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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 19, 2018 11:53 pm
Only Kari did not die. The sharp sting of cold steel was absent from her body. Before she could open her eyes, a loud booming voice screamed at her. It was a blood curdling cry that rocked her chest like the booming force of thunder. The thunder voice questioned Kari drive and will to live. Then the clones vanished as if Kari had been taking a test and she failed. How could she fail. She was so careful. She used everything she had to try and scare away the man but a cheap trick got her first. What could she do about that. The angry God of a man did not look in the mood to care.

His fake smile was gone. His face flared up in a emotion she was force to recognize as anger maybe even hatred. Why he felt this way was unknown. He had her food, and he beat her in a fight. She could not hurt him with the wolf despite the careful planning. It was illogical to fight any further. She had to escape. He continued lecturing her in his fit, silencing any hope to provide a counter point. He must have felt like fire on the inside. For him to become so beast like, she could only assume things were about to get worst. Suddenly the man threw a punch and the water behind her exploded. Running was not an option.

Kari quickly put on her cloak. Her left hand attached to the secret weapons she had contained inside her sleeve. If she needed to she would use them but hopefully he would calm down more and listen to reason. It was at times like this she was thankful for the emptiness inside of her. It allowed her to keep a level head while this monster like ninja was out of it. He started moving towards her. Rain fell from the sky as gravity took hold of the water droplets blown out of the water. The man marched towards Kari. A peek into his eyes send chills down her spine as her instincts forewarned her of danger. She had to get out but the man already closed the distance.

He lifted her by her shirt effortlessly. Kari squirmed and kicked in a struggle to break free. Then he made a metaphor which did not make sense at all to the girl. She was not a writer. Artist would be more applicable but she would not claim the label herself. She felt his arm jerk and dropped 2 stage hands towards the lake. She had to do something quickly before the man hurt her. Before she could give any more orders to her fingers, she felt her body cut through the air and slam into a rock. It took every fiber in her body to fight the urge to faint. Her body was crying in pain for a few seconds. Then she watched as he pulled out a bone from his body. This was getting serious. He was a monster. She tried to stand up but her legs did not want to respond. So she did linked up 2 strings to her wolf puppet and send it charging at the man. As it dashed at the man at a speed of 74 two other strings attached to the puppet.

The puppet jumped into the air and tried to pounce on the man's chest. Before it would make contact, the strings would disconnect and reconnect to the stagehands behind the man on each side. Kari would then, after connecting the strings to the tiny puppets, activate her most powerful jutsu, First Act: Tragedy. Chakra blazed through the 2 thread connected to the stagehands which closed in on the man using the speed of the tiny puppets, a speed of 74. The threads would try and pincer the man from both sides with a power of 45 cutting him from his legs on the left side and his arm on the right side. It was her trump card, her last ditch effort to stop the man.

WC: 680
Travin Iburi
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sun May 20, 2018 9:10 am
Cole was still walking to the girl who was still up against a boulder that cole had thrown her against. He had his bone sword in hand and if she didn’t start to fight back for her life he would end it for her. The moment that thought crossed his mind cole noticed out of the corner of his eye the wolf puppet moving at him again, but this time he moved at greater speed jumping in mid-air as he closed the distance. The rage settled a little inside of cole as he knew now that she understood the lesson he was teaching her. Even if it was being taught the hard way of learning it. “Lesson one of combat” cole would say now without any anger in his voice and back to being almost completely calm. “When something is in the sky it is either a diversion or an opening” he would add as he sliced into the puppet with his bone sword sharpness 100. He would move with the quick and graceful thrusts of a master at a speed of 175. The girl wouldn’t even be able to see anything but a blur of movement and bone.

The chakra threads would then rise up and cut into coles pants flesh. It wouldn’t be enough to do any real damage to him just a few scraps were the wires cut touch. “NOT BAD” cole would say in almost a yell with excitement “you getting it now” he would add in with a laugh. The girl's threads were not strong enough to hurt him but he was satisfied with her attempt to. Cole would reach down with his bone sword and push a little chakra into the bone sword and cut the thread into. He would then walk over to the girl clearly over his fit of rage now with a grin on his face. “You did good doll face, and I'll tell you what if you want to know how to use that genjutsu I used on you I'll teach you real quick. Its very basic and your toolkit your working on fits its use more than my own” he would say as he walked over to the girl.

