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Tatsuo Nomura
Tatsuo Nomura
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Kether's First Jutsu Empty Kether's First Jutsu

Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:08 pm
“Alright, class, listen up.”

Kether slowly looked up from his notes at the instructor with a barely interested expression. He wondered what today’s lesson would be. More identification of various herbs? While that sort of information was useful, Kether felt as though he was wasting away in this place. He’d been through most of the instruction already before the village fell under the rule of the Mizukage, but all the students had been required to go through an additional period of instruction in order to “confirm with the new line of teaching.”

“Today we will be going over the basic clone technique.” The class immediately burst into excited whispering. They hadn’t done any sort of jutsu training other than some basic taijutsu skills so far. Even Kether’s ears perked up slightly at the mention of the training. “The clone technique is a simple technique, but it’s required knowledge for all shinobi in any of the villages. Most shinobi prefer to use more advanced techniques, deeming this technique as simply a method of learning how to utilize chakra, but we in Kirigakure know that any technique can be used as a weapon to kill our enemy. Now then, who here can tell me the different handseals that are used for jutsus?”

Kether rolled his eyes and started to doodle in his notebook again. He had learned this information over a year ago: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Bird, Dog, and Boar. He had memorized these handseals as soon as he had been taught them, hoping that he would learn more about the mysteries of jutsus, but so far they had eluded him since he had received no formalized training.

At any rate, another student called out the different handseals and the instructor nodded. “Correct,” he replied in a cold tone. “Each of these handseals have a different purpose, but when used in certain combinations, they allow for the use of different jutsus.” The instructor quickly made a trio of signs and a puff of smoke appeared next to him. Kether’s eyes narrowed as the smoke dissipated and a clone of the instructor appeared. Several of the other students gasped in surprise.

“The handseals required for the clone technique are Ram-Snake-Tiger, got it?” The students nodded emphatically, causing the instructor to smirk. “Well then, all of you will go out to the practice yard and train until you can conjure a single clone correctly. I don’t care if it takes all day.”

Kether’s mind was already mulling over the technique as he slowly made his way outside. Ram-Snake-Tiger, Ram-Snake-Tiger. From his prior schooling, he knew that any mistake in the handseals would completely negate the effects of the jutsu. That was the easy part though, the real trick was the actual chakra manipulation.

Chakra was made up of two parts: physical and spiritual. The two aspects needed to be mixed in the proper portions in order to correctly perform jutsu. Kether closed his eyes and focused on the feel of his chakra. ”Attempt number one,” he said under his breath. His eyes snapped open as his hands came together to form the requisite symbols. ”Clone jutsu!”

A small puff of smoke appeared next to him as he finished. When he looked down, his eyes narrowed in disappointment as he observed a very incomplete clone of himself crumpled on the floor. ”Hmm, perhaps I placed too much emphasis on the spiritual aspect of the chakra,” he mused.

Taking a deep breath, he focused inwards again. ”Attempt number two.” His hands quickly ran through the handseals yet again. This time he focused on ensuring that the amount of chakra that he put into the jutsu was balanced correctly. This time, the clone that appeared looked very similar, although there were still a few discrepancies. Its eyes were very dull and lifeless and its skin was still slightly off-colored, but it would be passable.

Kether allowed a very slight grin to cross his face. He would have to practice more, of course, but he had finally learned his first real jutsu. The next Genin exam wasn’t too far off, and he hoped he’d be able to secure a spot for himself in the exam so that he could get out and learn even more.


Word Count: 713
Stat Points: 3
Justu Learned: Clone Technique
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Kether's First Jutsu Empty Re: Kether's First Jutsu

Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:09 pm
Approved my guy
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