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Stat Page : The Child
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Ryo : 24470

Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:01 pm
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:40 pm
Roy thought that now it was time for him to learn a bit of weaponry training today. So when he went out to the training grounds he took with him most of his weapons and some of his other equipment to use for training today.
When Roy got out of bed today he was feeling as though he needed to do something physical to learn since the last few techniques that he had learned had all be ninjutsu. Roy wanted to be a well-rounded ninja so today he thought that it would be best that he trained the shadow shuriken jutsu. IT wasn’t difficult to train or to master but being able to deceive ones opponent through a weapon was definitely a plus. Anything that he could do that would make an enemy think that he was in the clear and then juke him with another one coming out of site made for a pretty interesting combo. It meant that Roy could be a medium range and still be able to make some sort of attack against a user. Roy thought that it was best that he learn this now so that when he got back to the hidden mist village he could show his lord Mizukage that he had grown a lot while he was in the hidden mist village.
Roy would get out of bed early and had down to the innkeeper who had already started to make breakfast for the day. Either Roy was late in getting up or the innkeeper was early in starting her morning routine. As Roy sat down to eat he learned that the innkeeper had a large party of guests that were going to be coming into the inn following the recent Kage reveal. Roy would be shocked to know that the hidden mist village had done so much for the village already being able to give them a hopefully more powerful Hokage that was loyal to the lord Mizukage was in order.
Roy would finish his breakfast and head back upstairs to change and get ready for his day of training. Once he changed and got all of his gear into his pack he would head back downstairs and onto the training grounds. When he left he saw that the innkeeper had already checked in some of the members of her big party. This was evidenced by the fact that Roy had seen a few new faces at the table for breakfast that he had never seen before all together with fire nation gear on. Roy was astounded to see them here because he expected that they would be at some of the other fancier taverns. He saw that they were all nicely dressed for the day and they probably had a guarded caravan that helped them through the forest. All of his deduced to Roy that they must be part of the Feudal lords envoy ; regardless of their status Roy would start his way out of the inn because they were nobody that Roy should respect.
Roy would head out of the inn and start his training with a light jog to the headquarters where the hidden mist ninja were stationd for the time being. Roy would bow to them and ask them if there was anything that they needed him to do today. They said that they were Fine for the day that he should come back tomorrow for any new assigned. The usual for Roy as he would bow deeply to them and then walk out of view and then run directly to the training grounds where he would begin his training of the shadow shuriken jutsu.
Once he got to the grove that he had normally trained at Roy would be pleased to find that there were no other ninja in the forest to disturb him for his training today. Roy would get out all of his gear and lay it out one some of the stumps for safe keeping. Roy would then do a few more laps of running around the grove followed by some light exercises for him to get warmed up. Once he felt as though all of his energy was ready to be used he would pull out some of his shuriken and begin to use them for training. Roy would start by throwing one of his shuriken into the trees that were just beyond to make sure that his aim was still true. He had not done much weapon throwing in his time here at the hidden leaf village but this time he would do a bit to train a bit for this so that he didn’t lose his edge. Roy would then head out to the tree and pick up his shuriken and then head on back to a place about 5 meters away to throw them again. He did this for about another hour and would continue to make sure that he didn’t run out of stamina by taking a few breaks in between every session and making sure that he ate some food as normal.
After about an hour of doing this Roy felt as though his aim with just one shuiken was good and he would start to incorporate two shuriken into his throw. Doing so he would take two shuriken and make sure that they hit the target a bit closer together so that he could deceive his opponent. After a bit more training he got the two shurikens to land almost at the same location. Now it was time for him make sure that both shuriken could not be seen when he threw them together. This would take a bit of time but with some training he was able to make sure that both shuriken could be thrown at the same location and then one curved a bit out of the way to reveal the second one. Roy was pleased to see that he had learned the technique so quickly and headed back into the village for some rest.

[1000 words of training. I would like to purchase Shadow Shuriken Jutsu as well as five stats.
Stat Page : The Child
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:43 pm
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:14 pm
Today was going to be a special day for Roy. Because today was supposed to be the first day that he summoned Klah into the ninja village for the first time. It would be his first report to the owls of the Lunatic Forest and which was first summoned to. IT was going to be a jolly good experience for both Klah and Roy as the two would start their journey together. Roy would get up that morning and head down to the inn’s dining hall where the innkeeper had just started making breakfast food for her guests. Today Roy would eat rather quickly, thank the innkeeper for the food and then make his way down to the training grounds. Today he didn’t bother with trying to get a mission from the mist ninja at the headquarters because he knew that they had nothing for him and that they wouldn’t mind Roy doing a bit of training today. He of course was still willing to make amends with them in case he was supposed to be doing a mission today but Roy was far too excited with meeting klah again that he didn’t even remember to go over there, if we were being quite honest.
