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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Sumire Furukawa
Madrigal Kaguya
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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:43 am
"Thank you for this, Kenshin." the dark haired young man would say as he gazed into the scar faced teens mismatched eyes. This would elicit a small chuckle from Kenshin as he manipulated the threads that were still holding Valen's original kidney moving the organ towards the corpse. Much like when he had performed his own transplant he would use the corpse as a storage device for Valen's kidney, which he would have to run some tests on in the future. By the time he was done with that he would see the dark prince of Hoshigakure moving to put both his shirt and cloak back on... apparently he had forgotten that he still had wet blood staining the right half of his body. It wasn't like it mattered all that much in the end, as he knew that blood could be washed out of clothes without too much difficulty, he was just a little confused as to why Valen wouldn't just save himself the trouble and wipe the blood away before putting his clothes on. Speaking of blood, the silver haired youth form the Tiger hand seal and activate the Chakra Cleanse technique in order to get the young Akari's blood off his hands. 

"There's something else I would like you to explain if you don't mind." Valen would say as his hand ghosted over the area that Kenshin had just performed the transplant. It must feel a little strange knowing that after something so quick and painless a piece of himself was forever lost, and in its place was a part of someone that he had never even met or seen before. It had not bothered rag doll all that much when he had performed the very same transplant on himself, but then again unlike Valen he was someone who specialized in medical ninjutsu. And ever since he read the book explaining exactly what DNA transplants could do he had been planning on gathering the DNA of the most formidable clans in the nations to implant them into himself.  either way though the albino would give a small smirk and nod his head in an effort to tell Valen to go ahead and ask his question already.

"I've decided to take Ninjutsu on as my final specialty, in order to round out my style with a variety of techniques for different situations. I know you practice multiple forms of Ninjutsu. Do you have any advice for someone trying to progress?" the weapon user would explain, before asking Kenshin for some advice in how best to proceed with his training. He already knew that Valen was not too stubborn to accept help when it was offered, but he was also glad to see that he was not too prideful to ask for help when he didn't know how to advance further. He had also come to the right person when looking for advice in how to perform Ninjutsu, because as Valen had mentioned, Kenshin was someone who specialized in various different types of ninjutsu. The Jounin was most well known for being one of the best medical practitioners in Hoshigakure, but it was also known that he was highly skilled in the more generic style of Ninjutsu as well. 

"I have to admit, I never really took you as the Ninjutsu type, but upon hearing your reasoning I can see why you would choose to take that as your final specialty. Out of all possible specialties Ninjutsu is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the most versatile." the Uzumaki half-blood would say with the lightest of smirks upon his scarred face. Personally he was glad that Valen seemed to be following the advice that he had given on the church top not too long ago, and was using his third specialty to gain some extra versatility to better cover his existing weaknesses. This, combined with Valen's existing skills, turned him into a true threat from any range, and at the same time would provide him with some very decent defensive techniques, especially if the young man actually possessed an affinity towards Earth. But that was enough of him getting lost in thought, he had a question to answer.

"Now despite what some people may think Ninjutsu is not exactly the most... fine tuned specialty. It does not require insane levels of chakra control compared to some other specialty, like for example Medical Ninjutsu, Space Time Ninjutsu or even Genjutsu. No, all that is actually required for someone to become skilled in the use of Ninjutsu is a relatively large pool of chakra, as it is more about completely overwhelming your opponents with pure power than it is about finesse. So, my advice is this, when you use Ninjutsu techniques, don't put too much effort into controlling your chakra, focus more on pushing as much of it as you possibly can into the technique." The Ninjutsu specialist would explain with a slightly wider smirk. In many ways Ninjutsu truly was the antithesis of Medical Ninjutsu, which required near perfect levels of chakra control to use anything higher than a C-ranked technique. Where one required focus and finesse, the other simply required a large amount of chakra and the correct hand seals, no finesse or control required, just pure unrefined power. 

He was about to open his mouth to speak when something happened... something that shocked him more than a little. He felt the chakra build up in Valen's body, he felt it flow to his back... but he did not expect glowing yellow chains to suddenly sprout from his body. He had to admit, it was annoying that the dark prince had managed to activate the chains so quickly, when he, an Uzumaki by birth, had to wait nearly a month after his transplant for his chains to manifest. Oh well, while it was a little annoying and very unexpected the silver haired youth was not so petty as to hold such a thing against Valen. It also seemed that the other Jounin had chains that were more combat applicable than his own, due to his having blades on the tips.

