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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:43 am
The song of conflict could be heard throughout the distance in every direction. From grunting, to metal clashing with one another, to even the fresh victory of conquering a battle or even jutsu. The tune would whistle clearly through the air as Dimi positioned himself within the source of all this noise. It called out to him as he woke from his slumber, beckoning him to the confines known as the Training Grounds. Though it couldn't be seen as a second home to the boy, it surely was an area he felt comfortable in. Where the aura of the place resonated with his inner core.

It was a sunny day as blue painted the skies above. The artist choosing to dazzle the masterpiece with faint dabs of white in the form of clouds occupying the space in the air. Finalizing his work with the addition of a blazing orange ball, spreading its influence far and wide with the stubbornness of a mule. The clear landscape below could be met with patches of lush green throughout the terrain. Marking the battle wounds this area has taken from the many battles it hosted. Though still remaining intact to this day.

Dimi would be in the process of swinging his Shinobi weapons around as he could hear others off in the distance partaking in combat. Though he longed for a sparring partner or to some accord someone to aid in his training. He would look around and see trees present far off from the current sight he was stationed at, proving to be an open field nonetheless. As he practiced his swinging capabilities and use of the kunai as weapons, being baffled by how boring it seemed. He could see first hand from earlier that true combat could bring upon pure joy to some, and terror to others. His psyche was almost filled with doubt about what it would be like to be within a true battle. Not just swinging around a blade alone. One to test your wits.

He would ponder such a mystery as he imagined having a sparring partner with his movements. His blue jacket gliding around swiftly as he pictured the movements of his opponent and how to avoid and defeat them. Blue boots and white pants seeming to get dusted a bit with the sudden change in rhythm. As his blackened hair would glide and his coal eyes would express a sudden shift in his nature. Showcasing a new feeling as he was lost in his own simulation of sorts. Though this feeling remained to stay foreign to him as the imagery could only help so much.

WC- 440

Last edited by Dimitrius on Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Madrigal Kaguya
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:10 am
The song of battle echoed through the training field as Valen handled his blade with what could now be called practiced grace as he tore apart challenger after challenger in the large open field. He was facing fellow genin within the field one after another or sometimes two or three against him. The sun was high up in the sky as the familiar heat beat down against the bodies of the fighters as they continued their dance of metal and steel under a brilliant painting of blue and white a top of a sea of green as they fought back and forth across the training ground. Valen’s crimson eyes scanning his opponent carefully as he fought them. His latest fight was against three different genin, all using weapons of different types and combat styles. The first was a kid a couple of years younger than he was, Itsugi, he wielded a katana similar to Valen’s own in size, of course that was where the similarities end as his personal weapon had a blade as black as pitch with red rose petals etched and dyed into the blade. The hilt was wrapped with red and black lining and the guard was a six pointed star. Itsugi’s katana was a basic blade, nothing special about it, but that was okay. After all it was the user that made the weapon truly special. Itsugi still wasn’t used to using the weapon yet, as he had just started picking it up.

The next opponent was Rayone, who wieled two cestus’ a unique weapon that was basically a large gauntlet. It was built for exceedingly strong strikes and at the versatility of being in the same shape and generally having the same functions of the user’s own hand, even if it was heavier. Rayone himself had good taijutsu skills to pair with the weapons but the weapon required a level of strength to wield that the boy, who was even younger than Itsugi, had yet to obtain. Then of course we get to the final opponent, Ezrachek, or Ezra for short. He wielded a simple bo staff. Arguably the most power weapon there in terms of versatility. After all the weapon could be grabbed by any point and the users of such a weapon were generally very acrobatic. This opened up an extremely high number of attack and defense options that could not always be kept up with.

Valen stood before all three of them and awaited their attacks. It would be extremely foolish for him to charge into them after all. The three boys looked to each other and Itsugi nodded before stepping forward, his hand on his hilt as Valen had his hand on his. The stood before one another and Valen mentally checked the distance between himself and his opponent in relevance to the length of their swords. He nodded his head toward Itsugi, having never losing eye contact with the boy and his opponent quickly tried to draw his blade extremely quickly to strike at Valen. The crimson eyed boy would merely let him do so, as the young boy would not quite be close enough to reach. The moment the blade tip passed Valen’s face, coming mere centimeters from cutting him mind you, Valen would shoot forward and strike the nerve on the back of the wrist, causing the boy to drop his sword before the dark haired defender brought his hand up and struck the boy’s throat before shoving him away, causing him to fall over.

