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[Mission] Shibata on Animal Control Empty [Mission] Shibata on Animal Control

Wed May 06, 2020 2:22 am
Mission Details:

Shibata was walking back from the market square to the mission board when he noticed, seemingly unchained and unmastered, was a dog, sticking his snout into other people's business in an attempt to get their attention, obviously looking for some sort of help, but all the people were far too busy to be distracted by whatever the whining dog wanted. The dog even came up to Shibata, and made clear to the Nara clan member that he wanted something, but Shibata was too focused on getting to the mission board and get yet another mission done. Passing up on helping the dog disappointed the Rebel Heart, as looking at it try helplessly to get the attention of others to help with whatever it's cause was reminded Shibata of his own hopelessness when it comes to changing the world around him. But he was off to change that, and maybe, by completing enough missions and training enough he would be able to muster the power to truly enact change and have an impact on the world around him.
He got to the mission board, scanned it, and was surprised to find an entry about a dog. As he read up on the mission that caught his eye, he realized that the dog the mission was description was the very same he had seen in the streets just moments ago. Turns out people noticed that the dog wanted help, and tasked a shinobi with finding out what exactly it was that this dog wanted, and help solve whatever problem it had in order to get it out of people's way. While the mission's assignment may have been not quite as pure as Shibata's drive to help out a poor dog, it did give him the time and an excuse to actually do it.
Shibata tracked back his steps to where he originally found the dog, only to find the canine nowhere in sight. Shibata figured that the big ol' pupper had been moving further from the object that he needed assistance with, expanding search for someone who could help as time passed, so using this information, Shibata went the same direction he saw the dog moving when he had declined to help him before. As he moved through the streets, he tried to get more information from those who had manned the stalls that stood along the sidewalk. From talking to them, Shibata learned the dog had apparently been resting by the forge near the ninja tools shop, and so that's where he headed. After greeting the shop keep for the second time that day, he asked about the dog, and that same store clerk took Nara to the dog. Upon showing his eagerness to help, the dog started immediately running the way he came, causing Shibata to have to run top speed to catch up with him, almost losing him at a point.
The dog led Shibata to a kid in a tree, such a simple task. "Hold on a second there kid, I'll be up there in no time" Shibata shouted out. He focused his chakra on the bottom of his feet, then started to walk up the tree, scooping up the kid and bringing him down safely.
"Thanks, mister," the kid said.
"No problem, just be more careful in the future," Shibata warned, before leading them both back into town, making sure the dog was placed back into his fenced in backyard.
The shinobi returned to the mission center and confirmed with them that the dog would no longer be a nuisance, and had been returned home safely, he was handed the reward for making life a whole lot easier for the workers of the village.

WC: 617

Shadow Imitation Technique A rank (626/2500)
600/600 +3 Chakra
+600 Ryo

Last edited by ShibataNara on Sun May 10, 2020 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Mission] Shibata on Animal Control Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata on Animal Control

Thu May 07, 2020 11:58 am
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
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[Mission] Shibata on Animal Control Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata on Animal Control

Tue May 12, 2020 1:40 pm
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