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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Fresh off the Ship Empty Fresh off the Ship

Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:15 pm
Travin could see land from where he was standing at the front of the ship. He was back in his birthplace, and probably the only closest thing he had to a home. After all he had never done anything to harm Moon country or to try and harm it by keeping his distance for most of his life. Now there was activity again, and he was wanting to know what it was all about. Was a village going to rise once more to power in the region or was it just a gathering of like minded people. He wasn’t sure but he intended to find out. While he wasn’t one to settle down and join a village, he was also not going to sit idly by and let someone mess with the only thing he has ever had either. Noticing for the first time that he considered it to be his, he had heard both his parents talk about Moon country growing up, but this would be the first time he had ever been here. He even had some books on old jutsu that was used in the last village hidden in the moon. 

With the ship docking, Travin made his way to the ramp to exit the ship. He was keeping an eye out for anyone that may look suspicious or just might give the shinobi vibe. After all, shinobi were not hard to pick out of a crowd; they tended to not blend in unless they were trying, as most did not wear the common clothes or had something weird about them. If he didn’t see any that fit the type he would make his way further into the dock town, and look and see if he could figure out where the shinobi in the area were hanging out and what they were all doing. 

Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Fresh off the Ship Empty Re: Fresh off the Ship

Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:44 pm
There was much that he was enjoying about the idea of working the gate. He had been learning so much about so many people, and the best part was he didn't even have to do it covertly. He would simply place their hand on his and suddenly he would just know everything about the person that he was standing before. What wasn't there to love? Today had been filled with meeting new people, several folks had come to the village, wishing to see within. He was given the job by Junko and Ren, the leaders of the village to do this job, and he couldn't be happier with it.

Even his sloth-like nature was being sated. He wasn't doing much. He was just standing there, reading peoples' minds and being the ultimate judge as to whether or not the people who wished to enter, could. It was a good amount of power for him, and he was excited to share within the decision making in the village. But of course this came with a certain amount of risk. He never truly knew just what would come of this job, especially if he was to find someone truly worth worrying about and having to tell them no, but he would cross that bridge later.

there would be yet another individual, one looking rather intriguing making his way towards the gates, looking as if he had just been finishing with a rather large journey, his guess was a ship ride for the island. There had been quite the influx of folks with the same story as of late, so this assumption was mighty loose for this situation, but he wasn't terribly concerned as he was about to learn everything about the individual anyway. He would do this with a simple look into the eyes, what a day.

When the man would arrive at the gates, he would stop him with a gentle wave of the hand, to show his non aggressive nature he smiled to the man. He hoped that he would receive a similar gesture, but if not, then continuing his focus on what the man wanted was next on his agenda.

The next words from his mouth would explain the protocol to him. "Hello friend. My name is Sakoshi and I will be going through the process of gate checking you and your belongings. I assure you you will not need to show me your wares as I only need your hand and your eye contact."

He would pause for a moment as he extended his hand towards the man before him. "If you would, please take my hand and answer the questions that I have for you." he would establish eye contact as the man took his hand, if he complied. If he did not comply, then he would explain that it was a requirement for entering the village, and if he was to go against his wishes, then he would be turned away and not allowed entrance.

With eye contact and physical contact established, Sakoshi spoke, "I have three questions for you as we are in this situation. The first. How many have died due to your actions in the course of your life? The second. What brings you to Tsukigakure no Sato? The final. What is your closest guarded goal in life?"

Upon completing the questions, his ears would be open as he scanned through the man's entire history in a matter of moments. During the man's answers, he would go from the very beginning, to the present in moments, being able to pick out any memory he chose with ease. He would be listening for lies within his words, checking them against his memories.

