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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:54 pm
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:02 pm
The Rasengan is one of the most powerful techniques that have ever been created. It is hailed not only for its power but also for the many ways that the technique can be used and by all the ways that the technique could be manipulated into even further different techniques. Some had been able to manipulate it into many different elemental natures and even some were able to throw the Rasengan and make it a powerful ranged attack. Not to mention all the great and notable people that once lived in this world that used it; all of those men and women were famous around the world because of their knowledge of the technique and others were famous because they were able to manipulate it further than previous. And even then it is still considered to be an incomplete technique that makes it even more amazing to behold. The fact that it isn’t a perfect jutsu makes its power and it’s fame even more baffling even after all of these years and all the history that has happened to the ninja world since the time of the great eruption.

To be hailed as one of the most powerful techniques was not without its drawbacks and not without its many different repercussions to a user that attempts to use it but cannot master it. Even before the technique could be used in combat it still took a considerable amount of training to learn the techniques many different changes in form without the use of clones or another person aiding in it. Even then a user that could use the technique but wouldn’t be able to get close enough to the target in time makes the technique even more deadly to the user. If the user missed or if the user didn’t have enough power to incapacitate his target with the blow of the Rasengan the circumstances would be dire for the ninja that used it. Beyond that however it was a technique that any ninja of any path should take the time to learn. To say that a ninja had mastered the technique meant that he or she had trained enough to master control of chakra form; even that should hold respect for allied and enemy ninja alike. To Roy was part of his goal; his time in The Village hidden in the leaves showed him how short life was and the need for him to make a name for himself if he was going to survive in this tough and ever changing ninja world. Roy promised himself that he was going to be somebody that would master the technique; he was going to make sure of it even if it took him longer than any other technique he would ever have to learn. If he could learn this he could move on to greater and better things with the confidence of knowing that he had mastered chakra form. Roy had a new found purpose to learn new techniques thanks to this time in The Village hidden in the leaves; it showed him the light of learning and the joy of knowledge. It showed him how power was one of the only ways he was going to gain the long lasting respect he needed to survive. He was going to become the world’s first ever cronokinesist and he was going to do it before he turned 20.

Those were bold claims to come from a young ninja that didn’t have the drive or even the confidence to master even the most the most basic of jutsu. Instead of trying to learn a technique that was easier but less effective Roy made up his mind that he was going to begin his new journey by learning about one of the most difficult techniques ever because if he really serious about doing this he needed to know that he had the patience and the drive to see it through. He knew that even his village saw him as expendable due to their tossing of him into situations that he had no reason or any right to be part of. Roy was going to prove them all wrong however. Even if they didn’t see him but fodder for their way machine he was still loyal to the village of his parents and of his birth. Even until his last day on this world Roy would never betray the village even if they betrayed him. He was going to change the mind of everyone above so that one day they would respect him and give him the leadership role that everyone covets. But Roy was going to learn the technique whether anyone else thought so or not and it was going to happen here at the place of the techniques birth. The village hidden in the leaves was the place that the first ninja learned the technique so it was only fitting that he started his training here.

Roy would wake up earlier than he normally does on his first day of training. The sun was still far beyond the horizon the full moon was directly above him. Roy didn’t know exactly what time it was but he knew that it was far earlier than many of the shops would begin their preparations for the day. Roy made sure to walk around the inn very quietly because he didn’t want to wake any of the other guests up. He was very cautious of that because he wouldn’t want somebody who was just getting up to get to the training grounds early to wake them up. This became a new personality trait for the young genin; he never had the drive before to wake up before the sun rose but now it was imperative that he did so. If Roy was going to train to learn the Rasengan he needed to do it when his energy and his mind were at the highest potential. His mental willpower was going to be put to the hardest of tests by learning this technique. As Roy got the entrance of the inn he looked for somebody to direct him to a place that had food that he could buy. He wasn’t looking for anything to make today but just nourishment so that he could stay focused during his training today. Roy didn’t need the help of the innkeeper after all because after going outside he found a local shop that appeared to be open all night long thankfully. He would buy some light provisions for the shop keep and head back to the inn. Once he finally got back inn and to the room that he was staying in Roy needed to make sure that his belongings were all packed and ready to go in case he was put on a mission. After that Roy he needed to make himself a hearty breakfast and pack enough provisions in his backpack for him to train for the entire rest of the day. He was planning on training all through the day and until the sun went down in which case he would return to the inn that he was staying at and rest for the rest of the night.

There was going to be almost 12 hours of training with as few breaks a humanly possible for the Genin to do. When he would get back into town he would see if he was assigned to any more missioned and then head to the baths at the inn to clean up after the long day of training. To Roy still it was important for him to get that time to relax because since this dream was so important to him he needed to make sure that he didn’t burn himself out on the first jutsu that he learned. If Roy just learned the Rasengan in his new found drive it would be a success but not nearly as much of a success as it could be. If he kept this drive up for a whole year Roy could master a ton of techniques that would otherwise be impossible for him to train in his previous state. Roy did all of his morning routine and headed down the entrance of the inn where the innkeeper was now awake and getting ready for her day to begin. It was now time for the training to begin as Roy would finish his breakfast and then thank the ninja innkeeper for the stay as he headed out with the tote in hand and his new found drive still intact. Roy thanked her and headed out to the village where his first stop was going to be to find any of the remaining Kiri ninja here to give him orders. After about 30 minutes of walking to their headquarters and going to other places that he had seen them he found that there was no person around to give him direction. He assumed like all other days that he still wasn’t needed and he would return at the end of the day to see if he could get in contact with any of his superiors. From there he took a light stroll and headed down to the training grounds where he thought he would get in contact with the summoning companion Klah to give him any new information. But alas there was nothing that he could report on as nothing seemed important had seemed to happen yet. As he walked to the training grounds he would decide the plan he would take for training this technique.

