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Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:04 pm
As with most beginnings of training for Roy he would start by doing the simpler techniques first before he set his eyes to more difficult ones. He would do the tiger seal and feel the slight warmth in his body from the inner flame technique flow within him and warm up his body for the next move. After doing that move and then letting go of the hand seal Roy would then do tiger seal again. This time a small amount of fire would burst out of Roy’s mouth in the form of the fire style: Fire stream jutsu. As he did this the small amount of flames coming out of Roy’s mouth would engulf a small area around him. Since the land was already mostly barren Roy would know that he wouldn’t and couldn’t cause enough damage to nature around him to give any concern to the village or the training grounds. After a few moments of doing the jutsu Roy would let go of the hand seal and the fire coming out of his mouth would stop. Roy would then rest a moment to get his flow of chakra back to normal after the technique and then find himself back to normal for the next one. After a few moments of rest Roy would do the Horse then Tiger hand seals and feel a large amount of fire chakra coming out of his mouth from his chest. This move was of course the Fire Style: Great Fireball jutsu. Instantaneously a large fireball would be emitted from Roy’s mouth and travel down the barren field until it dispersed into the abyss beyond. Roy was very happy with his knowledge of the technique now because he remembered when he first tried to do the great fireball technique he had a lot of difficultly to do it.  Either way now Roy had all the skills he needed, and the training he needed, at least in his mind, to make sure he could use the jutsu in combat.  Roy would then move onto the most difficult technique that he ever had to learn which also happened to be one that Roy was working on today. It was the great fire annihilation jutsu. It was by far the most powerful technique that Roy had ever tried to learn because it was an A rank technique similar to the Rasengan. However the Rasengan was different in the since that it didn’t require Roy change chakra natures, this one forced him to only use on hand seal to amass a large amount of chakra in a wide area of space. Roy had never really tried to learn something that powerful before but Roy was indeed ready to do it.
After sitting down a bit to get some food and some water Roy would then move back to his training position and start trying to master this new technique. Roy would do the Tiger hand seal and force his body and his chakra to emit a large amount of fire chakra into his chest in an attempt to expel it into his the air around him. Roy would do the hand seal and hold in the fire chakra as long as he could before then expelling it out of his mouth. Once he did he felt a large amount of flames emit about 10 meters on each side of him in a large distance in front of them. The Flames were massive and hotter than any other flame that Roy had ever emitted out of his mouth. After about a minute of blowing he would notice the fire was so large and so powerful that it would begin to grow even more powerful than it was before. It was a great and massive amount of chakra that Roy didn’t realize had that much power. Roy would then let go of the seal and let go of emitting fire out of his mouth and a moment later he would collapse to the ground. Roy would feel absolutely exhausted after just one attempt of the technique. Even then Roy knew that the power behind the techinque was still lacking and he could put more power into it if he put his mind to it. Roy was amazed at how much energy could be put into the technique and that there was still more that could be done. It was powerful that was for sure but it didn’t come without its risks for sure. Roy had to train it a lot more to make sure that he mastered this jutsu. Roy would get up after lying on the ground for a minute and head over to his gear which was thankfully out of his reach and range to be hit by the flames. He would drink a lot of water and eat some food and meat before he would go back into his position to train the technique again. Roy would continue this cycle for a few hours and each time that he did it the flames and the range grew wider and his mastery of the techniques grew more powerful. By the time that it was almost sundown Roy felt as though he had the distance of the technique down but he still had to train the power more. When it did finally reach sundown Roy decided that he was going to stay in the training grounds until he mastered the technique. He had enough water to do and all the drive necessary for it to work. Roy was ready to continue his training without delay. He would finish off all of his food that he had pack for the day and drink off most of his water before returning to training the technique. HE would head back to his position on the field. Which Roy could clearly see was become a barren wasteland, more than what Roy had already done, after his numerous attempts of training the technique on the area. Imagine if he had more power like that of the legendary ninja of old to do this technique. Roy could have razed the entire village had he wanted to if he was on their level. Nevertheless now was not the time to think and wonder about such things because he was so close to mastering the technique. Roy would do the tiger seal once more and immediately fire chakra would be emitted from the boys mouth and onto the battlefield. Roy would feel the flames reaching up on him and he began to put more of his will into the technique. The flames would grow wider and larger as Roy continued to hold the Tiger seal. IT still wasn’t enough for Roy to master but he was getting closer and closer. Roy would then get his heartbeat and his breath back to normal. Roy realized that it was all a matter of willpower now for Roy to master this technique. The more Will that Roy put into the technique the more power and damage it would do. Roy would do the tiger seal and begin to breathe the massive flames out of his mouth and into the field. This time he was going to put his entire being into the technique and behold this time the flames were massive and powerful. Roy would notice very much that the power and range of the technique, and every fire style technique therefore, was linked to the will of the user. Roy would let the flames go, feeling as though now he had a firm understanding of the jutsu.
[Combined with the 748 words prior, I have 2000+ Words, Purchasing Katon: Great Fire Annihilation as well as 10 stats.]
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:09 pm
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:23 am
Once Roy got done with training the fire style techniques that he was doing recently he decided that it would be a good time to learn some lightning style techniques as well. Roy didn’t want to be a one trick pony of just fire style ninjutsu seeing as though lightning was the element that he was born into. But he also wasn’t the ability to powerful lightning style techniques so that when the time came for him to fight an opponent he could use both elements equally in the battle so that his opponent would have to combat multiple things at once therefore giving Roy more ways to exploit the opponents weaknesses as well as cover Roy’s own back. He knew that there was so much more that he could master with all the power he had already inside of him so Roy knew that there wasn’t a better time for him to start that training.
After the long day of training the very difficult fire style technique in the field Roy began to look at his skills and his abilities as a ninja. He had a large chakra pool as well a small slender body meaning that he could use jutsu to be faster than his opponents if he needed to. After he got out of the training grounds and head to a nearby ramen shop to sit down and think about everything that he could do to boost his ability and powers as a ninja. He had a lot of think about at such a young age; Roy wasn’t the brightest or the most able ninja but he was one of the quickest study’s that he knew, after all he did learn a high ranking elemental and non-elemental ninjutsu technique in the matter or just a week. Roy had seemingly doubled his power since he began trying to learn techniques and improved his power and in a matter of days just being in the village hidden in the leaves Roy had already gotten to the rank of genin and mastered many of the techniques that he needed to become a chuunin. Roy was confident that if he kept this trend up of training for another month or so he would have all the skills needed to go through the exams and become a chuunin or maybe even a jounin in record time. Perhaps it was not record time but it was in fact very fast indeed. There were still some weaknesses in Roy that he had to acknowledge about himself. He knew that he didn’t have the people skills to lead an entire group of ninja into battle and he clearly did not have all the knowledge that he needed to learn everything. Another weakness that tends into the other one was his lack of knowledge about ninjutsu; almost all of Roy’s abilities that Roy learned while he was in the village hidden in the leaves were ones that he would use at a distance. Roy knew that he needed to have some short ranged options as well if wanted any chance to survive in the ninja world. His fire style abilities would allow him to have mastery over the battlefield but his lightning style techniques would be the way for him to go in for the kill. As he would think about all of this while eating his ramen he would come up with some solutions to the problem. The first was getting into a team that covered all of Roy’s weaknesses, it would mean that Roy could train with all the strengths that he already had but it also meant that he ever was separated from his teammates for any reason he was screwed. That would not work for Roy so he thought about another path. This path was going to be a lot more work but it just might give Roy enough ability to give all the opponents that he ever needed to face a run for their money. As he finished his ramen he remembered during his time at the academy all of the things that he could do with the lightning element. Many of them were aimed towards Roy using his chakra to build lightning around his body to make his attacks fast and razor sharp with lightning chakra. That was going to be the way Roy moved to his next stage of training. He would take out his notebook and writing tool and right down his plan for training these next few days. He would head back to the inn and take a book that gave him some vague information on all the lightning style techniques that Roy knew about. Roy looked at all the information that was available to him at the time and decided that he needed to learn a technique that would turn his chakra into lightning around his hands, a cutter to make his hands more powerful, and then the almighty chidori. The chidori would be similar in power and strength to the Rasengan the Fire style: Great Fire Annihilation jutsu that he learned previously and would help to counter some of Roy’s weaknesses at close range. All three of these techniques would need to be mastered as soon as possible Roy thought to himself, because if he wanted any chance of fighting an opponent that was of equal or even more skilled than he was he would need to know these techniques. Roy would head to bed early so that he could use all the time he had the next morning to train his new techniques.
