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Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:42 am
Roy would wake up the next morning to begin another day of training in the village hidden in the leaves. Something was not right with Roy today. It was as though there was something big about to happen and the world was trying to warn him quickly. His training would need to accelerate a lot faster if he was going to survive whatever was coming up next and he was going to survive. Roy needed to insure that everything was in place for the next coming fight and today was going to be the day that he learned yet another high ranked ninjutsu technique. Roy knew that in his current form he didn’t stand a chance at beating anyone that was the same rank as him or stronger since he didn’t have a jutsu that gave him more ability and more power. That would turn the tide in any battle Roy knew and he was going do his best to make sure that he had enough power to make it work along with his other techniques. When Roy got up he decided that this was going to be the best way for him to spend some training and the best way for him to use his time wisely right now. This was going to be a better way for Roy to get his stats up without him hurting himself or doing anything that could kill him in the future. As Roy would get out of bed today he would look out the window and into the village beyond. Roy never really got the change to do much looking around the village seeing as though he was always on duty with the mist village or he was going to be doing training in the training grounds. But today Roy was looking out and he was able to see how magnificent the village was during this time of night. Roy could see many of great areas around him which were all being blessed by the moonlight around him. Roy would see many things around him. The first of which would be the hokage rock which would be in the great beyond of the village grounds. He would notice that most of the faces on the village Roy did not know nor did him care to know because clearly they all didn’t have the skills or the ability to survive into the future of the world. He would look to the end of the hokage right and see the face of the new hokage still being built in the village looking as magnificent as the others. Although Roy didn’t know who these ninja where he was always in Awe of the great way that the builders were able to portray the ninja into the stone. Roy would examine each and every carving carefully so that he could know their face for the future should he ever need to do a history lesson and they were the topic. Roy would then look around some more and look up the sky and see the clear night above him. The stars in all of their glory were shining brightly along with the majesty of the moon. The world knew of the great woman that resided inside the moon but still it did not take away from the beauty that it bestowed within the world that it shined on below. Roy would look up in the wonder at the great stars that were above there and thought about how it was possible that so many stars could have been created and this one was the only one that had a ninja world on it. There was so much to world that Roy didn’t know and there was so much more that Roy didn’t fully understand about the world that he knew that he was going to have to if he was going to survive in  this ninja world. Roy would then look down onto the village floor and he would see the great buildings that dotted the great village hidden in the leaves. The one that towered above all the other ones was of course the hokage chambers where Roy assumed the lord Mizukage was residing in right now. Roy would think about all the great many things that the lord Mizukage must have done in order for him to reach this point in his life. Roy only wanted to know what the power of being the Mizukage meant for just one minute in his life to see what he could do. Roy also thought about all the carnage and power that the Mizukage had to dispense because of his will on others in any one given moment and Roy then went back on his word to want to become Mizukage right now. Roy knew that he was not ready to do it and he still had a long way to go if he wanted to make being the Mizukage a reality. Roy would sigh at the thought of truly becoming the Mizukage for even a minute and then realized all the work that had to have gone into the Mizukage for him to become the Mizukage. Roy wondered what hardships he had to have gone through and what things Roy would have to do in order to reach that spot. Roy was still after all content with just being a ninja in his great ninja village but one day he would like to have that same kind of power as well. Roy would smile thinking of the day that he could quite possibly become the Mizukage and have dominion over thousands of people. What would his legacy be however? Would Roy leave a legacy as powerful and fearful that the lord Mizukage had or would his legacy be nothing but a ripple in the great stream of time. Such things were things that Roy thought about while he looked at the chamber of the Hokage. Perhaps now was not the time for Roy to wonder and think about such things. Roy wasn’t getting anywhere just thinking about it because he knew that he had a lot training to do if he was going to get there any time soon. Before long he would close the curtain on the window and start to prepare his day.  
As Roy closed the curtain on the window beyond he would spend more time getting ready than usual for training today. He was going to make sure that he had everything ready and prepared for his day of training ahead and he didn’t want to leave even the slightest thing behind. That being said Roy would strip down to his boxer shorts and with a burst of chakra from his inner chest he would begin to feel the cleansing power of chakra radate through his body and clothes and remove all the dust and dirt that were on them from the nights rest. He wanted to be clean for today’s day of training so that he didn’t have to do it later. Roy would then complete the jutsu known as the chakra cleanse technique on his body for almost double the amount of time that he normally did it. He would do it for a long time to make sure that he didn’t miss any spot. While he was getting his other supplies ready Roy would put the rest of his clothing into the pot for some washing and then leave them out to hang dry for a bit. Roy was a bit cold hanging out in his bedroom in his boxer shorts and knew that there was a jutsu that he could do for that as well. In another instant Roy would then do the inner flame technique to make his body feel warmer and he could get more done. As Roys body warmed up by him doing the tiger seal and then having him release it Roy would remember when he was just learning how to do the technique and how much he had grown since that time to be able to do that technique without much difficultly at all even while he was just half asleep. Roy would laugh a bit at that and then look inside of his notebook. As expected of his notebook the darn thing had been tattered up from all of the training that he had done and also the book had been majorly written in with only few pages of notes left to be taken in it before he would need to buy a new one. Roy would look around the pages of the book to memorize all of the hand seals that he would need to remember from the other jutsu that he did. He knew that he was going to learn a new jutsu today that didn’t have any hand seals in it so Roy wanted to take some time to remember the seals of the jutsu that he did have training on. He wanted to take some time so that he would stay sharp with them and he wouldn’t forget them and have to start training them all over again. Roy would look at his notes for a few minutes until his clothes were clean and ready to be put back on. Roy would head to the hanger and feel the dampness of his clothes and thought that was enough for him to dry his clothes using the inner flame jutsu. Roy would put on his cold clothes and then when he finally had all of them on including his socks he would do the inner flame jutsu on himself and with an instant he would begin to feel his clothes warm up a bit from the flame coming from the chakra inside of Roy. After holding the tiger seal for just a bit longer he could then feel the clothes starting to dry a bit and with  a bit longer of holding the tiger seal he could feel that his clothes were completely dry. Roy would then sit back down on the bed and begin to tie his shoes up. Since Roy had gotten into the village hidden in the leaves Roy had grown a bit. His clothes were fitting him snugly and his shoes were starting to get a little too small for his feet. Using some of the money that Roy had on new shoes would be one of the first things that Roy did should he ever get back to the hidden mist village and he home. As he finished tying his shoes he would stand back up from his bed and continue to pack all of his gear for his day of training.  Roy would take out everything from his case and see what he needed and what he really didn’t need to train. The first thing that he didn’t need was all the trash and other junk that was in all the pouches of his back pack and so Roy would take them all out and throw them in the trash. Roy would then take out some of the water and other snacks that he didn’t need because he thought that today would be a good day to actually go back into the village for some lunch. Roy would think about everything else that was in the pack and realized that he needed it all. It came with all of his ninja weapons along with some of his money and the rest of his water and food so that he at least had enough for his training for the day. Zipping all of that up he would put everything that he needed back into his back pack and then get his pen and paper and put it in his pockets as well as few extra snacks for the road. Roy would then look at his bed and see that it was a bit of a mess from the cleaning that he did he would take some time to make his bed and tidy up his room so that the inn keeper did not have to come in and spend her whole day have to clean up after Roy. Even though Roy was not at home right now he didn’t think of his stay at the village hidden in the leaves as a vacation. He knew  that he was going to have to train hard if he was going to be seen a ninja in the eyes of the fellow mist ninja if he survived coming back to the hidden mist village. Roy would open the door out to the hallway and then look back to see if he had missed anything. Making sure that he was good to go he would close his door behind him and use his key to lock it.