With a small chuckle Kenshin would summon some of his own chains out of three Tenketsu in the palm of his hand. Unlike Valen's which were glowing a bright yellow, Kenshin chains were a very dull gold, and where Valen had blades Kenshin's chains were tipped with extremely large and crude looking hooks. They were definitely an imposing sight, but anyone with knowledge of weapons would know that they would be rather difficult to use in combat. So really he would only ever use his chains for intimidation purposes... at least until he developed his own unique form of chakra chains like so many Uzumaki in the past. 

He would allow his hooked chains to fade away and look at Valen seriously.

"Now I have a favour to ask of you Valen. Please allow me to sign the Snake Summoning Contract, I believe that they may well hold the key to me getting stronger." he would explain briefly, not really giving Valen any clues for what he may or may not have planned for the future.

WC: 1199
Madrigal Kaguya
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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:55 pm
Valen, in a moment of forgetfulness would forget his side was covered in blood. Granted the only thing that would truly be affected would be a simple black Tee that he wore underneath his cloak. The teenager would listen to Kenshin’s advice about ninjutsu, taking it to heart to practice after the scarred jonin had left. ‘So, power huh? That makes sense and honestly, I’m glad I asked. My only real experience in using chakra with techniques involves the space time specialty which requires great amounts of chakra control. Although the force of my chakra had always been fairly strong. Maybe Ninjutsu really IS the best choice.’ He would think to himself before nodding toward the man. 

At this point Valen would feel the urge to try using his chakra in his back to summon a few wicked looking chains that appeared as if they were glaives. ‘Good for combat’ he’d think before looking toward a small chuckle to see Kenshin activating his own chakra chains. The chakra formed appendages would snack out of the man’s palm. While his own were a bright yellow, Kenshin’s would be more of a dull colour. Similar to a bronze or gold. The meat hook like appendages were a nice touch considering the dark medics twisted thoughts. Of course Valen wouldn’t actually know of the man’s darker thoughts but that didn’t really need to be elaborated on. 

Now came time for Kenshin to make a request of his own. Valen would listen intently to the man as he named off his request. A small smirk adorning Valen’s features as the scarred medic requested to sign the snake summoning contract. An honor he would generally let the man who let him sign it, Denkiteki Hayato do. However, to Valen’s great shock and sadness, Denkiteki passed on recently due to causes that had yet to be released. The passing of the great man hit Valen like a metaphorical truck. He wasn’t sure if it was through the snake summoning contract or not. He did however feel an odd closeness to the man who gave him his first true companion in Natsumi. A small snake that could more often than not be found wrapped around Valen’s neck under the high collar of his cloak. With Denkiteki gone however, that left Valen the sole snake summoner within the village. 

Nodding his head in understanding he would move over to decently sized free space on the ground before taking his index finger and running it through some of the blood on his side before sliding the blood across his palm. He would then flip through the hand seals used to perform the jutsu Bird, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram, performing them rather slowly to make sure that Kenshin himself could see them. At this point the summoner would calmly place his palm on the ground. Instantly a summoning array would web out from beneath the black haired ninjas palm before a small explosion of smoke could be seen. This smoke would fade quickly to show the contract keeper, Nori, that Valen had signed the contract with. 

The seven meter long snake would be coiled around the summoning scroll. He would flick his tongue around for a moment, getting a feel for his surroundings before turning to Valen. “The last snake summoner wishes to induct another does he?” He would ask before turning toward the only other occupant in the room, that being Kenshin. After all, why else would the contract keeper be summoned. “Natsumi speaks highly of you, but the Mark given to you by Tomoya seems to be gone, why?” He would ask, turning back to Valen in curiosity. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to the sword user as Tomoya, unbeknownst to Valen had been a living clone of Den. He had summoned Valen to the snakes summon lands to ask Valen to allow him to place a mark on him that he had convinced the snake sages would allow a non sage mode user to utilize sage mode in a rudimentary way. Valen had agreed and the sealing had worked flawlessly. The seal that Tomoya had placed however was now gone. “Yes, the seal Tomoya placed upon me the last time I was within the summon lands is gone. It had been replaced with one of the same branch, but of a different type. It suits my combat needs more.” He would say with a respectful nod of his head toward the contract keeper. 

“I see, I see, very well of course, it’s your body and if one can be placed than it only makes sense that others can too. Use it carefully, the power of natural energy is potent, but can easily become a double edged sword.” The serpentine scroll carrier would say before turning back to Kenshin. “Now, you then.. Before I open this scroll and allow you to sign the contract I’ll ask you the same question I asked young Valen here. Why do you wish to summon my kind?” He would ask, keeping an eye on the medic to gauge his reaction. 