“Now how about I fix those wounds of yours real quick” he would say if she agreed or not to learn the jutsu. He would use the basic med jutsu to heal the small cuts and scrapes she had attained in the little scuffle.

(WC-415 TWC-1919)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sun May 20, 2018 4:35 pm
When Kari's puppet just broke apart after reaching swinging distance from the man, Something swelled up in Kari. Unlike the instinct with the clones, she had time to think and analyze the situation. Her main puppet was down in a blink of an eye. She could not get up. Her secret weapon was behind the man but the chance of it hitting him was slim given how fast he could moved. Still, her body moved. Like a program, the flags were triggered and strings converged. One hit his leg but it was quickly cut away with the bone weapon. That was it. It was Kari's strongest attack, her secret weapon. It used so much chakra that she now had to add exhausting to the pain running through her body. She looked at the monster of a boy. His expression changed, expected now that his prey was down.

There was no hiding her weakness, no hiding from the killing blow. It only made the man stronger for some unknown reason. It also made his unintelligent mind come up with confusing phrases. The pain reached into her head, or was that exhaustion. Her face was blank though her eyes struggled to stay opened. She started a heavy breathing only The boy was filled with energy as he marched over to Kari. He spoke like the fight was still continuing. If she had another tool she would use it now. So she stared at him, with her blank, aloof, tired eyes. She remained silent as a grin grew on his face.

Now the giant was standing over her she stared back at him unwavering. She remained silent until the boy called her doll face. She let out a sign and closed her eyes, building up more mental fortitude for the extended scene. Then she opened her mouth.
"My name... is not... doll face," she said in her robotic tone, though weaker than normal.

Now it was a lot harder to talk now. The adrenaline coursing through her body was wearing off and more of her body started to ache. Her back raved, her chest felt compacted, her skin burned red where he grabbed her, her legs would not respond, trembling whenever she gave them an order. She remained silent looking at each aching body part and testing her limits. Her arms burned with soreness of being tense. Her left arm in particular had a sharp sting crawling through her muscle. This boy's strength was out of control. Finally she looked back at him.

He wanted to teach her genjutsu, this brute of a boy. This crazy guy who could pull bones out his body to fight her. This impoverish scum who steals others food. Her goal today was to practice her puppetry. Instead, she had her lunch stolen, was thrown against a rock, and lost a puppet. The last thing she wanted was to learn some genjutsu.
"I want... my food... back. I... I don't... make alot... of money. So give... it back!" Her robotic tone was the only thing keeping her voice standing. The lack of energy needed made it the most efficient way to talk while taking so many painful breaths.

The last thing the boy offered was to heal Kari. Another surprise, to say the least. If he could fix her, than why would she turn it down. If anything she thought she was going to die. This honestly was the best course of action for her.
"So... I live... another day?"

She could not imagine trying to put an emotion to this moment. All her mind did was struggle to find a way to live. With that not an issue, it gave into exhaust. The girl's eyes slowly dropped, The trembling in her body ceased. With one final breath she gave into the pain and fainted. What the boy did now was up to him. Kill her, heal her, or leave her. It was his choice. She did not care. She needed energy for the next day.

WC: 668
Travin Iburi
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Wed May 23, 2018 9:38 am
The girl was still not happy with her name cole gave her but it mattered very little cause he had gotten used to calling her that now. If only she had told me her name he thought to himself. The girl soon passed out cole figured from the pain he caught her in his left arm before she fell from the rock and picked her up. He would carry her over to some nearby trees in the training ground to break up the heat with some shade. The area was quite nice he thought that it might be his new favorite spot in the training grounds since someone went and chopped down his trees. He would have to find out who did that and pay them back for it, he liked those trees. Cole would sit the girl's stuff down beside her having carried it in his other arm. He would start by easing the pain the girl was into him it would be only minor pains but for someone as tiny and frail as she was it probably hurt a good bit he thought.

Cole held out two fingers on his right hand the index and bird fingers. They begin to glow with a greenish yellow tint to them. He then stuck his two fingers against the girl's skin on both her legs, arms, and belly. “There we go that should take care of the pain a little numbing is good for everything,” he said as he made a few more hand signs. His hole hands started to glow with a faint green color as he held them just a few inches from her body. He started at her legs again letting the chakra heal the little bit of damage that he had done to her. He had made sure that none of the wounds he inflicted would be fatal and as such it was easy to heal with just the basic medical jutsu. After the legs, he would move over to the arms and then her neck and finish with her back.