                As Roy would make it down the stairs to the first floor of the inn he would try to move as quietly as possible for the other guests. Roy knew that there were some days that Roy did not do that and he knew that he was waking up other guests. Or at least Roy knew that Roy at least being very loud towards them. Roy wouldn’t want a ninja to be loud and disturb their sleep so he would try to remember that this time and walk and slowly and as quietly as he could. Roy would then reach the bottom of the stairs and into the main room where breakfast for the day was being served by the innkeeper. Roy would take a seat down at the table and lay his belongs behind him on the ground. He would make sure to leave enough space in between himself a path that the inn keeper and other guests could walk through and so that they would not trip over his back pack. The innkeeper would then ask for Roy to wait a minute so that she could finish bringing out the rest of the meal and Roy decided that he would take that time to meditate waiting for the food to arrive. Roy would still indeed hungry from not having a good dinner from the night before he also knew that as a guest he would have to wait to make sure that the host was ready with everything that they had to offer and that also as a ninja Roy would need to make sure that he didn’t make himself look like he was weak for not being able to wait or too make sure that he didn’t look like a fool for not being able to follow traditions. Roy didn’t want to be either of these things so Roy decided that the best course of action for the time would be for him to meditate and think about all the things that he was going to do today. Today was going to be a tough day to train as he was using his chakra to make a shield around himself to make sure that he could take less damage from ninjutsu and also he would be able to move faster and stronger than most other ninja. This jutsu wasn’t one that was taught to ninja in school nor did many ninja in the village hidden in the leaves or the village hidden in the mist even thought of learning. It appeared to require a lot of chakra to maintain but it promised to reap many rewards for a ninja. Roy would finish a brief meditation just in time for the inn keeper to finish bringing out the rest of the food. By the time that the food was almost ready a few other early risers had gotten up as well and taken a seat at the table. When the innkeeper was prepared Roy would be allowed to eat as much as he could from the food. The food as always was very good food for a innkeeper and Roy would eat a full plate of food very quickly. Roy would finish his plate of food just as more guests would come down and fill up the rest of the table. Roy did not want to have to stay and chat with them so Roy would eat a bit faster than normal and would stand up with his plate and clean it up for the inn keeper so that she wouldn’t have to. Roy would then bow deeply to the inn keeper and thank her for the food before handing her the plate and walking out of the room and into the main hall. Roy would tell the inn keeper that he would be gone for pretty much the whole day doing some training and that he would be back well after sundown. Roy would sigh a bit as he walked outside and he could see the sun rising on the horizon. He knew that he had spent a bit more time than usual getting ready for the training day but he didn’t realize how long. Roy would then walk out of the inn and shut the door behind him. Roy’s first stop would be to head down to the local store to fill up his gallon of water and buy a few small snacks for the day of training. Roy would head to the nearest shop that was open and do these things with relative ease before heading back out of the quarter of the village that Roy was staying in and heading out to the center. With the water and extra snacks in his pack Roy would feel the weight on his shoulders a bit more. Roy was actually very comfortable with a bit of weight on his back but it still was a lot more than Roy would normally want to carry around. It made for roy to have a tough time to get around the town as quickly as he could normally and Roy didn’t like that but alas he didn’t have a choice if he wanted to have the best chance of training effectively today. Roy would then head down the narrow streets of the area and into the village square where the hidden mist ninja were stationed out for the day. Around this time there were really no persons awake to do anything in the village square. All the shops in the area were closed or the people that manned them were getting ready for the day of selling ahead. The only shops open at this time of night were the ninja shops that were opened all day and night and stores that sold convenient items like food and water. They were the only two types of stores that were being manned and opened for sales at this time of night so Roy would simply just have to walk to the ninja house to see if they were awake. When Roy finally got to the house where the ninja from the hidden mist village stations he would knock on the door and receive an answer from one of the ninja there. His headband would be the way that the ninja that opened the door would know that Roy was a mist ninja and after going through a bit more code and clearance Roy would enter the building. He told the ninja there, which happened to be the only ninja awake at the time, as Roy could clearly see that the other ninja in the building were in the living quarters and were sleeping. Roy would tell the ninja there that he would going to be in the training grounds for the rest of the day if they didn’t need him to do anything. The ninja would nod and say that today was going to be a light day for ninja as there wasn’t much trouble going on in the village. Roy bowed to the ninja and asked him if he could be dismissed from duty for the day so that he could focus on the training of the new jutsu. The ninja nodded again and told him that since Roy was going to be in the training grounds today that there were some things that he could do. The ninja told Roy that he could actually spend some time surveying the land and seeing if there was any way that the mist ninja could make it better through adding some dummies or by cleaning the areas up. Roy would bow deeply thanking the ninja for the task and the ninja would bow back and let Roy out of the building. Roy finally had something to do for the village that wasn’t just to wait for some random order from the village. This was something that Roy would love to do as well as he spend most of his day and almost all of his time in the village hidden in the leaves training at the training grounds. Roy would exit the ninja house in the village center and shut the door behind him before taking off to the training grounds.
As soon as Roy was out of site from the ninja house in the village square he would begin to do some light jogging towards the training grounds. Roy noticed that the citizens around here seemed to all be getting up at the same time as the sun was now fully visible on the horizon but had yet to do much of anything to warm up the village or give any real light to anyone. Roy would jog around and feel the weight of his back pack bounce up and down and he would begin to think about how many of the other villagers could hear of him running through the village hidden in the leaves. The village was a great big place, it was a lot bigger than Roy had ever expected, but that did not mean that he could just sit and cause a fuss in the middle of the morning.
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:43 am
Roy didn’t want the ninja or the villagers of the village hidden in the leaves of think of Roy as inconsiderate so Roy decided that it would be a better idea for him to do any sort of training at the training grounds where it belongs. Roy would stop running and begin to be quiet as a ninja should be at this time of night. Roy would move quickly however though the streets and alleys of the village to make sure that he didn’t miss out on too much of training. As Roy walked towards the training grounds he would notice something that he didn’t seem to catch before. As he got further away from the village square many of the houses and buildings, though newer, did not seem to have the same allure and luxury that the houses near the center of the village did. Roy saw as many of the buildings were surrounded by large trees that needed to be tended and many of their walls were beginning to crumble. This was a weird but interesting observation coming from the young ninja as he roamed around the village. After some walking and looking around the village a bit he would finally arrive at the entrance to the training grounds. Roy would decide that the best way for him to get his training done as  well as complete the mission had that the ninja of the village hidden in the mist had given to him was to do it now when there were no ninja or students around to get in the way. The first thing that Roy did when he got into the village training grounds would be to get to the grove to drop off all of his gear. Once Roy was a suitable distance between the entrance of the training ground and the inside of the training grounds Roy got as loud as he wanted to as he ran towards the the grove that was near the center of the training grounds. As roy followed the pathway he would take note of places where the track was beaten and could be repaired. He would also take note of many things that could be taken out of the training grounds just on this path alone. He would see old training equipment and broken trees and rocks just lying around. IT wasn’t the cleanest or the best things for a ninja to see when he got into the training grounds as he would have to find a place that was flat and clean enough for him and other ninja to train at. As roy reached the grove he thought about making the paths here better as well so others could use this training grounds as a place to train more privately. When Roy got into the small forest that was surrounding the grove he would begin going his fastest that he could before he got to the grove. Getting to the grove didn’t take long and Roy would notice that there was a lot of trash lying around the trees from ninja who didn’t care to clean up. Roy knew that was something that any ninja of any rank could do just for a bit of time so Roy jotted down a mental note of that. When Roy finally got to the grove he would notice that his training dummy was still there and the grove did not change from the last time that he used it. Roy would set down his gear and take out his pen and paper and write down all of the things that he saw while he ran towards the grove. After writing all of that down he would do some light stretching to make sure that his body was getting warmed up for any physical movements that Roy would have to do for his training today. After doing some stretching Roy would then head on over to the dummy where he would do a total of ten kicks with each leg and twenty punches with each hand to warm up his combat training for the day. Once that was done Roy would then head down to the flattest part of the grove and do some push ups to train his upper body, he would then do some sit ups to train the mid part of body, and then he would end with some squats to train the last part of his body. Roy would spend a good amount of time doing all of these things and by the time that he was done he would be able to hear fient sounds of training going on in the distance. Roy would head out the grove to finish his mission for the village ninja. He would head back to the entrance of the training grounds by doing a faster than normal run towards the sign. When he got to the sign he realized that sign to enter the training grounds could use a fresh coat of paint and some work to be done to it. Roy would look to both sides of him and he would then run down the path that led in that direction. The good thing about the training grounds was that it was a circle and that the path that Roy ran on would lead back to the entrance of the training grounds. As Roy went on his jog he would see places along the path that could be repaired as well as other places that needed to be worked on. HE would see places that training dummies needed to be repaired and then he would see places where people used chakra to make great structures of earth which meant that Roy would need to get somebody out there to clean up that area. There was so much to do in the training grounds that he was shocked that mist ninja or even leaf ninja didn’t get to cleaning it up sooner. Pretty much the entire training ground was a mess that needed to be cleaned up. Roy would sigh a bit at the state of things when he finished his full circle around the training grounds. When he got back on the pathway that led to the grove almost an hour had passed which was a long time to warm up. As he got there he would see a great many ninja were all out here beginning their days of training as well. Roy thought now would be the best time for himself to start his day of training too. Roy would sprint as fast as he could back to the grove where he could practice all by himself. Roy would run past many ninja that he had not seen before and others that he had seen before. None of them looked like good sparring partners so Roy would just run past them and head on back into the grove. As roy entered the grove Roy thought it was time for him to start training with his chakra. Roy would start with doing the tiger seal which would allow for fire chakra to burst out of his mouth as he was using the fire stream jutsu. Roy would do this a few times before ending that technique and moving onto another one. Roy would then move on to the great fireball jutsu. Roy would stand about 2 meters away from the training dummy and begin to do horse and then the tiger seal. Once he did the tiger seal he would feel the large amount of fire energy work around him and then he would expel it from his mouth in the form of a great fireball and then watch as the jutsu hit the dummy and exploded in its face. Roy would then do the jutsu again but time he would only use on hand to make the tiger seal to make the great fireball again. As he finished the hand seals Roy would feel the fire energy course through his body and then he would expel it straight from his mouth and targeted directly towards the training dummy. Roy would make several direct hits of this jutsu from many different attempts to make sure that he had it down and ready to move on. Roy would then go to making sure that he knew the phoenix fire jutsu as he would then step back again a few more meters and then knead a bit more chakra into his body before doing any more training. Roy wasn’t ready to take a break yet but he also wasn’t ready to move onto more advanced jutsu right now. Roy would do the hand seals Rat then Tiger followed by Dog then Ox followed by Rabbit and then ending with Tiger as fast as Roy could and then allowing the large amount of fire chakra flow through him in order to make enough to make the right amount of fireballs. Roy would then release all the chakra at the time which then made it to where his mastery of changes in chakra form would turn them all into great shapes of fire about a foot wide each all aimed toward the training dummy. Roy would watch as each one of them would connect with the training dummy which meant that the jutsu was a success. Roy had done the phoenix fire jutsu on the training dummy very easily showing how simple it was for him to do the jutsu in comparison to just a few days before. As Roy did the jutsu once he would begin to feel a bit tired from the warm up that he did along with the training that he had already done and decided that it was best for him to continue on with his training after a nice break.
