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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 26, 2018 10:26 am
Cole watched as the girl went through the motions of checking to make sure everything still worked right after he was done with the medical jutsu. He was wanting to know as well so he watched closely to make sure that he hadn’t missed anything. Normally he wouldn’t had numbed the body for such small wounds but it was for her to help ease the pain as it did not look like she had a very high pain threshold. Once she had finished cole asked if she wanted to go get some food as way of congratulating her on surviving.

"Wait... are you asking me out on a date? I mean... I just wanted my sandwich back but like umm." the girl would ask while looking away. Coles face would turn red as she mentioned it he had not thought of it like that he was just trying to repay her for the sandwiches without saying so. I was not thinking about it like that, I was just trying to feed you, but if you think about it like that than I guess you could call it that” cole would say running his hand through his silver hair. He hadn’t thought of the girl like that after all he didn’t even know her name. However she was kind of cute and they only other girl he had met that was a ninja was Hikari but she was a little weird and cole thought she had something going on with someone else. He just didn’t know who yet last time they met she kinda turned him down without saying it.

“We can go to this little restaurant back in town i know. They have the best pasta in the hole village” cole would add. The restaurant was not where he had originally thought of when he asked her to go eat, but with all of this talk of dates he figured he might want to spice it up a little bit. The restaurant was in the middle of the village square and it was pretty popular so she may have heard about it before. Cole had only eat their with his parents before and had not been back since. Mostly because he knew that it was not a cheap place to eat, and that he would spend a good chunk of his money to go their.

(WC-395 TWC-3077)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 26, 2018 1:24 pm
"Oh really..." Kari quickly respond when the boy admitted that he was not thinking of offer as a date. This was the fourth no fifth time she had this misunderstanding. Her father always told her that he and mother would go and eat together or hang out on dates. When she question him on what date meant, he said when a boy and a girl go out and do things together. Then he added that boy's only ask girls to do these things when they liked them. Even though she still wanted to be repaid for the mean the boy stole, she also wanted to learn more. She was tired of these misunderstandings. Finally she took a step back, not wanting him to change plans for the event. If she did not have to go on a date with the crazy boy, then she preferred to do whatever he originally planned to do.

"Wait," Kari said breaking out of her deep thoughts, "If you did not want a date, what do you call these activities?" Kari turned her head to the crazy boy but her eyes remained at the corner of her head to avoid looking at him. It did not slip her mind about who he was but knowledge was important to understanding people and being normal.
"I apologized for the misunderstanding, I have a lot to learn about people," She gave a small bow hoping her gesture would be accepted to the man. She also left herself open. It was the only way to fully show she wanted forgiveness.

WC: 261
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Ryo : 28000

Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sun May 27, 2018 7:39 pm
Cole had no intention to go on a date with the girl at first but when she asks what you would call it. Cole wasn’t sure what to call it two people going to eat a meal, hanging out with someone. He wasn’t sure which made him think that this would have been a date now that she brought it up. “I’m not sure what to call it” cole would tell the girl. His face in concentration as he thought about what to call it. She then apologised saying she still had a lot to learn about people. This made cole realize that he did as well his whole life had mostly been training. With in the clan he was held as one of the most gifted with their kekkei genkai. This made him work even harder than his father was already pushing him.

“Dont worry about it” he would tell the girl. “If you want we can call this a date if anything just to give it a name” he would add. His hands starting to get a bit wet from the sweat as he was a bit nervous of what she might say. He would wipe the palms of his hands on his pants leg while waiting for an answer.

(WC-212 TWC-3289)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Mon May 28, 2018 10:43 am
"No... I want..." Kari hesitated as her mind struggled to work out some kind of label, "Yes, that would be the best course of action." In the end, it did not matter. The boy was not trying to like like her so it was best to move off this topic. He did not even laugh like other people did when she mentioned it. Also, she did not want a crazy person to have such an attachment to her. It was bad for her health.

She turned to him to see him wiping his hands on his clothes. It was a weird action. It was hot outside but how could his hands get wet. Maybe it was blood. Kari shivered thinking about the holes that were in her body. It only served as a reminder of how dangerous this guy was. She had to change the topic else her mind would rerun those scenes endlessly along with the dream.
"You still owe me lunch. So it is best we leave soon."

However, another thought entered her head. She was not excatly dressed to go out. She was sweating all day also so she probably smelled a little. She personally did not care, but her father and mother scold her enough about not being lazy and piggish around other people. So, it was a habit she made sure to keep note of. Also, it would give her a reason to leave his company and rest her nerves. Plus, a bath would feel nice right about now.
"On second though, we probably smell bad. So let's meet up there after cleaning up. Where is this place?"

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Wed May 30, 2018 8:45 am
Cole would agree with the girl they probably did need to shower and change. “You know what you never told me your name” cole would say with a bit of laugh. “My name is Cole” he would tell her before he gave her the directions to the little restaurant. He decided that they would go to a smaller more open place to eat with the hole this is a date thing settled now.