The moment this would happen Rayone would charge in with his main hand Cestus poised to struck a devastatingly blow. Had the boy had the necessary power to wield it with enough strength anyway. The boy was far too slow to catch the red wearing hero off guard and Valen would easily divert the blow away, pushing the side of the cestus away from him and inward toward his opponent, preventing Rayone from properly following up. Valen’s next assault would happen in the blink of an eye as he’d kneel down quickly and strike the back of the boys knee, causing him to kneel down as well as Valen came up, and around, bringing his knee into the rather rough contact with the back of Rayone’s head, knocking him out instantly.

Valen’s hand would already be on the hilt of his sword as he followed through the spin movement that knocking Rayone out would require. He’d draw the sword at lightning fast speed to catch the staff of Ezra as he landed on the ground. Valen would shake his head at the boys impatience as he tried to push his sword away with his staff. This would prompt Valen to take advantage of the versatility of the staff. After all, being able to hold it at any point allowed an opponent to do so as well. Valen would strike his hand out, catching the end of the staff and yanking hard. This motion would force Ezra off balance horribly where Valen would simply sweep the boys legs out from under him before placing the tip of his sword at the boys nose. Ezra would blink up at Valen before sighing and nodding, prompting Valen to sheath his sword and rolling his shoulders. He’d then turn and begin to walk off the field.

He’d begin to leave the training after his morning of teaching a few new genin some humility before taking notice of someone he’d never met before. The guy looked to be about two years younger than him with black hair, black eyes, and a black blazer over a white top as well as dark blue pants and brown loafers. The boy seemed to be shadow sparring using a couple of kunai as practice weapons. Valen would watch him for a few moments before noting that he seemed bored. The crimson cloak wearing ninja would step up, making sure to do so from the front so at to not to have a horrible accident, before speaking. “Valen.” He would say simply, giving his name without preamble before seemingly considering something for a moment before raising an eyebrow and placing a single hand the hilt of his blade. “Spar?” He’d ask simply, he truly was a man of few words. But he got what needed across and that was all the mattered.

WC: 1059
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Mon May 01, 2017 2:31 am
Dimi would be completely unaware of the festivities regarding Valen’s recent battle. His own training absorbing him to bring out something within. A sensation he's barely come about experiencing before to such a refined degree. He enjoyed this feeling, and continued to train by himself in order to savor in its glory. 

The jitters would continue without suspense as he battled seemingly himself. Though he still couldn't pinpoint what all it was. How it would play a role in his life up until now, the subliminal seed beginning to grow. It was an ecstatic feeling, until snatched away by a thief in broad daylight. While encased in his own mind, a voice causing him to halt instantaneously after a figure would make himself apparent to Dimi. Staring at the fellow who seemed to keep things short and simple stating a word which very well may be his name. The Zataru would stare coldly at this individual who halted the magical symptoms he was able to feel just now. Utterly shocked in fear and subtle rage unaware if he’ll experience it again. If those few moments would be the end of a book he only just now was beginning.

Hearing the boy sprout the word Spar in a high pitched tone as to offer such a thing made Dimi pause. Looking at him hold a sword of his own, sadly Dimi failed to possess such a weapon just starting out. He would voice his saddened concern adamantly, feeling even more disappointed than this man would at the chance to miss a battle.

I don't have a sword to fully combat the weapon you possess.

Though he was aware equality was the last thing formed on the battlefield and he able to deal with it, Dimi felt indifferent. This man simply deprived him of a sensation he may have missed out on for awhile. Being a fluke or not in which Dimi held ignorance in knowing. The passion he held in his fingertips slipping away like the wind carrying the dust beside him. Therefore he was unsure if he could fully grant this man's request with how lost he suddenly became. Almost wishing for an outlet to explore to find such a passion again. Hoping that this man before him held a weapon he could obtain to do battle. Questioning if that was where the passion lied.

WC- 396
Madrigal Kaguya
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Wed May 03, 2017 12:47 pm
Valen would raise an eyebrow at the young man’s admission and the hopeful look in his eye. He could tell he had a thirst for battle, a thirst that Valen himself had as well. Only he tempered it, allowing it to guide his instincts to unparalleled levels. He would reach into his pouch and pull out a scroll from which he’d pull out the Heaven’s Sorrow Ninjato he obtained as a reward for completing his first A ranked mission. The sword was firmly sheathed in the scabbard and he idly tossed it toward the battle hungry youth. “Here, take a few minutes to get a feel for the blade. I have a wager for you when you finish.” He would say as the blade gently flew through the air toward the waiting recipient. He would then bring his hand down toward his own blade, Crimson End seemingly humming in his mind in excitement for the battle to follow. ‘We get to fight again? Someone with a sword too, well one you gave him anyway. Does that mean you’ll use me for more than simply blocking?’ The sentience that resided within the blade would ask as he idly rolled his shoulders and waited. The genin from before would move toward them and prepare to watch, from a safe distance of course, he would then proceed to wait a few more minutes without answering the blade. Obviously he intended to use him, if he didn’t think this youth could take him with a blade he wouldn’t have tossed him his spare one.

