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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Sat Oct 19, 2019 1:06 pm
It was a bright day in the village of hoshigakure. Sakuragi, a brown skinned hyuuga would get dress and prepared for the day, his ninja attire; a black long hand jacket, white inner v neck shirt, black shorts and black shinobi sandals. His village forehead protector sat down on his head, firmly tied around it. He did all the dressing in his room. He woke up quite early today, that would be   because he didn't study overnight last night. Most nights, he would study and write, a varieties of things he studies and write. He knew he was gonna go to the training arena today, there are probably people who would come there to train too that he never met with before. He wasn't sure if he was prepared or ready, but he is still gonna go anyway. He's gonna give it all he's got should be find someone to train with. He barely just graduated from the ninja academy some months ago and hasn't really experienced the shinobi world. He had spent some time learning his clan jutsu, today is gonna be a test of how strong he has gotten if he finds someone to train with and if at all he has gotten any stronger. Once he was fully dress and ready, he would walk out of his room to the kitchen. His grandma was already there.  “Good morning grandma, hope you slept well?”  sakuragi said once he walked into the kitchen. “ good morning sakuragi, yes I did. I trust you slept well too”  she said with a smile.  

Bread and tea was for breakfast. Sakuragi and his grandma left the kitchen and took two slices of bread, pour tea into a cup.  He ate and drank as fast as he can. He told his grandma he would be going out to the training arena. He could see the expression on her face, she didn't want him to get hurt training with someone stronger than him, though her grandma remain quiet and didn't refuse sakuragi to go. The brown Hyuuga boy assured his mother that he would stay safe and wave her good bye as he walked out of the house. 

Sakuragi  got the the training arena to see if there was anyone to train your dragon with. The area was not too big and not too  small. It was plain ground covered with fine sand,  30 metres in all directions. Sakuragi looked around his surrounding to observe everything. He didn't want to activate his byakugan now, he may have a spar ahead. It seems anyone is yet to be here, he would walk into the arena until he was 15 metres in the center. He patiently awaiting someone to train with, being ready to face whatever is gonna come up. 

WC : 464
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Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:05 pm

Kari landed at the edge of the arena. Her pigtails finally fell behind her back as her clothes rid themselves of their momentum. The girl had on a Dark purple cloak with a metal clasp, with the villages symbol engraved in the middle, hid the girl's much lighter for fitting shirt and shorts. Stagehands where hidden through out the cloak and a whistle dangled under the cloak on a necklace. On her back was a large object wrapped up in bandages. This was the girl's most powerful weapon. It was something she did not want to bring out in a friendly environment but her other project was still being worked on. As much as she would mind going hand to hand with a seemingly inexperience ninja, she had encountered Hyuuga's before and it was not the most pleasant experience. Her she found her hand over her chest as she flipped through the memories. Finally, she sighed. This was a newer ninja so she should have nothing to worry about.

She removed the object from her back and set it down next to her. Her head was lowered, looking at the older kid's feet. This was not her idea way to spend this afternoon. She had a lot of work to do and other activities that were more interesting than pushing around some kid. Still orders were orders and it would help the village in the long run. Plus it might be good exercise given how sluggish she was feeling. Chakra strings passed through the bandages and connected to her puppet. Then the girl threw the bandaged puppet 5 meters in front of her. She was not sure how she was going to deal with the kid nor sure how much power she should put behind her attack. Last thing she needed was the blood of an ally on her hands after all.

"I am Kari Tsukami... Come at me whenever your ready"

WC: 332
ap: 512/517

Last edited by Kari on Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:02 pm
Sakuragi didn't lose patience while he waited. He wanted this and he wouldn't leave till he gets it. It seems the heaven granted his wish, a youg girl landed at the edge of the arena, she looks really young, whether she was younger or older than he was, he couldn't tell. The girl wore a dark purple cloak. Sakuragi on seeing the village band knew she was from hoshi. This is the first they are meeting. The girl had something on her back wrapped in bandages, something sakuragi wasn't sure what it was until the girl release it. He hadn't yet activated his byakugan. It's  obvious that she was a puppeteer, this would may the first time sakuragi would see a puppet. He never saw one before, no, not in battle or out of battle . This spar would be a great experience for sakuragi. 

