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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Fri May 18, 2018 6:29 pm
Kari stood in the training field alone and stared into the clear blue sky. Her goal today was to practice with her puppetry since she managed to finally create a puppet. It was nothing special but it at least gave her some options. Last time she was here, she was distracted by Terumi and was taught some interesting Ninjutsu. This time though she wanted to remain focus to soley work on puppetry. She was not going to draw, read, or anything else that would take away from the training, especially go in the water.

She wore a white cloak with her star headband acting as a clasp. Underneath was a simple dark green t-shirt and shorts. It was nothing special and she made sure both were light weight so she would not overheat in the weather. That was actually the reason she choice the white cloak despite preferring the darker color schemes. It bugged her that she would not blend in with her surroundings, but at least she knew she would not faint from heat exhausting. At worst she would take off her cloak. On her back was an object completely wrapped in bandages. It was slightly shorter than her but proved a hassle to move great distances with it. Her mothers words echoed in her head regarding size and carrying things into battle. This puppet would require some modifications if she was going to use it on a mission. Still, for a practice like this, she would overlook that detail for now.

Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 19, 2018 5:17 pm
Another day. Another blink of the eye. Tatsuma uneo was known by all but a select few by his real name xuba. He quietly polished his chains. Giving them a nice fresh shine. Because he previously finished cleaning his armor, and polishing his silver metalic boots.

 All small simple actions to keep his  mind occupied as he threw on the full armored set. Over his black shirt covered by his flak jacket.  Looking like a black knight yet to him due to his strength, and the design he made with it.  The armor was light as this was his shinobi gear. Well Ventilated, and offering man suitable protections  against most problematic issues.

The with the errie glowing chains lockes safely over his shoulders. Tied in a way that with a simple geater he could weild the chains. The man headed out of the estate, and strolled down the  pathway into the village. The clanking of his metalic  boots on the paved path lead him towards the gardens. A quiet stroll, and check lead him around towards the training grounds.  where he quietly strolled past some induviduals hard at work practicing various jutsu and the such. 

With his grey eyes xuba studied the induviduals quietly. His dark face naturally showed intetest, but being a former man who travled around the land. He learned to keep his judgmental thoughts seperate from the expressions on his face. Watching the groups for a while xuba would pass from a varaiety of shinobi in practice. Some had high aspirations for suscess. Others were not as confident and struggled.

Still he  grew a bit more curious, and joined a young lady  carrying some odd contraption on her back. 

"Hey! How are you doing?"

Xuba would ask as he walked within 20 meters of the  girl. Comming straight in front of her. An unusual black pair of guantlets rested  on his hands. Yet this seemingly was melded pretty well with his armor.
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 19, 2018 5:49 pm
The sound the clanging was followed by a person covered in full armor with a polished chain over his shoulder. He stood off in the distances facing Kari's direction. Was he a member of the Queensmen? They were the only group the girl knew that used armor. Most ninja prefer something lightweight so any thoughts on him being a ninja was thrown out. However it was weird to see such a character out here alone like that. He gave off the sense of a villainous type though to make such an accusation would be rude as her father would put it.

He greeted her, in a seeming chipper mood which only further confused the Kari. She did not respond. She just gazed at his armor, wonder what was he. Her mind tried to pick apart the man out of the armor. Still, she could not recall such a figure. As she reached the end of her memory, she remembered that he greeted. She suddenly bowed, making it deeper than usual and gave a appropriate response in her robotic tone.
"My apologizes, your armor was intriguing to me. I could not help but admire it. Greetings to you as well."

This time around she did raise her head. Such strange figure might be dangerous so it was best to stay cautious. Nobody else was around to help her so she had to remain smart and on her toes. This was probably a misunderstanding on her part but given her history and the rumor about a genin dying on a mission, one could never be too careful.
"Can I help you Sir?"

WC: 270
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sun May 20, 2018 12:53 am
The funny part to xuba was that even when he offered a freindly chat. The girl seemingly stared. Perhaps she was busy gwaking at the armor. He slowed to a casual pace in case as she then suddenly found her voice to respond. His wandering mind going over many diffrent senarios  had a fleeting confirmation that she was indeed admiring the armor. As he simply nodded quietly comming to a stop 15 meters away.

Well i could always make improvements with such an design.... still seemed to do the job.

Xuba thought as if her mind was wondering what it was that enabled him to move with such fluid motion. It was nothing much. 