Once the boy had a few minutes he would nod his head to speak his wager. “I obviously don’t need that sword anymore, and for reasons I won’t explain I do not have to worry about mine ever breaking.” He would begin, tapping his personal blade when he spoke of it. “My blade does however come with a few...tricks..” He would continue pausing on the word to give it a bit of dramatic flair and to try to understate exactly how powerful the abilities of the blade were. “The wager is thus: Force me to use any of the tricks this sword possesses, and that ninjato you’re holding will be yours. A weapon for a user worthy of it.” He would say, nodding toward the blade he had tossed the youth before. He had never said he would just GIVE him the sword now did he? No, the guy would earn it with sweat and effort. “What say you?...” He would leave the last part open ended for the boys name as he had yet to give it.

WC: 438
TWC: 1497
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Mon May 08, 2017 6:24 pm
Dimi would look at the boy who was in front of him say 10 feet away. Close enough to be in speaking distance. He had deposited a kunai into his pouch from his hand when he was once training before. Now watching the male retrieve a scroll and thus retrieve a weapon to be used. Fully peering at the movements of his soon to be opponent though keeping an uninterested expression as his arms would be lightly crossed. He had a good feeling his opponent would be willing to go to extreme resorts to have a battle and he seemed to have some popularity with other genin. As a few would begin to make their way towards the soon to be battlefield. He could feel his heart beginning to race though he held any visual representations within.

Valen would throw his weapon at Dimi with no hesitation, seeming to come
off as a strong individual. Either extremely confident in his ability or just a battle lusting Shinobi. Though once thrown a second after Dimi would take action. Quickly unsheathing his arm to throw the kunai at Valen he held. Aiming it towards Valen’s shoulder which had his weapon on such side. With contact causing numbness and pain to wash over Valen and his arm feeling difficult to utilize property with the sudden weak nervous point being attacked. He would simultaneously run at the ninjato now being lodged at him, close enough for Valen to not reobtain in time from the distance and for Dimi to obtain with his added advantage. This time being when he would begin to reach down for his weapon causing him to most likely not react to the sudden shift in nature. Not to say he couldn't possibly react in time, however the instant change startling and throwing him off to say the least. Dimi choosing his movements carefully and at the best possible moments. Along with the sudden surprise attack. 

The boy would need no time to know what that weapon was and its capabilities. The size giving it away mostly. His history being housed by assassins and weaponry individuals. He would grasp the weapon, fully paying attention to his opponent during this whole matter. Now holding it he would unsheath the weapon seeing as the current scenery going to plan. Plopping the blade in his right hand and the sheath in his left. Raising it above Valen’s head with the seeming intent to strike him from the top down. The presence of blood to follow coming from Valen if it were to happen this way. His expression cold and calculating during this whole encounter.

He would have no words to exchange with this opponent of his. Beginning to succumb to this alter ego of Dimi’s along with his instinctual movements of any child raised assassin. He would be expecting to see any movements and actions during this whole encounter as he observed the boy.

WC- 468
Madrigal Kaguya
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Wed May 10, 2017 4:11 pm
Valen’s heightened reaction time due to the eyes he possessed easily allowed him to keep track of the kunai, he doubted he would even need the enhanced sense to see the sharp implement flying toward him. Avoiding it was a simple matter of rolling the shoulder back and having the weapon fly harmlessly by as Dimi moved toward the ninjato he was thrown toward him at what he assumed would be the current max possible speed for the for the boy. (10) The boy would begin closing the distance between them the moment he throw the kunai which he’d do the moment Valen had tossed the sheathed weapon toward him. Since the distance between them was only a little more than three meters Valen would instantly begin to move after the kunai flew by him harmlessly. He’d draw his sword at his own max possible speed (39) as he moved toward the boy as fast as he could move (19) As such, because Valen was moving almost twice as fast as Dimi he would get to it at about the same time he would because of the kunai the crimson clad young man had to dodge. He’d swing the blade at the full speed available and strike right at where the boy would catch the sheathed ninjato, aiming for the top of the hilt, close to the guard. The strength (49) being slammed into the point of contact would probably be enough to fling the sheathed weapon out of the boy’s hand in a flipping motion and spin it down the training field about twenty feet away. This would cause the boy to have to stop and go get it if it succeeded. If it succeeded then Valen would simply wait for the boy to obtain the weapon once more, starting from a farther position than before. If he managed to dodge the strike then he would immediately thrust the sword forward, aiming the point toward the boys mid section. He’d never take his eyes of the opponent during this entire encounter, his piercing crimson eyes never leaving the boys form.

