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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Ryo : 42750

Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:15 pm
The theory behind Cole's attack was sound. Had it been a less observant opponent, it might have worked. But Kotetsu could tell that Valen wasn't buying it. Cole's attempt at flickering behind Valen also failed miserably, and the result was Cole being kicked violently back towards him. Kotetsu threw himself to one side to avoid getting hit by the flying Kaguya, since those bone protrusions will definitely cause some severe injuries. 'Definitely don't want to get hit by those...' He thinks to himself. Once Cole is past him, he then throws him towards his gear to grab his ninja tools. His clothes were unimportant for now, as trying to put them back on would only be a distraction.

And then the church doors flew open...followed by...fear. Of the worst kind imaginable. Some...thing, had come out of the church doors. A skeletal monster of frightful proportions was standing in the doorway. it was a deep grey with a purple aura surrounding it. The skeletal being was impossibly thin, and it's arms were extremely long and spindly...and it almost appeared that two extra sets of arms were growing out of its back. 'What that thing...' Was the last coherent thing that went through Kotetsu's head. He collapsed in a heap on the ground.

The next what seemed like days passed in agonizing slowness. The skeletal creature shot bone shards in all directions, too fast for the human eye to catch. The shards hit the 3 shinobi each in multiple locations. The shards were barbed, so they were even more painful.. It was even worse because they hit vital locations, but none that were super life threatening, so he would bleed out, but slowly, and with a lot of pain. And it didn't look like anyone was going to be able to help. They were all in similar straits. Then the monster ripped out Valen's throat. Cole was next, with his head being torn off. The monster then turned on Kotetsu, and the monster took its time with him. It ripped off his arm, and broke his other arm in several places. Unable to fight back, Kotetsu could only howl in agony and despair, and the demon was relishing in his pain. The monster then crushed his legs, then his throat. He spent at least a full minute choking on blood before his body gave out.

The next thing he knew, he was awake, alive and in the training ground with Cole and Valen. The monster was still in the church doorway, almost as if that horrible death Kotetsu had experienced had not happened. It looks like nothing was going to change though, because it looks like the same thing would happen again, except it was different this time. It pulled out a massive metal sword and charged Cole. Valen tried to interpose himself, but was batted aside like a child. Cole was split in half almost instantly. the pieces held together for a moment before falling aside. The fearsome monster then started towards Kotetsu, blade held low. Again, Valen tried to get in the way, to save the Genin, but the skeletal monstrosity grabbed him around the throat and stabbed him through the chest. His way now clear, the monster then advanced again on Kotetsu. He tried to get away, but his legs were contemptuously cut off at the knees. Falling to the ground, Kotetsu tried in vain to crawl away, sobbing in pain. He then felt a sword  through his back, pain, and then nothing shortly after.

Each vision that flashed before Kotetsu almost always started the same, with Cole, Kotetsu, Valen, and the skeletal monster all standing in their original spots. How Kotetsu died though, changed each time. Sometimes he would be the first killed. Sometimes Valen or Cole would die before him. Most of the time he would be killed last. And never in the same way each time. There must have been about a dozen different deaths. All gruesome, painful, and terrifying. A small part of Kotetsu's mind definitely knew that this couldn't be real. There was no way that he was constantly dying, but he couldn't escape the terrors. All he could do was suffer through them until it ended. 'Maybe this is Valen trying to toughen us up...' Kotetsu thinks to himself between visions. 'All I can do is try to wait it out and try to keep my sanity intact...'

WC: 742
TWC: 2358
Travin Iburi
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:21 pm
Cole realized that he didn't think his plan all the way through when Valen sent him flying back with a kick to the chest at Kotetsu. Even in the pain cole was amazed that he had even dodged all the bones that was poking out of coles skin at the time. He then hoped that Kotetsu could move out of the way before cole slammed into him. He hadn't practiced putting the bones back in very fast and he knew that at the pace he was going he wouldn't be able to in time. It was just a few seconds when he sees that kotetsu rolled out of the way as cole landed hard on the back of his neck. He then started to roll, and he could hear the bones breaking as he hit the ground time after time.

