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[Mission] Shibata as a good influence? Empty [Mission] Shibata as a good influence?

Thu May 07, 2020 11:46 pm
[Mission Details:

Shibata was wandering through the village, meandering to get back to his house for a good night's rest after a solid meal, but was stopped when he noticed someone crying outside their house. Shibata thought to himself, damn, my conscience, why did you have to kick in now, I'm so hungry... Goddamn I guess I'll go check on him. The young Nara clan member approached the crumpled up ball of a human shaking outside their house. Shibata came to him and he said, "Hey kid, what's wrong. Don't think staying out in the street is a preferable way to spend a night."

"I can't go in there, not like this, not just to tell them I'm a failure," the boy said. After a moment's hesitation, he continued, "You see, like you, I'm a shinobi, still a genin." It was now that Shibata saw the boys headband, covered with hair, "And well, long story short, I failed my first mission, it was just a simple E rank mission and I somehow managed to fuck it up, goddamn I can't do anything right!" the crouching figure wailed out.

"Hey kid, it's alright, we all stumble," Shibata spoke, trying to be as soothing as possible, a manner that contradicted the sharp lines that made up his face and body. "I for one have fucked up more times than I can count, but what matters is getting up or whatever, at least that's what people say. I guess one way you can prove yourself as a shinobi is to just off set this failure with a whole bunch more successes," Shibata assured him as he put on a smile, the grin on his lips certainly looked more sinister than the young Nara clan member intended, but that was solely on account of the shape of his face, not because of any ill will.

"Okay," replied the now apparently tear ridden shinobi, "but how do I know my next mission will go well? After all, going by my track record I've got a zero percent success rate."

"There is only really one way to find out, just try it again. Really you ain't got anywhere to go up from here, so may as well give it a try, what's the worst that could happen?" Shibata rhetorically posed as he continued to pave a road to hell with the grandest of intentions. "Say," he blurted in a voice distinct enough to make clear he was shifting the topic, "what is your name anyway?"

"I'm Naito of the clan Akimichi," the young, now revealed, Akimichi clan member almost whispered.

"Oh yeah, should have figured with that symbol on what I had already assumed was your house," Shibata admitted, "You know, I'm of the Nara clan, they say there is some sort of ancient bond between our clans, if you ever need help with a mission, I'm sure I can be of service somehow. I usually have a lot a free time in my days."

"You'd do that, even for a lowly failure like me?" Naito asked.

"Yeah sure, whatever man?" Shibata responded, trying to maintain his aura of cool, which really is not what the even younger, potentially incompetent needed to hear. He needed to hear something more solid, something like, "I'll be there, not that you'll need me, you got it!" but that isn't what he got. As the night continued, he wondered what would happen if Shibata wasn't available, he wondered if he would just be labeled as a fuck up, incapable of even the easiest of missions. He wondered what would happen if even Shibata couldn't correct the fuck up that was himself, what if he ruined things for Shibata as well. These worries weren't helped when he finally did go back into his house. After his father berated him for being out at such a late hour, Naito explained to him that he was worried how the Akimichi clan elder would react to the younger's day. His father told him to "Eat something before explaining your day, after all, you missed dinner and has got to make up for that meal, can't miss out on any calories or you won't grow big and strong like your pa. Don't want to be a failure to the clan and grow up like a stick." This further increased the genin's anxiety by highlighting what he was so insecure about he didn't even want to enter the house.

After getting a hearty serving of beef, chicken, and pork, the Akimichi special, Naito opened up to his father. "Dad, I had my first mission today, and well, I failed it," he admitted. "It was just an E rank too, just something simple. A fucking delivery and somehow I managed to mess it up like I do everything else, I'm a skinny Akimichi, every part of me is just some big failure."