It was mid morning or just sometime after that when Roy would take his first break for the day. He would sit on the tree stump next to his gear before taking some snacks and some water out. Roy would know that he needed to keep his strength up if he was going to continue training through the night. As he ate and drank he would look up to the sun in the sky and watch the clounds roll by him. There truly was something peaceful about these clouds and this village. Even though much had changed about it in recent times the village remained to be at peace. Roy would look down and into the forest beyond. As he looked through the many tree trunks he would see a few ninja running around the grove and then disappearing from site as they got into past the thicker brush. IT was just about time that many ninja would begin their training for the day here. Roy was hopefully not going to get in their way like other ninja because he was in the grove. Roy would then look down towards the grass below and comment to himself how fast it grew back. During the first few days of training in the hidden leaf Roy had begun his training for some fire style technique’s that had burned the land. Thankfully the land was able to heal itself rather quickly and Roy could see the emergence of new blades of grass coming up from the soil. In a few more weeks’ time the ground would appear as though Roy was never even there. Roy would finish his snack and put his water back down on the stump before beginning his training again. He had spent ten minutes on his break and he knew that anymore would make him lose sight of the training that he needed to do today. Roy would get up and do and then head to about 5 meters away from the dummy to do the phoenix fire jutsu again. He would do hand seals Rat then Tiger followed by Dog then Ox followed by Rabbit and then ending with Tiger as fast as Roy could so that he could improve the rate that he did hand seals. Roy would then release the chakra that was formed with the seals and put it back into his body where it would form itself into fire chakra and his lungs and chest would expand greatly. After a few more moments a large amount of fireballs would release out of his mouth in rapid succession. He would keep the tiger seal that he once the fireballs would launch he would use his chakra to manipulate the direction of the fireballs quickly so that they would take sharp turns right before they passed the training dummy. All the fireballs were going to the right so Roy would force them all to do go to the left now. Roy would do it again, he would do hand seals Rat then Tiger followed by Dog then Ox followed by Rabbit and then ending with Tiger as fast as Roy could and this time when he released the fire he would make it to where they were all aimed a bit to the left of the training dummy and when they were just about the pass it he would make them all turn almost 90 degrees to the right so that they would hit the training dummies side. The dummy would look a little burnt as the fire hand singed the wood a bit which I guess wasn’t really a problem since in a bit of time the dummy would just grow back into his original form. Roy would then do the technique one more time. This time Roy would do hand seals Rat then Tiger followed by Dog then Ox followed by Rabbit and then ending with Tiger as fast as Roy could and this time he would only do it with one hand. This time when the fireballs were released out of Roy’s mouth he would have a little bit of a harder time making them stay in formation like the ones that he had with just two hands. But with a bit more effort Roy was able to keep all the fireballs on course and all six of them would hit the dummy. Roy decided that since it took so much effort for him to keep the fireballs in line he would do the technique one more time to make sure that he got it right. Roy would do hand seals Rat then Tiger followed by Dog then Ox followed by Rabbit and then ending with Tiger as fast as roy could in quick succession so that all the fireballs would come out quickly. As expected with another attempt Roy would be able to master the technique very quickly and Roy was happy to say that he done everything that he could to learn the technique further. Roy would the move onto some more advanced techniques so that he could warm up with them as well. Roy would start this advanced training with the fire style flame dragon bullet just but doing the hand seals Ram then Horse followed by Snake then Dragon followed by Rat then Ox and finished with another Tiger seal to complete the technique. He would then have his fire chakra kneaded into his chest and then expelled in a wide range at and around the dummy. The large dragon at the center would engulf the dummy as the flames then dispersed after the jutsu was completed. The first time was easy for Roy since he had already done so many fire style jutsu before that. The second time that he did the technique it was going to be a bit different. Roy would again do the fire style flame dragon bullet just but doing the hand seals with one hand. He would do Ram then Horse followed by Snake then Dragon followed by Rat then Ox and finished with another Tiger seal to complete the technique with only one hand and this time he had to push himself to make sure that he had enough power to compete the technique. As expected once he got enough fire chakra the jutsu did everything that it was supposed to with enough power and speed to boot but it also indeed put a lot more will and energy from Roy to make sure that it actually followed through. Roy would be panting a bit after the technique was done but he knew that he still had enough juice left to the do the technique a few more times. This time Roy would do the jutsu again with one hand but he would begin to force his fire chakra to knead a bit earlier than usual so that Roy could have enough power without it putting too much strain on the body. Roy would do the fire style flame dragon bullet just but doing the hand seals with just hand. He would Ram then Horse followed by Snake then Dragon followed by Rat then Ox and finished with another Tiger seal to complete the technique. This time when he was half way weaving through the hand signs Roy would make sure that he had enough fire chakra to do the technique without straining himself. Roy would then expel the flame dragon again and this time the fire and speed were both a normal power but it took less energy from Roy to complete. Roy would still be panting by the end of the jutsu but that was more from the first time that Roy did the technique. After waiting about a minute before doing the jutsu again he would feel fine. Roy would do the technique one more time with just one hand to make sure that he had the technique down. He would do fire style flame dragon bullet just but doing the hand seals Ram then Horse followed by Snake then Dragon followed by Rat then Ox and finished with another Tiger seal to complete the technique with only one hand and this time it went off without a hitch. Roy had figured out how to make the technique work without more strain on his body. Roy would complete his warm up by doing the chidori a few times to make sure that both of his elements were ready to go. Roy would stand about ten meters away from the training dummy and do the hand seals Ox then Rabbit followed by Monkey to make the chidori hum in Roys hand. Roy would then run fast towards the dummy in an attempt to slice the the dummy in half. The wood from the dummy would take most of the blow but Roy knew that if it was just a regular person that it could be a direct hit and could possibly kill the unprepared ninja. Roy would get up from his position and jump back towards the spot that he started the chidori the last time. Roy would do the chidori again only this time Roy would do it with just one hand. Roy would do Ox then rabbit and then monkey followed by the seal of confrontation to make the chidori hum in Roy’s just one hand. Roy couldn’t believe that he had been able to master the chidori with just one hand as he would run up to the dummy and it would dissipate right before his hand impacted the dummy. Roy would feel happy and then sigh in disapproval after seeing that failure as he had used up most of his chakra with those two times doing the chidori and now it was time for a little break. Roy would sit back down on his stump and take another snack out of his back pack and some water and eat and drink it quickly. Roy would look up at the sky again to see that it was just about time for lunch now so taking a break for longer than five minutes would not be worth it. Roy would take his five minutes to break and then head back to his spot ten meters away from the training dummy so  that he could do the chidori a few more times. He would do the Ox then Rabbit then Monkey hand seals quickly followed by the seal of confrontation so that the jutsu would have lightning chakra kneaded in his hand at high speeds to create the chidori. After doing so he would run up towards the dummy and this time the chidori would connect with it before dissipating into the abyss. Roy had been able to master the chidori with just one hand rather quickly but now he was ready to take a longer break like a lunch. Roy would actually wait to do the chidori a few more times with quick breaks in between them to make it to where the technique was just like second nature to him. Roy would then pack up all of his belongs and head just part it behind the stump so that nobody would see it. Since people didn’t seem to go into the grove to do any training Roy would feel comfortable leaving his stuff there for the time being. Roy would then head out of the grove and into the forest where the path was out of the training grounds. The forest was a bit thick so Roy would have to do a bit of acrobatics to get through to the other side, this was normal for him though, as he did this almost every day. Roy would have to jump across some braches and then crawl under others before he got back to the path. That is why Roy’s clothes always got so dirty once he left the training grounds and got back to the inn. This time since Roy was going to lunch he would make sure to clean himself up before he went into a shop to eat. Roy would look to both sides of him as he was walking back towards the village. He would see many ninja on one side all together doing a bit of training. They seemed to be two opposing teams that were doing some drills together. One ninja was on the other side of the