Roy would get up the next day and find himself not in his room but in a large room made entirely of wood. Owl totems would surround him and he awoke on the floor on a bed of soft leaves and feathers. Roy would get up and sit on the grounds. His gear was nowhere to be found and all he had on was the clothes he wore to bed last night. He would see two large owls guarding the doorway outside and once Roy stood up one of them would turn around to him and yell to him. “Good Morning Sir, Klah would like to see you as soon as you are able.” The owl would say. It was clear to Roy now that he was in the lunatic forest and he was summoned to most likely give a report to Klah and the other Owls. Roy would get up fully and get dressed into different clothes not known to him. All of them made completely out of feathers that when Roy put on were as soft as silk. Roy would then walk out of the hut and find himself in residential section of the forest looking onward to the rest of the village here. Lunatic Forest was majestic and awesome to say the least and Roy would feel a rush of power flowing through him as wind currents would send him moving faster than he ever thought possible the center of the village. From there Roy knew where to go as he passed by many different owls who all stared at him for a second before turning back to their regular chores. As he would pass by the guard owls standing watch inside the big tent Roy would see Klah and a few other Owls gathered around a small pyre who all looked up to Roy as he walked in. He couldn’t see the blind owl that he saw before here but he knew that he must be busy doing other things.
                Roy would head down into the large room and take a seat next to Klah and rather large owl with scars all over his beak and talons. Klah would then fly to Roy which Roy would then allow the small pygmy owl to land on his shoulder. Upon landing the young owl would begin to speak to Roy.
“Roy this owl here is Fluk, he’s among one of our most elite warriors here and has seen more battles than many of us other owls combined.” Klah would say as Roy would inspect the owl more closely. Fluk was almost as tall as Roy his feathers seemed to be glowing against the flame around him. Roy would bow deeply to the owl as Fluk then bowed back. “Welcome Roy to the forest, how has the ninja world been treating you.” The owl would say to Roy.
“Well, sir.” Roy would say back to the owl as he let his posture and nervousness go. “There seems to be a lot of trouble with the villages nowadays. My Lord Mizukage is holding a grand tournament for the title of Hokage. My lord appears to be more powerful than any other ninja that I have ever known.” Roy would say to the owl. 
“Good, prepare a scroll for us of all the events there and send it to us. We will present it to our scholars for Archival. How does our cloth bear to you?” The owl would ask Roy.
“It’s wonderful, the feathers feel as fine as silk.” Roy would say as he tugged at the garment a bit. He would see that the garment appeared too made out of a material other than feathers which was different than what Roy had previously thought. It did however give the illusion of feathers which Roy did find to be pretty cool in it of itself.
“That’s good; it is made out of some of the finest material that the world has to offer. It’s almost completely flame retardant yet it breathes letting the wearer have great control over their movements. We owls find the wearing of armor to be distasteful and counterproductive to us. We expect you to share our beliefs.” Fluk would say to the young ninja. Roy would nod in agreement as he didn’t want to cause trouble.
“Now what is it that you have been up to recently?” The owl would then ask Roy. Roy would would then recount everything that he had done up to that point as well as all the training that he had done. Roy was looking to learn new lightning techniques for his arsenal and reported on everything that he did. While the other owls in the room seemed to be listening to Roy they all didn’t seem to care about what Fluk and Roy were talking about. The two would talk for a while as they began to recount each of their histories. Fluk had engaged in many battles and began to recant a few of them to Roy as the time went on. Although Roy didn’t know any of the battles or the people whom he had fought with Roy found it interesting all the history that the much older owl had gone though. Fluk would talk more about the village and explain to Roy that the lunatic forest was always dark per a jutsu cast by the great owl sage. Many of the owl’s ability revolved around the moon which was one of the reasons why the owls preferred to be summoned or battle at night. After about two hours of this back and forth banter Klah would fly off of Roy’s shoulder and begin to speak to the two of them.
“I think its time that you are on your way. We have other things that we must work on and other business to attend to. Roy would stand up and extend his arm out to Fluk who would spread his wing out to do a handshake. Roy would walk out of the hut by himself and find his way back to the hut where Roy was sleeping. The guard there would tell Roy that they would desummon him when Roy wished. Roy didn’t know what to do or where to go while he was here and asked the guard what there was to do. The guard was candid and told Roy that while he was allied with the owls there was still much for him to do before Roy could freely roam their village. Roy would nod and change back into his normal clothes and leave the feather garment here for now. The guard owls told Roy that while he was allied with the owls that this would be his home while he stayed here and that he was welcome to make slight alterations to the hut while he was here. Roy thanked the owl and told him that he was ready to return to the village hidden in the leaves. The guard would nod and would prepare the area for the reverse summoning jutsu. Roy would close his eyes and the owl would do the hand seals with his wing feathers being used as fingers and then slam on the ground. Instantaneously Roy would find himself back at the inn that he was staying at in the village hidden in the leaves. Roy would see that none of his other belongings were touched and could see his gear ready to go along with a few stray feathers that appeared to belong to Klah. Roy would gather his belongings for training that day and head down to the first floor. When Roy got down he would realize that it was just barely morning and that the time that he had spent at the lunatic forest was very early morning and he still had the entire day to train the new techniques that he was going to learn. He went downstairs and saw the innkeeper getting her breakfast ready for the day. Roy would sit down with some of the other patrons and wait for the lady to serve them their breakfast. Roy would eat as much as he could today much like every other day he was there and thanked her for the meal. It was very good that as it was made from meat and eggs and a homemade bread that gave Roy a lot of energy for training. Since Roy was already in gear and postion to train today Roy would make his way out to the training grounds instantly instead of going back into his room. He would take his gear with him, thank the lady for the food, hand her his plate, and then walk out the doors of the inn and into the village.
Roy would walk around the village a bit to see who was awake at this time. He normally would take some time to prepare for the day which meant he wasn’t up this early but here he was. When he went to the mist ninja to see if there was anything to do for the village Roy saw that even they were not open at this time as they were still probably getting ready for their work day as well or even still asleep. He would assume that they wouldn’t have anything for him to do today as normally they wouldn’t have anything for him to do so he would leave a note under the doors of the room letting them know that Roy was going to be in the training grounds doing some training today. Roy would then make his leave and begin running a slight jog to the training grounds. As he ran he would take note of all the different village shops and homes that were around here because the village hidden in the leaves looked very different at this time compared to many other places in the village. HE noticed that they all looked sad and run down like they weren’t being taken care of as the War that was going on around them seemed to either get to the villagers here or the villagers were out fighting which meant that they couldn’t keep their areas kept and clean. Roy would thank the gods above that he was from the hidden mist village now because they were the ones that were on top of the ninja world. They in fact had more power to do what they wanted than any other time in history which gave Roy the feeling that now was the time for him to become one of the most powerful ninja in one of the most powerful villages ever. Roy would run a bit faster now as he began to think about all the many things that he could do now, as he was driven by his motivation to serve his master he knew that he could be written down in the history books should he continue down this path. Roy got to the training grounds thinking about this as he made a sprint towards the grove where he was going to train today. Roy would run past all the training dummies and all the other trees and forests around him to the place that he knew. As he ran he would take note that he was in fact the only ninja here in the village training grounds at the time. He didn’t go through all the training grounds to see if that was accurate but at least in his mind the once busy training grounds were all but barren save for him. Roy would laugh a bit at this prospect because normally there were many people out doing training here but now that they were not here, could it mean that they didn’t have the same drive that Roy did to become a better ninja. Roy didn’t know nor did he really care about it, all he wanted to do now was train. He would finish his sprint at the grove with a slight pant in his breath due to all the gear that he had on him. He didn’t feel tired but he knew that his training could be hampered due to the time that he spent earlier in the day at the lunatic forest. Roy would set down his gear in the grove and begin his training.
                Once Roy got all of his gear off he would then make his way around the grove to do some light walking and some planning for his training for the rest of the day. Roy would walk around the grove a few times before coming up with his plan. He would first start out with learn the lightning release technique known as the electromagnetic murder. Roy knew that this technique would be his beginning of training his hand to hand combat training with the lightning element. Roy would then learn the hell stab technique. This was an improvement on the previous jutsu as it had more cutting power and more speed than the other technique. Then Roy would move onto the chidori which was the most powerful of the three. The many variants that were known throughout the ninja world meant that Roy could use it in almost any fight as long as he had the chakra to do it. With all of his decided Roy would continue his training by going to the center of the grove to do some light stretching and some push ups and sit ups as well as some squats. The squats were the hardest of the three as Roy realized that he needed to take some time to focus on his legs power and movement. Roy thought about this for a bit but then decided that for now he would work on his lightning techniques.