It was a minute or two before cole was able to get up again, or at least he thought that it was. Once he was back on his feat cole walked back up to stand beside kotetsu. It was at this point that he saw the man standing in the door way of the church. At least cole thought it was a man. He couldn't even tell if the man was alive or not with pale skin and stretches everywhere. Then it hit cole like a mac truck the pure feeling of death on the wind. He knew that the guy could and probably wanted to kill him, and their was nothing that he could do about it. Cole could feel the warm crimson blood start to slide down from his nose. It wouldn't be long before it was a full blown nose bleed.

He had visions of his death in the most painful ways imaginable. It was in ways that he didn't even know you could die. In what felt like an eternity was only a minute or two, and cole visioned himself dying by every means possible. From being stabbed in the heart by sword to having his limbs ripped off one after they other. He didn't know if he could handle this kind of pressure. It was taking everything he had not to pass out before the skeletal creature the being was putting off. Cole managed to stay focused long enough to noticed that Valen was also putting off a power. It was that of a giant snake, and cole could have sworn that it the two was standing closer that the figures would attack each other before Valen and the mysterious man could.

Cole would then drop down to one knee holding his right hand to his face. He would be digging into his eye with the palm of his hand. “I don't know if I can handle this” he would say in a low mumble not to anyone in particular.

(WC-475 TWC-2433)
Madrigal Kaguya
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:43 am
Midthread claim of 2420 toward Light's Reach putting it at 5430 when this and this are approved.

Please and thank you.
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:46 pm
For a few seconds Kenshin's almost overwhelming bloodlust was drowned out by the amusement he felt upon seeing Valen kick that rather strange looking Genin back... with a kick right to the groin. As someone who specialized in Medical Ninjutsu he knew just how dangerous such a blow really could be... but that didn't change the fact that watching it happen was pretty damned hilarious... and besides, it's not like Kenshin actually cared about the kid or his health. Hell, a blow to the groin with that level of force behind it could pretty easily cause a testicular rupture, something that would be very bad news for the kid.

But said amusement was once more quickly overtaken by the silver haired youth's burning bloodlust, and when said bloodlust finally reached a high enough level Kenshin would go through with the exact same action detailed in my previous post. Despite his bloodlust he still felt quite a bit of amusement at the look of sheer shock and horror on Valen's face as he made his little entrance. Said amusement was only fueled even further by the reactions of Kotetsu and the unnamed Kaguya, staring blankly ahead with looks of complete despair and horror on their faces.

When Kenshin addressed Valen he would note the fact that the young mans crimson eyes suddenly turned into a pair of glowing golden eyes. This change in the young mans eyes would cause a change in Kenshin's own, where once they were unfocused and filled with bloodlust now they were cold and focused solely on Valen himself. His rather deranged looking smile would be replaced by a cold and slightly sinister smirk. All in all the stitched and scarred medics entire demeanor would have changed from insane and bloodthirsty to cold and clinical in a matter of seconds.

Honestly the thread filled shinobi hated the fact that he had essentially been taken over by his bloodlust, even if it had only been for a few moments. But he hadn't done anything too bad in those few moments, just scare the life out of a couple of Genin and make Valen wary of him... although after their last encounter the crimson wearing shinobi was more than likely already wary of him... just as anyone with an even an ounce of sense would be. Well... Valen already looked ready for a fight, and Kenshin himself was still itching to fight the young man that he had so effortlessly destroyed only a few months ago So in the end he saw no harm in testing the young man once more... he just hoped that this time Valen put up more of a fight.

"Indeed it has been a long time Kenshin. I hope you've gotten stronger, I certainly have" the now golden eyed young man would say, his words earning a slight chuckle from his silver haired counterpart

"I should hope so. If you were still as pathetic as you were when we first met I would be more than a little disappointed." Kenshin would say in a nonchalant manner, completely ignoring the crimson snake that was snapping at him. The almost demonic looking grey being that had been summoned by Kenshin on the other hand was not taking too kindly to the other aura, While the crimson snake hissed and snapped the dark grey beings purple aura was only growing stronger, now almost appearing to be wisps of purple smoke rising from the being itself. The creature formed from Kenshin's chakra would rear its head back and release a rather deafening roar, the sound itself almost seeming to be a mixture of a demonic wail and a hiss.