"Son," his father said, breaking up the silence after the child's mini-rant, "I am disappointed in you. Not only did you fail the mission, but you didn't feel comfortable talking to me about it. I can't lie to you, that's how I feel." This again was not helpful for Naito, and so, after sobbing a good deal, he hatched a plan. Late that night, after his parents and most of the residents of the village had long since gone to sleep, Naito would sneak out his window, over the wall, and into the forest so that he could escape this ninja life that provided nothing for him, in his eyes, save a venue to failure. He thought if he ran away he wouldn't have any of these problems, maybe he could find an old abandoned farm, and with what he's learned from books in the academy, he could provide food for himself and live a nice peaceful life, free from the oppressive risk of failure apparent in the life of a shinobi. And so he fled, full of dreams of what life outside of the village. That morning his parents were surprised to see their progeny missing, and so, in accordance with the laws, they submitted a request to the mission central for someone to find their lost but not forgotten son.

(WC: 1,035)

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[Mission] Shibata as a good influence? Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata as a good influence?

Fri May 08, 2020 1:12 am
Shibata woke up that morning without the sense that anything was wrong. He fell asleep a few extra times, like normal, and rolled out of bed. He followed the routine, eating his typical breakfast and brushing his pearly whites in the exact same manner he did every morning. Goddamn this was boring, but it was his. It was a routine all to himself, and he took gratification in that. He stretched out, and after trying to find his pa to tell him he was leaving, found a note saying that he had already gone into town. This was strange behavior for the elder Nara, but Shibata dismissed it and continued with his day. He opened the door to his hunting lodge, walked the path and made it through the gates of the village.

Shibata waved hello to the grandmother whose garden he helped with the day earlier, pet the dog who was being walked (on a leash this time) by the owners whose kids he had saved that same day, and even saw the obtuse military ration pill maker whose puzzle he had ignored through his green glass door. So many mission Shibata had succeeded in, to think that the kid named Naito managed fail one of the same rank. Must have just been some poor struck of luck  Shibata thought to himself as he reached the mission board.

Shibata's eyes glazed over as he once again looked over that same list of E ranked missions. None of them were particularly exciting, nor were they challenging as Shibata learned the last day. His focus shifted to some of the more challenging missions. He looked at the list of D ranks first, but still, nothing jumped out to him. They were just a bunch of petty things and the Rebel Heart was trying to be especially helpful this day. He looked at the C ranks, just to see if any looked doable. He considered interrogation, but he was in too much of a good mood to do bring the proper hardness required for that job. It was now that a mission jumped out at him. *MISSING PERSON: NAITO AKIMICHI*

Admittedly, it took Shibata more than a second to recall the young man he met just the night before, after all his memory never was the best. He tried to figure out why this stuck out so much to him as he pulled out a cigarette. As he lit it up the force of his memory coming to him hit him so hard he spit out the freshly lit cigarette. Of course! That kid last night that fucked up the E ranked mission, I was just thinking about him, damn my mind is all over the place he realized. He quickly took the note, and notified the mission center he would be taking this mission, and swore he would find the young genin and return him to his home. 

Shibata thought about how much Naito reminded him of Riell Hyuga, his the cell member from his past that had attempted to flee the village, only to be stopped by a younger Rebel Heart, and by extension executed in an attempt to help preserve clan secrets and discourage any other hyuga from fleeing. He recalled that the young Akimichi lived in the Northern part of the Eastern District of the village, and so that's where he started his search. He approached the house where he saw the to be runaway sitting, in his place a much older and rotund figure he assumed to be Naito's father. Shibata approached him, and asked to confirm this.

"Yeah, thats me, I'm the rugrats pa," responded the elder Akimichi, "Why do you ask? Have you seen my little Naito? I can't find him anywhere, it's driving me crazy."

"No, I'm the shinobi assigned to finding him, in fact, you wouldn't mind if I looked around your house, just the stuff pertinent in finding your son, I assure you, would it?" Shibata answered as he introduced a new question.