Once Roy was done with his entire set of warm ups he would begin to see the sun rise in the horizion but still not hear any other ninja in the village doing anything. Perhaps they were still starting to just get up from their sleep last night or they just were not going to go to the training grounds today. Roy would sigh a bit at the lack of drive that the village hidden in the leaves ninja had about their training but then remember again that his village did defeat them pretty one sided. Since there were no other ninja in the village that were doing anything in the training grounds Roy would go the training dummies outside of his grove. HE would leave his gear at the grove and make his way out of the forest and into a small field where he could find some training dummies. He walked around a little bit and found one just beyond. Roy realized that they were not bolted to the ground no that they were particularly heavy so Roy would decide that he needed to use this training dummy today for the jutsu that he was going to learn. HE would pick up the training dummy and slowly carry it into the grove. HE realized that he didn’t have enough strength to do it in just one go so Roy would set it down and take a break for a few minutes before getting up and taking the dummy a bit further. Roy figured that if the ninja of the village needed another one they could just ask one of the village elders to get them another one from their storage. After all they clearly were not using them correctly if they lost the war. Roy saw it in his eyes that using the dummy for his own benefit would be better use of it then letting the loser leaf ninja use it for their training. Once Roy finally got the dummy to the grove he would see the sun was now very bright in the sky burning away all the dew that was around him when he first got to the training grounds. Roy would walk his way to the center of the grove where he would place the training dummy that he took into the ground. This would be the thing that he would use for his training as the target for his attacks.
Roy would get about a meter away from the dummy and begin to channel his natural lightning chakra into his hands to a point where electricity would begin to resonate around his fists. This was of course the C rank technique that Roy was going to learn. In order for the technique to work however Roy was going to have to make the necessary hand signs. They were boar then ram then snake then horse followed by dragon. Immediately after the last hand seal was done Roy could feel the power in his fists grow a lot more powerful and surge with static energy. Roy would then run towards the dummy as fast as he could and punch it right in the center. He would see static flowing through his hands and into the dummy showing that jutsu was a success. But Roy realized that it still wasn’t enough for the technique to work. He needed to be faster and put more power into his punches for the technique to do its job. He wanted to see a giant bolt of electricity coming from his hand and he didn’t know how he was going to achieve that. He would do the hand seals one more time. He would do boar then ram then snake then horse followed by dragon in quick succession and he would feel the static energy flow through him but still it wasn’t enough for Roy to say that he understood the technique. When Roy would punch the dummy it would just feel as though he was discharging his energy into the dummy and not doing much of anything else to it. He would punch it again and again and every time that he did all he felt was his chakra getting wasted. After about ten minutes of punching the dummy trying to find success he realized that he still didn’t have the necessary power for it to work. It was nearly mid-morning and Roy would hear the sounds of ninja finally arriving at the training ground to do some training. Roy would then look at his hands and realize that they were all bloody and cut from hitting the dummy so many times. Roy decided that if he was going to continue training he would have to get some bandages from the ninja shop. Roy would leave all of his gear at the grove along with the dummy and head out of the grove and into the center of the training grounds. He didn’t bother asking the ninja around for any bandage because he knew that he wouldn’t get any. Roy would find himself back in the village and would find his way to the local ninja shop where he asked a clerk there for some bandages. The keeper did not charge for any of the wares as his supplies were given to him by the village and since he was a ninja from the hidden mist village they would be able to get equipment like within reason. The ninja that helped him was nice but very old as it took him a long time to get the materials for Roy. Once he finally did get everything that he needed Roy would thank the ninja running the shop and then head back out of the village and into the training grounds which was much more busy than when he got the village training grounds earlier. Roy would make another run into the grove but before he did that he would pass by where the dummy that he took was and see that the ninja that were there didn’t seem to mind that the dummy was gone. Roy smiled a bit and began to run faster towards the grove where all of his stuff and dummy were still there. Roy would then set down his bandages with the rest of the gear and bandage up his fists after doing some basic medical ninjutsu on them. Roy would then go back to his training spot to continue his training.
Roy would do the hand seals again, boar then ram then snake then horse followed by dragon in quick secession and then work to have his lightning chakra pour out of his body and onto his fists. He would tighten them hard as he charged towards the dummy with great speed and power and when he punched it he could finally see some results. The dummy was shocked all around even though it was made fully out of wood. Roy would notice that the dummy was beginning to show some signs of stress as well so he would go from a different angle the next time he did the technique. From then on every time that he did the technique he would feel less pain from the punch and feel more lightning chakra move into the dummy. The last that Roy actually did the technique he would do the hand signs, boar then ram then snake then horse followed by dragon, then he would punch the dummy and as soon as his fists hit the dummy he would push some more lightning chakra out of his fists and into the dummy. As he did that a large amount of lightning chakra shook the entire training dummy and made it bounce back a bit before landing into the ground again. Roy did that and realized that he had learned the technique enough for him to say that he could use it in combat and decided that now it was time for him to move onto the next technique. Roy would take a quick break from his training to get some food and drink some water from his gear before continuing one. He would take a look a dummy before him and notice that they were very sturdy beings made out of great wood and metal. Roy would take the rest of his break writing down everything that he had learned about the technique into his pad and then cleaning up the rest of his gear and continuing on with his training.
The hell stab technique was going to be harder than the one before he because he didn’t have to use any hand signs to do it but he also knew that if he didn’t do correctly he would seriously mess up his body doing the technique. The hell stab technique was just dense chakra around just one point on his body and it meant that if Roy was not careful the lightning charka could not work and could be putting his fingers right onto a body or even worse a rock. If Roy didn’t have enough power or skill with the technique Roy could destroy his fingers as they smashed right into the object and if Roy wasn’t strong enough he could destroy his fingers in the process. While this was a change in elemental nature like the fire style techniques that he learned before Roy also knew that if he didn’t work hard to master them he would be in a lot more trouble in combat than just with fire style techniques alone. Roy thought about this and thought if it was a good idea for him to be learning these techniques with all the risk that was involved with them but Roy then realized that all he needed to do was just trust in himself and in his abilities. It meant that he couldn’t be scared about things like that because if he was he would fail every time. Roy realized long ago that if he was going to survive in the ninja world he was going to have to take a lot of risks to do it. That is just the way of the ninja world and Roy knew it at the bottom of his heart. Roy would look up to the sky and remember all that he was going to be doing his for and all that he was going to accomplish. Roy would not fall. Roy would remember back to his time at the academy when he was learning the history of the world and all the raikage that used the technique. Would he be one of the first that used the technique as a non ninja of the village hidden in the clouds? This was of course not likely as many ninja now knew of the technique and trained it on the daily. He didn’t know if there were ninja that actually used the technique in combat but Roy also knew that he would have to learn this technique before he even had a shot of learning the chidori. The chidori was basically the same technique but only with more power and less drawbacks. The hell stab technique seemed to go after the same principles of the chidori which meant to Roy that it wouldn’t be very hard to learn once he mastered this one but he would still have to master it. He would take a look at his hands and begin to form them into the cutter that they were going to be into. He saw that some blood would be seeping through his bandages so all he did was just put another layer on to prevent them from getting infected. Roy knew that this training was going to hurt more than his fire style training but it was the way that it was going to be.