"Ah pleasure is mine. Yeah i simply observe the training grounds at times. Simply because i also train as a shinobi. Just i keep things on. You never know when called for a task."

Xuba stated as he studied the girl a bit more clearly. His grey eyes flickered to the contraption on her back. Clearly she was a shinobi. So the question to xuba now was how well she was doing.

"Not many people carry such a sighty object on their back. So you are interested in a bit of training today.? Hm well i am tatsuma. What is your name?"

The chain clinked as he offered a guantley covered hand as a greeting and a handshake to the girl.
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sun May 20, 2018 5:09 pm
So the man was a shinobi and not a knight of some castle. Also, he seemed to wear the armor everywhere. This was interesting since it made him standout like a sore thumb. It went against her mother's teachings which meant he did not care for stealth base attacks. He was also probably a brute though he sounded very polite like a knight. Also it seemed he just like watching people on the training grounds. Given her last encounter with a stranger on the training grounds, Kari was very cautious about having him around. It took so long to rebuild her puppet when it was destroyed though she could credit it to not being of her design. Also she was still a little sore from being thrown against a rock.

She looked at his hand. The man stood 15 meters away and offered a handshake. As much as she did not want to be rude, she was not about to run 15 meter to shake some strangers hand.
"I am Kari Tsukami and I could say the same about your armor," Kari rebutted in her robotic tone, "I must apologize but I fear I may not be strong enough to keep up you Tatsuma-san."
She gave another bow to apologize for both being weak and not wanting to shake his hand.
"As an apologize, I could show you what is in the bandages. It is the least i can do for my rudeness."

WC 243
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 26, 2018 3:00 pm
She had some class. This xuba would note as he lifyed the visor showing his mane of silver hair and grey eyes. Her words simple yet humble. But he made it his job to stomp out such ideas as stronger.

"Well then find anotherway. In any kind of situation you should find a way to solve your short commings. There is always someone ahead in one way or another. The question is how will you adapt? What will you do  to ovwrcome, or even show where you can be ahead?  Never reveal a such a short comming. So ill make it easier."

Xuba stated with a smile. He did not belive the girl to be weak but preclaimed that she needed a way to get a leg up. Per say. No enemy will just keel over at some silly gir's demands. No they wouldve  gone for the throat.

He casually walked 3 meters and stopped at 12 meters between the two.

" come, and shake my hand"

He spoke with respect as he had no ill intentions, but it was a test of resolve for the girl. If she could even press herself to the distance. All impacting how difficult his training may even be.
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 26, 2018 5:52 pm

The man's lecture was interesting. It was almost as if he wanted her to bluff her strength. While facing a real adversary, Kari might have oblige, but in a friend matter like this, she found it best to be honest. After all, every single training event besides the one with Terumi has lead to her getting hurt. The man's armor appeared to be very durable. Also his unique appearance was intimidating on its own. Still, remembering her interaction with Cole, taught her that appearing weak only made others angry. She let out a sign.

The man took another couple steps forward and offered his hand again. How as this making things easier. The difficulty of shaking a hand does not decrease by simply moving closer. Sure it was more convenient but the overall problem still existed. Kari took a step forward but stopped. She hesitated as she wondered what the man's true motives were. He revealed part of his face but he was all a mystery and she could not even use his smile to anticipate anything. The man was scheming something for sure but the safest option would be to give him what he wanted.

So Kari slowly walked over to the man. Her aloof eyes studying his every movement, especially that chain on his shoulder. As her left hand moved behind her from her walking stance, she release two strings which latched onto the bandage object on her back. This action was carefully done without breaking her natural movement. After a few seconds she found herself in front of the man's hand. She looked at his helmet and swallowed hard. Then she reached out and grabbed his hand with her right hand.

Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 26, 2018 9:27 pm
Hesitation? It was all noted as he quietly watched the girl before him. Maintaining his generous appearance as he did not hold ill intent, but his thoughts however told as of wonder. 

Wonder of what exactly? As in the eyes of xuba he saw the timid and nervous uncertaincy that could as well lay in many induviduals. It reminded him of the pupeteer that he encountered in the gardens. For a breif instant he wondered if the boy even fixed his poor toy.

Hm well the timidness must vanish. Wisdom, and caution hold a grey but distinct line. In ones home among the village. A person should have a sense of security that even the strangers would not stab you in the back..... clearly this is something i see in too many people.