The silver haired medic would of course now ask exactly what had been written in my previous post, in the exact same manner as described in said post. With that question asked though, and his demonstration of the Genin's inability to fight, Kenshin would cease to release his rather potent killing intent alongside his Display of Power, freeing the two Genin from the visions of death they had previously been getting bombarded with.

"I certainly don't mind. It would be a lovely show for them if they survive watching it" the dark haired Akari would then reply. His reply would earn a slightly louder chuckle from Kenshin, who never once broke eye contact with Valen throughout this whole exchange.

"How right you are Valen, how right you are." the silver haired Chunin would say through his chuckles

"You'd best stand back and pay attention kids, you're about to witness how true shinobi fight!" he would then call out to the two fresh Genin. How lucky these two were, getting to see a demonstration of true shinobi combat with the fight of Kenshin and Valen, two of Hoshi's most powerful Chunin.

"Last time I started off the dance. How about you lead this time? My sturdy friend" Valen would then say, getting a small smirk from Kenshin

"Very well" the experienced Chunin would say as he began to speed through hand seals at his top speed (80)

He didn't exactly need hand seals to use this technique, but Valen and the two Genin didn't need to know such a thing. He would go through the first six hand seals needed to use his most powerful Water Release technique, before spitting forth a literal cyclone of water at it's maximum speed and power (75). Said cyclone was 10x10 meters large, and had been angled upwards by Kenshin ever so slightly, as the technique itself was 10x10 meters with Kenshin being dead center, meaning 5 meters were below the surface of the earth. He had angled it upwards just enough so that when said cyclone reached Valen's position it would be perfectly level with the slab he created earlier with his Moving Earth Core (Health 10).

The silver haired teen himself was standing in the doorway of the old abandoned church, meaning the water that he was using as an attack was also being used as a barrier of sorts, to prevent Valen from being able to enter. While his eyesight was now useless due to the cyclone of water cutting off his vision, he still had his chakra sensory, and he would be using that as his eyes for the time being, in order to feel out just how Valen would react to his opening attack, and his next move would be resting solely on how Valen reacted to his first

My oh my, there were just so many different ways that this fight could go... and he loved it. The thrill, the danger, the uncertainty... he just loved it... he lived for it

And eventually he would die for it.

WC: 1120
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:43 am
Approved @ Valen
Madrigal Kaguya
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:13 am
Valen eyes narrowed as the rematch began with Kenshin moving his hands to start performing hand seals. While it seemed to be happening at a decent pace for some people the man might as well have been moving as a snail to Valen since his RT was currently sitting at 285. ‘Is he holding back?’ He’d think quickly before in one smooth motion summoning one of his tools for handling shinobi such as Kenshin. His bow, Light’s Reach. The small cross wrapped around his arm near his hand would transform into a bow at the speed of 285. As he did this he’d reach up and draw the bow string back at his max speed of 145 before firing an arrow that would travel at the speed of 150 with a sharpness of 205. The arrow would be made entirely of light release chakra and should get to him before he finished the final seal. Even if he did finish the jutsu however, with the piercing aspects of physical light release.The arrow should be able to shoot straight through lightning and fire techniques. A wind technique would need to exceed the arrows speed of 150 with it’s power. A water tech would cause the arrow to bounce off at odd angles, and clone the arrow. But that would  just cause the arrows to reflect at an odd angle and hit the now dilapidated church.  Of course should the technique Kenshin was using go off prematurely (He’s probably used to that ladies and gents <3) Then Valen would of course note that the water was only high enough to take out the stone slab he was standing on.

With this in mind, the teenager would simply jump 15 meters to the side. This would put him out of the path of the technique. His chakra sensory would be active immediately and Valen would simply shoot the stone blocks above the church door that Kenshin was standing in as well a window higher above that point,. This would cause the stones, as well as glass to fall down on Kenshin, probably not damaging the stitched and scarred chunin, but they might provide a distraction and he’d have to protect his eyes as well. Especially if he was still using the water tech, as his vision would be impaired due to the size of the technique, meaning he probably wouldn’t be able to see the arrows. While this was going on Valen would be aware of where in the hell Kotetsu and Cole were. As they could easily be killed should any of these techniques kill the boys. That of course, was bad. So Valen would double check with his own chakra sensory and note that both boys were a good 30 meters away from them off to the side. Meaning none of the techniques and attacks the two senior shinobi were flinging at each other could hit them. With checking on them done Valen himself would keep chakra sensory active and be ready to react in a moments notice. The golden eyed teen would begin to slowly move away from his current position. Taking care to draw the fight away from Cole and Kotetsu. He’d slowly move in a semi circular route from the door to the church. Said door being about twenty meters away.