pathway in the valley with a training dummy doing some kicks and punches on it. Roy would a couple of ninja, a man and a woman, running around the track to do possibly do some partner training as they seemed to be laughing as they ran. Roy would reach the entrance of the training grounds and begin to walk to the village square. It was a very different sight from the one that Roy had seen when he was first walking into the training grounds. There were shops and houses open for people all around as they were selling and greeting guests from all walks of life into their home. Roy would wander through these shops until he found a food shop that he thought looked good. He would come across a fish station that was making some good fish soups that Roy loved. Roy would get to the entrance of the shop and remember that he hadn’t cleaned himself up before going in. Roy would do the chakra cleanse technique and feel all the sweat and dirt just fall off of him and go onto the ground. After about a minute of doing this Roy would feel clean enough to walk into the shop and have some lunch. The lunch was terrific in Roy’s eyes and at a great price. Roy thought about all the places like this around town that he didn’t have the time to enjoy yet. Perhaps one day when Roy was ready or he had some free time he would go and explore the village a bit more. But now wasn’t the time as Roy still had a lot of training to do. Roy would finish his fish soup and pay the staff before walking out refreshed and full. Roy was ready for another bout of training. Before Roy got back to the training grounds he would go to another shop and buy another water bottle for the road. Roy had forgotten to bring his water back and he wasn’t planning on taking another trip back into the village today so this was his only option. After doing all of that Roy would walk back towards the training grounds and he would get on the path towards the grove. Roy would see that the boy that was working with the training dummy was gone and he was sparring with another boy on a hill. The groups of ninja were still there but they all looked as though they were taking a quick break. Roy would then get to the trees where the forest of the grove would begin and he would find his way through the braches and trees back to the grove. The training dummy and his gear had all not moved since he had been there and Roy would take out some water out of his pack and drink the rest of it since he had gotten a new bottle on his way here. Roy would get to the center of the grove and do a bit more stretching and light combat maneuvers before going onto his real training. Roy was hoping that the day would just be to work on his new stat boosting jutsu but Roy knew that this was a good way to spend his time training as well being able to master the jutsu that he had used before. Roy was happy to see that he had done all the training that he thought he needed to master the techniques that he had learned before and he was proud of his progress. Roy would then write down everything that he had learned today into his notes and finished up by putting all of his gear back into his pouches so that he could begin training this new difficult technique.
Roy would start but going to the center of the grove and then remembering how the jutsu worked. There were no hand seals involved but the jutsu required him to expend a great amount of chakra to increase his power. As Roy tried to do the technique the first time it was as though he was using the technique to power take his chakra network from his body and expel it out around him. As Roy did this the first time he would just stand there at the center of the grove and knead his chakra out of his system like the jutsu said. As Roy did that he could feel an immense tugging coming from his body as chakra came out of every pore in his skin. It got painful as Roy began to feel and see the chakra form a clear layer around his body. It was so painful that before the chakra could really form around him he had to stop and let the chakra flow back in to his system. Roy would collapse down on the floor of the grove and be panting heavily as the chakra was re enforced back into his system. Roy would feel almost exhausted by the amount of chakra that was expended to do that technique but Roy knew that he had to learn it. After a minute or two of being on the ground Roy would try the technique again. Roy would then expel his chakra out of his body and this time he would remember to breath a bit to make sure that he could last through the pain. Roy would then continue to breathe as the chakra got to about half a foot out of his body. The pain that he felt though was immense and Roy realized that he would have to accept the pain in increments if he was going to make the jutsu work. Roy would need to take some time to go through each and every part of the technique before moving onto the next as this training would require Roy to continue to hold in the pain as the chakra flowed out of him. Roy would let go of his hold on the chakra and have it flow back into his body again. This time he would be panting and sweating heavily but he would not fall to the ground like he did the last time. Roy would walk on over to his gear and write all the findings that he had learned from his attempts into his book before drinking some water and eating some food to regain his strength. Roy would then jump back up from his break almost instantly because he didn’t want to stop training. Although this learning was painful and was probably the most pain that Roy had experienced with a jutsu he didn’t want to stop yet. Roy would then get back to his training position and try the jutsu again. This time Roy would only let the chakra flow out an inch from his body so that he could master just that for the time being. As the chakra flowed out of his body he would feel the pain coming from every chakra point in his body but this time he would hold the chakra out of his system for a minute before letting it back in again. After about a minute was up Roy would let the chakra back into his body and he would take a minute to regain his strength to do the technique again. Roy would then do the technique again and this time he would be able to hold it a bit longer than the last. Then he would do that again and again until he could hold the chakra outside of his body for a whole ten minutes. Roy would take about an hour of his training time to make this work as his body would be physically exhausted from just that bit of training. Roy would take a break then after that hour of training to eat some food and drink some water. Roy had about another four hours of daylight left before it became dark and Roy didn’t want to be out here by himself. Roy would then take about ten minutes to finish his break and then he would find himself back at it doing the technique again. This time Roy would hold his chakra out about 6 inches from his body for the same amount of time that he did the first go around until he moved on to mastering the full form. This time the pain was unbearable for Roy the first time that he did it but he would have to make sure that he didn’t give in. Roy didn’t have time any more to give in to his feelings of pain. He was going to fight something big for sure and he didn’t want to feel as though he was not ready. Roy would take about two hours of training time to master this portion of the jutsu before he would take another break for about 30 minutes. Roy didn’t know if he was going to master this technique today but he was for sure going to try. Roy would get up from his long break and try the technique in full. Roy would push his chakra out all the way to about a foot so that the charka was just there. Although there was pain Roy was already all the way there so he might as well just embrace the pain. Just then as Roy did the technique he would infuse his lightning chakra into the shield around him and something amazing would happen. Roy would not feel any more pain as the chakra around him made him feel lighter and more agile. He would also feel as though his chakra network was stronger too giving him more energy. Once Roy put the lightning chakra into his chakra around him everything changed. Roy would hold the technique out for a whole ten minutes before he had to let it in. While he was doing that his body would feel fantastic and he was running and jumping around the grove faster than he had ever done before. He could react and hear the smallest of sounds and do the most masterful of movements with a single stroke. Roy was invigorated until the jutsu stopped. After which Roy felt the intense need to bring the jutsu back out. This feeling was just like an addiction to Roy. So he knew that he would have to learn to use the jutsu only when he really needed it. Roy would welcome the challenge though as he had mastered yet another A rank technique in just a matter of hours really. As Roy would finish his break he would realize that he had about another hour left of training before he needed to head back into the village. Roy would then decide that he was going to learn how to infuse his chakra into his weapons for greater damage and power. Roy would then take out one of his kunai and begin to extend his lightning chakra out of his body and into the kunai. The kunai would not take well to the lightning chakra at first which made Roy realize that he was doing it out of turn. If Roy was going to learn how to infuse chakra into a weapon he would have to learn how to it with just regular chakra before doing it with any other chakra element. Roy would take out another kunai and hold it in his hand. As Roy did that he would knead chakra from the chakra points in his arms to the ones in his hands and by doing so Roy would then use the connection that his hands had with his kunai and pour the chakra into his system. As Roy did that he would see a film of chakra surround the kunai barely after a few moments of pouring the chakra into his system. Roy would hold that position for a bit so that he had an idea of what he was looking for. Roy didn’t find infusing chakra into the kunai difficult just an hour ago he would have made his lightning chakra form a shield around his body. Roy would then hold the film of chakra on the kunai for another minute until it was time for him to add lightning to it. As Roy added the lightning chakra into the kunai he could see how the chakra around it was being converted into chakra instead of just going away into the abyss. Roy was happy