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[Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance Empty [Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance

Thu May 14, 2020 4:40 pm
Mission Details:

Shibata got up that morning like he did most others, with lots of effort, shuffling around in his sheets for about an hour before finally relenting and getting out of his bed to make another nice, albeit less fresh, venison sandwich as he was starting to get quite peckish. He then continued on with his typical routine, greeting his father before brushing his teeth then going to his wardrobe to get properly dressed in his typical t-shirt, jeans, and leather jacket combination before he started heading out. He say goodbye to his father with his own charm that would be closer to, "See you at your funeral old man," as opposed to the more socially acceptable, "Have a good day," and with that exited the hunting lodge and got onto the pathway to the village, making his way past the village gates. The Rebel Heart had an extremely overly active wanderlust that day as he looked around the village, seeing so many people stuck in their place and wanted to get out, which, to his benefit, they were running a test for this day.

Shibata approached the mission board and saw a large post in the C rank section that indicated this, which read, "Test for Genin Wanting to Travel, Team against Chunin, Complete Test and earn reward!" and had several take away tags at the bottom, indicating that someone could grab one, go to the location indicated, and there be assigned a team mate before going through the test. The young Nara clan member read further into the details of the mission, as it explained that the testee merely had to prove that they could subdue a chunin without killing them, and prove to not be useless in the fight, working alongside whoever your partner is. And so Shibata took his slip of paper off the larger sheet of paper reading it for directions to where the test was going to be properly conducted. The slip revealed that the tests would be conducted on Hokage Rock proper, which gave Shibata second thoughts about his chances at being able to properly take the mission, as after all there were very few naturally occuring shadows in the area, so he would have to be creative in his application of his signature technique, making sure to keep it hidden until just the right moment. The young Genin then started his path from the mission central to the Hokage Rock, taking inventory of his tools to make sure he could forment some sort of sound strategy when he got there, as he would have to wait until he knew his partner was in order to get a solid strategy in place, as he wouldn't know the capabilities of the other shinobi he would have to work with.

Walking through the street, the Rebel Heart noticed that economically the oppressive nature of Kirigakure no Sato had made a clear impact on the inhabitants of Konohagakure no Sato, with many more people who had been living relatively middle class lives had been stripped of necessary income and pushed out to a life on the street, with the number of people begging on the street reaching higher levels than the number of people peddling goods on it. These streets were not a pleasant sight, they reminded Shibata of how hopeless the situation was for him, and how no matter what he did, he couldn't make an impact on these people's lives, he couldn't improve their lives in any way shape or form, he couldn't make an impact on any of these poor suffering people, as any resistance would be suicide for the would be rebel until he got far more than the little bit stronger doing this mission would make him.

Reaching Hokage Rock with these thoughts inciting an anger in Shibata as the display of opulence seemed so mismanaged by those in charge as those in power were preserved permanently on top of a mountain, while far too many of the people were left in the grime and sewage of the streets due to a lack of funds that, in the Rebel Heart's mind, improperly went to these mountains. Seeing the creation of Yensung Aburame, the current Hokage, peeved the young Nara clan member as the man had surrendered to the Village Hidden in the Mist without a fight, and let his people while he sat in his Ivory Tower, not bothering himself with the plight of his people. So many were suffering, not able to afford food, not able to afford shelter, not able to protect themselves from disease while the big shot that was Yen sat in the fancy penthouses. This anger gave Shibata a purpose in his step, and overcame the typical laid back nature of most Nara's instead igniting it in an intense flame as he reached the summit of Hokage Rock.

Shibata was not the first one there by a long shot, as he looked around he noticed several Chunin as well as a few genin among the ranks, all getting ready and raring for battle. Shibata cracked his knuckles then rolled his neck before going up to someone dressed differently than the rest, a person that could be assumed correctly to be the administrator of this exam of sorts. Shibata told him, "I'm here to see if I can pass this test, I'm sure you know the deal, if you could tell me who my partner is going to be as soon as possible that would be just fan fucking tastic."

"Well okay then," the administrator responded, "Let me just see this, and your name is?"

"Shibata Nara"

"Very well, now with that settled I can get you your assignment and verify that you are a Genin. Let's see, yep the checks out," she took a pause before continuing, "Annnd it looks like your partner is Snjor Yuki, I wish both of you the best of luck on your examination," and giving the biggest, fakest smile she could muster.

Huh, Snjor, better make the most of this, I think we should strategize, better go and talk to him, Shibata thought.

WC: 1,021 
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Ryo : 20100

[Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance

Thu May 14, 2020 9:12 pm
Snow woke that morning, still slightly dazed by the vision that he had the day before. He knew that none of it was truly happening at the time that he was seeing it all unfold, but it all felt so real. It wasn’t a genjutsu, it wasn’t a bad dream, it was something...different. Audumla, a mythic cow spoke to him and yet it seemed real. More real than anything that he was seeing before him. This was when he opened his front door. Upon entering the rest of the world, a raven sat on a post just before his door. Snow knew about Odin and how he would become the raven god, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it. It was just a bird afterall.

Snow walked down the steps and he found another raven, or was it the same raven? Snow walked by the raven being unsure just what was happening. Was he just imagining the ravens? He shook his head violently as if trying to shake the thoughts that were filling his head. “They’re just birds, don’t get all worked up.” Snow reassured himself as he ran down the last set of steps. As Snow continued down the street, he began noticing all of the ravens that were filling the entire village it seemed, everywhere he would look, a raven would be sitting there, staring at him.