WC: 553
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
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Ryo : 42750

Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:59 pm
Just as suddenly as the skeletal figure had appeared, it was gone. In its place was a shinobi that Kotetsu had met before. It was Kenshin, and it looked like he was spoiling for a fight as well. It did not look like Cole or Kotetsu were his desired targets though. He was purely focused on Valen. They were saying things back and forth to each other, but Kotetsu couldn’t really hear them. He was still shaking off the mental assault he had to deal with. Once his head cleared, it would seem that he had a little time to take stock of the situation and take care of himself, and Cole if necessary. First thing he did was use medical ninjutsu on himself to repair any damage that might have been caused to his face and body. Once that was taken care of, he put his clothes back on, since he had the time to do so, what with the pair of Chuunin staring each other down. Once he was fully dressed he made his way over to Cole. “hey Cole, you alright?” He asked. While he waite for a response, he would use some basic medical ninjutsu to help heal Cole’s injuries to the best of his ability. It should be noted that if anyone were paying attention, Kotetsu's hand does not come in contact with any part of Cole's body (pervs...). That’s when shit hit the fan…

WC: 239
TWC: 2597
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:35 pm
[48 Houring Cole]

It all happened in a blur, one moment he was going through the six hand seals mentioned in the previous post, the next Valen started moving faster than Kenshin himself could even track. But that didn't really bother Kenshin all that much, as he knew that while he wasn't exactly the fastest shinobi around, he was definitely one of the most durable. But what made him pause momentarily was the sudden cry of a bird that echoed through the area, and it was that momentary pause that would cost him. The silver haired young man would have gone through three of the six hand seals before he paused, and before he could even think of forming the fourth, he was hit by the arrow of light launched by Valen.

Said arrow would have hit him in the right shoulder, and due to the fact that the arrow was at 205 sharpness and Kenshin only had 130 health at the moment that the arrow hit, the arrow go straight through his shoulder with no difficulty. The silver haired teen had been through enough in the past to not even flinch at the pain caused by the arrow, but nonetheless the force of the arrow itself hitting him was enough to make his body jerk slightly to the right. A small smirk would form on Kenshin's scarred face as he looked down at the slightly steaming hole in his right shoulder, before looking up at Valen himself. 

"Cute" Kenshin would say, his deep and smooth voice tinged with amusement. 

"It's too bad, but it looks like we'll have to cut this meeting short. You know as well as I do what that hawk means." the more experienced Chunin would say as he extended his right arm out, signalling the hawk to land. The bird did as it was trained to do and landed upon the arm of the stitched and scarred Chunin, who would waste no time in opening the small pouch on the birds leg. 

With the contents of the pouch taken Kenshin would lift his arm once more, signalling the messanger hawk to fly off. As the bird did so Kenshin would unroll the small piece of paper that had been within the pouch, and read it over. 

His rather unique eyes would narrow slightly as he read more and more of the letter, eventually causing him to give a sigh of irritation.

Apparently he was being summoned to meet with the Hogokage... who in all his wisdom scheduled the meeting only half an hour from now... just great.

"Great... it's for me." the albino would say in an obviously disinterested tone. 

"Well, duty calls." he would say with a small sigh, before making his way back towards Hoshigakure

Great... he had his fun inturrupted for some meeting with the Hogokage... and to make things even worse he had no idea what the meeting was about.

Just fucking fabulous.