The Rasengan was the pinnacle of chakra form so he was going to divide up into many smaller bite sized trainings that he could handle one at a time. He first would try to make a condensed chakra sphere in his hands to show Roy how much chakra was going to be expended for the technique to work. That way Roy knew how much chraka he was going to have to expend to make the base technique work and then from there he could see how many he could do in combat. Then he would begin to rotate this sphere of chakra in one direction to simulate the rotation of the technique. Then he would alternate between one direction and then the other until he mastered that. He would then continue to add directions until he got all the energy needed to make the technique become the Rasengan.  
When Roy got the training grounds he would already notice that many of the usual spots that he went to train in were already taken up by other ninja. There were a few places that the ninja was used to be training at that were all taken. The edge of the forest was taken by a group of older ninja doing some morning meditations and the areas next to the training dummies was all taken up by boys younger than him playing around. Roy didn’t think too much of this inconvenience though since it was the weekend and many of the students did not have to go to class or didn’t have any missions of the weekend. On top of that many of the citizens were out trying to get a good look at the Chunin exams that were taking place at the arena as well as trying to get a seat for the very important Kage battle that was going to be taking place. Ninja that were too old to guard or didn’t care about the outcome were both probably not going to find a seat in the arena to watch so they would spend their time here quite possibly doing their morning routines.

Although he didn’t care that there were other ninja around Roy to start of wonder if he could even find a place to train that would be far enough away from everyone else. Roy fears that if something did go wrong during his training he wanted to be as far away as possible from everyone else so that he wouldn’t accidently hurt them when a massive ball of chakra was exploding around him. After looking around even the less looked at areas Roy realized that it was very busy out here today. This was not stopping him however because Roy was determined to train so instead of waiting for the ninja around here to leave or making this as an excuse for him to go home. Roy made up his mind that the best place for him to train at would be in the forest where nobody at all would even dare to train at. It was dark and it made for difficult training conditions to say the least. That was not going to deter Roy though. Roy made up his mind to take a walk into the forest and go very deep into it. He found himself near the place that he first made contact with the owls of the lunatic refection pools. It was there that he signed a contract with those illusionary owls and would be their champion. The place that he found was perfect: It was a small grove around a few very large trees that didn’t look to be touched by anyone ninja or otherwise for a very long time. Roy found himself away from all the other ninja in the village training grounds which made him feel a bit more confident in giving it his all. With that out of the way it was now time for Roy to begin his training of the Rasengan.

Part one of his training was going to be to condense chakra into his hand small enough to make the Rasengan. For most of his training career Roy didn’t have to worry about chakra form because he never had any reason to condense his chakra into a small area. This was the main component of what made the Rasengan so powerful so now was important for him to do so. Roy started by pouring a small amount of his chakra energy of his chakra energy into his palm until he could see it form. The first attempt that he did he learned that he didn’t put enough chakra into it. The ball of flat chakra was barely noticeable to the blind eye and as soon as he tried to add more onto the base the chakra that he had would just fall away into the world. As he watched the sad lump of chakra dissipate in his palm he would take note of just how much energy he was putting into his palm and the next time he would add just a bit more to the energy mix. The second attempt that he did was a little bit better. He could see the chakra a bit more without the strain on his eyes and the radius of the ball was a getting a bit bigger but he realized again that once he started to pour a bit more chakra into the area the base of the chakra ball couldn’t handle all the extra pressure and the ball dissipated into nothingness. This appeared to be the growing problem for Roy as he tried to learn how to use the technique. Without the proper amount of chakra at the beginning of the jutsu the whole thing would collapse in on itself and cause the structure of the jutsu to fall apart. This was going to be the first most important thing for Roy to master here during this part of his training. The more he tried to train to train he realized that structure was everything in this jutsu; it was one of the fundamentals of chakra form. If he didn’t make the base structure of the Rasengan perfect nothing else mattered.

