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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Sat May 05, 2018 12:57 pm
Miyamoto laid there in his bed as he stared up at the ceiling, holding the sword that Tsume no longer had a use for in his hand.  The events of the past week played out in his head differently each time he thought about it.  Then images of the giant attack, the death, and destruction that came with the shinobi world was ugly and he knew there was nothing he could do but become ugly with it.  Tsume was not the first death of his team, nor would he be the last, unfortunately.  With a sigh, he grasped the blade and put it away in its scabbard for now.

"Just another day to train I guess..."  He would say as he kept the blade on his side today instead of the Titan's Wrath.  He left home silently, always making sure he was working on his lost arts skill that Valen had taught him.  The streets were busy as usual and the smell of iron and the warm scent of the seasonal air mixed together as he made his way to the training grounds like a ghost.

Once at the training grounds he would look for that solitary tree he had met the future kage Kyusuke under.  It seemed that each time he came back to the tree that something happened that shifted his life.  He began to move through some of his martial arts forms to warm up and clear his head as he began the day's training exercises.

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The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Sat May 05, 2018 10:59 pm
Kari sat on one of the thicker branches on a tree in the training ground. She wore her dark green cloak covering her her brown t-shirt and part of her brown shorts. Her headband acted as a clasp holding the cloak around her neck. Her red hair was tied into two pig tails and her eyes rested over the empty field. It was a peaceful scene, one that made the girl forget about the training event she had planned. A perfect moment for a quick sketch. With her pencil in hand, she started to draw the environment around her. Before she could finish, something interesting happened.

A boy, younger than her, enter the field like a ghost in a haunting the grounds. Quiet and strangely not energetic like other kids his age. Had she not been sketching the area to such a fine detail, Kari would have completely missed the kid. As he moved closer, she recognized him as the kid from the library. If memory serves well, she believed him to be a chunin too and very smart. Still she could not remember his name. As such, she planned to just stay quiet and avoid him. Her father always said the worst thing you could do is forget a customers name.

Then she saw something about his face. He looked empty, like he was missing something important. Combined with his ghostly demeanor, she deducted that the kid was bothered, possibly upset, nervous, or even mad. There was not enough signs to allow her to peg an emotion and her current studies have been focused around smiles. Still it was interesting, enough to capture and study on paper. Maybe she would even show her mom.

Kari quickly started drawing the kid capturing his walk and demeanor. It was not a complex picture but people always took a little longer to capture on paper, probably due to lack of practice. As she moved to the face, the kid started moving into martial art stances, making it harder to view his face from her position. While it would be best to hide her mistake and leave the drawing incomplete, Kari was not one to just give up on a project. She finished things through one way or another. So she crawled along the branch, probably rustling the leaves and knocking a couple down and then dropped down hanging from her feet upside down. Her book and pencil were firmly secure in her hands and she continued recording the expression she saw when he was walking to the tree.

Sure the kid would see her as the rustling of leaves gave away her position, but if he was a chunin, he probably already knew she was there in the first place.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Sun May 06, 2018 12:12 am
Miyamoto continued to do his forms as he had his eyes closed and his breathing was smooth and soft as he cleared his head. The rustling above him was only surprising for a moment as he knew he was being watched. He did not feel the chakra of Valen, but instead there was a small amount of chakra nearby, like a grain of rice in a silo. The light sound of a pencil scratching on paper was audible to him as he let whomever was watching him finish their drawing. Once done with the final form of the martial style he let out a calming breath as he finally spoke.

“If your taking notes it would be better to ask what I was doing...otherwise the scribbles you are making are just controlled chaos. What is it that I might be able to help you with?” Miyamoto asked as he opened his eyes and looked up at the mystery stalker...a young Shinobi with a drawing tablet, peculiar to say the very least.

He would then move a little bit forward as he looked at the girl with the same blank expression that he had given everyone today. He was pale, bags under his eyes like he had not slept in days, but with a strong chakra surrounding his body as he reached a hand up to gesture to the paper she was drawing on or taking notes on. He wanted to see what had caused someone to try and sneak up on a Shinobi at the beginning of their training.
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The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Sun May 06, 2018 8:43 am
It did not take long for the kid to discover her presences. A question could be when but Kari's goal was not stealth. She continued drawing away, carving that mysterious expression the kid had before he went into his varies stances. She was almost done but all of the movement added a extra layer of difficulty. It was not something she could not get over but the drawing was taking much longer than she planed. She was almost done with his face. All she needed was him to just turn her direction one more time. Little did she know she would get something a lot better.