Once she knew the location cole would say his goodbyes now and head out to change and shower. The sun was still high in the sky and the walk home would be nice.

(WC-106 TWC-3395)
(OOC left it open you can decide if we do another topic for the lunch or continue here, or we just say it happened in the next thread were both in)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Thu May 31, 2018 12:35 pm
Kari moved her finger to her lip. He was right. Though all of this, neither had given up a name to call the other. This lead the boy to introduce himself as Cole. It was a simple name though, not something you would expect a berserker boy to have, or was it. He was the first berserker boy she met. Kari removed her finger and gave a short bow, though she made sure to pay attention as so she did not leave herself open for trouble.
"Kari Tsukami," she stated quickly so she could raise her head.

With that of the way, there was not much else to do. Cole gave very clear instructions, abet a little simple. It was not too far from her apartment either so it would be a plus. She also did not need to write it down which meant she did not have to waste time taking out her notebook. So with all of her checkpoints cleared, Kari turned away from the boy.
"I will see you at our agreed time then," She walked off without waiting for a response.

After turning a corner, she braced against a walk and placed a hand on her chest. Her heart slowly escalated as the pasted events ran through her mind. She almost died to that boy and had such a horrible nightmare. She did not know why she was alive or why the boy did what he did. It was so illogical. If her brain was a engine, black smoke would blast out of every hole from being overworked. That unpredictability made him dangerous and Kari would seriously debate not showing up.

Slowly she stood up, and took a deep breath. He heart slowed down, but the girl's mind continued to overclock itself. She wanted an answer to his actions. Why did he think it was okay to steal her food? Why did he try to kill her? Why did he get so mad when she gave up? Why did he heal her after causing all that damage? Why did he want to eat with her? Why did he think she would want to eat with her? All these questions and more flooded her brain until she found herself standing in front of the shower.

Hot mist enveloped the girl as she walked in. Despite how much her brain told her to run and hide. Her body continued to prepare for this terrible idea. However, she was able to fight off the urge to wear her casual clothes. In her mind, she needed to be ready in case he snaps again. After all, he was unpredictable. She stood outside her door, dressed in a black cloak with her ninja band used as a clasp. She had dark blue shorts and a lighter blue t-shirt. Her collar stood up covering her mouth and hiding her inability to replicate normal faces of everyone else. She was ready for a “date” or a fight. Though if it turns out to be a fight, her focus would be escaping.

Kari stood in front of the meeting spot for the “date.” It was in front of a restaurant she had never been too. It seemed to be a expensive place that served pasta, like Cole mentioned. Kari was not a big pasta fan, but she had rarely tasted it due the regality of it. It was something that her family stayed away from and she continued that habit given her limited budget. However today, it was a free meal, one she so desperately needed since she has not eaten all day. Another terrible misstep she realize after her stomach groaned.

WC: 608
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:39 pm
Cole would turn to leave after agreeing to the time and place to meet with the girl named kari. They was going to go to the nice place to eat some italian food. Cole was looking forward to having some lasagna he hadn’t had any in a long time. He would think about what to do and say on his way back home that way hopefully their wouldn’t be any weird silence. Cole would walk up stairs and turn on the water he liked it scowling hot so the hole room steamed up quickly. Turning around he would use the razor and fog proof mirror that his dad had put in the shower to shave with. Cole was just starting to get facial hair so thier was not much to shave but he did it anyways.

Stepping out of the shower cole dried off and put his pants on. He didn’t really know what to where and his options was limited. Cole bite his finger drawing a drop of blood the motion coming natural as he had been summoning Vilect consistently since his parents passed. He would ask him for advice alot and training as well. “What the hell it's hotter than the desert you summoned me from in here can’t you atleast open the door” the scorpion would say as he walked out of the puff of smoke that was hard to tell it even happened with all the steam. “Sorry about that” cole would say as he walked over to the door to open it. “I got a date with a girl in an hour and I don’t know what to wear” he would add as both him and Vilect walked out of the steamed room.

Walking into cole's room Vilect would speak “so it's your first date with a girl that didn’t turn you down for once” he would walk over to the closet while speaking. Looking into coles closet “My god son do you only own the one outfit” Vilect would ask cole in shock. “I like that outfit” cole would answer. Vilect would shake his head and pull out a pair of pants and white button up that cole had left over from his cousin's wedding that his parents had gotten him. “Put that on it will look better than what you normally wear” he would say adding in that he has to go he was watching the young ones and if he is gone for to long they will destroy his house, and with that he would vanish into a puff of smoke once more. Cole would grab the cloths and put them on looking himself in the mirror. He looked weird at least he thought so anyways anyone else would probably think that he looked like a well respected member of society. He combed his hair and once it was dried it puffed back out like normal earning a sigh from him as he slid his shoes on walking out the door.