After a few more failed attempts Roy decided that he was going to take a break from training for a little bit to eat some food and write on his notepad everything that he learned about the jutsu so far. Roy didn’t want to burn out his chakra so fast that he would have to head home early so taking some time to write down some notes as well as eat was a good idea in Roy’s mind. Even though he didn’t seem to get very far in his training he was proud that he was able to see his chakra form into a small ball on one of his very first tries of the technique. This shows that he did in fact have a natural talent for learning ninjutsu and he had a long a bright future ahead of him as a ninja. Roy was always somebody who liked to find the positive in things that otherwise didn’t seem to have one on it. When his parents died he thought that his whole world was going to end but it didn’t. He was able to get back up and move on from that. That is exactly what Roy did right now. After about 30 minutes of break time to write down some notes and eat some food he found the strength enough to get back up and then make his training continue on. He was still determined to learn the technique and he was going to do it now before he left the village hidden in the leaves.
Roy got back to the center of the grove he raised out his palm and made another attempt at getting the chakra to form in his hand. With a bit more effort this time he expended a large amount of chakra into his palm. The force around the condensed chakra almost blew roy away because he didn’t expect that much chakra to come out. He still didn’t have the control of chakra that he needed to make this technique work because after the chakra ball was there for just a few moments he couldn’t control it and the all that chakra dissipated into the leaves around him. It was a large amount of chakra expended and Roy was panting a bit as he did it. Roy knew now that was far too much chakra for him to use for the Rasengan to work so he learned that he needed to find the middle ground. The next attempt a few minutes later Roy decided to let out as much chakra as he did the first time but just as it was about to release he was going to hold back a bit and see where it got him. Roy closed his eyes for a minute and visualized what he was trying to do before he actually did it. He just wanted a sphere of chakra to appear in his palm that he could control. He then began to push the chakra in his body to the palm of his hand to the point that could be released. When he got to that point where the chakra was about to be released he used all of his willpower to hold back the chakra a bit just so that it all didn’t come out. In an instant the area around Roy began to shake as the ball of chakra was just the right color and the right size for the Rasengan to work. The chakra held there for a while even as the ninja didn’t even put any effort into it. This was it. This was the amount of chakra that he needed to make the jutsu work. Roy smiled for a bit being very proud of him for what he just did. But as he did that he would lose focus for just a moment and the ball of chakra would dissipate back into the world. Roy would sigh slightly for a moment as he realized that he didn’t have enough control to be proud yet. Almost thoroughly exhausted from the two expenditures of chakra that he just did Roy collapsed onto the ground. After a minute of just lying there he stood back up slowly walked himself back to his pack where he got himself a bit more food, this time with some meat, and wrote down everything he could remember about what he did about how much chakra he did and how he did it into his note book just in case he ever forgot. Roy took almost an hour before he began training again because he wanted to make sure that he didn’t over work himself and collapse all alone here on the ground for the night. HE didn’t want anyone to think that he was lost or that he was running away from the village.

When Roy felt that his chakra reserves were back up to the highest amount that he could have them at Roy would try again with getting the sphere of chakra into his being. With a bit more practice under his belt and a bit more finesse too boot Roy would do it again. This time the amount of chakra that he needed to expend was damn near close to the right amount and he only had to hold back a bit this time for the sphere to form. Roy would smile again as the sphere formed because he thought that it was so cool to see almost losing it again. But this time he made sure that he didn’t do that and his chakra and control would keep the sphere formed around him. Roy would then try to move the chakra around so that it gained momentum so that the Rasengan would form. The first direction that he did he realized at every time that he tried to move his chakra around he would lose a little bit from the sphere and it would reduce a size a bit. He kept on turning to get the motion to work but it was like every time that he did that he would destroy it even more until there was nothing left.

Disappointed a bit in the turn of events he would try to figure out what he needed to do to stop that from happening. Roy would try again to make the sphere and then move it in one direction with the same results as the last time. The bright side of him having trouble at this stage of the training was that the ninja was able to get the right amount of chakra to get the sphere to form a lot easier than the last time he did it every time he made an attempt.
A few more hours of this not working Roy mastered the first part of the technique to get the right amount of chakra. Every hour or so he would take a 30 minute break from the training to rest, write in his notepad what happened and then refill his chakra reserves to start it all over again. It wasn’t until Roy was almost out of time on his very first day of training the technique that he figured it out. Roy just needed to add the charka that he lost in the rotation back into the sphere to move it. He deduced that if he padded the rotation of the sphere with a bit of his own chakra every time that he rotated it the sphere would maintain form and still rotate around itself around. Roy would try this again to see if that was the key. Would make the sphere of chakra form in his hand and then pad his hand with a bit more chakra before he began rotating the sphere. He then tried to rotate it once around in a full rotation and to his satisfaction this indeed worked. HE continued to rotate it in one single direction with the charka barrier going faster and faster until he focused on another direction as well. Moving half of that chakra in one direction, then moving that half into another, then moving that half into another and so on he finally made the sphere of chakra rotate around until it finally became the Rasengan. Roy grinned as this had work. He then returned to the inn for a much needed bath.  

[I did 4000+ Words of Training. I would like to purchase the Rasengan as well as receive 20 Stats]