WC: 618
Using Psycho Mind Transmission
Using Eye Mind Reading
Using to learn Chakra Signature as well
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Fresh off the Ship Empty Re: Fresh off the Ship

Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:43 pm
Travin was surprised to say the least when he made it to the land of the Moon, and found out that not only was there more activity than there normally was, but they had also created a new village within the country. Of course right now it was still a small village compared to the likes of Konoha or Hoshi, but Travin was sure that it would grow into a larger village. After all, there were no threats that could reach the island with ease. Plus the landscape offered several natural defenses, as well as resources that they could use for trade or training. He had never known just how much he had learned about this place considering that he had never been here before, and had just heard stories from his parents. He had thought about them then and wondered if they would like to return home. However, he never did hear why they left in the first place since they left not long after he was born, spending most of his childhood inside of the old ruins of the former village. 

Waiting in line at the gate to get in Travin kept his eyes open, mostly out of habit, but also because he wasn’t sure what to expect. Making his way through the line it was his turn to get checked into the village. The guy that was checking him out was fairly tall, much taller than Travin was at least, and skinny as well with tribal tattoos over his body and his hair in braids while wearing animal pelts. The guy looked like he would be a shinobi, and Travin figured that it was either his luck that he would be checked in by the only shinobi that he could see easily enough, or that he was here only to check other shinobi. Either way there was no helping it now and he would simply have to deal with it. 

Walking up to the shinobi with a wave in return to the guy Travin would listen as he introduced himself as Sakoshi, and told him that he would be going through the entry process with Travin today, and that all he would need is to take his hand and look into Travin’s eyes. Travin was not a fan of this, as it would probably tell the man a lot more than what Travin would have wanted him to know. However, he didn’t really have much of a choice and offered him his hands and made direct eye contact with Sakoshi. Travin listened as he asked his three questions. They were mostly fine questions except the last one. It was a little weird not sure why they would want to know what his closest guarded goal was. Not even sure if he even had a goal that was close guarded. 

Being sure to maintain eye contact as he wasn’t sure if that was still needed for the jutsu or if he could look away. “I am not sure how many people have died by hand or action. I have never given it much thought or kept a count” he would answer with honesty, as his mind flashed to just a few weeks ago when he had killed several men and a fellow shinobi on a job to run some people out of the land of tea. Sakoshi if he dug deeper would be able to see a swash of bloodshed throughout Travins life, as he had never cared much about the details and a job was a job as long as it paid good enough for the work. 

Travin would think back about growing up in the land of the Moon before answering. “I grew up in Moon Country and heard that some stuff was going on here. I wanted to make sure that people weren't trying to ruin my home land.” which was mostly true, but his biggest motivation was to get here and make easy money on the amount of work that would be flowing through the land at the moment. Digging deeper into Travins memories Sakoshi would be able to see scenes of him sitting by a fire with his parents in the old ruins of the former village while they talked about how great the village was before it was destroyed. 

For the last question Travin was not sure what to say. He mostly lived day by day and didn’t really give much thought to the future. His primary goal was to grow in strength and make plenty of money. “I don’t really have an overall arching goal right now, I mostly just want to grow in strength like any other shinobi and make enough money to take a vacation somewhere warm with a beach probably.” His answer would be as honest as he could be, and for once Sakoshi wouldn’t be able to dig up any additional information. 

With the questions answered Travin would let go of Sakoshi’s hand and break eye contact. “We good here or you got anything else you would like me to do.” He would ask his tone to stay the same calm tone it was throughout the conversation.

WC-860 TWC-1167
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Fresh off the Ship Empty Re: Fresh off the Ship

Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:37 pm
The man approached Sakoshi, and yes indeed he was quite a bit shorter than Sakoshi himself, but most were. He had often thought of what it would be like to be shorter, less imposing? He wasn't entirely sure if he would rather that or not, but for now he pushed those thoughts to the side as there was a job to do. As he expected and hoped, the man cooperated with his instruction, allowing him direct eye contact as well as his hand. He scanned through his rather tattered history. But what remained of the young man before him was a special story indeed.