Roy would run to the training grounds and head out to the grove where Roy was first summoned to the lunatic forest and signed a contract with the owls there. He would do the proper hand seals required to summon and then bite his thumb to get the sacrifice of blood ready. He would then then quickly punch his hand into the ground and then at that time a puff of smoke would arise from the location. This would show roy that he did the summon and hopefully it was done correctly.
After the puff of smoke had dissipated Roy would watch to see that he had summoned Klah correctly. There in the center of the summoning seal Klah would be standing there looking up towards Roy. Roy would smile and chuckle a bit because he had forgotten how small Klah was. Then he would bow his head slightly and say “Welcome” to the young owl.
“Yeah, you finally did it.” Klah would say
“What do you mean?” Roy would say in response. He was confused a bit because he followed all the instructions that he knew of to summon him. And klah was summoned correctly. It took him a minute to realize what Klah meant by this but when he did it became clear. Once Roy had gotten himself to the training grounds and actually summoned the owl it was almost day time. Owls don’t normally do a lot of moving or working during the day time so it was probably his time for bed.
“Oh, Sorry mate, I didn’t know that you had a bed time.” Roy would say starkly to the young owl.
Klah would smirk a bit and chuckle a bit behind his breath. “Well at least I am majestic, you just look weird.” Klah would say in response.
“What is that supposed to mean? I am just as much a human as everyone else here.” Roy would say as they continued their battle of wits.
“Well for starters…” Klah would begin to say in his overly toned British voice. “You Smell funny. And your beak doesn’t do much but just blab blab blab. You humans are just a bloody mess.”  
“And you are smaller than my head, though maybe your ego is a bit larger than that.” Roy would say in response.
“Heh I’ll have you know…” Klah would start to say but as he did he would notice something moving behind him and fly straight towards it. The small owl was fast and strong that was for sure. After a few more moments Roy would hear the sound of a small squeak coming from the direction of klah. At which point the owl would be holding a mouse in its talons and fly back to Roy. Landing about a foot away from its feet and dropping the mouse corpse in front of him.
“Be useful and cut off the tail. I hate the tail it feels funny.” Klah would say.
“Wow I didn’t know that you were so picky.” Roy would say to the owl as he picked up the mouse. Roy would take out a kunai and chop off the tail and hang the rest of the mouse in front of him. Klah would look up towards the mouse. “Well hand it over now.” Klah would say to Roy.
“But what if I want it?” Roy would say in response.
“No, you don’t want it, now hand it over.” Klah would say. It was obvious that the owl was trying to hold back its desire to get the “delicious” treat. His eyes would widen and move with the mouse as Roy swung it around.
“No, I think I’ll keep it, thanks.” Roy would say to the owl.
“HAND IT OVER YOU RUNT.” Klah would well back to Roy clearly unhappy with what was going on.
“…say please” Roy would then say to the owl.
“…please give me the mouse.” Klah would say, defeated now. And just then Roy would drop the mouse down to Klah who would immediately gobble the thing up like his mouth was a vaccum. Roy was trying to make sure Klah knew that he was in charge in this relationship and it would continue that way as long as the owl and Roy remained in partnership.
“Now, was that so hard?” Roy would ask the owl when he was finished.
“Shut it.” Klah would say in response.
After this engagement ended Roy would give Klah a tour of the village while he rode on Roy’s shoulder. Klah confirmed that as long as Roy remained loyal to the owls that they would aid Roy on whatever quest he needed but would have to meet and gain their trust before they could summon in battle. Once that was done Klah and Roy would bow deeply to each other and the owl would de-summon itself back to the lunatic forest. Until such a time that they both met again.

[1000+ words, I would like to purchase the ability to summon Klah, Contract Owl once his jutsu is approved, as well as 5 stats.]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Sun Dec 17, 2017 2:12 pm
After Klah headed back to the lunatic forest Roy still had almost half a day to do more training so that he could get stronger. He would drop off any belongings that he didn’t need and then pick up some ninja tools and head out to the training grounds. He would be running around the village as his warm up and end up near the center of the training grounds to learn a new fire style technique. When he got back to the grove he would begin by doing some light exercising to make sure that his chakra network and body were warmed up for training today. Once that was complete he would start by a lower level fire style ninjutsu. He would do the tiger hand seal to compete Fire Style: Fire stream and instantly a stream of fire would come out of Roys mouth and dissipate as it hit the ground as to not set anything on fire. HE would do this a few more times to make sure that he got the technique down so that he could move on to learning the great fireball technique. Once this was done roy would take a quick break.