Last edited by Roy Pyre on Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Making it Easier to Read)
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:43 pm
Now that Roy was Genin he felt as though he a bit more control of what he could do while he was in the village. He wasn’t yet a full-fledged ninja in the eyes of the most in the village hidden in the leaves nor should he be. He achieved his genin rank while he was in their village which perhaps could be seen as the highest form of disrespect for a ninja village. To be brought down so low as to have the ninja of another village be given a promotion at your our academy should be seen as a devastating blow. Nevertheless it was done now and Roy had to look forward to all the duties that a ninja of any village had to do. Roy did not mind though as it was all in the name of the Lord Mizukage. The greatest and most powerful ninja in the whole world was the Lord Mizukage and to be in the presence over even in the same village as him was a deep honor for Roy. Still Roy would have some time before he return to village hidden the mist that he would find himself back at the Konoha training grounds to do some more training before he left. Roy was a gifted ninja in Ninjutsu and Roy was going to use his gift to be the best ninja for the village hidden in mist ever. He knew that there were bound to be repercussions for their villages sacking of the village hidden in the leaves so he knew that it was only a matter of time before all-out war was bound to begin. 
Roy was going to head out to the training grounds to learn more about the body flicker technique. It was important for him to know this technique because in a fight he might have to move rapidly out of the way to make sure that he didn’t get hit by a fast acting technique. Beyond that there were many other applications to the technique that Roy didn’t necessarily want or have the desire to go over right now. When he saw Fenrir do it at the training grounds just a week ago he noticed that while it was incomplete he could do it to give himself an edge during any combat encounter. While he walked around the training grounds he would think about these things he would find himself near the training dummies at the center of the grounds to begin his training. He just wanted to make sure that he understood the technique enough to use it in combat. Now that he was here would walk around the dummies to get an idea of how much distance he was going to have to move for each body flicker. He ran a short distance away and warmed up his body and his chakra reserves for today’s training. He would run about 10 meters away from the training dummies. This was about the distance that he felt the body flicker was at its maximum potency.
Roy would begin training by making sure that he knew which hand seals were used for the technique to work. Thankfully for him there was only hand sign that he needed to make the technique work for him. That was the ram seal which Roy was able to do very easily since most of his other techniques that he learned used the ram seal in their jutsu. This was his first advanced technique that he had really wanted to train. The academy that he went to had talked about this technique a lot during his time there but they never did any drills for the technique. As Roy would manipulate his hands he would begin to breathe a bit faster now as he could feel his chakra coursing through his body. He wanted to make sure that had enough reserve power to make the technique successful. Roy would make the hand seal and then force what chakra that he had onto his body to make him move a faster. He could feel the chakra in and around his legs make them feel lighter than normal. After releasing the hand seal Roy would then attempt to get to the training dummies as fast as possible. He would run in a burst of speed towards the dummies and in an instant he was right next to them staring blankly into their dead button eyes. The jutsu was a success on the first try which made Roy very pleased. He was sure that he didn’t have much more training that he had to do to master the technique but he decided that he would drill the technique into his mind for the next hour or so to make sure he understood it. He also wanted to guarantee that he didn’t just do it in a straight line. HE also wanted to make sure that he was able to do the body flicker going in separate directions. This time he would run to about 25 meters away from the training dummies and what he was going to do this time was use the body flicker to get to the training dummies then rapidly change direction to the trees about 10 meters to the right of the dummies. He would do the ram seal a second time and he could feel the chakra pouring though his body. This time he was going to do it. Roy would let go of the seal and then run to the training dummies. Upon reaching this point Roy would make a sudden change in direction to the right and in a blink of an eye Roy would arrive a mere meter away from the small forest to the right of the training dummies. IT was clear now that Roy had complete control of the technique now and he was prepared to use it in a combat encounter. He would pack up his things and get to the inn where he was staying to wash up.   

[I did 1000+ Words of training. I would like to purchase Body Flicker as well as receive 5 stats.]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:15 pm
Roy was on a training Rampage now that he was a genin. Every day we were going to the training grounds to learn a new technique or master an old one. He wanted to make sure that he was powerful enough to help the village hidden in the mist with any issue that might come across them while they were annexing the village hidden in the leaves. This meant that Roy wanted to make sure he mastered every E rank technique that was in the book that he could just in case of their utilities came to be needed during a mission.
Today Roy would wake up from sleeping at the inn and head down to the training grounds to make sure that knew how to use the generic sealing technique properly. He didn’t want to have to carry around a mass amount of weaponry and tools without some sort of ease. That ease being using the storage possibilities of the sealing technique to make the load easier and the trip far more successful was something that Roy had to make sure that he knew now. Roy would head to the ninja shop in the center of town first to buy a scroll that he could use for training as well as check with the ninja headquarters to make sure that the ninja there knew that he was going out to do some training. Since Roy had gotten genin he hadn’t had to do anything for the village nor had he been assigned to a team yet so until that time he was going to use every waking moment that he had to training. He was going to learn every jutsu that he could. Today would be no different.
After he went to the shop and did his rounds in the village he would head into the training grounds finding him at the center of the training grounds near the edge of the forest to do his training. He had his training scroll lie out on the ground as well as a few simple weapons and some writing papers ready to be sealed into the scroll. He would look over all that he had regarding the jutsu and then walk up to his scroll and being to pour chakra into his hands by making the proper preparations to make the technique a success.
After pouring a bit of chakra into his palms he would touch his hands to the scroll and release the chakra that he had stored into the scroll focusing on making sure that any and all of the items around him would seal into it. In a puff of smoke he would force all the weapons and items into the scroll and when the smoke dissipated he would see if he had done the technique correctly.
After the smoke dissipated he would be pleased to find that his weapons and his papers had all been sealed into to scroll ready to be released at any moment. He had completed his training of the technique and decided that now it was time to go home. Before he did that however he wanted to do a bit more training on his body to make sure that he got the most out of the training session. HE would run around the forest that he was near for a few laps to get his body pumped and his blood coursing through his veins. To the warm blooded Roy it was a bit cold out so the running that he did was good for him to stay warm and keep his body in shape.