The kid actually started looking at her. It was perfect. Now she could properly finish the work with enough focus on the paper. He also made a comment about taking notes and trying to learn something from him but her work took priority. It was so close and besides, she had to think up a good way to answer. As she finished her last line, she looked up at him to see his hand reaching for her. No, that would be silly, maybe he wanted her book.

She was not against showing off her art. It got her praise which was a worthy currency in itself. However there was the boy's original statement she had to react too. She held it off for so long, it might make him mad or more angry had he already been mad. People did bad things when they were mad.
"I only wanted to capture your expression, see your feelings, understand them later when I go home. I have little interest in you martial arts."

Kari's quiet voice was unfeeling, almost robotic. With half of her face covered by the high collar of her cloak. Her aloof eyes started back into the blank mans. His expression was a little different but he still carried a remnant of that mysterious expression. Kari's curiosity warped into a hunger, like a child's craving for sugar. She wanted to know more, she wanted to understand, she wanted to feel the emotion linked to the chunin.

She handed him the book opened to the page of the drawing of him. If he turned the pages he would find her previous drawings of different made up environments like deserts, forests, mountains, and plains; creatures like spiders and koi fish; and a sprinkle of people all with radiate smiles on their faces. Every picture was drawn like a realistic sketch minus a couple of the tedious details that would draw out the process of capturing the moment. Then the girl dropped out of the tree, doing a flip so she could land on her feet, and gave a bow.
"My name is Kari Tsukami."

Since she was going to interact with the boy, she might as well introduce herself.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Tue May 08, 2018 12:53 pm
She was drawing him, capturing his expressions to understand them better. So she was an artist eh? Miyamoto began to thumb through a few of the pages to see sketches and swatches for testing ability. He remembered how his mom loves to draw in that instant, before laughing as he remembered the girl from the library the last they met. Then she came down from the tree with ease as he chuckled a bit. When she introduced herself he gave a slight wave as he held out his hand with her sketch pad

"I am Miyamoto Terumi, Chuunin of the village. Glad to finally know your name, but I do have to ask...why did you act like some timid creature in the library hiding behind the book?" Miyamoto asked, his face showed some emotion finally, but it was like that of someone that was confused and sad, not someone his age or his inquiries said that he should be.

Regardless of her answer, he would be done with his forms for now as he looked at her. and then remembered that her chakra affinity was water. So in that case, why not take this opportunity to see if she could learn simple techniques easily.

"So How about I teach you a way to hide yourself using water chakra? it can come in handy for escaping or creating a battlefield of confusion so you can set up a deadly attack on your enemies. Then I will let you go back to your sketches if you want?" He asked as he waited for an answer patiently, however, if she agreed Miyamoto would smile as he would move his hands in front of her to show her his hands before making the seals without moving chakra through them so that she would know.
"This is the Mist Technique, very basic and utilizes the water around us." He would say with a grin though it seemed fake.

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The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Tue May 08, 2018 11:26 pm
The boy fiddled through her drawings but no praise left his mouth. Kari was a little disappointed but remain in her bowed stance. Her father emphasized the importance of holding the bow until the greeting was complete. It was a habit that was terrible for ninjas, but she was sure the boy would not abuse it. Then he randomly laughed, causing her to lift her head. He introduced himself, confirming his superior rank. Now she needed a proper suffix for him. Also she needed a good answer.

She looked at him and then turned to the tree. She was unaware that she appeared timid or even sounded timid. Her voice was quiet but only because she despised being loud. She hugged that book in order to appear more like she belonged in the library and needed help. It was something she would have to take note on for future interactions.
"I... am... umm... shy," It was the best answer besides revealing her quirkiness, "Yeah. New people make me... uhh... nervous."

It was all a lie, in her mind. She did not have a problem with new people. Her problem was unexpected situations or reactions that she never prepared for like that question. This kid was tough though he started revealing more emotions. The expression was very weird, not something she was sure she seen before. The only thing she could pick out was that he was not happy, but that was only because he was not smiling. It was not an interesting expression though so she returned eye contact and held out her hand for her book. It was important so she really wanted it back.

The kid's next action would be a surprise and a blessing. A offer to learn some water ninjutsu was not something she could easily turn down. Her mother only showed interest in earth and wind, while her puppets required none of the elements to function. It was an area of her skill set that was lacking that could be better put to use. Especially with the mist technique. She heard stores on how it was a dangerous jutsu used by assassins in the rain country. With her long range fighting style, it would be a valuable asset for landing a finishing blow or escaping an unfavorable situation. Also now she had a suffix. That was the most important part, for her father.