Roy would then get up from his break and head back to the center of the grove. After all the time that he was thinking and all the food that he ate and all the water that he drank he would be able to continue training for the day with his energy restored. It was almost noon when he finally got back to trailing which meant to Roy that almost half of his training day was gone to either a low rank technique or just to think about if he wanted to do this. Roy thought in his mind then that he didn’t have the time nor the energy to be thinking like that ever again and if he did then he would be putting himself and his training at a high disadvantage. As he gave himself this little pep talk he would take another deep breath and his mind ready to learn the next technique. He would put his hand up to his face and pour his chakra into and around it. Roy would then feel the static power course through his arm and all the way up to his fingers where it would finally form itself into the lightning chakra that he was expecting. With his whole hand finally ready for the blow Roy would then lunge forwards towards the training dummy and hit it with his hands. Once Roy hit it he could feel the bones in his fingers crack and hear them burst as he hit the dummy. His fingers were not broken once Roy let go the lightning chakra he would see. He would feel a sharp sense of pain coming from them as though he had broken them fully but when he inspected his fingers he would see that they were just fine. It was as though all of the pain that Roy was feeling around him was just from his mind and nothing more. This was strange to Roy as he massaged his fingers and went in again for a second attempt at the technique. Roy would put his hands into the form it needed to be in and he saw that his hands were shaking to the core as he tried to do this. Roy was well aware now that his mind was doing this because he knew that he didn’t want to feel this pain again. Roy would try to stop his hands from shaking as much as he could but when he did he would just make them shake even more. Roy would have to work hard now to get past this fear and realized that now was a time for him to do something different with his training. Roy would sit down right where he would be standing before and he would find himself just meditating. HE would have to calm down his body if he was going to master this technique. He would just sit there in the grove listening to everything around him for a bit. Roy had never been the one to meditate before because he thought that he was always at his center before but clearly that was not the case. Roy was not in balance right now because all he saw was his body and his mind in flux with trying to learn this technique and this wasn’t even his final form of the technique. The technique allowed for the user to change the power and cutting strength of the technique by the amount of fingers that he used and Roy couldn’t get past thinking about how much it was going to hurt with just one finger hitting the target. Roy would continue to meditate for about an hour as he would hear the birds and the other animals around him return to the area since everything that was there was gone, or so it seemed, Roy would get up again after too felt like an eternity of waiting for the day to pass by. When he got up he seemed relaxed but he also realized that he had only been doing his meditation for about ten minutes. His mind was not at rest still but he also knew that he didn’t have time to sit and wait for that. At least for the time being Roy’s hand was not shaking anymore when he put it into position to the do the hell stab which meant to Roy that he was at least in the good shape to continue his training. Roy would pour lightning chakra into his arm and into his fingers where this time he would put all of his energy that he could into his hand. As he did that he would see the aura of lightning chakra pour into his arm as he began to rush forward. As he hand connected with the training dummy he would feel the sharp pain in his body again but this time he wouldn’t stop. He would continue to pull the thrust through until his body stopping emitting the chakra for the technique and it was done. Roy would look to his fingers and inspect neither them again noticing that they were not broken nor were they in any pain whatsoever. Roy would put his hand up again however and realize that they were shaking again. His mind and his body were not on the same page with training this technique. Roy would then sit down in the grove and begin to meditate again to calm down his body. This time he focused on nothing but being still and silent with himself as long as he could. Roy would notice and pay more attention to his hands now as the rest of his body began to drift away and become nothing. Roy would focus on making sure that his hands were at peace for the entirety of his mediation which seemed to last for hours but in reality only lasted for a few minutes. Roy would think that this would be progress to make his body more accustomed to the pain that would be happening when he did the technique. Roy would get from his meditation and begin training again. He would put his hand into the same formation and have lightning surge from his arm to the fingers. He put all the willpower that he could into this time doing the technique and it was not going fail. Roy would stab the dummy again and could feel the pain in his hand when he made contact with the dummy but he again would not stop and instead he would put more of his willpower into the lightning around him so that he could stab through hthe dummy. He could not stab through the dummy however as the lightning stopped radiating through him again and the sharp in his hand got stronger. As he grouped himself back up he would find his body still fine and when he put his hand up to see if he could do the technique again he would realize that he still was shaking. He would go back into doing meditation again until his body was back at center and he would get back up again to do the technique. He would spend hours doing the same thing over again until he got to the point where he hand would only shake for a few moments. After that was done he would continuously do the technique until he ran out of energy to do so. By the time he got the four fingered version of the hell stab down Roy would notice that most of his energy was gone and it was nearing sundown. This meant that Roy only had a few more hours left of training before he had to head back into the village for day. It was as though most of his day had been spent training his mind and getting past the fear of the pain of the jutsu. Roy would sit down and eat some food and drink some water for a bit and ponder why he was so afraid of all the pain that was going on. It wasn’t as though any of it was doing any real damage and most of it was just in his head so what exactly was Roy going to do. Roy just decided that now he was just continue on with his training as long as he could so that he would learn the technique and ultimately master it to the point that he would be able to move on to the chidori. Roy would get back up from his break and land himself near the dummy. He would put his hand up and instantly lightning would form around his fingers. This time however once he got the energy around his hand to form he would put down his pinkie finger and just have his other three fingers up. Roy would concentrate his power further to his remaining fingers and he would see the lightning chakra get bigger than it was before. Roy could see that his ninja skills of controlling his chakra were getting better as he trained this technique. HE would stab his fingers into the dummy and this time the pain was far less than what it was when he had four. As he did the technique more he would realize that while he was stronger with less fingers and there less pains that his chakra pool was getting used up a lot more than what it was when he was using four. He would finish his stab a lot earlier than what he did with four fingers and when Roy stepped back to raise up his hands again he realized that he was a lot more tired but his hand was not shaking at all. Roy thought that he had about one more time of doing this training before he would have to sit down again for another break. Roy would again do the three fingered version of the hell stab to the target and again the same things would happen in the same order and at the similar power than before, this was a good thing which showed Roy that there was a consistency in his attacks now. He would remain the form a bit longer this time too before he would have to let it go. As Roy stepped back a bit from the attacks Roy would find that his stamina had all but nearly depleted after that next attempt and he would again find himself getting more food and water and taking a long break. He would be disappointed that he would have to take so many breaks but he also understood that he would need to if he was not going to burn out from exhaustion. Roy would spend about 30 minutes of his remaining training time eating and resting up before going out again to train. He would go back to the training dummy and being the three fingered version of the jutsu the same as before. When he would hit his fingers at the dummy he would see that he did more damage to the dummy this time around but at the cost of more of Roy’s energies being used to power the attack. Roy would be pleased to see that there was little to pain with this jutsu now and that his time that he could use it was getting longer and more consistent. HE would spend the next thirty minutes of his training doing the three fingered technique until he got to the point that he could use this version with the same speed and power as the four fingered version of the hell stab. Roy again would take a break from his training as the sun was just beginning to set into the mountains. This would just be a small one as he began to get accustomed to the training now and his body began to acclimate to the pain and the energy used. Roy would again get up from his break and head back to the training dummy where he would get ready to use the hell stab one more time. Roy would take out his hand and this time he would only use two fingers of the hell stab. The power and pressure behind the electric currents going through his fingers was great which showed Roy that he shouldn’t have any issue doing the technique in regards to pain but he realized that he also needed to put more of his chakra into the attack. Roy would stab the dummy again and feel the surge of power rush through it but only for a second as the amount of energy that was needed for the attack was far greater than the first two. He would step back a bit and realize how much chakra he used just for this one attack. Roy would smile a bit when saw that the dummy had taken a lot of damage from just that one attack but he also knew that he would be a lot stronger if he did it with one finger. Panting a bit from the last attack Roy would put all of his will into this next one. Roy would take out his hand and only use one finger for the hell stab. The amount of lightning used here was a combination of all four fingers which meant that it was by far the most powerful the three other one. He would lunge his power towards the dummy and when his finger connected with the dummy he would hear the creaking and cracking of the wood being echoed throughout the grove. The pain that Roy felt in his finger was far more immense too as the energy that he was using all transferred back into the dummy. After a moment of the attack Roy would collapse in front of the large dummy giving his presence seeming as though it was looking down at Roy. Roy would be sweating from all over his body as his power and strength were as gone as the near set sun. Five minutes would pass by as Roy would get back up from his spot at the dummy and he would walk on over to his gear. He knew that this was going to be his last bit of training for the day as he was exhausted from all the work that he put into his training today.
Roy would head back into the village and head straight back to the inn where the keeper had just prepared dinner for the guests for the evening; she was lively and was inviting them all down to get started to eat. Roy would get a seat at the table and not say a word as his body was numb with electric energy and all the training that he did today. He would finish his food quickly and quietly before heading up to his room where he didn’t even change his clothes and plopped right down on the ground to get some sleep.