[200 Words, 1 stat and 200 towards great fireball.]
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:37 am
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:18 am
Training was definitely exhausting when Roy had to make sure that he made enough time to spend with his summons; the owls of the forest of course did not want to spend time out in the day and especially didn’t want to have them on his bad side. So from until the time that he first spent time his summon outside of training forests in the lunatic area he would have to make sure that he talked and trained with them in the nighttime. It meant a lot of late nights and then early mornings up from his inn and back into the training grounds to learn new techniques and then expose more of the talent he had as a ninja. Now more than ever he had to spend even more time making sure that he didn’t just let the time slip away as me meandered about the training grounds. He didn’t want to end up like his father or any of the other genin in the village who didn’t do anything with their lives. Roy had purpose to be the best that he could be now and he didn’t have enough skill yet as a shinobi to make sure that he succeeded in what he wanted to do.

[209 Words. Just to make different posts for different claims.]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:08 am
After his short break from training he would finish eating his meal which consisted of some rice cakes and some chicken breast and get back into training. He would put all of his food back into his pack and then find himself running around the grove doing a bit more running to make sure that he had enough fire chakra warmed up in his body to do the fireball a few times before he had to take a break. He would run around the grove a few times at a medium pace and then once he finished the first lap of training Roy would speed out into a full out sprint for two more laps. He would run as fast as he could around the grove and back to the starting point so that he could feel his heart pumping blood deep into his body and getting his chakra heated up to the point that it was naturally ready for him to do fire style techniques. Then once he finished those laps he would end it with doing a few laps around the grove in a slow walk. This would make sure that he didn’t exhaust himself while he was training and give him time to get back into a neutral position to start training. IT also gave him a bit of time to come up with a game plan to learn the technique quickly and accurately.
Roy thought in his mind while he was walking the grove that the first step in learning the great fireball was being able to master the hand signs that he would need to make sure the jutsu had enough power. Each hand sign that Roy did would exponentially increase the power and potency of the technique making it more powerful than some of its other less powerful origin techniques.  Roy would get out his notepad and his pencil that had all the techniques that he was going to learn written down in it and make sure that he remembered each hand sign correctly. There were a total of 2 hand signs for this technique and they were horse and then tiger. It was deceivingly simple to remember as Roy didn’t have enough experience with fire style techniques to know exactly what he was doing. Seeing how many there were it was going to be harder than Roy had originally thought. However Roy did have a talent for making jutsu that were difficult to master look easy to master in just one day. Roy was determined to make sure that he mastered this technique as quickly as he could and his goal was to do it before the moon reached its highest point in the sky. This meant that Roy had just about 4 hours to make sure that the technique was mastered as around this time the sun was just about down and the moon was just beginning to be seen beyond the mountains. Roy could see that many of the younger ninja were leaving the training grounds as he heard them all laughing and running just beyond the grove and onto the path that headed back home.
The jutsu that he was trying to learn was the great fireball jutsu. AS he finished his walking to and from the stump where all of his equipment was to the end of the grove he would do the two handseals in his hand and mind to make sure that he had them mastered. He wasn’t going to make a mistake and waste chakra to learn the technique better. Once Roy could do both hand seals correctly in a short amount of time Roy would then head to the center of the grove and to the stump where he was going to practice the technique. Roy did not want to shoot the fireball in the direction of the forest because he didn’t know if they would catch fire and that would be a bad thing to happen in the middle of the night. Before Roy did that however he would sit down on the grove and do some push-ups and some sit ups to make his muscles in his body work hard. He did this so that he would be able to train his body and his chakra with enough stamina to hold his own in a fight. Roy wouldn’t want to fuck up his body during a fight by going as hard as he could and then mess up right at the end and damage something permanently. While the very many talented ninja that were here in the ninja world that could fix a lot of issues they couldn’t do everything and Roy didn’t want to ruin his life damaging himself. Roy was going to do this the right way and he was going to do it the healthy way. So he would spend about ten minutes doing these small exercises well to get his muscles to feel the burn before he would get back up from the grove, get into position, and then begin shooting fire out of his mouth again.  