WC: 489


TWC: 2804

1471 words towards Fire Release: Demon Lantern, Claiming (25% max stat discount) (other 1154 words trained here)

1333 words towards Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire, 1667 words remaining
Madrigal Kaguya
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:14 am
The arrow released, and as it flew the screech of a hawk echoed throughout the training field. Valen’s golden eyes would immediately dart toward the hawk, knowing Kenshin would stop as well. He could vaguely hear the powerful chunin’s ‘cute’ comment from there and Valen’s eyes would narrow at the ease of movement and indifference the man had to being completely pierced through the shoulder "It’s almost like..the bones weren’t severed..Does he not have any?..” He’d ask to himself in a whisper, easily out of range of anyone to be heard. He’d have to ask the man later. The scarred shinobi was correct on one thing however, they both knew what that hawk meant. The kage himself was summoning Kenshin to his office for something and that meant he would be leaving. Pity, Valen wanted the chance at a rematch. “Perhaps next time then Kenshin, I was looking forward to seeing if I could kick you around the training ground.” He’d say with a small smirk. Anyone listening could read the undertone of jest within his words, like an inside joke. The stitched man would call down the hawk and take the summons off of it’s leg before sending it off and leaving. Valen himself would let himself calm down, transforming his bow into the charm as he did so.

At this point Valen would move over toward Kotetsu and Cole, given the speed of the situation Cole probably wasn’t finished recovering from Valen sending him a fair distance with a kick between the boys legs. “We’re done today, obviously. I need to go take care of somethings and do a bit of personal research. We can meet here each day if you so choose. I usually am here regardless so if you feel like getting live combat experience from someone who won’t pull punches then feel free to come along.” He would inform the two boys before making a hand seal and disappearing in a burst of speed, the Shunshin sending his speed levels to over 200.

He would be up considerably late that night, open books strewn across his bedroom floor as he researched more into the art of Space Time ninjutsu. To be more specific, Teleportation over vast distances. He had a feeling a technique of such design would be invaluable soon. He’d also note down some interesting ideas about phasing out of existence that he might look into as well. The two together might make a powerful escape combo that he could utilize to make a tactical retreat and bring allies out safely as well. The Teleportation came first though, it would be especially useful in combat situations if he could tune to work for short ranges as well.


WC: 453
TWC: 1006

putting it all towards Light's Path 1006/3750
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Punching Bag Time (Kotetsu, Valen, Cole, Priv)

Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:42 pm
The battle was over almost before it had even started. Kenshin was standing in the door of the church, in the process of making hand signs, when all of a sudden, he wasn't. A hawk's screech could be heard, Valen had a bow in his hands, and Kenshin had shifted sideways a little. 'Valen-Sensei must have shot Kenshin with something...' Kotetsu thought to himself, in utter disbelief at how fast that projectile must have been. Kotetsu watched as Kenshin held out his arm for a hawk, likely the one that made the noise, to land on the scar-covered Chuunin's arm. It would appear that Kenshin  had received a letter from someone. Kenshin clearly wasn't too thrilled about it, since he sighed and then said something about duty. 'Oh, maybe he has a mission that he has to go on now...' Kotetsu thought to himself as Kenshin headed back towards the village.

Valen then made his way over to Kotetsu and Cole, letting them know he had to leave as well. He also offered to continue to provide them sparring opportunities should they wish it. 'Works for me...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he nodded in thanks. Valen disappeared almost immediately after that. "I figured as much." Kotetsu said out loud, half to Cole, half to himself. He then turned to Cole. "I should get going as well. I have some other jutsu I wanted to read up on, and I should get home and eat and get some rest." With that, Kotetsu got up, and made his way out of  the training area back towards Hoshi proper. He would grab a bowl of ramen on the way and eat quietly for several minutes before making his way home. Once he got home, he started making notes on everything he saw today, making sure to pay special attention to the jutsu or gear that his fellow shinobi had. It would be good to know this information in case they were in a situation where his knowledge of their abilities could be useful in planning out a mission. 'I wonder where that bow came from...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he started writing it down in the scroll in front of him. He recorded information about Kenshin's speed, and reaction to whatever he was hit with, Valen's speed, his bow, and to look further into what it was that he shot at Kenshin. 'I definitely don't want to be on the other end of that...' he thought to himself as he finished writing his notes and went to bed.


WC: 427
TWC: 3024


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3024 WC towards Rasengan (3024/4000)
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