He would see his origins, lying there within Moon country, far before any of them had been there, even Junko herself. There was much theft, stealing in order to survive, or at least that is how it seemed to Sakoshi when he was seeing the events unfold in Travin's eyes. There was a pain in his stomach during much of his younger years, fending for what they could, scavenging, largely going from meal to meal with no real cohesion to his life. But yet, his parents seemed to stay together through it all, a rather comendable feat.

Sakoshi looked upon his years of travel with his parents, the training that he would receive from his mother in the art of his combat, while his father taught him to become someone nearly unnoticeable to those untrained to see them. There was a great deal of appreciation that Sakoshi had towards Travin's parents. This was true even through the fact that they were teaching their child to become an efficient killer. But was that truly such a bad thing? Ren had killed people as well, there was much that Junko had done that she wouldn't be very proud of. Everyone in Moon had something they didn't want to talk about in their lives.

Around the age of 10 Travin decided to take on his first job alone. A simple snatch and grab of some papers that were valuable to someone. But this job soon turned into something rather sinister when he and his weapons of choice had taken their first lives that day. To his surprise later, he had found that he was sold out by the individual that had hired them in the first place, SAkoshi wasn't terribly surprised, it was a dirty line of work he was in.

This of course led little Travin to do something that he might not regret in the moment, nor would he later on life. He snuck into the man's home and he would kill him in his sleep without making a noise, without causing a stir. Sakoshi noted in his mind that this individual was someone that was dangerous, someone that could cause some struggle for the people in the village. So he would send a mental transmission to Ren, informing him of the newcomer. But there was something about this Travin that he didn't think needed to be stopped completely here at the gate.

Maybe it was the simple fact that he had lived such a life where stealing was the norm and it was nearly forced upon them. But maybe it was because he thought if there was someone that this village needed, it was a skilled killer who knew just what to do to get a truly difficult job done with little to no hassle. The best part he could vanish into smoke without having too many issues from combatants. He would be a rather valuable member of the village, should he be interested in staying, that is for certain.

He would look a little deeper into his own abilities, this Travin had an affinity to Wind chakra, specialized in Weaponry, was from the Iburi clan. The Iburi clan seemed to focus on Ninjutsu, especially with their ability to turn into smoke in the midst of combat. There was much to his current abilities that were interesting, indeed. He had the capability to use his blade to a rather proficient level, even if he was still at the infancy of his work, but this could all change with time, and given the right mentor if he desired.

He had recently done some work in the land of tea, and by "some work" he meant he had killed several people in his time there. Another note in Sakoshi's mind as he continued to scan through the man's history. He would of course be doing this at the same time as listening to the man's answers that he was giving to the questions Sakoshi asked. He knew that his questions were rather odd, especially the last one. But he didn't truly care about the answers to the questions he asked. Instead, he cared about the thoughts that the questions would provoke, as that is what he truly read through.

There was some connections to mafia and organized crime in the land of Tea, another thing he would note in his mind as he went through his history. The first answer of his question would come through to him. He would be honest about his killing, somewhat. But that was a bit of a saddening statement for Sakoshi. The idea that the man viewed life with so little value was somewhat worrying, and he would continue to transmit the man's words to Ren as he wantedto be sure that this one was understood.

Sakoshi did not respond with words, just nodding and making small acknowledging sounds. Sakoshi was not one to judge, nor was he one to interrupt. So he continued to listen to the man's words as they were spoken, giving his acknowledgments as they were needed, but listening intently on the man's words, hanging on to each one. His history certainly seemed to have plenty of killing within, filled to the brim with killing and stealing, and it did cause Sakoshi pause for a moment. He thought if this was someone that we needed to not allow into the gates.

The second answer came across the air between the two of them. He would speak honestly about his history, being that he had been from Moon many years ago. But now he was a man with no true home to call his own, or at least that is what Sakoshi understood. This could be a great benefit to the village as if they were the ones to provide him with what he needed, maybe they would gain a worthy ally in the exchange. But what is it that this individual needed? That was the question that rolled through his mind as he delved deeper into his mind.