Roy did the tiger seal and did the fire stream again out his mouth. This time he was aiming for the stump that he normally would have his gear on in an attempt to make it stronger than it already was. The first time that roy did it and all the other times that Roy did the fire stream while he was training would end up having it do very little to the forest or to the target which wasn’t what Roy had in mind. His goal was to make the fire burn the enemy quickly. This would mean that Roy would need more power and the great fireball was the way to do it. The fire stream was going to give Roy the training and the control that he needed to make bigger and stronger fires in the future. Roy would keep this fire up for a few minutes to show himself that he indeed had enough stamina to make the fireball work. It didn’t do much and it didn’t have a lot of power but it was a gateway into doing the great fireball. Once he let the fire stop streaming from out of his mouth Roy would continue his training by doing the fireball for the first time. Roy would do the horse then tiger seals and then suddenly Roy would feel an immense amount of chakra coming from his chest. The fire was then expelled out of Roys mouth and into the direction of stump which Roy was aiming at but once he did he realized that he didn’t have the control that he was needing to make the technique work. The fire was getting out of control as he didn’t have enough energy to keep the fire going in the same direction. After a moment the fire would stop coming out of his mouth and instead of launching a fire ball it was as though he was vomiting fire chakra out of his mouth and indeed Roy did feel sick. After the first attempt at the jutsu Roy almost collapsed out of his sickness but got himself to his water in his sack and cooled his body down. Roy was ashamed that it didn’t work. He had done everything that he needed to make sure that he didn’t mess it up but he still did. This wasn’t going to be the end of his training. But this was the first time in Roys training at the village hidden the leaves that he didn’t feel as though he was getting it. Roy would spend about 30 minutes thinking about his performance with the technique and cooling himself down before he would try again. This time he was going to still aim for the stump but he was going to keep the fire ball in his body a bit longer to make sure that he had enough time for it to form into the fireball shape. Roy would get into position and try it again. He would do the two hand seals and then in an instant he could feel the fire chakra kneading in his chest again as he was doing that he would imagine it to be like the Rasengan where he was forming it into a ball in his hand and then condensing it down. Roy would let the fire out of his mouth and onto the stump. The fire still didn’t have the effect that Roy was looking for but this time he didn’t feel as sick when he did it and he felt as though he could do it again. Roy was getting better at the technique and he could feel as though he was training. Roy would sit down after letting the fire end and write down notes on what he was doing wrong. He was still having trouble with making the form the way that he should and this was going to be the test of his talent as a ninja. Roy would go to his sack and get some more water to cool himself down but he realized that he was out. He had done all the training that he could for the night because he wasn’t going to go cause himself any pain or torture by not having more water while he was training fire techniques. Roy would sigh a bit he realized that he had hadn’t mastered the technique he was working on. He had failed his first ever mission that he had set for himself and Roy was disappointed because he knew that he was better than this. This wasn’t normal for him to be this down at himself but his confidence had really taken a hit during this training. Roy would pick up all of his things and look around the grove. While you could clearly see places where the fire that he took out of his mouth were scorched there didn’t seem to be much permanent damage to the grove. Given some time to heal the grove would never be any different than what Roy had seen it when he was starting his training. With the moon high in the sky now and all of his belongings with him Roy would begin his journey back. He would look down at the trail and think about all the things that he did wrong today with his training. Once he got back to the inn he would see that nobody was downstairs and there was no food waiting for him. He had gotten back to the village very late. HE would get into his room and take off his clothes and get into his sleeping gear. Using the chakra cleanse technique he would wash all of the nature and ash that was on him to the wind and then climb into his bed for some much needed but, in Roys twisted mind, undeserved rest. HE would look up to the ceiling and ponder still all the things he did wrong until he finally fell asleep.
                When Roy got up the next morning he realized that he had slept most of the morning away  as when he did finally get up the sun was shining brightly into his room from the window and village hidden in the leaves  was up and running. Roy didn’t realized how exhausted he was from his training but when he finally got up he was happy that he was finally able to finish he training of the great fireball technique. Roy realized that while he didn’t complete he training of the technique during his first day of training that it was just a small bump in the road of his path to becoming a ninja. While he was still disappointed Roy understood that if he kept his failures from the past in his mind he wouldn’t have any energy left to do anything that he wanted to in the future. So When Roy got up and dressed for training today he went down and greeted the innkeeper the same way that he would any other day. Today when he got down to the inns first floor he would sit in the dining room and eat as much food as he could muster because he needed to be full for the day of training ahead. He would thank his host for the food as he finished two plates of food and then headed back up to his room to pack his things. Roy would pack extra water and even more food from his stash to make sure that he could do a whole days’ worth of training without running out of supplies for the training to end early like it did last night. He was not going to do yesterday’s mistakes again. Roy was going to learn from them and move onto the next day with the same passion that he had always had while he was in the village hidden in the leaves. He would go the hidden mist ninja camp and see if they needed him to do anything for the village. Again they would say that they didn’t need him to do anything and Roy thanked them for their time as he walked away and ran again to the training grounds for more training. Roy would pass through all the other training sessions and then he would land himself directly back to the grove. When he got there he would take a look at everything and he would see that the grove had already begun to heal itself from the training that happened the day before. The grass was green again and trees appeared to have no damage on them. Even the stump that Roy was using as a target was in very good shape and ready to be burned again. Today was a beautiful day to train as the sun was out and temperature was just right for Roy. When he got to the grove he would set down his things and then run around the grove three times again to get his body warmed up for the training session that was going on. Then Roy would sprint around the grove two times to get his heart warmed up and his body loose for the training to come. Then he would walk around the grove three more times and to cool down his body and come up with his game plan for the day. After all of that was done Roy would spend another ten minutes of warming up by doing some push-ups and some kicks and punches around the grove to stimulate the muscles and then get his blood pumped and his chakra levels hot and ready for fire style techniques. After all of his warm up routine was done Roy was ready to make this training the best ever.
