal, I’d recommend checking out the district just to see the gorgeous buildings. Even if you don’t follow specific teaching, some of the sights are breathtaking. If you’d like I could show you around sometime, but if you’re uninterested I completely understand.”

She’d pause for a few moments, giving him time to respond to her invitation. Though she felt it to be unlikely that he’d accept, she still figured it wouldn’t hurt to extend the offer. Her gaze would continue to move about the crowds of people, ensuring that the couple in front of them were safe.

WC: 624
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Mon Jun 17, 2024 6:22 pm
This was out of character for the young Ametsuchi. He was not one to share inward or outward feelings unless it had been something inside the throes of combat. For him to open up to someone, a stranger that he had just met at that only solidified in his mind that something was changing inside of him. Whether it was good or bad was unknown at the moment but the storm that had always raged inside of him just for this moment at least had quelled down. He could hear more clearly and even his demeanor had softened somewhat. His crimson eyes had softened and his postured had relax even for just a moment. It was as if he had been in a safe place, and the only time he felt like that was in the presence of Morio and his children. Other than that and possibly in the presence of Morio's foster father, Mercurio, this was an outlier.  It was something he would have to revisit when he began his meditation but for now he would sit with this feeling to better understand it and how it would affect him. Either way he would shrug his shoulders slightly as his eyes returned back to the female in question," It is nothing to be sorry about honestly we all have our own struggles and trials. Sometimes it is a gift that i do not know much about my past because i would attempt to seek out something I can no longer have, but other times it makes it as if there might be something i am missing within those fragmented memories. Only time will tell what those things are, and only through time will I find out what it is i am missing...if i am missing anything at all," his answer was rather short and in his own mind appropriate to the situation.

Nevertheless he would keep the temple of Amaterasu within his mind for if he had decided he wanted company then he would be able to find her. In the same notion, he would offer his own location as he was told it was only right to do so if someone gave their own address," If you should require or request my company after this day, I am always in the Dragon's Hour, the forge I run alongside.... well run for Morio at this moment. If you have any requests you'll find no better in the village," that was a statement he could honestly bolster as even one of the greatest smiths in the village, Mercurio, would praise his craftsmanship and work to the heavens above and the hells below. Her invitation was...interesting but he would honestly think about it. The only temple he had been to was the temple that was housed within the Plane of Kagatsuchi, to the Lord and God of Forge and fire. Going to another would have been interesting but he would see," I'll take you up on that offer someday... maybe it would do me some good to get out of the forge more often," a line that slipped off of his tongue that he had only just caught at the last moment.

531 WC
TWC: 2,563

[Mid Thread Claim]

* Claiming completion of 1 C rank Missing and 1 B rank mission, will do wc claims at the end of the topic
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:37 pm
Rilo wrote:[Mid Thread Claim]

* Claiming completion of 1 C rank Missing and 1 B rank mission, will do wc claims at the end of the topic

Shopping Duty RVGD0yv
Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Shopping Duty Empty Re: Shopping Duty

Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:10 am
She would listen as he explained how he saw it as both a blessing and a curse but seemingly had come to terms with his current situation. Kayori hadn’t met anyone with amnesia before so she was unsure if there was anything she could do to help, but wished she could. Briefly looking at him, she’d offer him a genuine smile as she spoke up.

”Well if there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know! Perhaps we can take up some more jobs together in different districts and see if anything jogs your memories? I could always use the extra Ryo and have been looking for somebody to work with.”

Kayori’s gaze would return to the crowd as they continued to walk, though it seemed to be thinning out as they were drawing close to their home once more. She’d listen as he offered her his company should she need it and told her where he could be commonly found. As he spoke of Morio and his recommendation she’d offer him a happy nod. Though she wasn’t too practiced in Bukijutsu, she wished to soon dedicate herself to its art form. Maybe when she had a bit more practice and way more Ryo she’d be able to take him up on the offer, but the thought of her having a weapon made by such a skilled blacksmith excited her.

After speaking of the religious district and offering to show him around, she’d laugh slightly as he mentioned getting out of the forge more often and how it would be beneficial. She shared a similar sentiment with the temple and was really only doing work like this as an escape from her religious duties. Maybe this would be good for both of them and they could learn more about their world together. Admittedly she had been rather sheltered as a child and didn’t know about much outside of the religious sector and some market squares. It brought her a bit of comfort to know she wasn’t the only one feeling lost in the world.

She attempted to maintain a pleasant conversation with him as they walked, but soon they approached the merchant's home and were ushered inside once more. They found themselves in the room they had met, and after a quick goodbye from the merchant's wife, she’d exit. Their employer would now turn to them with a rather serious demeanor and explain a bit more about the situation he now found himself in. He’d request that they remain at his home for a bit longer, in case anyone had followed them. Though recently he hired some more mercenaries to guard him, they weren’t going to be arriving until morning.

Kayori’s face scrunched slightly as he mentioned how long they would need to remain at his home. She knew her parents wouldn’t be happy if she decided to stay, but it also wouldn’t look good to walk out on the job offer. If Rilo spoke up first she’d remain silent and hoped that he was going to agree to stay too. However, if he didn’t speak, she’d pause momentarily before talking once more.

”I believe I’ll be able to stay until morning, I promise to remain diligent as you rest!”

The man would then direct them to speak with the captain of his guard to figure out what their post would be for the night before wishing them good night and exiting the room. Kayori let out an exasperated sigh as the man left and looked over to Rilo before speaking up in a somewhat annoyed voice.

”I can’t believe we’re going to have to spend the rest of our night here, my parents are going to absolutely kill me. I guess we should find this “captain” and figure out what we’ll be doing.”

Should he agree, she’d offer him a nod before moving out of the room and attempting to find one of the guards on duty. Thankfully soon they’d come across one and after a brief conversation, they’d be directed to a room within the home where they would find the captain.

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