Thankfully the next morning Roy realized that was still at the inn and he was not summoned to the lunatic forest again. Roy didn’t have the strength to talk with them again all night and he needed all the rest that he would be able to get. Roy would sleep in a bit today and when he finally got down to get some food breakfast was already being served to the massed. Roy would sit down and get some food and eat in silence again as he was still feeling the effects of the jutsu on his body. Once he got more food in him Roy would get up and head back to his room where he would go about his morning routine again. He would hit the shower today as he wanted to feel the warm water go through his body today instead of just using the chakra cleanse jutsu. Roy would soak for a few minutes before getting out of the shower and getting dressed again for training. His clothes were still a bit dirty so Roy did use the chakra cleanse jutsu to get them cleaned up. After all of this Roy was finally not the zombie that he had been the past few hours and had finally gotten himself past everything else that he was going through and was ready to begin another day of training. Roy would get all of his gear ready and head on out into the village. He would first stop by the ninja store to pick up some bandages and then he would thank the ninja shop keep for his help today and yesterday. Roy would then find his way to the hidden mist village ninja to see if they had anything for him to do that. They told Roy that they had gotten his message about training and that he was free to go about his day again. Roy thanked the ninja there again and Roy would again head back out of the village and into the training grounds .Roy would then find himself at the training grounds later than usual and as always he would sprint down towards the forest and into the grove that he was normally going to for more training. HE would see that the dummy had already been replaced by the village ninja there and Roy was curious to see if they had found the one that Roy took from that Area. Thankfully for Roy it was still there and Roy could see how much damage he had done to it. There were broken pieces everywhere around and Roy was stunned to see so much damage from just the bit of attacks that Roy had done to it. He also saw that the dummy was regrown into its regular form by some sort of wood release jutsu that was placed on it by some ninja in the area. Roy would look around again and see that everything else was still the same so it meant that there must be a seal or something on the dummy somewhere giving it the power to re grow. Roy would set all of his stuff down to the ground again and he would do some running around the grove followed by some slight walking and planning for the day. Roy would decide that the first thing that he was going to do would be to master the hell stab technique with all four fingers and then he was going to use the remaining time to learn the chidori. This was a good plan and Roys mind and he was sure that he would be able to master both by the end of the day. Roy would then stop his walking around and do some light exercises and some meditation before he began training. Roy realized that if he had any chance of mastering the technique he would have to work on his meditation if he was going to do well with it. Roy would then think to himself while he was meditating what was holding him back from being able to master the technique further. He would ponder this while he mediated and when he couldn’t take the silence any more Roy would get up and decide that it was time for him to start his training. He would stand directly in front of the training dummy and put his hand up to his head and begin to pour the lightning chakra into his palm and throughout the rest of his body. Roy would feel the lightning energy coursing through him further now as his body was beginning to pour all of it into his hand. He would do the four fingered hell stab at the dummy. There was a little bit of pain but not as much as what it was when he first started. He would put his hand back and still maintain the static around his fingers as he moved down to three. He would stab again with three and feel no pain and no increase of strain in his body or his stamina. He would still maintain his lightning as he put his hand back and moved down to two fingers. He would stab again with no pain but this time he would feel the pressure of the chakra being used on his body and after a few moments of maintaining the chakra he would have to stop. Roy would then step back a bit and let the lightning go for a minute. He would look up towards the sky and then to his hand to see that it was indeed not shaking. Roy would look again towards the dummy after catching his breath for a bit and getting his chakra back under control. Roy would then let his chakra pour through his fingers and get back down into just two of them being out. He would stab again and this time he would be able to hold the chakra in for a lot longer than the one he did just minutes ago. Roy would then move back a bit and pull his last finger back into a fist so that he was only doing the one finger hell stab. Roy would feel the immense lightning chakra go through every cell in his hand being shaken by the static. But alas he would not let this stop him as Roy would again stab towards the dummy and into its chest. The amount of power that Roy emitted from the finger was far more than any other attempt that he had done and Roy realized that all he had to do was maintain it for just a few more moments. As long as he held out he could feel the energy going away but he didn’t let up until his body was finally finished. He would give up and step back for a bit with a lot of catching up breathing to do. Roy would then fall down onto the floor and see that his hand was still shaking. That didn’t matter now to Roy, all that mattered to him was that he was getting better at training the technique and it was going to be mastered soon. After lying there on the floor for a bit Roy would get up and head to his back pack for a bit of food and water to maintain his energy. The shaking would stop on its own as Roy began to look up and enter a slight state of mediation as he began to finish his food and drink. After about 20 minutes of this Roy would get back up and begin to train again. He would head back to the training dummy and begin to do the technique some more. He would feel his fingers and his control of the chakra around them to be better and stronger than all the previous times that he had done the technique. The pain was going away faster and the amount of time his hand was shaking was almost nonexistent when he finished one attempt of the technique and went to another. Roy would even switch between power levels to see if it affected him any and to Roy’s amazement it did not. Roy didn’t even feel a thing when he went from three fingers to one finger or to any of the other movements. Roy had finally felt as though he had mastered the technique in its entirety. Roy would again take another break before continuing one to the chidori. It was about midday when Roy had finally mastered the hell stab technique which gave Roy plenty of time to finish up his training of the chidori.
After he finished with his break Roy would head back out to the center of grove to where he was normally standing and face the dummy head on. Roy knew that the chidori was supposed to done at a distance so roy would step back a few meters and begin to do the long list of hand seals. He would do Monkey Then Dragon then Rat then Bird then Ox then Snake then Dog then Tiger then Monkey in rapid secession and he could fell a large amount of lightning energy surge through Roy as his ears were bombarded with the sounds of thousands of what appeared to tiny birds. The amount of control that would be needed to this was immense and Roy could feel the amount of power in this technique was far more than any other technique that Roy had ever tried to train. Roy would charge forward toward the dummy with the chidori in his hands and as he did all he could think about was how much speed was going into making this work. He would connect with the dummy and send the top half of the dummy flying off into the distance while the rest of it connected with the remainder of the technique. As soon as the dummy was split the part that flew away would disappear into nothing ness and when Roy stepped back a bit from his position he would feel all the energy that he had being drained because of the attack and that the dummy would be gradually growing itself back into its full form. Roy would walk back to his gear and eat and drink a lot of food and water before he finally collapsed down next to the rock that he had his gear on. The technique was powerful but damn did it take up a lot of chakra to use. Roy would sit down for a few more minutes before getting back up and heading back into position to try again. Roy would find himself back at square one again doing the massive amount of hand seals again. He would do Monkey Then Dragon then Rat then Bird then Ox then Snake then Dog then Tiger then Monkey in rapid succession and could hear the sound of the thousands birds again ringing in his ears. He would charge again at the dummy and again the same effect would occur as Roy would feel his body and the body of the dummy being ripped apart by the power of the attack. Roy never felt so alive with the training of the chidori though as he saw that it was nearly the most powerful technique that had ever existed. Roy would fall down to the ground again and realize that was about enough training of the chidori that he was going to do in one day of the technique. He would need to rest his body and his mind before attempting to do the technique again which made Roy wonder what the next best thing for training was to do. Roy thought of a time when he saw a ninja use a genjutsu release without using his fingers. He remembered that had to have been somebody during the grand tournament that used it and Roy was excited and interested to see if he could do it too. Roy released genjutsu before and now that he had more control over his chakra network Roy thought that it would be easy for him to do it without a hand seal. Roy would sit down and spend some time using the genjutsu release technique on himself just by pouring chakra into his body and then letting it flow back to normal. After doing this for a few minutes Roy would then again do the technique but this time without hand seals. The first time that Roy did this he would then begin to feel his chakra getting bigger but still not enough to release a genjutsu. Roy would practice this a few more times and every time that he did it the technique would get better and the amount of chakra that Roy used would be a lot greater than normal. Roy would smile as he would realize that he had just spent but a few minutes training to do the genjutsu release technique without the use of hand signs. Roy would be amazed at this discovery that he would get himself back up and into position to do another chidori. He was going to put all of his energy and effort into making sure that this chidori worked like the other two. Roy would do the hand seals, he would do Monkey Then Dragon then Rat then Bird then Ox then Snake then Dog then Tiger then Monkey in rapid secession and he would feel the lightning energy stronger and better than ever before. He would rush towards the dummy and again slice the thing right in two. Roy would let go of his hold on the chidori again and walk himself back to his rock to get some more food and water. It was very clear to Roy now that three shots was his max of chidori shots right now. There was still time and training that Roy would be able to do to limit the amount chakra wasted on the technique and make sure that he could use the technique more times in a fight but today was not the day. After only taking a few hours of training on the chidori and finding himself tired from everything that he did today he decided that he would have an early day of training today and head back to the inn for some food and some rest. He wanted to be up very early tomorrow because he wanted to ask the owls a lunatic forest a question about hand seals. HE noticed that they all could use their feathers to make hand seals which were interesting to Roy because he thought maybe they would be able to teach him to do them with just one hand. Nevertheless he would have to ask them tonight after he had some food and had some rest. When he woke up the next morning he would summon Klah and him send the two of them back into the lunatic forest.