The girl introduced herself as Kari, “ I am Sakuragi , pleased to meet you. Let's do this” he said with a smile. Sakuragi would then activated his byakugan. This was the first real fight of his life with an ally shinobi. He wasn't sure if the girl was stronger or weaker than he is, but that puppet thing makes it look as if she's stronger. Sakuragi will not overestimate or underestimate his opponent. 
Once his byakugan was activated. He would carefully pull out two kunais and started running at a speed of 30 in a straight line towards Kari who was 15 metres away from sakuragi at the edge of the arena, once he reached 10 metres distance away from the girl,  he would turn right while his head was facing Kari’S direction and would continue his run until he had covered 3 metres from the turning point. Once 3 metres was covered,  He would turn again to the left, such that his full body was now facing Kari. He was still 10 metres away from Kari, just closer to the edge of the arena. Sakuragi would stop running and throw the the kunai in his right hand, he would aim the kunai at the girl's right shoulder as he didn't wanna hurt her badly. All his initial run tactics was just to confuse the girl, he hope it will work. The other kunai would remain in sakuragi left hand as he observes how his opponent will counter his attack. 

kunai speed = 56
Kunai power = 58

All actions at max speed, unless otherwise stated

TWC: 860
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1500

Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:36 pm
"Sakuragi-san," Kari repeated. In this case, it would be better to refer to the boy by his first name. There were too many Hyuuga's only refer to them by there last names. Also, she had permission, no need to disrespect his kindness after all.  It might make him upset. Then the battle might become more of a annoyance.

Seeing the Byakugan made the girl's chest tense up. That pain was not something you could forget. To be hurt inside without even having an wound further reeks havoc on the mind. However, her brain would manage to settle down her instincts as the boy decided to pull out 2 kunai. Was he not going to use that weird taijutsu? Confused, Kari watched as the boy ran towards her. If this was his max speed then she was sure she could out pace him. She was a little bit faster but if she allowed him to close the game too quickly, she could risk getting hit with that fist attack. So she would set up his first obstacle.

Her puppet burst out the bandages revealing a girl who looked exactly like Kari. If it wasn't for the Chakra strings connecting to her, the puppet would look exactly like Kari (for normal people.) Her name was Kumo and she boasted a vast array of weaponry. Sadly for this scene, Kari would be holding back... a little. As the man made his first turn, Kari send the puppet dashing at the boy with its fist clenched at a speed of 60.

WC: 257
ap: 507/517

Last edited by Kari on Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Sun Oct 20, 2019 2:27 am
Sakuragi knew from the onset that he was up against a strong opponent, the momemt he saw what looked like a puppet, he knew this fight is going to be a bit difficult for him. He wasn't really sure what that thing wrapped in bandages was,  he only assumed it to be a puppet. But once Kari would burst that thing out of its bandage, he would think it was an exact replica of Kari, a clone. But how could a clone be wrapped in bandages?.  If not for the visible chakra  thread attached to that creature,  he would have been confused, but not confused with his byakugan. 
Now, he was certain that this was a puppet, his byakugan made him analyse the puppet quickly. 
The browned skin hyuuga would run in a straight line towards Kari  and make a turn to the right.  At this point, Kari would have bursted out her puppet , which would dashed and attack Sakuragi. His byakugan alerted him of when the puppet was about to move.  Since the puppet was only 5 metres away and attacked at a speed of 60, sakuragi would roll like a ball as he turned right throwing the kunai in his left hand at the centre of the attacking puppet, his body lowered and simultaneously rolling. He could have placed an explosive tag at his turning point, but a hole plunging kunai and an explosive tag may completely destroy the puppet. This may kill the fun and sakuragi doesn't want any collection loss for the girl. He would have rolled out of the way of her opponent body by the time it got to him, and if he he wasn't fast enough,  he would have lowered his body to ground level while rolling out of the way. Once he rolled out of the way. He would straighten himself back up while running simultaneously. 

However, instead of going on with his initial plan of throwing a kunai, he would begin to run in a straight line towards Kari, with the puppet now behind him , to his left hand side. Once he was 5 metres away from Kari he would throw a kunai with his right hand, aimed at her right shoulder. He was careful at where he aimed at, not wanting to hurt the girl. The kunai would fly  and aim for Kari's right shoulder.  Sakuragi would continue running at Kari, observing how she would react to his attacks. His attacks were to create an opening for a technique he would use later. 