to see that function as it meant he wasn’t using a lot of energy to do the technique like he thought that he would. Roy would be able to hold the lightning chakra in the kunai for a long while before he would have to let it go to rest. By the time that Roy had finished the training of infusing chakra into his kunai it was almost time to head back. Instead of Roy trying to train another jutsu or master any other ones Roy would head back into town a bit early because to be honest Roy was ready for a nap. Roy would smile as he looked around and saw that he had a done a large amount of training for one day as he would pack up his gear and head back into the village. Roy would move past all the training dummies as he got out of the grove and saw that he was pretty much the only person left in the training grounds that was actually training. Roy was impressed with himself that he had outlasted many of the other ninja here which was probably the reason why the leaf village was now an annex of the hidden mist. Roy would smile a bit as he realized that his training methods and dedication were far better than most if not all of the ninja in the village hidden in the leaves. Roy would then think about all the other ninja that came before him from the hidden leaf village, the famous ones at least, and how they trained and practiced a lot. This was unlike the village ninja of today which was kind of shocking to Roy, but hey time changes and so do the ninja of a village. Roy was happy that he was getting in the training that he needed to become a better ninja and quite frankly he didn’t care about them. If they did not want to does the work to become a great ninja then so be it. Roy would one day be their master too in time. Roy would head out of the training grounds and get back into the village where many of the shops, though still open, were appearing to be closing up for the day. Roy would walk past many shops that were already closed but they appeared to be the ones that could only make a certain amount of food or goods in one day. Roy would head back into the village square which was his first stop. Before he got back into his inn he would go to the hidden mist ninja and complete the mission that he was assigned for the day. Although the ninja that he had gotten the mission from wasn’t there when he arrived he would report his findings to the head ninja that was there, who knew about the mission that Roy had given. Roy gave a detailed report of everything that he saw and what the village ninja could do to fix it. HE told the ninja there about all the holes that needed to be filled around the arenas, the paths that needed to be fixed, the training dummies that needed to be replaced, and the trash that was littering all of the training grounds. Roy would assume that the ninja was happy with his finding as when he gave the report to the mist ninja in charge he would make sure that he put the stamp of an approved mission on the board and then gave Roy a handful of cash for his payment for doing the mission. IT wasn’t a lot that was for sure as this mission was neither dangerous or difficult to do, but it was something that Roy was able to get to make sure that he had enough money to live in inn that he was staying at just a bit longer without having to shove any of his money out for what was basically rent at this point.  After that the ninja thanked Roy for his service and his successful mission and then told him that he did not need to come back to the ninja tomorrow if he wanted to train. Roy would bow deeply to the ninja as he headed out of the building and back into the village square which appeared to be winding down for the day as many of the villagers had already closed their homes or they had finished their shopping for the day and closed up their shop for guests so that they could clean up or prepare for the next day. Roy would think about all the villagers that Roy hadn’t meant yet and the lives that they must lead in this village. It was a bit to think about after just walking out of the mist ninja staging house. After walking out the door and thinking about all of that Roy did not know what to do next as the buildings door was shut behind him. It appeared that they too were also ready to finish up for their day of work tonight as well. The village really did revolve around the sun being up. It was indeed strange thought Roy who was becoming more and more of a night owl himself with all of his trips and visits to the owls in the lunatic forest. It was nearing the end of the day and Roy was beginning to get tired from all the training that he did today. Roy would head the village gates and watch as the sun would go down onto the horizon which brought an end to the day here in the village hidden in the leaves. Roy would sigh a bit from all the work that he did today and then he laughed at all the work that he could do tomorrow. Roy still had a lot of training to do if he was going to be strong enough to face whatever came to him in the future. Roy had learned a lot however and was proud of all of that for sure. Roy would decide that after everything that he did and all the money that he got from his mission earlier that he would go ahead and head to the hot springs to clean up and clear his head and mind. Roy would first want to head out to get some dinner but since he already had the idea of using some money for the hot springs, and since he had a big lunch earlier in the day. Roy would decide that the best thing for him to do now would be to head back to the inn where the dinner was free for guests. IT wasn’t the biggest meal nor was it the best one but it was free to all people that lived there or were guests of the inn. Roy would think that would be a good idea as well because it gave him a chance to drop off all of his gear in his room before heading to the hot springs. As Roy would walk through the village square that was now almost completely void of all ninja and villagers he would notice how starkly different the village got when the sun went down. Roy knew that many of the ninja in the village would be out doing missions for the night or were already on one during the day. This meant that Roy was all but ready to have a walk back to the inn all by himself. Nothing eventful happened for Roy as he walked back sore and broken from his day of training back to the inn near the edge of town. As Roy would walk in he would be greeted by the sounds of chatter and food as the dinner for the night was already starting. Roy would head into the meal room and take a seat at the table before the inn keeper would prepare him a plate of food. The food was very tasty after a long day of training and Roy would take his meal and eat it very quickly compared to the rest of the guests. It was clear that Roy was tired as he was sloppy and loud compared to the other guests in the inn. After Roy was finished with his plate he would just leave it there before getting up and grabbing his gear and heading back up to his room. Each stair getting up to the second floor of the inn felt like it was going up a mountain top as Roys legs would be left sore from the training. Once he got up to the second door he would meander to his room and open the key into it. HE would walk into his room and throw his gear bag onto his bed before heading back down the stairs and back to the first floor. Roy would learn soon enough that each stair going down was fair more painful than the stairs that were from going up to his room as the impact of the stair would remind Roy of how sore he really was. Roy would grunt and sigh after every step and after he finished the climb down to the bottom of the stairs Roy would tell the inn keeper that he would be heading to the hot springs and he would not be back for a while. The two bowed to each other as Roy went out the door and shut it behind him leaving himself in the village with only the goal of heading to the hot springs to keep him going. Roy would thank the gods to learn that the nearest hot spring was very close to where Roy was living at in the inn and he would get there without much effort on his part. Roy would enter the hot springs and pay the woman there his payment to enter. Roy would go into the mens side of the area and strip all the way down. Roy couldn’t help but look at some of the other ninja that were around him. Roy would see that many of them looked a bit more physically fit that Roy but most of them would also appear to have much less of a presence than Roy as he would have, as Roy began to realize, a much larger chakra network that most of them combined. Roy would head up to the hot springs naked and leave his clothes with a worker who would clean them for Roy. AS he would head into the hot spring Roy would find that most of the pools were already being taken by other ninja there. Roy would have no choice but to join a pool with other ninja. Roy was a bit nervous and a bit embarrassed about going into the hot springs all by himself. But no matter because Roy needed to soak to make his body feel better. Roy would soak in the hot springs for a while, perhaps a bit too long as while he muscles were relaxed he would feel his skin starting to dry a bit. Roy would spend about a two hour period just in the baths to make sure that he was completely relaxed and cleaned up from the day of training that he had. Roy would then make his way out of the hot springs and into the cooler rooms where he could dry off and think about things for a bit while he waited for his clothing to be washed and ready to be returned to Roy. Roy would think about all the training that he did today and realize that he could spend a bit more time doing some training with the chidori now. Roy decided that tomorrow he was going to learn how to manipulate his chidori energy even further. Roy would get his clothing and the rest of his gear that he had left and leave the hot springs with this in mind. He would make his way back to the inn and enter the inn where he appeared to be the last one in for the night as the inn keeper had gone off to bed and the lights were all off save for one that another guest was using quietly. Heading back upstairs to his room he would get into his bed and sleep off the night. Roy knew that if he tried to get up as early as he did the last night he would end up being too tired to train so he settled with making sure that he was up before noon to make sure that he didn’t waste the entire day. Roy would decide all of this and he would drift himself off to sleep.