Roy would stand a few meters away from the stump as he would do the fire seal and this time he would do the fire stream technique. Roy would see the flames come out of his mouth and this time they were a bit hotter and a bit stronger than before. His body had adjusted himself to the training that he had done before and he was now ready for his training of the fireball to continue. He would let down his fire stream and take some water before doing the fireball again. Roy would do the horse and then tiger seal again so that he would get the fire in his chest ready. He would attempt to make a fire ball in his mouth and then launch it at the stump. His body would begin to feel weak as the fire expelled from his mouth. While not a sphere it wasn’t as bad as it was last time he did the technique. The flames were more powerful and his form was a bit better but it still wasn’t the fire ball. Roy would pant and get down on his knees as he finished his chance again. He still didn’t have it down but it was getting better as sweat was pouring down the young ninjas face and head. He would find himself taking his first break and he ate a protein bar and some grapes as well as drinking half of his water before getting up again. He wasn’t going to end his session early like he did last night so Roy would head out of the training grounds with all of his things and then back into the village where he found a shop and baught himself a bigger water bottle and filled up the rest of his water. His sack would be a bit heavier and his load a bit more but this time he would at least have a bit more water about him so that he could train a few more hours without having to stop. Roy would then get back to the training grounds and with the extra weight on he would run the rest of the way back to the center of the grounds and to the grove where he was training. When he got back it a bit past one o clock and Roy was ready to train again. He would take all of his gear off and stand a few meters from the stump and do the horse seal and the tiger seal and then expel his fire chakra again. This time the ball of chakra was there but the flames were not nearly powerful enough for him. He would let the fireball go and it would land at the target but wouldn’t have enough power to do the damage that he had hoped that it would. Roy would then be sweating again but this time he didn’t feel sick doing it and instead just had some sweat dripping from his brow a bit. He would walk himself back to his gear and drink some more water and have another bar of protein but this time he was not going to take a break. This was just quick to keep his levels of energy high as he would try again. He would do the horse seal and then the tiger seal as the fire would burn up inside of Roy and then out of his mouth. The fireball was bigger and stronger but still he was losing some power as he lost some fire chakra releasing it from his mouth. It was a step in the right direction as roy did not feel tired in the slightest doing this attempt. He would do the seals again and get the same result but he still didn’t feel the need to take a break. HE would do the seals a third time and this time the fireball was the right size but still didn’t have enough power when he launched it. Roy would feel that attempt as one that was a bit too much as that one though did make Roy a bit tired. He would go back to his gear and this time he would take a break. Only a few minutes of training had past and he could see that his mastery of the jutsu was nearly complete. Roy would smile and laugh at himself because he was proud to learn such a difficult technique in still a short amount of time. It wasn’t short relative to how much time it took Roy to train other techniques but this was still short to a lot of Roys peers. After starting to feel a bit proud Roy would snap out of his pride and get back to training. He would find himself a few meters away from the stump and this time it was going to work. With determination in his eyes Roy would do the horse seal and then the tiger seal as a massive amount of fire would come out of Roys mouth and then form into a massive ball of fire chakra and then be launched to the stump. When the fire connected to the stump he could feel the energy as the grass around the stump would burn and the stump itself would begin to look black. Roy would see all of this as the smoke from the flame cleared and Roy could see what he did. He had done the fireball without losing any form or any power when he was forming it. Roy was happy to see his jutsu finally be complete. Roy didn’t feel tired when he did it and didn’t feel as though he needed to take a break. HE would do the horse and then the tiger seal a second time and feel the fire in his chest. Releasing it he could see another perfect fireball come out of his mouth as Roy let the jutsu end. It was another perfect fireball as Roy saw. Roy would do this one more time again. He would release another fireball at the stump and this one was as good as the other two. Roy began and understood the technique now and was confident enough to say that he had master the great fireball jutsu.