Kunai speed : 56
Kunai power : 58

Actions at max speed 

TWC : 1282
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Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:53 pm
Kari, herself dashed to the right (opposite direction Sakuragi was going when he turned) at a speed of 30 matching the boy's pace. Mean while, she had the puppet turn sideways and dodge to the left (the same direction Sakuragi was heading) in order to evade the kunai. Kari was pretty confident in her puppet's ability to actually deal with such an weak attack using her own mechanism or the puppet's natural durability but that would take away from the experience the boy would get from the fight. While she was holding back, she did not want to trivialize the fight.

The puppet would maintain its speed of 60 through each maneuver and attempt to catch up to the boy. Since it never stopped moving, it should have closed in on the boy who went into a roll. The puppet would start it's attack right as it reached an arms reach of the boy. With it's fist clenched, the puppet would jump into the air. Then it would slow down to a speed of 30 and then slam down on the boy.

WC: 182
ap: 502/517
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Mon Oct 21, 2019 10:09 pm

When this fight began, sakuragi had this underneath feeling at he may not be up to par with Kari. To worsen the matter, Kari had a puppet. Her puppet would sure overwhelm sakuragi and so far so good, it has. Sakuragi started the attack, but when Kari's puppet attacked, sakuragi threw a kunai at the centre of the puppet. Luckily, the puppet managed to dodge sideways,  the kunai would still continue flying as it flew past the puppet. Since Kari was standing at the edge of  the arena initially and dashed to the right (without specifying how far she dashed) it was assumed that she only dashed 3 inches to the right, she was now three inches away from the edge of the arena , three inches away from where she was initially standing. The kunai would race at Kari and cut through her left arm.   Though the cut wasn't a deep one, her left arm would start to bleed. Sakuragi didn't get to throw the second kunai as he planned to initially.

The puppet turned side ways and eventually caught up with Sakuragi, who had straighten himself back up. At the puppet's arm reach from sakuragi, it would jump 30 metres in the air at a speed of 60(since Kari didn't specify how high the puppet jumped)  then slow down and attempt to slam down on the brown hyuuga boy at a speed of 30. As the puppet jumped into the air, Sakuragi would let the puppet reach five inches above him before he continued running. He could have destroyed the puppet with the strongest jutsu in his arsenal, but wouldn't. He didn't want any loss for the girl.

Once the puppet was five nches above him, he would throw the other kunai in his hand at the puppet to hit it from below at a speed of 30 while he would continue running towards Kari  who was three inches away from the edge of the arena. By the time the puppet reached 20  metres in the air , sakuragi would have covered the distance between him and Kari, being 1 ft away from Kari.  He would deliver two consecutive strike to her chest and another two consecutive strike to her chest. It was the gentle first sixty four palm. The tech would give him a temporary speed boost while executing the strikes. By the time sakuragi would have deliver the strikes, the puppet would have just reached 30 meters in the air. As the puppet slowed down, the kunai that sakuragi threw would pierce through the puppet from below, unless if it has enough health or something tricky, it would be pierced by the kunai since it cannot maneuever in air . Sakuragi would continue with his gentle fist strikes depending on how Kari and her puppet react to his attacks. 

All these happened In sakuragis head, they were never real. Kari would dodge the kunai , so did her puppet. As the the girl's puppet jumped up to slam down on the hyuuga boy, he would dash 3 metres to his right hand side. Just then did he remember that his old granny  wanted him back at home at this time.  “ Thanks Kari for sparing with me. I gotta get to grandma”. He would run out of the arena in a hurry 

TWC: 1854

Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:34 pm
I don't know why it's hard for me to make the edits you asked me make. But I think I will like make my claims here. Sorry, I had to  exit like this. We will spar more in future when I have more stats.

Adding 1854 to Eight trigrams Vacuum wall palm (155/2750)= 2009/2750

Claim 9 stat points
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 74500

Strong Kari meets fresh genin  Empty Re: Strong Kari meets fresh genin

Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:05 pm
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