Roy would get back to the inn and eat his food quickly as he was again very tired from all the training that he did today. He would get himself up to bed and into his night clothes before drifting off to get to s sleep at very early time for Roy. Roy would then wake up and realize that he didn’t have to summon Klah the next morning as Roy found himself in the hut in the lunatic forest. He would stand up and he would see the same owl guard standing at the doorway. “You have some questions for us.” The owl would say. Roy would nod back to him in reply and the guard owl would then bow his head slightly. “Very well, Roy, get changed and head to the big house and you can ask your questions.” Roy would get up from his feather bed and take off his clothes. Naked in the room with the owl he would look and see that he was dirty from all of the training that he did yesterday. He would then making the proper hand seals to do the chakras cleanse jutsu which would clean him up nicely and as he did it he could feel the rush of dirt and dead skin flow away from his body and into the abyss of the world. Roy would feel clean as he would put on his feather garment and head on out to the village of the lunatic forest owls. He would find himself under the same breeze that he was at when he first got here a few days prior and Roy would get to the big hut in the center of the village in no time. He would walk past some more owls that were around and this time fewer of them would look up to Roy as an oddity. It was clear to Roy that he as becoming somewhat a regular here. Or maybe Roy was becoming a bit more like an owl and he wasn’t like he was before.
                Roy would enter the great hut and would see Klah and Fluk both around the fire with two other new owls around the fire place as well. Roy would bow deeply the four owls there and sit down next to Fluk and after greetings were done the two would begin talking again for a bit about their days and what their plans were for the future. Fluk said that he had some business with the toads and that he was going to be away for a few days and then when Fluk asked Roy what was going on with him he asked him if he would be able to learn more about how to do seals with one hand. Fluk laughed and said that there were many ways to do it and that he didn’t have to be an owl to do it. Roy was explained that anyone with enough chakra could pour it into just one hand and use it to make the jutsu. Though it would take some the owls there were confident that if Roy put in a bit of effort he could do it. Roy didn’t stay long that night and thanked the owls for their time and headed back to his hut where he would change again into his clothing and be summoned back into the ninja world. Before Roy left the forest Fluk would write down on a piece of paper how to do one handed jutsu with palms. He would do very nice drawing of each seal and how to do them with his right or left hand. Since he still had some time to spare Roy would go back to sleep for a few more hours before he had to get up to get back to his training again. When Roy got up again he would see that the sun was up and that he had done a bit of oversleeping. Roy would get dressed and ready quickly as he would head downstairs and get some food from the innkeeper before heading back on out to the training grounds to do some more training. First he would walk back over to the hidden mist ninja and tell him that he was going to be in the training grounds again. They thanked Roy for letting them know where Roy was going to be and told him that they didn’t have any missions for him to do today. Roy would thank them back and he would find his way back to the training grounds where he would start his training to master one handed jutsu.
When Roy got to the training grounds he would sprint his way to the field where he learned his fire style techniques. Roy realized that the best way for him to learn how to do one handed seals was to do techniques that required a lot of power from hand seals to do. Once he sprinted out to the field he would drop off all of his hear and begin to pace around the field to figure out how he was going to master this. Roy would get out his notebook and memorize all the seals that he was going to have to master for the time being if he wanted to get it down quickly. As Roy walked around he would begin to do each hand seal to see if he could do it with just one hand. Each time that Roy did the hand seal correctly he could feel a bit of chakra being emitted from the seal which showed Roy even further that it was possible to do. Roy would go through each of the twelve different hand seals and he would work on mastering each and every one of them over time. It took him a bit, with tiger and ram being two the other harder hand seals to master, but Roy finally got each of the hand seals movements down for him to make each of them able to be used in combat.
Now with some training with using just one hand under his belt Roy would use his right hand for jutsu and he would keep his left hand behind him so that he wasn’t tempted to use it. Roy would start off simple with the fire stream technique. Using the half tiger seal Roy would feel the fire energy rush within him and then expelled from his mouth in burst of fire energy. Roy would do that technique a few times to make sure that his chakra network was warmed up for the amount of training that it was going to be doing today. Roy would then do the half horse then half tiger technique and would again feel a rush of fire coming from his chest to make the great fireball jutsu. Roy would then see how difficult this was going to actually be because it meant that he hand concentrate more chakra from his one hand to make the jutsu work. As Roy did the technique he could feel the fire energy going through him but he could also feel that it required a lot more focus and work for him to make it work. Roy would then give himself a moment before doing the technique again to make sure that he had enough food and water for the training today. After taking the short break Roy would then get back to doing the technique again with one hand. He would do the half horse then half tiger technique again and this time he would focus all of fire nature energy into making his fingers in his right hand. He would expel the fireball and see that there was more power in the jutsu but he still needed to work on making the technique more powerful. Roy would continue to do the great fireball from just one hand for about another hour before he felt that he had mastered doing the technique with just one hand. After getting the fireball to be the same power that it had when Roy had two hands Roy would begin to move on straight to the great fire annihilation jutsu as this would be a true test to see if he could concentrate all of his power into his just one hand with just two seals. Roy was explained that although most techniques could use just one hand seal some needed the half seal of conformation for it to still work. Roy didn’t want to have to do that with this technique but when Roy did the tiger seal with just one hand he would only get out a little bit of fire energy before having to try again. There was no choice for Roy but to do the other seal to make the technique work. Roy would do the half tiger seal followed by the seal of confrontation a bit before Roy would then expel a large amount of fire chakra out of his mouth and into the field beyond. The flames were very powerful and large but were not nearly as good as when Roy did it with two hand seals. Roy would also feel a lot more fatigue after he tried to do it with just one hand as he felt as though Roy needed to take a break after training the technique just a few times. He would go to his gear and get some food and water so that he could get his strength back up to normal. Roy would then get back up from his break and head back to trying to make the technique work. Every time that Roy would do the half tiger seal and then seal of confrontation together to make the jutsu work the fire would get stronger than the last time. It took almost a full day of training and constant breaks from training to finally get it right. By the time the sun was set Roy was confident that he would be able to do any technique without the use of both hands. To test this theory he would go back to the grove and use just one hand with the seal of confrontation to do the chidori and alas the lightning would surge from his hand and then into the dummy beyond. He truly had mastered using jutsu with just one hand. Proud of his training the past few days he would bow to the dummy and take all of his gear back to the inn for a nice rest. He had done a lot of training the past few days and now it was time for him to have a bit of rest.

[Ok, 12000+ words here, I'm going to purchase Chidori , Raiton: Hell Stab , Raiton: Electromagnetic Murder , No hand Seals and half action cost mastery over Genjutsu Release , and then One Handed Seals , I'm also claiming 60 stats, 15 of those going towards raising my Chakra to 75 so that I could legally learn the skill.]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:45 pm
Roy thought it best now, while he still in the village to do some more training, to learn a technique that was vital to any ninjutsu styled ninja as well as a staple to most ninja in the village hidden in the leaves as well. Roy was of course talking about training the shadow clone jutsu which was one of the most iconic and arguably most important jutsu that any ninja could possibly learn. After Roy had learned both fire and lightning ninjutsu recently he decided that now it was time to learn some non-elemental ninjutsu as well because if he was going to be a well-rounded ninja he would have to know not only jutsu with elements but also without elements as well. Roy would wake up from his slumber after his day of resting in the village refreshed and ready to train again. He would first get up very early as usual, seeing as though he his internal clock was now in flux due to all the time that he had spent with the owls in the lunatic forest and he would head down to the innkeeper to get some food again. Today before he went down he got all of his gear and equipment ready for the day went down to eat breakfast just as soon as it was ready and then leave to get to the training ground’s and the grove that he had normally trained at as early as he did when he was learning the lightning style techniques.