[I did 600+ Words of training. I would like to purchase The genaric Sealing Technique as well as gain 3 stats. PS Im sorry for all the posts. I'm just on a training montage right now ]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:15 am
While Roy was training one day in the village hidden in the leaves he realized that he had an affinity for fire chakra as well as lightning chakra. This was an amazing gift to the young genin as this meant he had double the jutsu that he could master instead of the just being able to master the techniques of just one chakra nature. He was very happy when he found this out because not only could he use these powers to make himself a far more powerful ninja but it also meant that he could become a far more powerful ninja for his Lord Mizukage. That was that entire he ever wanted to doing was become more powerful for his Mizukage. He wanted to make sure that his will could be carried out by all of his ninja, especially Roy.
Roy didn’t know for sure that he could master the fire elemental nature at first and it was only by chance that he learned he could master the element through a person that he met at the inn that he was staying at in the village hidden in the leaves. One night after he had gotten back there from the training grounds he met a traveler that was selling some ninja tools right outside their inn. The innkeeper said that it was Ok for some reason. Perhaps the two people were friends but either way the shop saw Roy and ushered him over in an attempt to buy his wares. Roy wasn’t interested in anything that the man had to offer because he knew that he could buy it all with the ryo that he gained from being a ninja and on missions with the village. Nevertheless he did have something that he wanted to give Roy for his time. The man wanted to see what the lightning element did to the paper that he said reacted differently depending on what chakra nature the ninja had. Roy told the man that he had the lightning nature in his chakra and the man asked Roy if he would show him. Roy agreed to this because after all what else was he going to do with his night. When Roy took the paper instead of it crimpling up in his hands when the paper touched his chakra it burned up into ash and fell into his hand. Shocked Roy looked up to the shop man who was amazed that his paper actually reacted to the chakra nature so effectively.
Roy could not believe this turn of events and took some time and a bit of ryo to the ninja shop that was just about to close for the night. He would ask the keeper there for some chakra paper so that he could test that he was attuned to the fire element. Once he got a stack of papers he would try again and again to make sure that was true. In fact it was true as the ninja even had the paper burn up or crinkle up depending on the paper. There was even a paper that he used that showed him that once he put his hand onto it is soaked up and became damp as though it was water. Sine this only happened once however he didn’t know if it was just a fluke so he just let the revelation that he might have mastery over three elemental natures slide. Roy was so ecstatic that he ran back to the inn and thanked the keeper by buying a kunai from him for his trouble. Of course he would never use it in battle but it was at least a thank you for showing him this new power. The man was happy that he got the sale and thanked him for his purchase and wished him luck on his training to master the fire element. Roy would spend the rest of the night studying everything that he could about the fire element. He wanted to know everything about the jutsu that he could use and what power he could muster through knowing both the lightning and the fire element. It also made him wonder how he could use the lightning and the fire together to make combination jutsu that did more damage or had more utility that just fire or just lightning. Roy would fall asleep early that night because he wanted to make sure that he had enough rest for tomorrow’s day of training. He was going to master the basics of the element quickly so that he could train his heart out on fire style jutsu so that he could use them on his missions for the hidden mist village. Roy would wake up the next morning as always ready for the day of training ahead of him and made sure that he had everything set up just in case something else happened that meant that he needed to be in the village for either a mission or to quell a trouble in the village. The village seemed to be at peace now as the villagers seemed to accept that the ninja here from the hidden mist village were here to stay. But that didn’t mean that they were necessarily ready to let them into their lives for the time being nor would they stay happy that the ninja here were basically controlling them and their ninjas every move. This was the life of anyone living in the village here and he made sure that he didn’t want to cause any trouble nor that he couldn’t handle anything that came his way. That was one of the reasons why Roy was so determined to learn the techniques that he did so fast because he didn’t want to die just as a genin or without any merits to his name. He was going to be a great asset to his lord Mizukage and he wasn’t going to fail.
When Roy woke up from his sleep it was early in the morning but not too early that the day hadn’t begun for some people in the village. HE went downstairs to find his innkeeper setting everything up for the day and had even prepared breakfast for the guests that were around there. It was important to Roy that he got up and out of the inn before anyone else awoke because he didn’t want to have to wait for them to check out or get things fixed by the innkeeper. While still in his sleeping clothes roy would head down the hall and into the dining room for some breakfast and some water to start off his day. Everything that the lady made for Roy was delicious to him and was made better than anything that he had when he was living with his mother. This was the first time that Roy had actually thought about his parents for a long time. It had been a few years since his parents both died and left Roy alone in the world with very much but to become a ninja. Roy was saddened by remembering the happy times but also glad that he didn’t let it stop him now. He wasn’t sorry or angry at anyone for what they did to their father nor was he mad at the gods for taking his mother away so early. Such was the life of a ninja here and there was little that Roy could do to change that. Roy would think about all of these things while he ate his breakfast. He didn’t eat slowly at all instead he ate almost as fast as he could so that he could get to the training grounds as quickly as possible. Roy basically cleaned his plate in five minutes flat, it showed that it was a good meal, and that roy was still very hungry and maybe wasn’t eating right while he was here. Roy would then thank the innkeeper for the breakfast and head on back up to his room to prepare for his day of training.
Roy would get all of his training gear and pack it into the sack that he carried on his back and head out to the training grounds as quickly as possible. He would get dressed and shower quickly and with all of his gear in hand he would head down to the first floor where the innkeeper was now helping a line of guests with breakfast and with getting into their rooms on a timely matter. She was a hell of a woman no doubt. Roy would bow deeply to the innkeeper as she worked and headed out into the village. His first stop would be to walk around the village to see if any of his superiors would want or need his help with anything. Roy would find few mist ninja around and none of them wanted Roys help. After walking around the perimeter of the village he would head to the headquarters where all the bosses were stationed and he would thank them for their service and thanked them for all of their hard work. The other ninja that were there bowed and said that they didn’t need him today and that he could spend the whole day training his new element. While he still wanted to help the ninja of the village grow stronger by completing missions together Roy was equally happy to just make sure that he got stronger himself so that he could be the best that he could be for his village.
When Roy got to the training grounds he found that it was quite busy at this time. After all he had spent most of his morning doing errands around the village and many of the students and ninja that were not assigned to missions were out here doing their best to train at the grounds. It was a quiet day regardless of how many ninja were there because he could actually find himself a place to do his training. It wasn’t until he got into the forest though that he decided that this was going to be the best place for him to do his training. Roy would head to the center of the small forest and he would find himself alone in a small grove next to where he trained the Rasengan just a few days earlier. Roy was eager to continue this training spree and learn how to master Fire release in record time. He would put down all of his gear and get out all of the food and equipment that he was going to use and begin his training.
First Roy was going to make sure that his body was warmed up before he began to master the element and do that part of his training. He would begin his training by doing laps around the small grove that he was in for about 15 minutes to get his blood pumping to his whole body and then doing some resistance exercises for another 10. He would run around the grove and then continue to doing some sit ups and push-ups to get his body ready for the training ahead. This was easy for Roy as he always tried to do exercise around the village when he could. HE enjoyed doing a bit of work to get a reward in the form of more strength or more stamina. It was something that he decided a long time ago was just a part of being a ninja. Once Roy was all warmed up it was time for him to begin his training of the fire element.
