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[Mission] Shibata's the Fireman Empty [Mission] Shibata's the Fireman

Wed May 27, 2020 3:03 am
Mission Details:

Shibata came out of the mission center having dropped off the steel sales man Okada who he had recovered, having saved him the night before, when he suddenly went missing. At this point it was about six in the morning, and even though the Rebel Heart felt fulfilled with his day, and even though that same genin that completed two B rank missions was on a roll was now very exhausted, the young Nara clan member knew he did not want to return home quite yet. He wasn't ready to return the path that lead to it even, the place that his father died, the place that Shibata's life changed forever as it lead to him discovering the truth about his mother. He knew now that the very village that he spent his whole life in, Konohagakure no Sato, was responsible for killing the one that gave him life in the first place, his mother, Kimura Inuzuka. Shibata wasn't sure if he could really trust anyone in the village anymore, didn't know if he wanted to trust anyone either, but what he could trust was the mission system. Although he would be making less money from it, Shibata had become quite familiar with the system of getting a mission and fulfilling it, then getting paid, it was simple, it was consistent, and most importantly to the Rebel Heart at the moment, it was mind numbing in a certain way that prevented him from thinking of the, simply put, shitty position he was in, with his village no longer feeling like home, and with no one to turn to as the one who he formerly would had died in his arms, with nothing Shibata could have done to save him. That hopelessness dominated the mind of the young Nara clan member until finally his malaise was disturbed by a shout from the clerk at mission central, "Hey, you gonna just stand there or are you gonna pick up another mission, you've been the only one consistently coming around here so I figure you are up for one more, should I get you a B rank, seems to be your level these days."

"You know, I think I might be a bit too exhausted for another B rank, don't want to over do myself too much in a day," Shibata said. "I think in the end it might be better if I take the rest of the day more lax, I don't know," he continued, going on a dangerous spiral into the territory of rambling that the Rebel Heart was so familiar with, "Don't quite know what I am gonna do with my day, could go hunting for deer, secure some dinner, maybe grill em up, damn, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Suppose I could do another mission, maybe a c rank? I don't know, would have to be pretty pressing. Hey, do you smell smoke?" Shibata asked, taking in a rather wood burning like smell as the clerk seemed to be paying more attention to a rip in the genin's shirt rather than he was actually say, before being startled by the sudden and loud blaring of alarms and a red light, as a large folder dropped down with a large spattering of black impact font text that read in bold "C RANK" and had in read, diagonal across it "Urgent." This prompted Shibata to say, "Well I guess speak of the devil and he shall appear as they say, you mind handing me that mission I'll be accepting it and fulfilling as quickly as possible so I can come back and see your wonderful smile," which in turn caused the clerk herself to blush as she grabbed the dossier and handed it to Shibata, who muttered under his breath "and to pick up the money I earn from it."

The young Nara clan member opened the folder with surprising haste, as his curiosity had peaked and he just had to know what and "Urgent" mission would look like, one that came full with an alarm ringing and with flashy lights. Usually flashing lights and loud noises signified something positive, but this certainly was not one of those cases, they were more like sirens than any sort of high energy noise, accompanied with lights more belonging to an ambulance than a laser light show, this obviously was something serious, and it was not going to be any fun. Shibata parted the two halves of the folder the dossier came in and began to read the mission details. It had written on it, "URGENT URGENT URGENT," I have a feeling this is urgent, Shibata thought, interrupting his own reading of it, "THE MARKET SQUARE IS ON FIRE, NINJA NEEDED TO HELP PUT IT OUT! GET ON THIS SHIT IMMEDIATELY!" Aw fuck, Shibata thought to himself, now I feel like the asshole that is too busy cracking wise to save some fucking lives, better get on this shit. The Rebel Heart then turned and started his way towards the market square, not saying a word to the clerk he had been borderline flirting with while pondering what he was going to be doing with his day, instead focusing on the potential that people could be burning alive as it had been early enough in the day that people could reasonably still be sleeping.

Fuck, had to be a fire, he thought, why the hell did it have to be a fire, I have no fucking clue how I'll handle this shite, no clue how I'll be able to put out a fire with just some fucking shadows, fucking shadows! of course I had to be the one to be here at this moment, god damn it, let's assess the damage me, let's see if you just have completely no chance of fixing this, or if it is in the slightest bit doable. As the young Nara clan member approached the market square, he did see quite clearly his work cut out for himself, with one building, a plush shop, seemingly completely engulfed in flames.