The girl would be all better now having all the minor dings and scrapes heal. Cole picked up the girls water jug that was still three-quarters of the way full. He took the lid off of it and poured a little on her face. The water would hit her on the forehead and trail down into her eyes a little but would stay out of her nose. Cole hated it when water got in his nose and wouldn’t want that on anyone. Once the girl woke back up she would notice that her body didn’t hurt anymore and that cole was sitting beside her still holding the open water jug. “Here drink this it will help with the dry mouth” he would say handing the girl the water jug. If she didn’t take it he would set it down before talking. “So where do you want to eat I'm starving” he would say with a half smile. “You lived so I'll pay for lunch where ever you want to go I'm good with” he would add looking at the girl.

(WC-525 TWC-2444)

(OOC: sorry for the late post we had inventory 3 days ago and since we have had 10,000 pieces of freight come in the store every day been crazy busy)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Wed May 23, 2018 2:04 pm
Miyamoto, dressed in his chuunin outfit, carrying no weapons ventured out in hopes of meeting up with Cole in the training area of the village. Since the team arrived back into the village Satoru was still hospitalized, and Cole was distant. He had picked up training a new Genin...the female Kari and had even helped out another Genin with learning how to use fire chakra. As he set off for the training area he used the Mind Eye of the Kagura to locate where his teammate was. Sure enough, he was inside the training area, his chakra output seemed about normal, but he could tell that he was already engaged in training.

As he arrived on scene he remained at the edge of his vision as he watched the scene. He arrived just in time to see Kari beaten and, though he could not make out what they were saying it was clear who the victor was of this battle. Miyamoto was about to step in, but instead, he stood his ground and jumped into the trees, soon finding himself above them, camouflaged by the leaves and branches he got closer, not making a sound as he listened in on the conversation. Cole poured water on Kari, then spoke to her telling her to drink before offering to buy her lunch.

"That girl will never learn...neither will Cole...good to see him in high spirits though." He said quietly as the branch he stood on began to creak before finally cracking, Miyamoto used Body Flicker to escape into the trees beyond their tracking if they happened to look. It would be as if he was never there as he made his way to the hospital.

(Has permission to enter topic from both parties, not counting WC.)

Unless stopped or found out, Miyamoto will just hide and eventually leave
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Wed May 23, 2018 7:53 pm
"Good morning mother," Kari jumped down the stairs, rolling as she hit the ground into the lobby of the inn. She was inside of a pink onesie with messy hear that went everywhere but inside the hood. Suddenly a shadow enveloped the girl. A dark figure towered the girl with a bright smile stronger than the sun.
"Come on baby smile for mama,"
Kari nodded and her cheeks caused her lips to arch however a sharp pain drove through her leg. She screamed falling to the ground but her mother did not flinch. Kari's leg melted into a puddle of blood along with the sharp pain but the girl continued to cry.
"Come on baby smile for mama,"
The tears stopped falling as Kari sniffed. The words gave her motivation to fight through the pain. So she pressed her lips together. But a sharp pain blew away her arm into a puddle. Kari went onto a tantrum. She only had one arm and one leg. The pain was gone but the shock felt worst. The world around her turned red as blood oozed out of every hole in the room.
"Come on baby smile for mama," the voice repeated.
This time Kari tried to crawl away but a hand grabbed her and threw her on her back. The smile on the shadow swam closer to Kari's face before it repeated the demand. Kari closed her eyes wishing the figure away.
"No, No, NO, NO! STOP. I CANT DO IT!" Kari screamed and her stomach exploded forcing her to open her eyes. When she did, she saw Cole's glowing hands waving over her foot. His fingers covered in blood. As she looked up her body, her arm, leg and stomach had two holes poked through. Little did she know he was healing her. All she could remember was his sword coming for her and her puppet exploding in the air by some unknown force.

Kari screamed and kicked his face with her good leg. His healing managed to restore her usability with her bad leg and the numbness hid the pain allowing her to stand up. Her leg trembled and her breathing grew heavy.
"Stay away..." She demanded in her dreary voice. A sense of panic fell over her body as she realize her arm was not responding. Little did she know her body was fighting back with pain due to the numbness. She looked around seeing her back next to the man. She wanted it back but was it worth her life. It wasn't. She tried to back away but stumbled over her numbed leg hitting the ground.