As Roy sat down and took another break Roy would think about how he first tried to learn the fireball and what came out of it. IT wasn’t controlled but it was still powerful enough for Roy to feel as though the technique could be something. Roy would think for a bit as to what jutsu was about that and he would think about the fire dragon bullet jutsu. It was a more difficult technique than the great fireball but Roy felt as though with a bit more training Roy could master that technique as well. Roy thought that he had laid the groundwork to master the technique pretty well as the ninja already mastered the fire stream jutsu was just a small scale form of the technique and when he was training the fireball he created a wide range fire technique from his chakra. All he had to do was mix the two methods as well as the power from the great fireball jutsu to make this work. Roy would finish almost half of his water thinking about this this and as he ate more food he would take note of the time. A few more hours had passed since noon and he only had a few more left to train and just above half of his water left. Roy was ready to finish this training by mastering this other technique as quickly as he could. Roy would stand a few meters away from the stump and do the necessary hand seals for the technique. Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger in quick succession. Roy was stunned at how many seals were needed for this technique to work as Roy noticed that it was going to be far more powerful than any other technique that had tried to learn save for the Rasengan. Roy would do the seals and immediately he could feel the immense pressure of fire coming from his chest. He knew that he would need to hold it in long enough for it to condense but in this first attempt Roy had no choice but to release it earlier than he wanted to. Roy would see the results of that as the fire was weak and most of it was centered around where the fireball would be. As it slowly launched out of his body Roy would see that while the fireball was powerful the rest of the jutsu was weak and didn’t resemble the dragon that Roy was going for. Roy would collapse after this attempt because it was by far the most amount of chakra that he had ever tried to knead in one go and this would show as to how exhausted Roy was when he finished the flames and they all dissipated. As soon as he could Roy would get back to his gear and drink almost all of his remaining water as he body began to feel tired already after just one attempt at the technique. Roy would look up to sky and see that he still had a few more hours of training time but not enough water to finish the day out. After he finished his break Roy decided that he would gather up his things and head back into the village. While the sun was still up in the sky he would go for a quick lunch and refill of his water supply and then head back to the training grounds. Roy would go back to the inn where the host usually had dinner ready by this time. Roy was never there as he was out doing things in the village or he was training the times that dinner was served but today Roy would take advantage of the food and eat up. The food was good the host gave Roy seconds and bit more to eat on the road, Roy would then fill up his water, thank the host for the meal, and then head on back to the training grounds to complete his training.
Roy would get back to the training ground with about an hour left of time for him to train. He thought about staying out later but he also didn’t want to sleep his morning away tomorrow like he did today. Roy would get to the training grounds and as before he would run when he go the edge and until he got himself to the grove where he normally trained. Roy would get there and set down his gear and do a few more sprinting laps around the grove as well as about ten more minutes of warming up his body before attempting the justu again. When Roy was all warmed up again Roy would head to about a few meters away from the stump and he would do the hand seals Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger in quick succession. Once he finished with the tiger seal Roy would feel the fire energy in his body the same that he did the last time. This time however he was going to focus it in expelling it in a wider area and then making sure that the power was equal on all sides of the jutsu. He would release the fire from his mouth and the power almost felt like Roy was having his face ripped and burned into two. Roy worked through the pain and saw that while the fire power was more evenly distributed Roy still didn’t have enough energy to make the dragon or keep it equal in power as near the end of the technique Roy could see that his fire nature energy was being directed towards the center of the jutsu but still not making a dragon. Roy would get down on his knees when the jutsu ended and Roy saw that while it looked better it was still going to be far from perfect and it still took a lot out of the young genin. Roy would stand up again and head to his gear to have yet another break before trying the technique again. This time it was going to be his last for the day as the sun was just about down when Roy felt ready to go for another round. Roy would stand a few meters away from the stump and do the hand seals, Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger in rapid motion. After the tiger seal was done Roy could feel the energy roaring through him but he was going to make sure that it maintained form this time. As Roy did this he would release the fire and he would focus on making sure that the dragon in the center was clear and visible. The dragon, Roy realized, was not just to show how much of a master that person was of the technique but also that Roy was talented in many different changes his chakra. This could show enemies how much they should fear Roy and his talents. In fact as Roy was finished expelling his chakra into the air around him he could see that the dragon that he was looking for was showing up in the center. Roy again had to collapse onto the ground as the power was still too much for him to handle this time. Roy would watch as the dragon which was almost formed would engulf the stump he had been training on. If Roy was on the receiving end of that Roy wouldn’t want to attack the enemy he would just want to run away. While that wasn’t fully true Roy knew that he had something good under his sleeve when he actually mastered this technique. Roy would stand up with sweat dripping from his brow again and his body sore all over from the days training. Roy decided that now was the best time for him to finish up and head back into the village. Roy would stand up, get his water, finish it, and head back to a few meters away from the stump and do the horse and tiger seals to make a fireball. He still had the technique down so Roy would be happy for the days training. He would then pick up all of his things and head onto the village where today Roy was going to make sure that he gave his body a bit of a break. Roy would go to the springs where he could go and make sure that his body was healed by the waters. Roy would pay the fee to get in and find him with a bunch of other ninja there. He would strip down and get into the water. He looked down and away from the other ninja there as most of them were bigger than Roy and leaf ninja. He didn’t want them to know that Roy was indeed a mist ninja and didn’t want to cause trouble for him or his village. Roy would head to the end of the tub where there were a few people and just sit down in the water and close his eyes. He would stay in the hot water for a good while, probably a bit longer than he should have, and head back into the cold water and then into the relaxation pool to end the session. Roy did not say a word while he was in there even after seeing a few people that he knew because he was too busy thinking about all the things that he needed to do tomorrow for his training. Roy would get out of the hot springs refreshed however and ready for the day. Roy would thank the masters there and walk back to his inn where he would head straight up to bed and fall straight to sleep. Perhaps he was more tired that Roy had thought when he got to the inn.