Roy would wake up the next morning with the sun gleaming in on his face. It was well past morning for the young ninja as he got up out of bed. He would notice that he was refreshed and healed from being sore from yesterday’s training which meant that the hot springs and the extra sleep did really pay off. Roy would get out of bed and immediately do the proper hand signs and chakra would pour out of every pore in his body to clean it. This would be the clear sign that Roy was doing the chakra cleanse technique jutsu clean off any dirt that was still on his body and to get off any sweat that had been spent from him sleeping all night. Roy would then take a bottle of water and drink it all as Roy was indeed thirsty when he woke up. He clearly did not drink enough water after using the hot springs the night before as he probably sweated most of it out during his time in the pools. Roy would make his bed and grab all of his gear and his remaining water and snacks and head down into the first floor. Roy knew that this time was going to not be as busy at the early morning and many guests were either out and about or not sleeping right now so he didn’t mind making a bit or noise as he got down the stairs and onto the first floor. The innkeeper was just about to finish serving breakfast to her guests when Roy went down and it was clear that Roy was getting the scraps of the meal. Roy did not mind though as he didn’t have to pay for it and it was still pretty tasty for inn food. Roy would then look at the time and realize that it was mind morning and that he had just about lost a fourth of his day today from sleeping. Roy would start to wonder if the hard work that he did yesterday was worth losing almost half a day of training the next. Roy would think about this as he ate his food and got out of the inn keepers way so that she could get to cleaning. Roy asked her if she wanted him to help but she said that she was able to take care of it so Roy just left the room and headed back to the front door. He would head back upstairs one more time to make sure that he didn’t forget anything and to lock his room. Roy would then go downstairs and head out into the street and on his way to the training grounds. Today was going to be bit easier for Roy getting to the training grounds as Roy didn’t have to go the mist ninja house and tell them what he was doing today.
Roy would be able to head straight to the training grounds today since the mist ninja had no mission for him to complete; they appeared to be proud or at least satisfied with Roy’s effort for the village with his mission yesterday that they told him that he didn’t need to go over to them today. Roy would be able to also see the village for the first time during the morning time when it was the most active. Roy didn’t know what to expect but the many store fronts and other shops and bars that were usually closed by the time Roy got back into the village from the training grounds were all open now so he could take a peek at them for the first time. Very few of them did anything to peak Roy’s interests but there were for sure a lot more than Roy had first thought because he didn’t ever really go out to take a good look at them. Roy would walk around the street for just a few moments before heading out of the village and back into the training grounds for another day of training. Roy did stop in one of the many shops there which appeared to be a ninja weapons depot. As he walked by Roy realized that if he was going to train many manipulations of the chidori today he would have to learn how to infuse his chidori chakra into a sword or blade. Roy would thank heavens that this shop had a katana that was available for sale that was very cheap. It was probably very badly made and wouldn’t be much use in combat but it was something that he could use to train with. Roy would use the rest of his training money that he got from the mission that he did yesterday for this product and the headed back out into the street. Roy did want to go around them and see everything that they had to offer but he also knew that he didn’t have time for that. Roy would need to get to the training grounds quickly if he was going to get any sort of training done with his chidori. Roy would get to the training grounds about an hour before noon and Roy didn’t notice how packed it was or how difficult it was going to the grove without having to stop for people or if getting noticed by any of the other ninja that he had trained with before. As he walked through the entrance of the training grounds he would see some of the many familiar faces that he had seen on a daily basis, they were the ones that were dedicated to their training, but still they were leaf ninja and probably didn’t like seeing a village hidden in the mist ninja out and about in their village. Roy would see the same couple as yesterday running around the track doing some exercises along the way as well. Roy would also see many of the same students that he normally saw about this time at the training dummies doing some light exercises and going about some sort of class with their teacher. Most of the other ninja Roy did not know nor did he really care to meet them. Roy was just happy to make it to the training grounds before noon and as he walked through the training grounds and closer to the forest that he had done most of his training at he didn’t seem to have anyone stop him for much of anything. Roy would be thankful that it appeared that many of the ninja there paid no mind to Roy as he walked to the training grounds and into the small forest. Since Roy did not run through the training grounds like he normally did when he trained he would have to do all of his warming up inside the grove. As he passed through the forest and got into the grove he would walk to the center of the grove and drop off all of his gear next to the stump that he normally sat on. The training dummy that Roy was using for his exercises appeared to have grown back to normal now and Roy would be able to abuse it again today. Roy would set down all of his gear and take out his pen and paper to write down some things about what he was going to do. Roy was going to learn how to manipulate the chidori into many senbon that had power to numb and destroy a large group of enemies. Roy would also be training how to infuse his chidori with the katana that he had bought earlier in the day. Roy would then decide that he was going to learn how how to infuse his chidori into a sharp spear that had a medium range in case he didn’t have the ability to get up close with his chidori and only be able to get up to a medium distance. Roy would hopefully learn all of this tonight so Roy would have to get started right away. After writing his plans down onto his pen and paper Roy would then run around the grove a few laps followed by sprinting a few laps to get his heart rate up along with getting his dormant chakra flowing. Roy would then finish his warm up by doing some light exercises like some punches and kicks on the training dummy along with training his body with some sit ups and some squats. With all of that done Roy was about an hour into his training and he was now ready to begin.
                Roy would start with just some of the basics of the chidori by doing the classic one first. Roy would walk to about ten meters away from the training dummy and then do the hand seals for the chidori. Roy would do the seals Monkey followed by Dragon followed by Rat followed by Bird followed by Ox followed by Snake followed by Dog followed by Tiger and completed by doing another Monkey seal in rapid succession so that lightning chakra would begin to hum and chirp quickly around his right hand. Doing so the ninja would then run up towards the dummy and then land a direct hit on the dummies center where a target was placed on it. Roy would impact the dummy and fell the surge of electric chakra coming from his hands radiate towards the dummy and then be absorbed by the dummies wood style abilities. Roy would then decide that he was ready to do this technique with just one hand now as he had done it with two just now. Roy would then do the same hand seals to complete the chidori in rapid succession. Roy would do the seals Monkey followed by Dragon followed by Rat followed by Bird followed by Ox followed by Snake followed by Dog followed by Tiger and completed by doing another Monkey but this time he would only do it with one hand which meant that he had to end with the seal of confrontation. Roy would smile as he would feel the same power and energy coming from a chidori with two hands similar to that of one. Roy would be happy and as he charged toward the dummy he would make sure that his chidori would continue to maintain its shape and power. Roy would impact the dummy with the same force and power with two hands as he did now with just one. Before today Roy had never been able to do that and he was happy to report that this time he was able to. Roy would thank the stars that that part of the training was all by compete as he had mastered pretty much the basic form of the chidori in just a few weeks’ time. Roy would then jump back to his starting position and begin his training of the chidori variants immediately. Roy would start with the chidori katana as that was the easiest one to master. Roy would head to his gear and pick up his katana that he had gotten earlier today and headed down to a point that was just next to the dummy. Roy would start with the basic chakra infusion first as he would pour his chakra onto the sword similar to the way that he poured his chakra around him with the soul expulsion jutsu. Roy would begin to see a film around the sword of chakra form which meant that his chakra infusion was indeed a success. Roy would then begin to knead that chakra into lightning energy which would make the chakra around it grow larger and begin to make the sounds of thunder around the blade. Roy would then hold that position for a minute before he would try to amplify his power of his blade with the chidori. Roy would attempt to make the chidori become one with the blade but this would take a bit of work. The first time that Roy did the technique he wouldn’t get much further than just the chakra infusion part of it because the jutsu did not require him to do any hand seals to make. Roy would attempt to hold the chidori chakra in there but he wouldn’t even get close enough to making the chidori sounds or even matching the chidori power in his first efforts. Roy would also realize that it would take a massive amount of chakra for him to make the chidori infuse into his katana without losing his power as he learned after just one go that he needed to take a break. Perhaps that was from the other two chidori attempts that he did earlier followed by this one or maybe it was just a difficult jutsu to perform. Roy would then make it to where his katana was in the ground and he would walk back to his gear to take a break and eat a bit of food before going at it again. Roy would write down in the journal everything that he had learned about the jutsu in the last attempt of him doing it as well as its drawbacks and he would think about ways that he could mitigate those drawbacks. Roy would take about ten minutes to take a break and then begin his training again. Roy would head back to his sword and pick it up to attempt to do the chidori katana again. He would do it again and again and each time that he did it the lightning chakra got bigger and sharper, evidenced by the deeper cuts that he was able to put into the training dummy each time that he did the technique. Roy would begin to feel the pressure of the jutsu on his body when he finally began to master it. Even then Roy would have to use his new stat boosting jutsu to get the power of the chidori up to normal marks for a time. Roy was satisfied with the progress that he made with the jutsu that every time that he would use it he would begin to make it easier for him to train the technique as well as increase its power in combat with a bit more training. Roy would set down his katana, which was also already pretty beaten up by the training, and he would take another break. As Roy took another break he thought that maybe it was the blade that was making the chidori so weak because it wasn’t able to handle all the power without falling apart. Roy would have to think about this some time when he actually got himself a decent blade to use. Roy would finish his break and put that in his notes before continuing on with the next jutsu that he was going to learn.