WC: 438

Last edited by Kari on Fri May 25, 2018 2:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Fri May 25, 2018 10:03 am
Cole was in the middle of of numbing the girls body. When she woke up and tried to kick him in the face. He quickly dodged moving his head to the left out of shear instinct, and he looked down at the girl “I try to heal you and you try to kick me, you do know the fight is over now right” he would ask the girl? If she would let him continue healing her he would finish with the numbing and start using the basic medical jutsu to sooth the injures and heal them. It would only take a few minutes for it to work and the numbing would wear off in about 20 minutes.

(WC-117 TWC-2561)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Fri May 25, 2018 2:46 pm
Kari pushed herself on her back with her good arm and turned to the man. He stood up, hiding the sun from her like a tree. Her breathing became deeper, sending fresh cool air into her panicking body. The extra energy required to sustain this slowly exhausted the girl allowing her to slowly regain control of her senses. She was scared, but she finally noticed that the boy was not attacking her. She remembered his words before she feel asleep. He was not going to kill her. As the wheels in her mind started to spin, his recent words started to make more sense.
"Heal?" she repeated as if it was her first time hearing the word.

Kari turned to her arm, leg, and then her stomach. Only of those areas appeared in better condition. It was the same part where the boy's glowing hand hovered over. She took one more deep breath and reset her heart. She was calm.
"You, you were healing me?"

Kari knew the answer yet her body asked anyway. The boy would come to heal her which she resisted a little until the soothing effects of the chakra took place. Kari closed her eyes again, unsure what else to do. This guy tried to kill her, took her stuff, and was not healing her. Was he a bully, some crazy person, or maybe some misguided youth who would blackmail her. Her man ran trains around her head until she found something else to talk about.
"Did my sandwich taste good?"

WC: 255
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 26, 2018 12:27 am
Once the girl had calmed down cole continued to heal her wounds. She only slightly resisted which was to be expected if anything out of instinct. It wouldn’t take to long before she would have full feeling back into her body from were cole had numbed it to ease the pain while he worked. They was both quit while cole finished up with the medical jutsu, he would sit down when he finished beside her. “Did my sandwich taste good”?

Cole would turn to look at her “It was ok” he would tell her. “How about I take you to get a good meal. We will say its because you lived through this” he would ask her with a small smile.

(WC-121 TWC-2682)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 26, 2018 9:25 am
Kari kept her eyes closed. It was nice to hear that her sandwiches did not taste bad. However, she did wish she could have been the one who made the verification. She made sound between a grunt and a moan as the numbness wore off. A small wave of pain reached her brain but it ceased leaving the girl only with some minor discomfort still. She opened her eyes and started flexing the muscles in her arm. Starting with her hand, she squeezed an invisible ball and then fully extended her fingers. Then she rotated her wrist before rolling it around alike a ball in a socket joint. Her next test was the flexing of her biceps and triceps. Everything had full range of motion with a little bit of discomforting pain which only got worst the more she practiced her wave of motions. The boy was pretty good at healing, but the girl thought it best to go to the doctor after this.

She repeated the process for her leg though going a little more easy to avoid any more discomfort and pain. With everything in working order, she picked herself up. The boy offered to buy her lunch as a reward for living, but that only made Kari more worried to be around him. He was dangerous talk like that, implying that he really did want to kill her at some point of that fight. He was total bonkers but her father warned her about calling crazy crazy. It was probably better to just go along with what he said while keeping alert. If she pissed him off again, then it might invoke the crazy again.

Kari looked at him for a split second before turning away. She did not want to see a smile on him. She much rather be surprised or just ignorant of his emotional traits. Though they may be stronger than most, they probably were not worth the effort of learning. Kari could only imagine the trouble she would get in if she always looked angry like the man did when he attacked her. Also, it was loud and Kari did not like loud. However, something finally hit her.
"Wait... are you asking me out on a date? I mean... I just wanted my sandwich back but like umm."

Though her voice was robotic, it was obvious she was confused. Did this boy like her? She fought the urge to look at him. What made him think she would date him after all of this. Well, maybe she would, just to stay alive but this could also be good research too.
"S-s-sure. I think. Where, did you want to go?"

Her empty stomach would have complained if she turned down the free food, and the man owed her food too. Premium food equal to that ham for sure. This was the best option. A completely logical move. Who would not go on a date with someone offering to replace the food they stole, even if that person was crazy. Sweat rolled down the back of Kari's neck. She forgot, he was crazy.

WC: 518
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