Valen himself would take a step back, allowing the two to have their conversation. It was on Kenshin now. The sword user could summon Nori to give him the opportunity, but the rest was up to the half blood Uzumaki himself. He would watch silently as the snake asked it’s question, even going so far as to start cleaning up the blood from off of his table. The stuff got everywhere after all. At least it wouldn’t damage the carpet or anything if Valen got to it in time. 

WC: 938
TWC: 5632

Gonna go ahead and claim some stuff. 
1500 words toward Uzumaki Activation 2000 - 25% max stat discount making it 1500
2000/2000 words to unlock the Ninjutsu Specialty. (Claiming 50% off due to Kenshin explaining it)
2132 toward Fade Out
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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:52 pm
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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:47 am
The silver haired teen would give a wide and dark grin as Valen gave a nod upon hearing his request. He had been wanting a summoning contract of his own ever since Genevieve's overgrown lizard had slapped him through a boulder, and ever since then he had been thinking of what would suit him best. Genevieve's dragons were a no go for him, as from what he had seen of Genevieve's dragon even the weakest of them were prideful to the point of arrogance... plus, they simply did not match his fighting style. Another choice of his were the slugs that he had seen Kyousuke summon, and overall they were a much greater choice for Kenshin than Genevieve's dragons... but they still had their flaws. From what he knew they were a very versatile race that were skilled primarily in the healing arts, and often attacked with acids and poisons... they also happened to be quite durable yet slow summons. So all in all they possessed a very similar fighting style to Kenshin himself, and that was exactly why he had not chosen them.

Snakes on the other hand seemed perfect for him, extremely fast and agile fighters that primarily avoided getting hit when they could, and ended fights with a single, lethal attack. Very different to Kenshin's own 'let the enemy hit, and then hit harder' strategy when it came to fighting, and that was what made Snakes quite possibly the best summons for him to have... they just fit well with his current fighting style. Kenshin to draw the attention of the enemy and take any hits that they delivered, while at the same time his snakes slithered closer, unseen by the enemy, and ended thee fight with a single bite. Or better yet, use them to compensate for his own lack of speed by keeping one close to his body at all times too defend him from anyone that got too close for comfort. He was not the first to come up with such an idea, in fact he was straight up stealing from the very person allowing him to sign the contract, although he had a feeling Valen's own snake was more so for the surprise factor than out of necessity like his was going to be. 

He would watch as Valen simply swipe his finger through some of the blood on his side and begin to go through the required hand seals slowly. This would cause Kenshin to suppress a chuckle, as he already knew how to perform the summoning technique, he just lacked the necessary contract to actually summon anything other than people. He would watch as the jutsu matrix spread itself across the floor as Valen slapped his bloodied hand against it, and in a relatively large puff of smoke a new chakra signature would be felt by Kenshin. This chakra signature obviously belonged to the rather large snakes that seemed to be coiled protectively around a rather large scroll, which was obviously the summoning contract. The snake would give a small hiss and flick its tongue out to get a better feel for its new surroundings, before turning it's head to face Valen. 

"The last snake summoner wishes to induct another does he?" it would ask as it turned to face Kenshin for a second or two. During this brief period Kenshin would do little more than incline his head towards the snake, nodding his head in a gesture of respect at the guardian of the contract. 

"Natsumi speaks highly of you, but the mark given to you by Tomoya seems to be gone, why?" the large snake would ask its summoner. The stitched and scarred medic would stay silent as he allowed the two to converse, as he didn't exactly know what either of them were talking about nor did he care all that much. He did wonder who this Tomoya was, but it was more so curiosity than anything else.

"Yes, the seal Tomoya placed upon me the last time I was in the summon lands is gone. It had been replaced by one of the same branch, but of a different type. It suits my combat needs more." the Jounin would explain to the abnormally large snake, causing Kenshin to wonder if he too had received one of those 'Holy Seals' from Hikari. He hadn't spotted anything like his own on Valen's body, but then again, he had also not been looking at the body of the Akari, having been focused on properly transplanting the Uzumaki kidney. 

"I see, I see, very well of course, it's your body and if one can be placed than it only makes sense that others can be too. Use it carefully, the power of natural energy is potent, but can easily become a double edged sword." the snake would say in warning, obviously knowing a lot more about this seal than either Kenshin or Valen. Hell, Kenshin had no idea exactly what this 'natural energy' the snake spoke of was, but based on what it had said, it was an extremely potent power with some pretty serious drawbacks. 