Roy would do what he could to find some leaves that had fallen down in the grove. He was going to train his body to use the charka that he had and manipulate it into burning the leaf to show that he had gained some knowledge on the element and could move forward into getting stronger with his manipulation of fire. IT would take him a bit to find everything that he needed but once he did have enough leaves he would begin this step of his training. He would place a leaf into the palm of his hand and begin to pour chakra into his hands. From there he would force the chakra to transform into the fire element and then catch the leaf on fire. Once the leaf was on fire he would control the fire to just the leaf until it burned itself to ash. Once that was done he would move on to the next leaf until he felt as though he had mastered that part of manipulation. Roy would start out with his first leaf by picking it up and sitting down on a nearby stump in the grove. Sitting down he would begin to force his chakra to his palms by focusing on the chakra that was naturally flowing through his body. Once he felt as though he had enough chakra into his hands Roy would change the form of that chakra into the fire element and release it into his hands. From there he would hope that the leaf would catch on fire. The first time that he did it Roy found that he was still using the lightning element a bit too much. When the chakra got to his palm and he released it the chakra would just make the leaf crumple up and dry as though it was being touched by lightning. The lightning nature that was already in his body was making it difficult for him to change the chakra nature into fire. He would pick up another leaf and try this again, however this time he would focus on making sure that it wasn’t lightning. HE would do this a few times over but each time when he would try to suppress his lightning chakra he would just realize that nothing would happen. He would feel the feint glow of charka emitted from his body and then head out into the abyss. IT was just chakra that didn’t have any nature element at all like the stuff that he needed to make the Rasengan. After attempting this he decided that it was time to take a break and he would eat a bit to replenish the chakra that he lost and write all of his finding into his notebook for study. While he was writing everything this stuff down Roy would realize some things that he was messing up. Writing down everything made him understand how the methods that he was doing wouldn’t actually work in his scenario. After he had spent about 15 minutes relaxing and another 15 minutes getting his hard pumped up again Roy would head back to the stump that he was training on and begin to manipulate the chakra a bit harder.
Roy would continue his training by focusing on changing the chakra that he used for his transformation in one of his central chakra networks and not just on his arms where it would have little time to transform. The next time that he did the training he would focus his chakra down to his hands like the last time but he would focus on making the chakra fire while it was still in his body near his heart. As he did this he could feel the fire chakra coursing through his body as it warmed him up around his chakra points. When it finally got to his hands it was almost unbearable as his body wasn’t accustomed to it. He would release the chakra into his hands and hope that the leaf would catch fire. HE was getting closer as his leaf in his hand would begin to smoke up and brown a bit. Could it be that he needed more power in his body to make the technique work? Roy was amazing at how hot he would need to get his body for the fire to actually make the leaf combust into ash. His body had to basically become superheated for it to work. Once Roy realized this he would try again with a new leaf. Once he did that Roy would again pour his fire chakra into his heart and then have run through his arms and into his hands. His goal was to make it as hot as he could handle it and also make sure that he didn’t hurt himself in the process. This time the fire was almost unbearable to the ninja as it coursed to his hands but this time the leaf would smoke and dry out almost instantaneously. It still wasn’t enough chakra for it to catch fire like it should. Roy would be sweating around just trying to get it smoke and it still wasn’t enough for it to catch fire. Roy would let go of the leaf and then step on it and hear the crunch of it being devoid of water. Roy was amazed at how much energy the fire element needed in order for it to work. It was truly incredible to say the least. After Roy cooled down a bit and then made sure that he had enough to eat and drink so that he didn’t burn himself out Roy would be at it again. This time he realized that he was going to have to pour all the energy into his hands and not hold the pain back. He would pick up another leaf from his pile and hold it in his palm. He would pour all the fire chakra that he could into his hands. It was so painful to Roy as the fire would go down his arms and into his hands and then even more painful when the fire didn’t burn the leaf like he thought that it should. Roy would now get frustrated but also determined to make this work because it was going to work. Roy would try again with a new leaf and this time he wasn’t going to hold anything back and he was just going to accept all the pain that went with it. He would pour all the energy that he had into making his heart chakra network make all the fire chakra that it could and instead of trying to hold back the pain Roy would just let the pain happen. This time however there was no pain at all as the fire chakra would heed itself all the way up to his palms where Roy would release it altogether. This time the leaf would catch fire! The leaf would turn crimson red as it would burn in his hands as Roy would force the containment of the fire to his palms and then to his leaf in his hands. After about 10 seconds of just waiting for the leaf to burn it would turn into ash in his hands and then blow away into the wind. Roy had done it once and it smelled terrible as the leaf that he was using was still wet and very much alive. HE would do this again to make sure that it wasn’t a fluke and he would push himself to make the chakra burn the leaf faster and faster each time that he did it. Every time that he did it after that he began to feel the strain on his body become less and less until he didn’t feel it at all and the leaf would naturally catch fire as he released some chakra from his hands onto it. This time the fire would just burn for a few seconds before it would make the leaf turn all into ash.  Roy would then sit down and replenish his chakra and wash his hands before he would begin the next step of mastering the fire element.
After another ten minutes of rest he would get up again and begin the next step of training his fire element. Roy was going to use the trees around him to as training dummies to use his control of fire to make them charred and burned. Roy was going to make sure that he had enough power in his fire element to use in close quarters situations as medium to long range applications would be used in the techniques that he would learn in the form of jutsu that focused on the element. He would walk towards one of the larger trees that he could use to make sure that even if he punched it with fire it wouldn’t do damage to the structure of the tree or the forest around it. He had prepared a bucket of water just in case anything caught fire and was sure that his manipulation of the element was mastered enough that it wouldn’t get to that point. Roy would begin at the first tree that he was at by pouring his fire chakra into his hands and then releasing it as he punched the tree. The first few times that he punched he couldn’t even feel the fire energy go through his body as all he did was just punch a bit of bark off the tree. After a bit more training however he could begin to feel his hands coated with the fire chakra as his fists would leave charred marks of fire chakra on the tree that he was punching. After doing that a few successful time she would see if he could add it to his kicks and make sure that it worked. After a bit of learning curve and almost burning his shoes in the process he realized that kicking with the fire style was going to not be the best thing for Roy to do. He decided that he was going to use the element to make his weapons and his body elementally natured to fire so that if he needed to he could use it in close range in conjunction with his lightning. There were a few techniques that he wanted to learn with lightning and Roy felt as though he as ready to learn those as well. But the day was about to come to an end and he decided that he would train that jutsu the next day. He would pick up all of his gear and clean up his space a bit before returning back to the village proud that he mastered the element so quickly. When he got back to his inn he was looking to see if he could find the man that first showed him that he could master the element but he was nowhere to be found. He tried to ask people what happened to him but nobody seemed to know what became of him. He wanted to thank him but that mission would end in failure. He would head back into the inn that he was staying at and drop of his gear into his room before he did a quick change of clothes and headed back outside to find something to eat. Normally he wouldn’t go out to eat but mastering the element so quickly was indeed a form of celebration for the young ninja. He would head out to the nearby fish restaurant and ask for a table at the bar. He would get a large portion of fish and sushi and then wait for his meal. While he was doing that he would take a few more leaves that he took from the training grounds and secretly do a bit more training under the table. HE wanted to train his ninja skills by seeing what he could do without the notice of any of the other patrons. He would do this a few times but realized that he was leaving a pile of ash on the floor for the wait staff to pick up later. Roy didn’t want to make more work for them so he decided just to wait quietly for his food. Once he got his food he would thank the staff and head back to the inn for some much needed rest.