Next, Roy was going to learn how to make the chidori  turn into many senbon that have a much longer range than the chidori or the variant that he just learned. Roy would start by walking about 20 meters away from the training dummy and he would begin by making the hand signs for the chidori again. He would do the seals Monkey followed by Dragon followed by Rat followed by Bird followed by Ox followed by Snake followed by Dog followed by Tiger and completed by doing another Monkey and then instead to making the classic chidori would make it to where the jutsu would actually change form once more into senbon that Roy could use for throwing. Roy would then launch his chidori in to the direction  of the training dummy and Roy would realize that he lost most of the chakra of the technique onto the floor as he was only able to make about ten senbon. Roy would also begin to pant a bit realizing that this move took a lot of chakra to master and even more will power to control that chakra into many different smaller senbon. Roy would not stop there though as he knew that he had more juice in the can to make more jutsu attempts. Roy would try again. This time Roy would make the signs for the chidori by doing the seals Monkey followed by Dragon followed by Rat followed by Bird followed by Ox followed by Snake followed by Dog followed by Tiger, as he knew that he would have to learn how to do the technique without any hand seals what so ever. When he did that he would force more of his chakra into his hand since there was less seals going into it and Roy didn’t want to miss any of them. Roy would then make his chidori change another chakra nature so that he would be able to make it turn into many small senbon. Roy would throw the senbon which would all hit the target, but he was only able to make 15. Roy would continue this practice for a few more hours, almost reaching nightfall to get the ability right. Roy would be able to use the ability to make about 50 senbon from his one chidori and he was able to do it without the use of any hand seals. Each one would hit the dummy and some would even pierce the dummy through and through without leaving a trace of it to be seen. Roy was impressed with the ability that he was able to make his senbon work but he knew that there was at least one more that he could do. Roy would follow up with more training by learning how to form his chidori into a sharp spear that could be used at medium range. Roy would move a bit closer than what he would do with the chidori senbon variant, but not close enough to where he would start his chidori. Roy would begin about 10 meters away. This one was also going to prove to be most difficult for Roy as he would have to make his chakra form out of him and stay connected. Roy would have to do the hand seals for the technique of chidori again to learn this new variant. Roy would do the seals Monkey followed by Dragon followed by Rat followed by Bird followed by Ox followed by Snake followed by Dog followed by Tiger and completed by doing another Monkey in quick succession before the chidori would form into its classic state. Roy would then use his ability in chakra form to change the chidori into one long spear that, well the jutsu was supposed to allow him to make it into a spear that was ten meters long only got to about 5 meters the first time he did it. Roy would follow the same technique that he did with the other chidori variant by reducing the hand seals and then trying to increase the range with his will and mastery over chakra control and manipulation. Roy would complete this training of the chidori about half way through the night. He would be able to make the chidori spear to a distance of about 15 meters which was pretty good for a chidori variant. Roy would then pack up all of his things and head back home. Roy thought about this for a minute. He had been able to master many jutsu in just the span of a two days’ time. Roy also began to realize that his body seemed to reach its physical limits. He had an enormous chakra and his speed was comparable to that of the strongest animals in the land. If he tried to build up his strength any more Roy realized that he would lose his speed in the process. Roy would look back onto the grove one last time before leaving. He would see that the dummy that he was using was completely destroyed this time and it would take some time for it to repair itself. HE would also leave the katana there for somebody else to use. Roy didn’t have a need for it anymore as it was pretty damaged and was a training tool pretty much. Roy got back on to the main path of the training ground and realized that it was indeed very late. Roy had lost track of time doing his training and now it was time to head back to the inn. Roy would do a light jog through the training grounds and into the village. This would mark the end of his training, for now.

[Ok team, 15k+ words here, Im purchasing Chidori: Senbon , Chakra Infusion , and with that I meet the prereqs to learn Chidori: Katana , I'm also purchasing Chidori: Sharp Spear , as well as Soul Expulsion: A Rank , plus a total of 75 Stats. This Maxes me out. The total price of the jutsus and skills is 17k Words. I'd like to use one of my 1K WC coupons as well as the max stat discount to make up the rest of the price.]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:52 am
[Using my 1500 WC Coupon & the 25% WC reduction for Max Stats, I would like to purchase Chidori Mastery
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:22 am
Disapprove of: Soul Expulsion: A-Rank

Roys Training - Page 5 Approved
Stats: 75
All jutsu including:
Soul Expulsion: B-Rank

Usage: 15K WC from thread and 1k Christmas WC upon deducting that from statpage
and okay to the chirdori mastery upon removing the WC
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:13 am
Roy headed back to the training grounds for some much needed prep for his new mission outside of the village. Roy didn’t know exactly what he would be facing or what challenges he was going to have to endure but he knew that as a genin going out by himself he didn’t know what was in store for him. Roy knew that his time in the village hidden in the leaves was coming to an end. He would be spending his last few days here and for now he was going to spend it all of training his lightning chakra to become stronger. Roy would wake up early that morning with the moon still up high in the sky. Roy was ready for anything that the village had in store for him but he still couldn’t believe that he was going on a mission all by hismself. Roy would look outside his window as he wondered about what this mission might entail. More or less he didn’t know how he should prepare for the mission ahead. Roy’s body appeared to be ready for this mission but his mind was not. His mind was fragile still and filled with self-doubt on his ability. Most ninja that Roy had seen or heard about were far greater and more powerful than he was. Roy was nowhere near their level in his own eyes in fact he wasn’t even on the same level as other genin. He had only been a genin for a short amount of time and he didn’t have the training or the skills to even be a ninja without a team. He knew that he had potential but he wasn’t sure how much of that potential was just hyped up from himself being a hidden mist ninja and how much of it was just raw talent. Roy didn’t want to disappoint his village and his family name but roy also didn’t want to disappoint himself. Roy snapped out of this trance after a bit and realized again that there was no way that he was going to get better thinking about everything that he needed to do. Roy knew that he was never going to be really prepared for what going to come. Roy didn’t need to thinking about these things right now.

    Right now Roy needed to get ready and head down to the training grounds. Roy would quickly make his bed and see that this body needed to be cleaned. He would pour some chakra out of every pore in his body in order for that chakra to cleanse his body and give him a more presentable look. Roy would then make his way down stairs where breakfast was already being served by the innkeeper. Roy would find himself sitting at the head of the table today as other people had already taken his seat that he normally sat on. Roy would think even more about how he had grown attached to this inn. He had been there for almost a month now and he was grateful to the innkeeper for always thinking of Roy when he needed anything. She would bring Roy a plate of food and watch as Roy gobbled all of it down and took the plate into the kitchen to clean it. Roy would thank her for the food and he would head back up to his room to finish getting ready. Roy would fill up his water and get some snacks for today’s training before cleaning out his pack from all the other wrappers and debris that was all in it from the past few days of training. He would finish cleaning out his pack and then put his water and other gear into his back pack and head out of his room. Roy would then lock the door behind him and head down stairs. He would ask to speak with the innkeeper for a bit to let her know that Roy was going to be leaving the village soon and that they needed to make arrangements for him to check out. Roy would head out of the inn after saying that and into the street, after a bit of pondering what to do he would decide not to head to the mist ninja house here as they had already assigned him to a mission so he wouldn’t need to go there for a bit. Roy would instead walk his way to the training grounds as the sun began to rise and he would walk through the commercial district and hear all the shops beginning to open and all the bakery’s and eateries beginning to make their product for the day. It did all smell very good, too bad Roy wouldn’t able to visit them right now, or ever for that matter because he assumed that he wouldn’t be in the village to leisure around for that much longer.