"That would be most useful Terumi-sempai. Please share this technique with me."

She tried to make her a voice little louder hoping to not sound so timid and followed it with a bow.

WC: 430
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Thu May 10, 2018 12:37 pm
The girl seemed eager to learn now, her “timid” attitude replaced with a loud voice that would normally make him laugh if he was not so mentally broken. He was not really up to molding a new mind to his will, but if he just intervened a little here and there he could possibly not become so attached. So just in that fashion, he decided he would go through with showing her the technique as he held his hands out in front of him.

"First things first then, begin to move the chakra throughout your body, next you must call out your chakra affinity towards the water as you would draw water from a well..." Miyamoto looked around as he found a small stream up ahead that usually ran smoothly without resistance as he tapped her shoulder before walking towards the stream.

Once at the bank of the stream, Miyamoto would remove his weapons and jacket and place them along with his boots at the bank before walking into the stream. He would shiver for a moment as the cool water penetrated his pants and undershirt up to his waist as he would motion for the girl to join him.

"You don't have to enter the water of course, but it will help if you are completely at home near your chakra affinity, plus you need a body of water to perform this least in its basic form anyway." If she at least came up to the bank he would continue, however, if she decided to get into the stream Miyamoto would look away for a moment if she changed a little. He was not prude mind you, he just respected those of the opposite sex...especially if he was teaching them.
"Next make the tiger hand sign with your hands as you focus on the water. Try to imagine it evaporating in your mind's eye if you can picture it... you are halfway there already I assure you. As a side note, you may find it easier to intimidate someone by making the mist actually expel from your mouth rather than forming instantaneously. Even in talks, Intimidation can be used as a useful tool. So let's see you give it a shot." Miyamoto would say as he would then sink into the water up to his chin, looking more like a little kid now.

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The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Thu May 10, 2018 5:54 pm
Kari followed Terumi, listening very carefully to his words. Unlike her mother, he did not rush an explanation. He was very clear and concise though it involved some techniques she was not too adapted to using. Chakra control was easy for Kari. With enough description, she felt she could mold her chakra into any shape or function. Element affinity was a different story. Her mother loved the earth element and once Kari showed she lacked the gift for the element, she dropped the training completely. Everyone once in a while the woman would try and get Kari to learn a technique from that tree but Kari would forcefully shut it down, reminding her mom of her natural element.

When it came to the 'calling out your affinity' section Kari was a little hesitated. The kid guided her to a stream for which Kari assume would supply the water for the jutsu. Water was a weird element that did not have luxury to be useful away from a large body of water for novice. The next part though was new in Kari's 101 book of how to ninja. The boy removed most of his jacket, weapon, and shoes before jumping into the water. Kari could only think of the fit her father would throw if he saw someone jump in the springs with clothes on. This was not a hot spring so did that same logic apply?

Kari was not prepared for getting wet. She had no change of clothes and her current outfit was minimal at best. The boy mentioned that she did not have to get in the water, but how could she imitate him if she did not follow his footsteps. The delay between Kari's answer was exceptionally long. No matter what combination of actions she choice, she could only see herself getting wet. The two best actions were extremes themselves, which the girl felt dismissed the value of the lesson. She could quit and just walk off and never learn the jutsu, but that would waste everyone's time. She could get completely naked in order to avoid getting her clothes wet, but if somebody else saw bad things would happen. Plus, her father would kill her if she found out she went skinny dipping... with a boy. That was like a super date and the two have not even went on a regular date.

She let out a sigh and decide to just minimize what got wet. After removing her shoes, she unhooked her cloak and then pulled off her t-shirt. Underneath was a tan bralette which looked like a tank top with the bottom half cut off. Her face was also fully visible showing her blank expression. Next, Kari pulled off her shorts revealing brown underwear. Finally, she pulled out the bands in her hair that kept her pigtails together allowing her straight hair to fall down to her chest.

Now that she was aqua ready she walked to the water and dipped her toe into the stream.
"Cold..." She uttered, "But if this is the best way."
Her voice grew soft and dreary again as she forgot her goal to appear less timid.

She took a deep breath, pinched her noise and cannonball into the water. Her mother always said, the first jump was the worst. To this she had to agree. Popping her head out, she felt the cold fingers of the stream chill her skin like jack frost. She quickly folded her arms and moved closer to boy. It was not until she was slightly down stream of him that she started following his instructions. She made a tiger sign and closed her eyes. However, all she could picture were ice cubes crawling on her skin. Her body trembled before she lowered herself so that only her head was sticking out.