He knew that there was a mission that he was supposed to be joining taking place within the village. This mission was supposed to comprise a small amount of combat, but that was nothing too worrisome for Snow. He had been in enough combat to know that he at least an idea of what he was doing, so this wasn’t something to sway Snow away from taking on the mission. He was also informed that he was going to be put into a team with another Genin of the village, this was the fact that Snow did not look forward to. He did not want to be responsible for someone else, but he was sure that the other member of the team would hopefully be able to hold his own.

Snow walked towards the meeting place with the vision still fresh in his mind. He thought of the secret clan technique “Jotunn”, the one that he had just learned recently. “That must have been where it got its namesake. A massive frost giant. But how did they get that name? What language do they know that I don’t? There is a lot left to be learned about this, maybe more information will come to me.” Snow didn’t know what to think about all of this. There was so many questions that he had running through his mind and he didn’t have any thoughts as to how to answer them.

When he finally reached the meeting area, he was pulled aside saying that’s had a partner for this mission and he should soon be reaching out to him so they could get this mission underway. Snow was far too preoccupied with the raven that was standing in the post directly behind the higher up for him to actually hear what he said, so he just nodded his head.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5500

[Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance

Thu May 14, 2020 10:24 pm
Shibata gathered with his assigned partner as the exchanged details about each other's skills, as the Nara's strategic tendencies kicked in and they formed a plan of attack to use on whomever it was that would be their adversary. As they both took inventory of each other's skill, Snjor appearing to be the more physically able of the two, while Shibata still shined in a unique, albeit support, way. After analyzing what each other could do, they took the time to find out what they had, and developed back up plans and back up plans for what to do if plans A through Z through subcategory C-Z to guarantee an adaptable game plan that they both were on the same page about. As they formed these plans, their names were called and it was time for their test to begin, for which they were both, with this planning done, ready, willing, and able to accomplish.

(WC: 155, TWC: 1176)
C rank NPC Requested
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

[Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance

Fri May 15, 2020 4:49 pm
Snow was distracted, far to distracted to be able to do anything of worth in the mission that was taking place. While both he and Shibata took an inventory of their equipment and their skills, Snow could do nothing more than stare off into space and think aboht what he had seen. The raven that he had been keeping track of was still standing there, watching above the training grounds as they prepared to take on the mission. “Is that a good omen? Or a bad one?” Snow thought to himself. He knew that Odin was the Raven King, but Odin was a cruel bastard who allowed the murdering of giants, his own ancestors. The murderer of Ymir, the first being.

But still the raven could be a good omen due to the battle taking place, just for someone else. Or was he? Did others know about Odin? Did others know about Ymir? “There had to have been someone within the clan who knew about it. Or maybe not, maybe they just called it a frost giant. The true name is Jotunn, a massive frost giant. Right? So much stuff to remember, I’m gonna need to start writing all this stuff down.” Snow thought to himself as he began walking away from the training grounds. He felt bad for leaving so suddenly and before the mission even started, but he would have been totally useless in his current contemplating state.

He had a lot to think about, he had a lot to remember. Just the names seemed to be enough to prove itself daunting, but he was dedicated to getting all as Audumla has described. Now the only hope was he could craft a way to have himself another vision to get even more information about the actual creators of the world. He arrived home and he went straight to his bedroom. He grabbed himself a blank notebook and he began writing down all of the information that he had been given by that cosmic cow, now he needed to fogure out just what it was exactly that he was supposed to do with all the information that he had been given.

TWC: 900
Claims: WIP
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[Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance

Tue May 19, 2020 2:25 pm
Seeing his partner leave, Shibata let out a big sigh, and, knowing he couldn't simply solo a chunin easily, decided that he would back out along with his partner, instead seeking to complete the mission at a later date either with the assistance of a partner, or by himself when he had amassed more acumen, both physical and mental, for now, however, it would have to wait for another time to test his might.

Dejected and rejected, Shibata let out a few curses at his fellow genin as he backed out, then even more at the chunin that would be examining him, before letting out more explatives than thought possible at the proctor of the examination who thought it best not to assign a new partner to the Rebel heart, but instead tell him that he had to do it on his own, or not do it at all. He let out a shout before cooling off, straightening out his jacket before slicking his hair back into place and regaining composure, his cool. He descended from hokage rock and weaved his way through the streets with one thing in mind, he needed a drink. Getting lazy, Shibata went to the first corner store he could find, made a beeline for the section of the shop with liquor, grabbed a bottle of sake and started drinking it in the store. When the clerk attempted his best assertive voice and commanded the young Nara to "Stop right there!" Shibata replied with a right hand before turning about and leaving the store. The shop keeper fell to the ground and was quite obviously knocked out, leaving no one to chase the irate, intoxicated, and quite likely illogical Rebel Heart as he stormed his way back home.

Shibata got back home and went straight to his bed, upset with himself and the world around him as he had failed his first mission since he came back to the world of being a semi productive member of society. He drank yet another night away, and spent the morning after wallowing in this sickness, before going outside and smoking his day away, looking at the clouds. It was an overcast day today, and when it started raining, Shibata was far too lazy to leave the quickly dampening fields. He knew he would not be productive today, he knew that he wasn't going to do shit but wallow away as the time passed. Shibata had hit a slump, and that wasn't going to change until something eventful happened to him, it couldn't originate from the young Nara. Little did he know he was in for this change sooner than he would ever expect.

TWC: 1622
Claims: Paralysis Seal (1.5k/1.5k) chakra (1.6k/1.6k)
Continuing from
Shibata has an Answer for Genjutsu
Storage Displacement (294/500)

Last edited by ShibataNara on Fri May 22, 2020 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Ryo : 435700

[Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance

Fri May 22, 2020 3:34 pm
Link the jutsu you are training mate
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

[Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata forms an Alliance

Fri May 22, 2020 3:44 pm
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