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:20 am
Roy would first head down to village center to see if there was anything that the mist ninja there needed him to do. Roy would walk around a bit beforehand to see if there was anything going on that Roy could take care of for them before he went down. Roy would walk all the streets that he could in this time of morning. He would first head to the slums of the city to find out if there was anyone or anything that quite possibly could be a problem for the village. He found that most of the homes were quiet with a few getting up to do some light work but since it was still very early in the morning Roy would see that most of them were pretty much stable and quiet. As Roy walked around Roy would see how desperate some of these ninja families were to keep up. What was once the proudest village in the entire ninja world now had one of the roughest slums in the entire ninja world. It was sad an ironic that these ninja villages with all of their might still had ninja and citizens who had little to no money to support themselves and that ninja had so many poor people in it. Even still there wasn’t much going on at this time of day of Roy left the area and went around the mist ninja to see if there was anything to do. Today was different than most because there was not one person there to tell Roy what to do for the day. It was early but it wasn’t the earliest time that Roy had gone to the ninja there and found somebody there doing something. While there was nothing on that there Roy would write a small letter for the ninja that were posted there telling them that he would be in the training grounds again today to do some light training and if they needed him that is where they should go to look for him. After writing all of that and doing all the formalities that he needed to do to make sure they knew that it was a mist ninja writing it and not actually a ninja from another village he would slide the paper under the door and walk away from the place. In fact he did not see a mist ninja at all that day which was in fact very surprising to the mist ninja that usually would see at least one other mist ninja in the village doing some sort of work at this time. Roy was very fond of his kage but it seemed as though some of the ninja that he put into doing tasks for the village that he just annexed either were spread to thin to do their work or they were not willing to do the work that they needed to do to make sure that the plans of their lord Mizukage were done correctly and on time. Roy would sigh a bit at this thought thinking that he was a better ninja than the ones that were in charge but he also knew that he had a lot training to go if he was going to be respected by the village leaders right now. Roy would start to do a light jog from the mist ninja area and head directly to the training grounds from that point. He would have all of his gear in toe and most of his other possessions on him so the weight was enough to make sure that the jog was warm up to any training that he was going to be doing at the training grounds. As he jogged around the village he would see if there was much of anything to do for the mist ninja but as he walked he would notice that only the earliest of risers would be up and out of their homes and doing things in the village. Most of them were on their way to work or in fact students that were on their way to start their day at the village’s training academy. Roy would jog around the village and find nothing of interest to do or to inspect so he would get to the training grounds rather quickly today. Roy would then get to the training grounds and once he got within their vicinity he would begin a strong sprint around and into the training ground and onto the grove that he was training at today. As he ran he would see that there were no other ninja around doing any sort from training from what he could see. He would see that the dummies that were around the center of the training grounds had been a bit damaged since the last time that Roy had trained but he also knew that all he had to do was just wait for them to get back to normal as they tended to grow back or be replaced rather quickly. Roy would smile a bit as he got to the grove and he found his dummy that he took still there and ready for another day of training. A bit winded from the sprint Roy would get to the center of the grove and drop off all of his gear and then find his way to the training dummy where he would do some light punches and kicks to make sure that his muscles and his chakra network were both ready for the day of training ahead. For added measure after he had done his kicks and punches on the training dummy Roy would to the horse and then tiger seal and then release a large amount of fire chakra in the form of the fireball into the direction of the dummy to blast it with fire. AS he saw the flames go around the dummy he would the take one hand off of the seal and only do it with one hand to make sure that his skill with one handed jutsu’s was still on point. Roy would then make his fireball end as he stepped back a bit and began to walk around the grove to make sure that he had a plan for his day of training ahead.
Every thing that had just happened right before then had only lasted about thirty mintues and the sun that was just beginning to rise when he left the inn was finally up and ready to change from an orange to a yellow. Roy would look around a bit to see if there was anyone that was following him or if anything needed to change. He would walk out of the grove for a bit to finally see another soul in the area doing some training. He did not know the man nor did he look like somebody wanted to train with as Roy could not find a ninja headband on him. Roy would then continue to walk around the grove thinking about how he was going to learn the shadow clone. Roy would think back to the days that he had in the ninja training school back in the village hidden in the mist and wonder a bit about the clone jutsu that they taught and how they kept on reminding him and the rest of the class of how this clone that they were doing could one day be used to make a full tangible clone of themselves to do as the user wished and even recall memories of what they did for the user. Roy never thought that he would be training it because he never really had the drive to do so before now. Roy would sigh a bit thinking about all of that and his time that he was just a student. So much had changed now and so much was yet to be taught and learned about the ninja way here in the village hidden in the leaves. But as soon roy finished thinking about the past he realized again that didn’t matter right now and all that he had to do was make sure that he understood and learned the shadow clone jutsu now. Even though he came from a normal family and had nothing special going on about him he knew that as long as he was in the village hidden in the leaves Roy was a threat to the villagers here and could be put into the line of fire at any moment. Roy would walk around the grove one more time after that thought and then find himself going back to his gear to get some water and eat a little bit more food before beginning his training.
Once Roy drank his water and finished his food Roy would then find himself walking to about three meters away from the training dummy that he took from the training grounds and decided to start training the shadow clone jutsu. Roy would do the clone hand seal and this time he was just going to do a regular shadow clone to make sure that he got the technique down. After he did the hand seal he would push his chakra through his hands and beyond a puff of smoke would appear and he could see the clone appear a mere meter away from him as his ninja form was mirrored perfectly in the clone. He would look at the clone for a bit before releasing the clone from his chakra control and in a puff of smoke he would return from there being two of them to just one in the grove. Roy would then decide that he would do the shadow clone jutsu now. HE would put his hands together and do the clone hand seal and then he would release chakra from his body and through his hands to make the jutsu work. In the puff of smoke he would begin to see the figure of another Roy standing right in front of him. Roy would then look at the clone as the smoke around the jutsu dissipated and he would see that while he could tough the clone and see the clone it was not a perfect clone. It was pale and appeared to be weak and cartoon like as Roy began to inspect it. Normally shadow clones would do something once they were created but this one would just stand there for a moment. I guess it was a start for the Kiri ninja to begin his training.
After about another minute of the clone just standing there Roy would look at the clone and see that it was just about to fall apart. As the clone begin to melt away from the lack of chakra control and form Roy would automatically dissipate the clone before it lost any more of its dignity. As he would release the seal from his grasp and force the clone to dissipate complete Roy would begin to feel some adverse effects from the attempt. He would begin to feel dizzy from the almost halving of Roy’s chakra to make the clone and then feel it again re-enter his system in a very short amount of time. Roy would also notice that while the Clone didn’t appear to have any memories or even the ability to create a thought Roy would get a slight headache before finding himself back at square one. He would feel the rush of energy come back to him as the shadow clones memory and energy came back. After all of this would happen Roy would go back to his gear and take a small break before continuing his training. Even after just one attempt of this technique Roy was feeling the pressure and the power of the jutsu. Roy would eat some food and drink some water to get his energy back up and take about 15 minutes more to just sit and think as well write down things about the jutsu that Roy should now understand. Roy would write all of the side effects from the jutsu into his journal as well as all the other information that he knew about the technique so that he would have something to look at if Roy would one day need to refresh his skills. He would think about how dizzy he was after this attempt and would think about ways that he would be able to make that stop.
After Roy did that bit of training and he finished his break he would then get right back to attempting to make shadow clones. Roy would do the technique several more times over the next few hours in order to understand it. As Roy did the technique more and more he would see that the clone that he made was looking a lot better each time he tried again. Roy would see less through him and the clone would appear to have more of the same smaller features than what Roy had been able to do before the technique  was trained. The only issue that Roy was facing now was that his technique and the clone of the jutsu were still not doing anything. They would not move around on their own and they wouldn’t attack or do anything when something happened to them. Roy would then look up towards the jutsu clone and when he would attack it the clone would just let it happen and Roy would end up just losing the clone in a puff of smoke. Roy would get the memories from the clone all the same but it still wasn’t enough. It was about the afternoon now and Roy decided then that it was time for another break to get some food and water. The weather was warm today and the breeze was crisp and clean on Roy’s tired face. Roy was more exhausted with this technique training than he had been when he was training any other one. Roy would then finish his break and get back to training a bit.
As Roy was training again he would realize something that he had not before. He noticed that he wasn’t putting any of his will in towards the clones that he was making and that maybe that was the reason why the clone hadn’t done anything yet. Roy was going to try this now to see if this was what needed to change for Roy to make the jutsu work. Roy would put his hands into the clone seal and then pour chakra into the jutsu to make the clone. But before Roy released his chakra into his clone he would impart some of his will into the jutsu as though to show the clone what its goal was. Roy would complete the jutsu and a puff of smoke would appear. Roy had told the clone to obey any orders from Roy so when the smoke cleared and the clone of Roy was standing about Roy would then look to it and say. “Attack the dummy.” Roy would then watch as the clone would turn around from Roy’s position and then charge itself towards the training dummy to attack it. In just a few moments the clone would be punching the kicking the dummy as hard and as fast as he could even when the technique wasn’t working on the dummy. After allowing that to happen for a few more minutes Roy would then force the clone to be released from its hold on this world. Roy would have all the memories of the clone begin to rush towards the ninja head showing exactly what it did to Roy in the first person. Roy was happy to see that he had done it and learned the shadow clone jutsu. Now for the rest of the training day Roy would then up the amount of clones that Roy had from one to two and then when that was mastered Roy would revert back to making only one hand do seals to make the technique. First he would master it with one clone and then with two. Roy would be happy to see so much progress for the jutsu be done so quickly. When Roy felt as though he had mastered not only the jutsu but also doing it with one hand he would head back into the village to get some food and open the Christmas cracker that he got two days ago. 