Sakoshi would be content with listening to the man's answers, as they were filled with trepidation and confusion as to why the people within the village were so stringent. He looked into his memories, being filled with small villages being a big part of his upbringing and even his recent events. It had only ben five years since the day he took his first life, and now look at just what an efficient killer he truly had become. It was truly something to marvel, and to be saddened by to those that felt such emotions.

After he had scanned everything that this individual had done in his life, from the first breath all the way to him walking up to the gates, Sakoshi had made the decision. But he still wanted to listen to what the final answer of his questions would be. He would state that he doesn't have any overarching goals within his life, but moreso that he was seeking strength, power, and of course, every person's desire, money. Sakoshi saw as the man would pull away from his hand and break the eye contact that they had established.

Sakoshi was sated for the most part, there was little he didn't know at this point, and he felt pretty confident in such a feeling. Sakoshi would hand him a small piece of paper. "Alright," He would begin, speaking only softly enough for him to hear and nobody else, "I know what you've done in your life, every single moment. You have killed others, but it always seems like its for a job. But I don't see any contracts for the people within our village. So I truly hope that you will be a good individual whilst you are within the village. What you do outside the walls is none of my business. But trust me when I say, if you are do anything rather unappealing, that you will have to answer for it." He would stand straight and speak louder now. "Welcome to Tsukigakure no Sato. I hope you find the wealth you seek, as well as the guidance. Good luck and don't forget your pass." He would hand him a slip of wood with the village's logo on it. "You will need that everywhere you go, so don't lose it!"

Sakoshi then moved to the next individual in line, ready to read yet another mind.

WC: 1508
TWC: 2126

Allowing Travin into the village
Memorizing Travin's Chakra Signature

WC claims:
+939 towards mastering Eye Mind Reading (Complete)(Previous Progress)
+1187 towards double mastering Eye Mind Reading (1187/1875) (Mastering for no hand seals)
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Fresh off the Ship Empty Re: Fresh off the Ship

Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:12 pm
Travin thought for a second that he could feel the chakra rolling around in his mind, but he was sure it was all just part of his imagination. His sensory skills were not up to that level yet. When Sakoshi leaned in and whispered to Travin he simply agreed and said that he had no plans for the village or any work in the village yet, nor that he intended to harm the village. He would take his pass and Give Sakoshi a nod as he walked into the village proper. Taking a good look at the art work and care that had gone into the construction of the gate. He would find himself within the village and it was about as easy as he had thought it would be. He was sure that if he had come looking for trouble that he would have found it, but considering that he didn’t really have any goals or any hatred for the village they didn’t bother stopping him. He was also sure that he was going to be on a watch list however, as Sakoshi had no doubt relayed everything that he had found out about him to someone else, who probably sent it to the Kage of the village. Since he was allowed in though he figured that it was going to be for one of two reasons.

The first being to keep the peace and not to start any trouble until he did, or the second one they wanted to recruit him into the village. With the village being as young as it was and still growing they probably didn’t have a lot of shinobi with real combat experience, or mission experience. Something that he had both in spades. He wasn’t sure if he would ever join any village, but if he was going to, it would probably be his home village. For now though he was just going to go and find a place to sleep, eat, and relax for a while.

WC-334 TWC-1501

Entrance into Tsukigakure

Claiming 15 stats all into vigor new total 53
all WC to B rank Parry
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Fresh off the Ship Empty Re: Fresh off the Ship

Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:57 pm
Travin Iburi wrote:
WC-334 TWC-1501

Entrance into Tsukigakure

Claiming 15 stats all into vigor new total 53
all WC to B rank Parry

Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Fresh off the Ship Empty Re: Fresh off the Ship

Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:01 am
Sakoshi Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 1508
TWC: 2126

Allowing Travin into the village
Memorizing Travin's Chakra Signature

WC claims:
+939 towards mastering Eye Mind Reading (Complete)(Previous Progress)
+1187 towards double mastering Eye Mind Reading (1187/1875) (Mastering for no hand seals)

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