                After a brief walk through the village Roy would arrive to the training ground. The sky was just starting to turn orange as he began to jog through the many paths and trails that led through the training grounds and into the grove where Roy normally trained his jutsu. Roy would get there in a short amount of time and set all of his gear down at the center and then head to the edge of the grove to begin sprinting around the grove so that his heart rate would get up. Roy would run around the grove as fast as he possibly could which was already very fast for about 10 minutes before lowering his heart rate down for a bit so that he could be ready for training. Roy would walk around the grove to accomplish this and wonder about all the things that Roy was going to do and train today. Roy thought that the first and best thing for him to do would be to train the stat boosting jutsu that he was working on by condensing the lightning chakra around him even further so that he could make more use of his power. Roy would then decide to master the great fire style technique that Roy had learned a few weeks ago by again enhancing his chakra around it and then making it more powerful. Roy didn’t have enough power in his technique to get rid of very powerful foes so he figured that if he mastered a powerful lightning and fire technique that would at least be a start to giving Roy a better chance at beating elite opponents. As Roy figured out his plan for the remainder of he walking around the grove he would stop and then begin to punch and kick at the training dummy that he took from the training grounds a few weeks ago. He would begin to kick and punch as fast and as powerful as he could for about five minutes before ending that and then making his way near his pack to do some push-ups and some sit ups for another five minutes. Roy would complete all of this and deem himself ready to train the advanced techniques he talked about training earlier. First would be to learn the stat boosting jutsu and then second would be to master the great fire annihilation jutsu that he had learned so many days ago.

Roy would near the edge of the grove and begin to channel his chakra into a barrier around him that would then change nature and become lightning chakra. Roy could sense that the power around the jutsu was great but that he could do more with it by condensing his chakra even further than what it already was. Roy would begin to focus more on the chakra that was around him and pull it closer towards his body in an attempt to make the power stronger. Roy would have a bit of trouble doing it at first as when he would condense his chakra like he did the lightning would make his eyesight blurry as the chakra that was around it was powerful and theremore blurring his vision. Roy would continue to push his body and his chakra network whilst keeping the jutsu’s potency at the same rate. Roy would push his body to see past the chakra around him and make the jutsu more powerful. Roy would continue to do this as long as he could and for a moment he would be able to see clearly outside of his own chakra but it wasn’t perfect as Roy would have to stop after doing it for so long. Roy would be panting and sweating after trying to make the field of chakra around him stronger but after a few more minutes of resting he realized that he didn’t need to take a break from training but just from doing the jutsu for so long. After two minutes have passed Roy would find himself around the grove and ready to do the technique again. He would push his chakra out of every pore in his body and then infuse that chakra with more lightning power. Roy would push the lightning chakra out of his system further and then force it to be stronger than it was even the time before. Roy would be pleased to see that his control of the jutsu had improved after just a little break because as he did the technique a second time he would only have his vision impaired by a small lightning bolt every once and awhile. Roy would have to do more training with this he was going to master it further but that would take much more chakra control and a lot more ability from Roy which he did not have at this time. Roy would focus on making his sight clear again for the rest of training of the technique for that day. Roy would push his body to his limit trying to make that work as he body would reject all the power after about 5 minutes of doing it. This was about Roy’s limit with the technique right now and he would have to train harder if he was going to make it last longer. Roy would then take a break from that training to drink some water and think about how he would make the jutsu better. Roy would take about ten minutes to rest up and he would head back to his starting spot to try again. Roy would push his lightning chakra out further by making his chakra stronger around him and then using that chakra to infuse it into his body. He would put his soul into this attempt and the jutsu would respond by being stronger thanks to the stronger will power that Roy was putting into it. Roy would be able to see clearly after training the technique a bit more and then with a bit more time he would be able to increase the rate of which he could do the technique by another 2 minutes giving him about 7 minutes of his body being stronger and his jutsu being stronger as well. Roy would let the jutsu go and then wait about 5 minutes before trying to do the technique again. Roy would continue this training well into the mid-morning as Roy would come to master the technique to Roy’s knowledge. Roy would be pleased to see how much effort he got out of his training of the jutsu this morning and thought that was enough for the time being. Roy would take another break to write down his findings and rest up for training the second technique.
      The next technique Roy was going to train was another jutsu that Roy could condense his chakra further into so that it would be stronger and therefore on far with even advanced techniques. For this training Roy would pick up all of his gear and leave the grove so that he would be able to head to a field to do this training. At the time of morning that Roy got out of the grove he would see that there were many ninja out and about doing training at this time and Roy was going to be hard pressed to find a field to train alone at this time of night. Roy settled with a small valley to learn the technique because there was nobody in it and it would give him some time to train the jutsu without the interference of others. Roy would find this valley very far away from most other ninja seeing as it wasn’t the best terrain for training or sparring. Roy would then drop down into the valley with his gear, then drop his gear and begin his training of the technique. Roy would start with an easier technique to warm up his fire chakra network; this would be done by doing the horse and then tiger technique to knead a large amount of chakra into his chest and then expelling it into the fireball jutsu. Roy would then watch as the fireball would fizzle out after about 50 meters and then he would do the technique one more time so that he knew that he was ready to train. The fireball would then impact with the walls of the valley after going about 30 meters into a great explosion that Roy would then use as a starting point for the training of the more advanced technique. Roy would then find himself at the end of the valley and then do the horse seal and knead a large amount of fire chakra out of his mouth and into the valley. The stream of fire would begin to melt the rock around him as Roy would expend more energy to super head the jutsu and make it stronger. Roy’s chakra network would be pushed to the limit and he forced more and more fire chakra out of his mouth and into the jutsu. After about 3 minutes of doing this technique Roy would let go the jutsu out of breathe and ready to collapse from the training. Roy would still be standing barely as he would walk his way to his gear and then to drink some water from the pack. Roy would cool down his chakra network for a bit and then continue his training. He would head back to his starting position and do the horse technique one more time as fire chakra would be kneaded at a fast pace in his chest and then expelled from his mouth in a volley of flames. Roy would take care not to use all of his energy at the initial burst of the technique but to pace himself so that the jutsu would be stronger all around. Roy would continue to pace his chakra output for three minutes as Roy would make the technique stronger as the flames got bigger and stronger outside of his mouth. Roy would let go of jutsu after about three minutes still exhausted from the training and then back onto his pack where he would drink some more water and write down everything that he learned from the last bit of training.

     Roy would then take a mini break as he body would still be super-hot from the technique. Roy would head out back into the valley where he would do the technique again. Roy would continue this cycle of training his jutsu well into the afternoon where he finally had enough power in his jutsu to say that he had made enough improvements on the technique. By the time that Roy climbed out of the valley that he was in Roy would see that the Rocks and ground beyond the jutsu was far more charred and blackened by the amount of power that Roy had put into his technique. Roy would laugh a bit seeing how much damage he had done to the place with his technique. IT was sure to Roy now that he had mastered the technique enough to use it in combat and Roy was pleased to see how much he had grown. Roy would head back out of the training grounds after taking an early day of training. Sure Roy did want to train a bit longer but he also knew that he needed to make some arrangements with the innkeeper about when he was going to be checking out of the inn. Roy wanted to make sure that he had all his ducks in a Row for his departure from the village hidden in the leaves. Any training equipment that he had borrowed from the ninja shop in the village was returned along with the pack that was renting. Roy would then head into the village further and back into the inn to rest.

[2800 Words. I'm using 750 Words to get Soul Expulusion: A Rank. Since I am at max stats I'm using the innate 25% discount to training.

I'm using 1050 words towards mastery of Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation (Cost 3000 Words with Max Stat Discount), one of my 25% Training Discounts from the holiday event (750 Words), my 1 1000 WC Training coupon, and my 1 250 WC Coupon

The Remaining 1000 WC I would like to use towards 20 AP. Thank you]
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:21 am
1000 words is 10 ap not 20
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:38 am
KK 10 AP I mean.
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Roys Training - Page 5 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:44 am
Thanks, approved
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