It was in the afternoon now but the sun was still up in the sky and not quite setting yet. When cole would walk over to the spot they agreed to meet at. Cole turned the corner and saw Kari standing their he wandered how long she had been waiting. She was wearing a black cloak with blue shorts and a lighter blue t-shirt and cole couldn’t really see her face below the eyes to much. He would walk up to her with his white long sleeve button down tucked into his black pants he still wore his combat boots as he didn’t have another pair of shoes and his silver hair was all poofed out like normal waving in the wind from the fresh shampooing.

“Hay you ready to get some food” cole would ask her offering her his hand.

(WC-640 TWC-4035)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:24 am
The boy walked up to her out from the distant crowd. He choice a more normal forum of dress, opting to don a white long sleeve shirt button shirt and black pants. He looked, as her father would put it, business causal. Kari looked at herself again, and then closed her cloak to hide her outfit. The two looked so different. It bothered her until she remembered the logic behind her behavior. She wanted to be ready for another moment. As he moved closer she noticed his silver hair waving in the gentle breeze. This behavior was weird to Kari. She has been out with 2 other people and none of them made such drastic changes in character.

Was this guy really a berserker? Kari stared study his every movement until he stopped in front of her and spoke. Kari snapped out of her trance and shook her head. If he realized she was worried, he might get angry and attack her again. Still she turned away. If she could avoid eye contact, then he would not think she was staring and watching him. It was a full proof plan. Now all she needed was an answer.
"Y-yes Cole-san"
Her stomach growled with excitement, hoping the girl would hurry up inside and preventing her from getting cold feet and running away. The stage was set and the "Date" would finally begin.

WC: 231
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:31 pm
"Y-yes Cole-san" she would say. Cole would turn and walk up to the door “Cole and one” he would tell the hostess. The hostess would tell them to follow her while she walked through the restaurant. She wore the restaurants uniform consisting of a black button down short sleeve or long sleeve option with black dress pants. The shirt had red pinstripes running down the seams and the word Angelo’s in a fancy font on the right side of the chest. The restaurant was slightly on the dark side but still had plenty of light from the roof mounted lights that was turned down to half plus there was a real chandelier in the middle of the open room. Each of the tables had a set of candles light on each table and the room itself felt like it was lit by fire shadows bouncing off of walls and the ceiling. The hostess sat the two down along the wall in one of the bench seats that lined two walls of the room. The restaurant was fairly busy with around half the tables full of people talking.

“What can i get you guys to drink” the waiter would ask. He had walked up to the table at the same time the hostess had left. Cole would wait for Kari to answer first as his father had told him once that it was rude to go before the guest or a women. Once Kari had spoke cole would say “Coke a Cola for me” the waiter would leave to go get their drink and give them time to look at the menu he had sat down in front of the two of them while they told him what they wanted to drink.

“The Lasagna is good here” cole would tell Kari to start up the conversation.

(305 TWC-4340)
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Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Cole[NK, P, ask for invite]

Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:43 pm
Kari followed the boy into the restaurant. She looked around as the atmosphere turned into something not hoshi. Pillar designs and sculptures of nude men, woman, and children filled the walls and intersections between tables. As she looked up she saw an contraption that had like 20 or 30 tiny lights floating in a ring. It was not until Kari focused on the object that the lights turned into gems or crystals. She recalled her father calling that a chandler. He wanted a smaller one but went against it due to the culture clash that would exist in the setting of that room. It was pretty, and gave the room a royal feeling, something she would never imagine. She stopped and pulled out her notebook and started sketching the basic shapes to create the object. Half way through, she saw the waitress and Cole nearly left her. 

She rushed over and arrived in time to get her seat. The table had a candle in the middle giving the table a nice warm glowing orange color which was brighten by the low light surroundings. The waiter asked for their drink orders in a friendly manner that took away from the overall regal of the establishment. A tiny flaw that her father would easily noticed, and then complain about staying in character. Kari would not though. It seemed pointless, especially since she could not imagine an optimal way to characterize oneself in a place like this. 
"Un-sweet tea please," her voice was quiet and low. 

There was so much to take in, so much she wanted to draw. The only escape she had was the menu. She hide behind the plastic paper and took a deep breath. Cole would order a cola a cola, a very common drink but not something the girl would order. She would not say anything as she continued to hid behind the menu. Her mind slowly settled down until Cole made a suggestion. 
"Lazawnya?" she repeated slowly a little louder, unsure if she was even saying it right.

She had never head of the food. She placed down the menu and then squinted her eyes before she spotted a word with similar sounding letters. She moved her finger to it and tried to say the word again. She started reading the description before remembering that she had not really spoke to Cole since walking in. This was bad right? Despite being a berserker he was not wordy at all. Was he planning to be dangerous? She could not let him get upset again so she closed her eyes and build up the fortitude to ask a question. 

"What is a Lazagna?" Her voice was a little louder but it was clearly forced. 

It was a dumb question since the description was well written. Hopefully, he would not insult her for asking. It was all in hopes to appear more personable. 

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