                Again Roy would wake up the next morning and it was almost noontime. Roy would sigh when he got out of bed and head down to the first floor where the keeper was still holding breakfast. Roy would eat as much as he could again and thank the innkeeper for the meal. After heading back up to his room and grabbing everything that he would need for the day he would head out into the village. His first stop again would be to go to the mist ninja in the village and as them if they needed Roy to do anything today. They again would say no to Roy and Roy would bow deeply to them as he headed off out to the village and to the training grounds. When he got the edge of the training grounds Roy would start running with all of his gear to the grove and then when he got to the grove he would set down all of this things and do some sprinting around the grove a few times until his still sore body was all loose and ready for training. He would walk around the grove a few more laps to make sure that he was ready for the training today and when he was ready Roy would grab a bit of water from his bottle and splash it on his face today. He didn’t want his body to feel as tired and hot as it did yesterday. Then he would drink some water, set it down, and then do some more body exercises before starting his training for the day. HE pretty much had the same amount of time to train as he did the day before but this time he knew he was going to master the technique before the sun was almost down. Roy would start out by doing the fire stream technique. He would do the tiger seal and then watch as even more powerful flames began to spurt out of Roy’s mouth. These flames were far from the weak flames that he made the last few days because they were clearly stronger that even the first fireball that Roy did two days ago. Roy would be happy to see that growth as he would then release the fire stream and then do the horse and then tiger seal to then release a fire ball out of his mouth. Roy would then do that three more times to make sure that he had the technique down and he as ready to move on to the next one.
After Roy made sure that he had all of his fireballs honed in on the stump Roy could begin to see that his stamina was getting more than it was when he first started doing fire techniques. Roy still had a long way to go before he was happy with his stamina but he did show that he was getting better. After Roy took a short break to eat some food and drink some water Roy was ready to train his new technique. Roy would end up a few meters away from the stump that he had been aiming for and he would do the necessary hand seals in quick succession. He would do Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger and see that his body was being filled up with chakra. He would hold this fire in as long as he could and focus on making the dragon. Roy would then release the fire chakra and bend over a bit as the fire was still giving him trouble. Roy would see that a drake would from at the center of the attack but would also notice that the fires around it were still weak. When the fire dragon landed on the stump he could see the flames were a bit more powerful than the fireball but still not strong enough for Roy to see enough progress was being made. Roy would be sweating a bit but it wasn’t enough for him to stop. He would wait a minute for the flames to dissipate and then he would do Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger again and after a few moments he would feel the fire flowing through him again. He would release the technique, see the dragon, and this time the fires were a bit stronger around it. Roy could see that he was making progress but he still wasn’t there. Roy would do the technique again and this time he would he do the hand seals quicker than he did before. He would force his body to expel more chakra faster as he would release the fire at a much faster rate. Roy would see the dragon again and then notice that the fires around it were indeed getting stronger than they were before. Roy would smile a bit to see that his training was paying off. Roy would then get back into the groove of his training by going to his gear and taking a break by drinking some of his water and eating some food. Then when he was finished with his break he would head back to his target location and do the hand seals again, Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger and then forcing the fire chakra inside to get hotter and hotter. He would release the fire charka quickly and see that the fire around the dragon was just as strong as the dragon itself. Roy would see that while it still caused him pain as when Roy did this move he still was sweating a lot he could see that he was on the right track to making the technique work. Roy would follow this cycle a few more times before taking anther break. All but one of his times that he did the technique from that point forward did Roy succeed in making the fire dragon perfectly which meant to him that he mastered the technique. After he did his break and had his water Roy would go back to the target location and do the technique more times. Each time that he did the technique he could see that he was using less chakra and he was seeing more power coming out of it. Roy would be confident in knowing that this technique was at least learned. Happy with the results Roy would sit down and think about what to do next. He still had a bout three more hours left of good training with enough food and water to last it. Roy would decide that while he was happy with the technique that he just trained he knew that he needed to go for more. Roy remembered a time when he was in the training academy that there was a technique that was one of the most powerful fire jutsu ever. Roy was going to learn that technique now because it