[Again sorry for the training... I did 4000+ words of training so I would like to purchase the fire element as well as receive 20 stats :D]
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:38 am
When Roy got back to the inn he felt as though he couldn’t sleep. He was too exicted to learn that he had mastered the fire element so quickly that he wanted to put it into action and master a jutsu that actually used the fire element to make fire come out of his mouth. He knew of one that the clans of old used to use to make sure that their young were ready to move onto advanced chakra manipulation techniques so that was what he was going to master tonight. Roy would head back onto the training grounds with his gear and begin his night training. He was going to learn the fire stream jutsu just as it was trained to show that he truly had mastery over the fire element. He wasn’t going to do anything that he couldn’t do without a lot of practice yet as he wanted to make sure that he understood the basics of the element first before going anywhere else. The fire steam jutsu was something that many of the students that had the fire element at the academy learned to show that they had mastery over the fire element but since Roy didn’t know that he would just learn it now.
The jutsu was not very difficult to master because all he had to do was just make the fire that he would normally use to warm up his hands move just to warming up his heart and then his chest and then his mouth to make fire come out of it in a small cone. The time had come for him to learn this technique and he would do it on one of the dummies in the training grounds. Roy didn’t fear that he was going to cause any damage as the dummies were almost indestructible to any sort of damage as they were made to withstand years of training. Roy would do the half tiger seal and begin to feel the fire chakra course through his body and to his chest. Then with a quick burst of energy Roy would expel the chakra from his mouth. The first time that he did the jutsu a weak blaze that didn’t even go past a meter would be expelled and almost instantly die out from lack of energy. Roy was going to have to put in a bit more chakra for his technique to work.
The second time that he trained the technique Roy would put a lot more chakra into making the blaze bigger and stronger. Roy would do the half tiger seal and hold his fire chakra to get bigger in his chest to the point that there was almost no more room for air in his lungs. Then he would exhale and this time he would release a large amount of chakra onto the training dummy there that would catch a cone about 3 meters away from him ablaze with his fire chakra. Satisfied with his training he would head back to the inn for some much needed rest.