When Termuri offered to give her a demonstration she quickly spun around while lowering her mouth into the water. She watched as mist flowed out his mouth with his explanation. He looked like a ghost from some cartoon. It was pretty. She could not see how this would be deem scary, but she gave it a try. She filled mouth with water careful not to puff out her cheeks. Then she stood up and made the hand sign. As her chakra flowed through her body, she felt a weird energy build up in her mouth. She tried to contain it but the energy which she realize was her chakra only swirled more and more. Her cheeks started to expand and her face grew pink. She hum frantically as the power became to much. The the water shot out her mouth like a water gun and then a puff of smoke like mist barged out of her mouth, knocking her down into the water with a white vapor seeming from the corners of her lips.


WC: 813

Last edited by Kari on Fri May 11, 2018 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Fri May 11, 2018 4:43 pm
Miyamoto cleared his throat as he saw her begin to undress, giving her a small slice of privacy, but still, his teenage mind did not help him as he heard a giant splash as soon she had joined him in the water. He realized she had shed her clothes to make sure she did not get cold and wet, but Miyamoto was not worried about it. His natural affinity to earth, fire, and water made it so that he did not care about comfort all that much since he could adapt to a situation. this, however, was new to him so he had to keep his cool as even Miyamoto blushed.

"The cold will only last a moment, your affinity to the element will soon take over as your chakra aligns to it. The stiffness and uncomfortable feelings will subside." He said as he became a bit uncomfortable again as he watched her attempt the technique. She was actually quite good, her chakra control was something that rivaled even some of those at Miyamoto's rank. When she shot out the steam like a jet and fell into the water it did finally break Miyamoto's serious attitude. He begins to chuckle at first, then after a couple of seconds, he begins to fully bust out in laughter.
"That...that was good, you can use the technique without fail, but you build up too much chakra...remember to just go with the flow. Like the stream you are standing in, be like water." Miyamoto said aloud as he remained in the water, steam began to roll off of his body as his affinity for the warmer of chakras, fire, boil, and lava. After it was said and done Miyamoto's smile faded into a soft smirk as he straightened up.
"Go ahead and try it one more time, you are right there...this should be easy." He said finally as he waited and watched closely.

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The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari) Empty Re: The puppet and the puppeter (P, NK, Kari)

Fri May 11, 2018 6:41 pm
As Kari regain her bearings, she heard a chuckle from the boy. She turned to him just in time to see him break into laughter. The interesting ghost expression was gone but a light replaced it. If she had her notebook, she would rushed to start sketching. Her blank face just stayed locked on to his lips as she debated if she should join him. She did not understand why he was laughing. Did her pain and struggle tickle his fancy. Was he proud that she made some mist on her first try? As far as she could tell, she failed.

His praised said other wise. This was attached to so metaphors meant to describe the feeling but Kari did not understand. All she could comprehend was that she build up too much chakra. How does one be like a stream though. It was irrational and impossible. She was a human, not some flowing water.

She stood up just to feel the biting winds nipple at her whole body. As it reached her chest, her bra felt like it would turn to ice forcing her to dive back into the water with just her head poking out. The cold water and breeze robbed her mind of any complicated thought. All she could do was follow instructions. She nodded and then filled her mouth with water. As she made her hand sign she noticed a interesting phenomenal. Steam, not mist, was rolling off the boys body. A little bit of water dripped from her lips as she fought the urge to tackle him. She wanted to be warm too.

Her mental fortitude would fail however as she spit out all the water.
"Wait... I want to be warm too."

She pushed up the stream till she was next to him. Then if he did not move away, she pressed her back against his chest. With his warm warding off the cold, Kari could focus more on her chakra. She dipped into the water to fill her mouth and then focused. The chakra swirled in her mouth as she made her hand-sign. Not wanted to over fill her mouth, she continued to mead the chakra in her mouth until she opened it and a huge cloud of thick fog surrounded the two.

Kari looked around her as the jutsu developed into something true and complete. The cold water was just too much of an distraction. It was a weakness she would have to work on overcoming later. For now, she relished in her accomplishments. Finally, she turned to Terumi in order to see his reaction. If he was proud of her when she failed, surely he would be proud of her when she succeed. While her expression was as blank as ever, her eyes did open much wider as she anticipated his expression.

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