was the next logical step for Roy to learn. It was almost a forbidden jutsu because of how much training and power was needed for it to work but Roy was going to learn it much like he did the other two. The technique was called Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation and it was going to be the next technique that Roy learned. Roy knew that while this was powerful all Roy had to do was the horse seal and that was it. Roy also realized that he needed more space than what the grove offered because he was not going to make the grove a ash field. HE would head out of the grove and onto a flat part of the training grounds. Once there he would try to find a place with enough room for him to train his new technique. He was alone with nobody around him finally and once he put his gear down he went straight into training the technique. Roy would do the horse seal and focus on doing the fire chakra as fast as he could. Roy would then release the fire chakra out of his mouth and onto the field. There was not nearly enough power for Roy to call this a legendary technique. Roy knew that his training this time was going to be to amass all the chakra that he needed from just one seal. Roy was ready to do this but for now he would wait. He found the place that he could train and it was nearly dark. Roy would head back tomorrow to continue.

[Here we go, from the 209 words earlier I have 6800 words. Id like to purchase Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet , I would also like Fire Release: Great Fireball and then 2000/4000 training for Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation. I would also like a total of 34 Stats pls]
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Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:54 am
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 3 Empty Re: Roys Training

Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:54 pm
The next day Roy would head back to the training grounds. The day before was tough and he had accomplished a lot of work this week in regards to training. Already he had begun to understand the importance of controlling his chakra form while it was still with him and now he was going use the massive amount of training that he had done these past few days for his fire style techniques so that he could master a very difficult fire style technique. One of the most powerful fire style techniques, that being what could only be known as a great fire annihilation jutsu. Roy heard about the great ninjas of old using this technique in very different ways against numerous different opponents. Now Roy was going to learn the technique and do so today. Roy would wake up the next morning in his inn again a lot later than what he usually did back in the hidden mist village. Roy noticed that he was turning into more and more of an owl each day as now that he had communicated with his summon outside of the lunatic forest he could see how powerful the night was to them and now to him. Roy would wake up the next day refreshed and ready to go for another day of training. He would head down to the first floor where the inn keeper was just about finish breakfast for the day. The lady was nice enough to hold Roy a plate of food because he knew that he was a guest that had always wanted food since he got there. After thanking the keeper and eating the whole plate of food Roy would head back into his room to clean up and get dressed for the day of training ahead. Once he got all of his gear ready to go in was nearly noontime which was of course an oddity for the normally early riser. He would feel rushed and like he had no time when he woke up from his sleep. He knew that going to the hot springs after a long day of training would completely tucker the ninja out for the next morning but it also meant that Roy was not sore at all for today’s training. He would head out and go to the local store where he would buy some snacks for the day as well as fill up his water. He decided today that he was going to get some meat and other high calorie snacks today because he didn’t want to run out of energy today while he was training.
After buying his food and thinking the shop owner for his time he would head down to the hidden mist village ninja to let them know that he was going to be in the training grounds again today. Part of him was hoping that the ninja there would have a mission for him because he needed more money but also if they didn’t he knew that he had time to learn his new jutsu. Of course the ninja there told him that they had no missions or assignments for him today and Roy would bow deeply to them as he finally got on his way to the training grounds. Today like the last few days he would run with all of his gear to the field where he decided to train this new technique and when he got to the entrance of the training grounds Roy would begin a sprint the rest of the way. As he ran towards the field he would look around to see if there was anybody that he knew that was also training today. He saw some students that were doing some academy work and what appeared to be genin team doing some training with his master. He couldn’t quite tell what they were working on but Roy didn’t really have time today to stay and chat. Other than the two groups that were there Roy would see nobody else which meant that hopefully the field that he was going to be training at would be empty. He would take his sprint and finish off at the field which was thankfully empty which meant that Roy could start his training right away. He would get off all of his gear that he had on him and do some light exercises like some push-ups and some sit ups before he would finally begin his normal morning routine. 

[748 words. Carrying over to a later post for now.]
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