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Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
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A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}  Empty A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}

Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:16 pm

   Waves of translucent water crashed against the sandy shoreline. The crashing force beating upon the forever smooth, grainy surface. Island birds danced upon the sand. Squacking and teasing the water that chased them back up the beach. Their little chicken-like feet disturbed the pale sand, leaving behind their cute marks created by their little hops. The disturbance in the smooth surface would only be erased as the waters spring up again and again, resmoothing the marked grains as if it never took place. Along the wet banks of this particular beach was wooden boats, occupied by desperate fishermen. 

   Multiple poles would be casted out from the docks, and the boats transported nests filled with the fish they captured from the water's depths. One could tell that the fishermen was hard at work. Putting their backs into providing food for the whole village of Kirigakure. 

   A young woman of snow white hair guided her way towards the beach. Her face seemed so soft to the touch, yet her expression was empty. She looked upon the island birds as she tossed some crumbs their way. Watching as the feathery animals squawked their way to the chance of tiny scraps. Within minutes two of the fishermen rushed their way to the young woman. Their face washed over with obvious desperation, and their shoulders tired. They kindly begged the kunoichi to help them haul the fish crates to the village, for they was too short of hands to keep up with the pace that was needed. 

   The girl's, Ookami's, smile tilted upward a little bit into a gentle gesture for kindness. She allowed her expression to remain soft, but returned to one that was absence of much emotion. Her crystal hues looked out to the waters that almost seemed neverending, before she pulled at the lace of her kimono. The lace unraveled and the tightness of her fabrics slacked against her shoulders. She then removed her kimono as if it was an overcoat and laid it along a boulder near the docks. In the process of discarding her kimono, she left behind her shoes as well to prevent them from getting soaked by the water. From underneath her kimono would be the clothes she wore for emergencies if the extra weight of her kimono was needed to be removed. Her clothes underneath would be made of much more lighter material. 

   Her attire now resulting into black shorts and a black tank top that fitted against her form comfortably. Now it was time for her to give aid to these hard working fishermen and let herself become of use. Ookami made her way onto the docks. The wooden surface was littered with wet sand and medium reinforced crates. To the side there was a stack of crates that needed to either be repaired, or completely replaced. Seeing as some of the wood was falling apart due to wood rot from so much water exposure and improper care. The crates that was intact would be lined up along the docks, used to store the stacks of fish that the fishermen captured. Some scaly bodies littered the docks from a few of the fish flopping themselves over the sides of the crates. 

   Ookami first made her way to the fish that littered the docks. Gathering a few of the slippery specimens within her arms before making her way to drop them off within one of the crates with room to spare. One of the elder fishermen approached her to thank her kindly, and then helped her with loading some of the crates. Ookami balanced a sturdy cane of wood across her shoulders that rested across the back of her neck. Her hands held onto the sides of the wooden staff to keep it balanced. The elder fishermen lifted the crate up to one of the sides, and slipped the crate's handle through the end of the staff. Where Ookami would then place her hand in front of the handle afterwards to prevent it from slipping off of the cane and steady the weight against her little shoulders. 

   In total the fishermen would have loaded her up with four wooden crates filled with piles of fish with a layer of ice to keep the bodies cold. Ookami wobbled for a brief moment, before leaning her body forward a little to steady the overload. She nodded her head to the elder fisher and then headed down the stairs of the docks and onto the sandy beach. She could feel her heels dig deep into the sand with each step she took, thanks to the weight of the crates. The wooden staff bit into her shoulders a little. Ookami pushed the ache off and continued her goal to delivering  the fish crates to the villages storage. Where they were to be prepared numerous ways to eating. Cooked. Dried. Salted. She knew whatever wasn't used today would be preserved to last.

   Each fish crate delivery took about twenty minutes to haul to her destination, and five more to make her way back and prepare for another load. Ookami was determined to be useful and would push herself no matter if the ache in her shoulders grew. She was the young within the lot of elder and a ninja of this village. There was no way she would weak out in front of them. This was a good opportunity to push herself and her small body underneath the weight of the deliveries. This task dragged on for the rest of the day, and it wasn't until dusk that the fishermens' goal was reached. 

   At least sixteen deliveries would have been carried by Ookami's shoulders alone. The hard labor left her feeling worn, yet refreshed at the same time. Her blood was definitely pumping from all the movement that required from her. The kunoichi led herself down to the waters to wash herself from the grime of work. Rinsing away the smell of seafood that lingered from her hands. The cold liquid felt splendid against her skin. When she was satisfied, she stood from her position at the edge of the waters and went to retrieve her kimono. Draping the weighted fabric across her arm as one of her fellow fishermen came up to her. Handing her a pouch filled with coin as a reward of volunteering her help so willingly. She thanked him kindly before taking the pouch with mild appreciation. Today brought good results and good hard work.

TWC: 1,078
{Mission Rewards}
-1,000 Ryo + 100 Ryo (Base rank reward)
- +3 AP

- +2 Stamina stat point (WC 800/800)
- Snake's Mouth (WC 1,000/1,000)

Last edited by Yurei Ookami Yuki on Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}  Empty Re: A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}

Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:44 pm
When claiming stats, you don't have to split the wordcount with anything else. So for this mission, you can claim 2 stats (800 WC) and the total 1,000 WC for Snake's Mouth.

Let me know if I'm not making sense.
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}  Empty Re: A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}

Sat Jan 11, 2020 12:39 am
Oop. So I can use my total WC for stats and a technique separately? It doesn't cause a reduction as if I'm spending the WC on both?
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Yurei Ookami Yuki
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}  Empty Re: A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}

Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:03 am
I've read it over. I made this mistake on my other mission that got approved. I've updated this one to your advise ^.^
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}  Empty Re: A Fisherman's Request {D-Rank Mission}

Sat Jan 11, 2020 11:05 am
No problem.

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