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[Mission] Shibata's the Fireman Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata's the Fireman

Thu May 28, 2020 1:17 am
The plushie store seemed to be completely engulfed, but lucky enough for the square it only connected to one building, the building happened to be a paper supply company that would go up faster than someone could say, "this is probably a safety hazard to have both these buildings within close proximity, really bad planning by my account to be honest, we should not put these two buildings in any sort of proximity near each other." But of course not a single soul with any sort of a single rational thought came to the rescue to advise the construction that this may be too much of a fire hazard, because that would just be too convenient, safe and smart for the citizens of the dunce of the ninja world, Village Hidden in the Leaf. Rant regarding incompetence aside, this was a potentially very dangerous situation that was only going to get worse the more Shibata stood around and just listened to it, the flames were spreading across the plushie store, rising and rising higher in the building just like the temperature within the place once merry, now melty. It was while the Rebel Heart was attempting to find a proper fire hydrant near this building that his attention was caught by a wailing coming from inside the building, just barely overcoming the noise spurred on from the roar and crackle of the immense flames.

Shibata's focus immediately shifted from that of a cynic, trying to save the general building foundations to an impassioned protector trying to save whoever it was that was making the noise that alarmed the young genin that there were people in there, real ones, ones without stuffing, ones with eyes made of the kind of stuff that would pop within the fire, not marbles. The Rebel Heart's search also morphed from looking for something to put out the fire with time, to desperately trying to find an entrance into the soon to be blazing top floor by which the screaming was emanating from. The front door was an obvious no go, as the inferno was bursting through the archway that used to indicate that there even were doors there in the first place, but now only indicated that anything on the first level, if it wasn't already, was sure to turn into ash. All the windows on this base floor were busted out, likely from the pressure and intense heat the flames had caused, and it appeared the base boards and support beams were starting to catch. Shibata realized this and realized that it added a very limited time limit on when he could do this and still save the person or people inside.

With the stakes raising by the second, the sight of the young Nara clan member similarly rose, as he saw through the fire and flames was an opened window that the Rebel Heart could reasonably get through without becoming fried genin stew. And so Shibata jumped up, activating his surface walking technique as he ran up the wall with extreme speed, the wind of Zephyr on his hand as he crashed through the noticeably non-burning portion of the building. Brushing chunks of glass and bits of wood off of his jacket as he stood back up before he scanned the wreckage. Scaffolding and beams, roofing and shelves, all being hatched by falling thatch, soon to be burning, as across from Shibata, across a plume and a pillar of flame that was spawning from a knocked over table, was a crying, wailing, screaming, and more importantly lone child. The kid appeared to be about five, too young for the boy to have enrolled in the academy quite yet, and definitely too young to be left in the house by himself for any sort of prolonged period of time, with not a single one of his parents in sight. The Rebel Heart shouted over the flames, "Hey kid! Don't worry! I'm gonna get you out of this mess, just need you to tell me where your parents are first!" getting a surprised look out of the young one, as it appeared he had not noticed the appearance of the shinobi until he specifically called him out. 

"My... my parents? They left me here, they said I needed to stay right here or I'd be in big trouble, and I don't want to be in trouble mister!" the kid replied back to Shibata.

"Well Jesus fucking christ kid," the man of the two talked back, "Don't think your parents would want their kid burning to a crisp, be best if you just cooperated with me so I could get you out of here in one piece, one piece still cooked rare that is."

"Uh uh," said the kid, "My mommy and daddy know best, and they told me to stay here no matter what when they went downstairs and they know best. So even though I heard a big phooshing sound," the kid continued, "I still trust my parents in their direction to tell me to do exactly this."

"Oh for fuck sake kid," the Rebel Heart snapped, "You have shite for parents, and will probably be scarred from this long into the future, but it looks like you aren't willing to even try to cooperate, so I may have to resort to more draconian methods. It's simple, if you don't want to move, I'll just have to make you move."

Shibata knew physically getting there wasn't possible unless he was the human torch, but he also knew he had to save the kid, so he extended his shadow and used started forcing the kid to run to the window on the same side a Shibata, while also spitting out, "Shadow imitation jutsu, complete," before jumping out of the window on his side, forcing the kid to do the same. Planting his own feet on the wall using his surface walking technique, which he knew the kid did not have, the genin used Shadow Gathering Technique to solidify his shadow and lower him down slowly, preventing the kid from taking any falling damage. As he reached the ground he picked up the kid and ran him to mission control, telling them that the kids own parents had started the fire and attempted to kill their son, probably in a sick insurance scam of some variety, and that there were no civilians left, so the proper authorities could get to it now. Shibata then took the money from the clerk, blew her a kiss and departed, having completed yet another mission in the same day as the last.

WC:1102 TWC 2116
1000 Ryo, 5 AP
Majestic Fire Destruction  (784/2.5k)
Continuing from
 V6 Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique (1.5k/1.5k)
+11 Speed

Last edited by ShibataNara on Fri May 29, 2020 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Mission] Shibata's the Fireman Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata's the Fireman

Thu May 28, 2020 4:25 pm

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Ichigo Sato
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[Mission] Shibata's the Fireman Empty Re: [Mission] Shibata's the Fireman

Fri May 29, 2020 9:32 pm
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