"Now, you then... before I open this scroll and allow you to sign the contract I'll ask you the same question I asked young Valen here. Why do you wish to summon my kind?" the snake would ask as it gaze at Kenshin with wide, unblinking eyes. As he had a silent staring contest with the snake he would take note of Valen himself stepping back and starting to clean up the blood from the surgery, earning a small smirk from Kenshin.

"It is quite simple really, I feel as though your kind would be the best choice of summons for me. The speed and agility that snakes are known to possess contrast rather nicely with my ability to take almost any hit that comes my way My other choice was of course the Slugs, but in the end I decided not too as their fighting style seemed far too similar to my own, and thus brought nothing new to the table." The Ragdoll of Hoshigakure would explain, voicing exactly why he had chosen to sign the Snake Contract rather than, say, the slugs or dragons. 

Now, provided that this answer was accepted by the snake, then Kenshin would use one of the threads that called his body home to pierce through the skin of his thumb. This would allow a slow trickle of blood to leave the wound, and with said blood Kenshin would write his name on the large and slightly faded fabric of the contract scroll. With the contract signed however the silver haired Jounin had no more reason to be in Valen's home, and he would reseal the corpse of the Uzumaki in it's scroll and once again place the scroll back inside his Storage Displacement. Provided there was nothing else that he needed to respond to, Kenshin would toss the still unopened bottle of water back to Valen and bid him a good day... he had some training to do.

Oh, and if for some reason Kenshin was not allowed to sign the summoning contract, then he would send a strongly worded Skype message to Valen. The contents of the mesage more than likely containing a fair amount of cursing, and the question of why Valen was trying to troll him now of all times, when he had a Bijuu fight to prepare for.

WC: 1243


TWC: 9377

6000 words torwards This (25% max stat discount)

1500 words towards This ^_^ (25% max stat discount)

1877 words towards Mastery of This  6066 words remaining
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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:57 am
It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Approved
Madrigal Kaguya
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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:32 am
Valen would have the apartment cleaned up in short order with the help of chakra. It was actually rather ingenious if he thought so himself. Chakra could often be used to pull something out of someone or something. As is shown by abilities that drain one’s energy, or certain medical techniques to suck out poison from the afflicted party. Therefore it stands to reason that one could easily use chakra to pull blood from carpet, and clothing. The Dark Prince would use this bit of chakra to simply move the blood through the carpet to the hardwood flooring in his kitchen. Something that wouldn’t stain if he got to it quick enough. At that point it was a simple matter of quickly cleaning it up with a mop in his nearby supply closet. He would of course use a similar idea with the blood on his table, using chakra to form a thin sheet of the energy between the blood and the table itself. This would cause the blood to be ever so slightly ‘lifted’ off the table and pulled back near the edge would Valen would away with a large bowl. He would proceed to place the bowl in a sink of scalding hot water before moving back toward the duo. Just in time to hear Kenshin finish his explanation. 

Nori would look up at Kenshin passively for a few moments as he seemed to contemplate the man’s reasons. His tongue would flicker out every so often as he considered the teen for the contract before nodding his head and uncoiling himself from around the scroll. The old parchment would unravel with a flick of the snakes tail, showing the names of current snake summoners. Valen would become surprised at the edition of a name to the scroll. “Fenrir?” He would raise an eyebrow in curiosity at Nori who would nod his head. “Yes, I lied when I said you were the last. There is one more, but I will not give you information about him.” The black snake would reply, giving Valen a small glare. The Crimson garbed snake summoner would shake his head in the negative. “I won’t ask you to, it was just a surprise to me.” He would say as he watched Kenshin utilize a thread to sign the contract. He would proceed to reseal the corpse of the Uzumaki that he had transplanted the kidney of into Valen before tossing the crimson eyed teen the water bottle back and bidding them both farewell and leaving. Valen would lock the door behind the man before turning to Nori. 

“I bid you farewell Nori, and thank you.” He would say while Nori rolled up the scroll and coiled around it again. The snake would nod his head at Valen before dismissing itself in a column of smoke, similar to how he appeared. This would leave the dark prince alone in the building where he would shortly decide to finally get some sleep. It was late after all. 

WC: 501
Claiming: 501 words towards Light's Path Mastery, putting me at 2774
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It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's A-A-A-Power Boost?! (P,NK)

Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:01 am
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