[I did 500+ Words. I would like to purchase Fire release Fire stream as well as get Two stats.]
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:38 am
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:51 am
Roy went again to the training grounds to learn a new lightning style technique that would be capable to making his lightning chakra a bit more powerful while he was holding a kunai or other sword. While for the past couple of days Roy was just training other things like learning his new element or non-elemental jutsu like the shadow clone he decided that now it was time for him to learn something that had to do with his natural affinity to lightning. Roy knew that in time he would have to learn more advanced techniques like the chidori if he was going to survive as a ninja but for now this was a good start for his training. It appeared to be a variant of chakra infusion to say the least but Roy felt that this was going to be a good foundation for him to learn other important techniques down the line. Roy would wake up around the same time that he normally did and gather his belongings up for the day. He would be waking up just about the time the innkeeper that Roy was staying at was getting her day prepared for her guests and her other clients. She bowed deeply to Roy and he did the same to him. Roy saw that while he was here in the village hidden in the leaves many of the people here showed great respect to everything and everyone that they came across even though they were part of a different village. Roy liked that very much.

After Roy got a bit of breakfast from the innkeeper Roy would thank her and head get all of his belongings that he needed for the day and go to the headquarters of the village to see if the ninja there needed him to do anything to make sure that there occupation of the village stayed running smoothly. Roy would go there and realize that they didn’t need his help again as there were many other ninja just lounging around waiting for something to do. Roy would sigh a bit and take his belongings down to the training grounds. In a fit of frustration Roy would do some light running as he headed down to the training grounds because he wanted something to do for the village. HE wasn’t able to go on any missions because he hasn’t been assigned a team or a squad to do training with. Roy would make sure that he was prepared for that at any moment in case he needed to do something but it still didn’t numb the fact that Roy didn’t have much to do here but eat free food and train new techniques. He was going to be a strong ninja and he was here in the village to do that. But not being able to any missions for the village definitely meant that he felt he was unneeded. Alas Roy would calm down again as he realized that he was a just a student when he got here and probably most of the village leaders thought of him as nothing more but a student still.

When Roy got to the training grounds this morning he would head out to his usual spot in the forest that was near the center of the grounds. He wanted to make sure that he got there without any other ninja noticing because he didn’t want them to train with him today. He was going to be focusing on doing something that he normally didn’t do and that was change the nature of his chakra to become lightning. Sure he had done some training to make his chakra turn into fire but that was different. This time he was doing this to infuse his chakra into his kunai. He would take out a few kunai and set them out on the ground to be used later. Roy would then head around the grove that he was training at a do a few laps of running as well a few other warm up exercises that he could do to make sure that his body was warmed for the training. Once he felt like he was ready to train he would begin.
Roy would pick a new Kunai and begin to throw them with all of his force into the tree that was about a meter beyond him. He wanted to make sure that his aim was true and he still had the knack for making sure that he his weapon training was still in good form. After doing that for a bit roy would begin to infuse his lightning chakra with the kunai as he threw it. He would do the dog seal just as he would begin to take the kunai out. After he did that he would let the lightning chakra course through his hands and then flow into his kunai as the lightning would make the kunai crackle like it was a lighting bolt. Roy would then throw the kunai to the tree and to his dismay he realized that the kunai dissipated into nothing before it even reached the tree. Roy realized that this technique was not as useful as he thought that it would be. After he realized that the the jutsu was only allowing the kunai to travel a bit beyond a meter before dissipating it meant that it could only be used when he was in close range. This also meant that he could only really use it when the enemy was near him which was going to be a problem for the young ninja. It would take him time to do the hand seal and knead the chakra into the kunai and even more time to actually take the kunai out to use it in a fight. After realizing all of these draw backs Roy realized that he wouldn’t be using this jutsu much in a fight. But he still did some training with it to insure that he didn’t waste all of his time.

[I did 1000 words of training. I would like purchase Raiton: Kunai Cutter as well as 5 Stats.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:57 am
Roy Pyre
Roy Pyre
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Roys Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Roys Training

Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:47 pm
It was time for Roy to do another bout of training. Since he had spent the morning learning a lightning release technique Roy thought that it would now be time to practice another Fire Release technique. This one would be important to Roy should he ever find himself in a situation that required him to stay warm. It was an odd technique but he figured that he could use this technique to keep his body warm for a bit while he made a fire or did some other survival method. The jutsu was called the inner flame and it appeared to be just that. He would use his fire chakra inside of his body instead of releasing it. That way his body would stay warm and while the outside was cold. It didn’t seem to do much other than that though but it looked to be a simple technique that he could learn during this afternoon. HE didn’t have all the time in the world to train so if he just learned a simple one the day would be a success.
Roy would head out to the training grounds this afternoon and find that very few people were there to actually do much of any sort of Training. Nevertheless Roy would head to the small grove that he had become accustomed to training at for the time. It was a place that Roy appeared to have the most growth and so Roy would continue to train there as long as he was in the village. Roy would begin his training by doing a few laps of running around the grove as well as doing some light warm up exercises at the center. When he felt as though his body was ready for training Roy would begin.
The technique required Roy to make the tiger hand sign and hold his fire chakra into his body. This would allow him to stay warm. Roy would stand near the center of the grove and then do the tiger seal to begin the technique. The first time that he did the technique he didn’t feel anything different. He didn’t know exactly what he was supposed to be doing but he knew that nothing happened. Roy would try again and this time he would work to push more of his fire chakra into his body. As he did the tiger seal he would close his eyes and cause his body to emit its chakra all through his body. As he did that he would cause the chakra centers near the heart to change nature into fire chakra. As he did that he could feel the warmth coming from his heart and radiate through the rest of his body. As he did that his whole body would begin to feel hot as though it was going to melt from the inside. Roy would release the hand seal and over a bit more time the heat in his body would dissipate. Roy had completed the technique and decided that he had learned everything about it. He would pick up the rest of his gear and head back into the village where he would find a place to eat and rest up for the night. Roy would get back to the inn and bow to the innkeeper before stopping back at his room to change clothes and then clean up his body with the chakra cleanse technique before heading back out into the village. Roy would then go to a near by fish shop where he would have a nice meal and then head back to his room for some rest.

[600 Words of Training. I would like to purchase Katon: Inner Flame as well as earn 3 stats.]
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