"No, that's fine, anything to get my son back, just please, get him back safely," pleaded papa Akimichi. With that said, Nara walked straight through the front door and found the only bedroom with a twin bed. Shibata scanned the room, Nothing disturbed, no struggle, that's a good sign, he thought as he sat in the bed, wondering what could have happened, wondering how he could run out if the front door was still locked from the inside. As he sat, he lit up a cigarette as he had to use his jacket as a windbreaker when it hit him. Why is there a breeze in this room, when there isn't an open window, he thought as he looked under the bed, bingo. Under the bed was a trap door that, following it, lead Shibata to just outside the fenced in back yard of the Akimichi residence.

Following from this, he saw a pretty obvious path that led to the walls, and it was clear what happened. Naito had ran into the forest, just like the Hyuga he blames himself for getting killed. Shibata dashed up the stairs to get a better vantage point on the forest, and saw smoke from a campfire off in the distance, remarkably close to where Shibata had gone hunting with his father in the past. Shibata ran as fast as he could to the fire, and to no surprise, he found the young Akimichi, who was startled anyone could find him out here.

"GODDAMNIT!" he shouted, "Even when I'm outside the village I can't escape how much of a fuck up I am. I can't believe a failed even getting out of that place."

"Dude, calm down," Shibata said, cutting all artificial niceties from his voice, "You aren't a failure, you just fucked up once, don't let it cost you your life. Anyway the only reason I could find this place is cause I hunt around here sometimes with my pa, speaking of which, yours is worried sick about you." 

"Really? He is? And hey what do you mean about it costing my life?" Naito asked, now excited.

"Hell yeah he is, first thing in the morning he sent a mission out for it, and he hasn't left the spot I last saw you since you left, and the other answer is a bit more complicated," Shibata responded. "You see missions haven't been all peaches and gravy for me, back in the day when I was part of a cell, I had a mission and lets just say it went south," Shibata continued, "The Chunin assigned to us died, an Akimichi like yourself, and so did another one of the Genin, they both sacrificed their lives so that me and the other cell member could get out with our lives. The next day after me and her, Riell, got back to the village, but she couldn't handle the pressure, and in the night tried to run off. She couldn't handle losing her friends, and just wanted the simple life of a farmer, but of course when I had, unrelated, tried to visit her that night, and saw a mysterious figure dashing off, of course I followed it, and trapped it, but then it was revealed to be Riell herself. I brought her into the village, expecting just a slap on the wrist, but turns out because she was a Hyuga, and because they were so protective of the Byakugan, they executed her. I live every day with that memory, and everyday I think about how much I wish I could have prevented that from happening, so now here I am. I just want to make a positive impact to compensate for how thoroughly I fucked up in the past."

After taking a second to digest, Naito replied with a simple, "Wow, I never knew. I've got to get back home, I've got to see my pa again." With this said they both turned back and headed towards the village. Along the way they exchanged small talk, and agreed on a story, that the Akimichi had just ran out to get some training done early in the morning, and anyone who would pay too much attention would be too happy to care. They got to his home, and upon reuniting both Akimichi embraced each other, and with his job done, Shibata went to the mission office to claim his payment hearing the heartfelt thanks of the father as he left, and just leaving them with a wave as he lit up another cigarette. He entered the office, and reported the mission completed, claiming his rewards and smiling not (just) from his satiated greed, but from his heart being warmed as he finally saw a positive impact he was making.

(WC: 1,465, TWC: 2,500)
2100 Ryo, 5 AP

From Here mixed with this WC
2.5k/2.5k Shadow Imitation Jutsu A Rank
1258/2500 Shadow Sewing Technique
2400/2400 for 12 points of chakra

Last edited by ShibataNara on Sun May 10, 2020 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Mission] Shibata as a good influence? Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata as a good influence?

Fri May 08, 2020 12:39 pm
[Mission] Shibata as a good influence? Image106
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
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[Mission] Shibata as a good influence? Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata as a good influence?

Tue May 12, 2020 10:14 am
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