Xuba thought as his smile broadend as the girl finally gained her barrings, and continued forward. It was good since he merely had the intention to now that he saw her uncomfortable gester. It was time to expose her to the elements beyond her shell.

He had an amused gleam in his eyes as he noted that the girl had the idea to simply take her time approaching. He hardly had much to worry about as he glanced at the simple thing wrapped in seeming bandages. Although it couldve easily have been some kind of tool, or a weapon. All in all it meant little to him as a tool or weapon is used to the desgression of the induviduals skill.  In that regard as easily as someone can use something that object can easily be broken with little to no effort by an induvidual.

But these wonderful contrsptions like anything can be exposed and destroyed. Even if used to the whim of the creator themselves. A punch can simply be blocked or with a bladed weapon, or one can just simply lop the fool's hand off. A blade can be shattered as one who ic
s not prepared simply blindly assumes they have an advantage.  It can also be easily disarmed, an illusion merely a lie despite the pain, vision, feel, or smell. The art of combat is grand. It is why one does not simply put blind faith behind the curtains. The veil or decisions. If you rip the fangs from a wolf it will have its claws, but will it still fight? Often times it will struggle. However, this is why one prepares for the time they are to be stumped..... hm i should teach her this.... perhaps it may open her eyes to boldly walking into a situation.

She took his hand, and of course xuba being soft yet aware of her actions would shake back. Yet it was a soft handshake despite the guantlets. One to not crush her fingers, and two  to show generousity. (Strength:5)

"Well the chain is my keep sake of course would you like to hold it for a moment? It is of my own work."

Hm.. that is a good way to start off a greeting. Give them a moment to get used to the warmth before training. Even in dojo kumite. One must gain the familiarity of their allies. To gain the understanding that they are both in each others care.
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Sun May 27, 2018 12:07 pm
As Kari moved closer to the armored man, he remained sincere in his motive to just shake the girl's hand. So when she felt the cold metal gloves grip her hand, she released the strings and tried to return the shake. However, it was uncomfortable to apply force back so she just used enough power to maintain her grip. The man's grip was firm and enough to make her want to release but it was not painful, making it extremely easy to stay connected.

After letting go the man offered to show Kari his chain. He explained that it was keep sake which meant it was very important. Kari did not want to hold the chain but she also did not want to offend the man. As her father said, she should not give the family a bad name. She hesitated, taking a deep breath. The chain could not be dangerous or too heavy. However this action of showing your weapon, if the chain was indeed his weapon, seemed off. In fact, this man was offsetting to say he least. If it was not for her harsh memories with that crazy berserker, Kari would have ran away by now. Kari nodded her head while raising the collar of her cloak to hide more of her face.

As she held the chain, the craftsmanship was remarkable. Every link was well polished, smoothed, and filled with life. If this was a battle weapon, then the repairs must have been performed by a master. She quickly changed her mind about not wanting to see the chain, and was grateful to have the experience. What returning it to him, she let out a question bubbling inside of her.

"If you do not mind me asking, what his the history of this item?"

WC: 298
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite] Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Xuba[NK, P, ask for invite]

Mon May 28, 2018 11:28 am
well her curiousity was appreciated. with the chain and all. His keep sake of course, but then again he assumed that since this was easy to lift for himself. xuba merely shrugged off the chain linked weapon known as  u inorochen ,and due to the girl's curiosity he would let it slide into her grasp. 

eh she must be able to hold this then.

it was a simple thought as he was fine with it. The problem however was that the girl would by his apparent glance would be unable to keep the chain in her grasp as If her strength was not somehow above 50. she would find herself in quiet the pickle. being weighed down by the heavy object that requires a Strength of 50 to even hold effectively. He would watch as the girl would due to the weight of the weapon crash into the ground. 

"ah, yeah it was a fine piece of work made by me. Light and easy to hold overall.... well unfortunately you cannot hold a chain link like this?"

he would ask slightly puzzled as the girl would be now simply be in an awkward position  as he would simply lift the chain link weapon. It was not much a surprise to him After seeing the tournament a few weeks prior. The  man had an idea that very few reached a difficult challenge.

hm... perhaps i can have her lift the chains. Sounds like a decent workout to me.

xuba thought as perhaps he gave most shinobi too much credit for their training. Then again he rarely encountered anyone that truely challenged him. Even less surpassed him.

(note the requirement to wield the chains require over 50 strength lol)
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