[with the words in the prior post I did 3000+ Words. I would like to purchase Shadow Clone as well as 15 stats. I'm also opening 1 Christmas cracker.]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:23 am
Opening Cracker
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:23 am
The member 'Roy Pyre' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 1
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:24 am
[Claiming one Santa Hat]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 26, 2017 2:06 am
After Roy finished his training of the shadow clone jutsu he went back in the village to get something good to eat. Normally the leaf ninja would spend his lunch time doing training and eating at the grove that he training at. But today was a bit different as he had spent up most of his chakra trying to learn the shadow clone jutsu. When he finally got enough mastery over the technique to feel comfortable using it combat he was very tired and very much ready to go home and take a nap for the rest of the day. However that just wasn’t Roy now because he had a purpose to become stronger and he didn’t have the time or the energy to waste it on something as trivial as a nap. No he knew that he could go into the village and find a good place to eat some food and refill his strength back to his full level. He found a ninja food shop near the center of the village and when he walked in he was welcomed by the smells of good meat and great mead. Roy thought that this would be the best place for him to fill up before going back. Roy took almost an hour to get his food, get a table, eat his meal, pay for it, and then finally get out of the village and back to the grove to continue his training. Roy would think a bit as he was waiting for his food to be completed because he knew that it would be a bad idea to start a training that he didn’t have the time to learn today and he also knew that he didn’t have enough time to learn something too difficult so he remembered a jutsu that he could use his fire style with along with the shadow shuriken jutsu to make a deadly attack. Roy was of course talking about the phoenix fire jutsu which was a jutsu that he himself never thought that he would ever try to learn. But seeing as though fire was the next logical thing to learn while he was in the leaf village as just to make what time he had left to learn this technique. Roy would walk up from his spot at the ninja food shop and he would go on a light jog from the village back into the training grounds. He would stop once back at the inn to get some more water and a bit more snack for the road and once he did that Roy would head out the village and back to the training grounds to learn the phoenix fire jutsu. As he was heading back to the training he would take note of all the ninja that were around them and if any of them could prove to be good sparring partners for him. Roy would think not as again most of them were either too old or too young for Roy to partner up with. Roy would just sprint his way back into the center of the training grounds and then walk around a bit to come up with a plan for his next move. Roy would take out his notes and remember each different hand seal that Roy had to do to complete the technique before going any further. This technique wasn’t nearly as many as some other techniques that Roy had learn but it did have a few that Roy had to master both with two hands and then with one hand. Roy would walk to the center of the grove after getting some water from his pack on the stump and find himself about 10 meters away from the training dummy and would begin to do the hand seals in rapid secession. Roy would do Rat then Tiger then Dog then Ox then Rabbit then Tiger all in rapid succession before then expelling a large amount of fire chakra from his mouth into the general direction of the dummy. The first time that Roy did the technique he would notice that not much of anything different happened from when he would do the fireball jutsu or the great fireball technique as one big fireball, albeit a bit more powerful than the regular old fireball that Roy had normally done to make a fireball but still it wasn’t nearly the right technique to be doing at this time. As Roy finished with the technique he would think about what he needed to do to change the way that his fireball worked in conjunction with other techniques. He would think as he would walk around the grove to see if there was anything different that Roy could do to master the technique. After Roy was unable to think of anything off the top of his head he would then head back to the training dummy to try again. Roy didn’t seem to get winded by this technique like he would with other ones as during his time training Roy had gained a considerable amount of stamina to continue to do training well into the night and beyond from the all the techniques that Roy had learned previously. Roy would smile a bit to recognize his progress and then once he realized that he didn’t have enough time to think about such things he would get back to training. Roy would decide that the best way that he was going to train this technique was going to be through trying to split the fireball that he made into two separate entities until he finally got up to the normal amount of six fireballs out his mouth. Then from there he would have to learn how to manipulate the jutsu into the form and the area that he needed them to be in. Roy would do the proper hand seals one more time. He would do do Rat then Tiger then Dog then Ox then Rabbit then Tiger all in rapid succession and as he did the final tiger hand seal he would expend his chakra to build up fire in his body and then in an instant it would form into a fireball in his mouth. His goal was to make it to where the fireball would split into two separate entities. The first fireball would come out and take most of Roy’s power of the technique with it. This would then leave another smaller and weaker fireball to come out right behind the first one that would do very little in terms to doing damage to an enemy in a fight. Roy would not be blind though to see that this was progress enough for Roy to see that this attempt of training was working. Roy would then prepare himself to do the jutsu one more time. HE would do do Rat then Tiger then Dog then Ox then Rabbit then Tiger all in rapid succession and then hold his fire chakra in a bit less then he would normally. Roy thought that if he released the fire chakra in spurts he would achieve the right amount of control that he needed to make the technique work. Roy would then make push out his first fireball which was definitely fare more condensed than the one before and then release it in the direction of the training dummy. After that one Roy would follow it up with a second small fireball in the same power as the first. Then Roy would notice that he wasn’t getting enough oxygen in his lungs to heat up and keep the fire going and after a very weak third fireball Roy would have no more juice left to finish the jutsu. He had gotten a lot better than the last time as now he had gotten three fireballs. Roy would sigh a bit at the training pace of his nnew jutsu and then head on over to his gear to take a quick bite to eat and some water. At this point Roy maybe had another two hours of training left before he was needed back in the village to do some work at the inn as well as see if the mist ninja needed him to do anything.
Roy would finish his quick break and head back into position to train the jutsu once more. Again roy would do Rat then Tiger then Dog then Ox then Rabbit then Tiger all in rapid succession then he would hold his chakra in a bit less than normal to create a smaller fireball. This time Roy would have to make the fireballs out his mouth as fast as he was able to seeing as though the ninja didn’t have all the time in the world to make them. Roy would then get to the second one and as soon as Roy got to second one to full charge  he would start the charge of the third. During this time of training the technique Roy would get all the way up to three fireballs out of his mouth and leaving  behind the other three fireballs due to lack of power in his jutsu. Roy would try again. This time he would make it to where he would make a bigger fireball the first time and split that one into two even ones and then do that for the next two fireballs that came out. If roy only had a short amount of time to make the fireballs before his body would give out of making them then he would have to change the way that he made the jutsu. Roy would do Rat then Tiger then Dog then Ox then Rabbit then Tiger all in rapid succession and then as quickly as he could he would knead a large amount of fire chakra into his chest and then relase the first third of it. As he did that he would use his mastery in chakra form to split the fire ball into two separate beings and then following up with the second one. The first fire ball was perfect as two identical fireballs would expel from Roy’s mouth and be launched towards the dummy. He would have similar results with the second fireball as they would both be released and they would look the same but Roy knew that when he tried to split the power of fireball again one fireball would get more power than the other. The third was almost impossible for Roy to do again as most of his energy and fire chakra went into make the other two fireballs split. Roy was able to split the fireball into two different fireballs but it still wasn’t perfect as one was significantly larger than the other. Roy would sigh a bit again as he realized that still had a long way to go to train this new jutsu. Roy would take another step back and ponder what to do now. Roy knew that he would have to work at this jutsu a bit longer and he didn’t want to have to go back to it tomorrow. Just suddenly Roy had the idea to split the chakra of the fireball up instantly with the first one. Roy would think that this was the way that he was going to master this technique. He would step up to the dummy and then do Rat then Tiger then Dog then Ox then Rabbit then Tiger all in rapid succession followed then by making one large fireball in his mouth and then using his mastery of changes in chakra natures he would cause the center of the fireball to burst into six different pieces. Roy would watch as all of them would be launched toward the dummy and all hit and do the same amount of damage. Roy would then be satisfied with the training of the technique having done what he could for the day and headed back to the village to get a good night’s rest. 

[2000 Words, Purchasing Fire style, Pheonix Fire Jutsu as well as 10 stats.
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Roys Training - Page 4 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 26, 2017 2:56 am
everything approved
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