WC: 351
TWC: 1848
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Fri May 26, 2017 12:21 pm
Dimi would pay attention to his opponent decided to wait until the last moment to react. As if he had some enhanced sense to react in time taking in the small distance between the two. Including his confidence in carrying himself, he would begin to question if his casual actions were a sign of arrogance, or something more?

Valen would in fact come close to the ninjato in about the same time as Dimi. Though with the distance between them, the time Dimi began to run towards the ninjato, and the instance Valen began to act it would prove to be enough time in Dimi’s favor. Despite the speed between the two, the distance to reach such a close area proving beneficial. His sword would be about 2 feet long, though the blade would need to logically hit the hilt at the right area in order for the ninjato to not just spin suspended. To be sent away from their position in such an action, making contact with the ninjato towards the mid hilt/guard would prove to be more feasible then the exact end of the hilt. Needing enough might to do so Valen would have to make contact with at least the mid section of the katana. In doing so extending Valen’s arm out to accompany the slash and its intentions. 

Having enough time to react and execute his plan with his opponent coming to make this exchange, Dimi would retrieve a kunai from his pouch with one hand. Swiftly enough to become useful in this quick encounter. Grabbing the ninjato not by the hilt, however towards the end of the sheath as Valen began to slash towards the hilt.  Assuming to be an upward attack to make the blade ricochet in Valen’s desired direction. Though the blade wouldn't reach Dimi physically as it was meant for the ninjato. He would turn the ninjato twisting it over and around the blade coming to knock it out of the way. His kunai up and guarding him. 

Before he had a chance to react to the evasion of the attack to the ninjato blade, Dimi would have already brought up his foot just as he grabbed the blade, kicking Valen’s inside wrist wielding the blade away. The foot closer to Valen. The force and momentum suddenly from this kick, alongside the natural health Valen possessed at the time would most likely cause his arm to ricochet with the force of the impact. Along with the arm being extended outwardly being easier to push away. Using this momentum from his foot, he would be lunging forward with the ninjato. Swinging it in an arc to hit Valen across the face with the hilt of the ninjato. It would be a downward strike causing the evasion by moving his head to still prove useless as it would still hit him another part of his body. With how Valen’s current body operated, the impact would likely cause excruciating pain, something he wouldn't easily be able to come back from. Or at least taken aback and dazed for a moment. Valen naturally wouldn't be aware of Dimi’s intentions to grab the sheath until it actually happened. Regardless of the reaction time he possessed, his arm would have already been extended and aimed to hit the hilt, in which Dimi already began to kick away the arm and wielding sword. How close they already were at this instance and all which happened, expecting to perfectly react with these variables seemed to be slim in Dimi’s eyes. Though he envied the reaction this fellow possessed, it could prove to be beneficial to have.

As he would hit the hilt across Valen’s face, he would temporarily let go of the Ninjato. With its force from the impact and necessary speed plunging quickly to the ground. Using this moment when Valen being in front of him to sweep him from under while possibly still dazed. A quick kick underneath him with one foot, while simultaneously latching onto his neck and pushing forward. This combination of actions intending to drive him to the ground with gravity, holding on with all of his strength as Dimi would raise the kunai if not used before to his eye. At the time of this encounter the sword he wielded would likely still be too far away to make a difference, along with his lost in balance being a difficult task. 

All of these actions happening in a span of a few seconds. Though his opponent would possibly hold higher senses then the rest, his speed not fully living up to that prowess. Dimi would see these actions through accordingly, and make any quick changes if needed. His guard up by the kunai in his hand to be used instantaneously if need be. Though his opponent probably was quicker in such respects, such close quarters and variables possibly proving to be futile in this order.

Dimi would conduct this actions swiftly and rigorously. Beginning to lose himself in the time of battle. Wishing to win and best his opponent, unaware of the thoughts in his mind. 

WC- 853
Madrigal Kaguya
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Tue May 30, 2017 7:32 pm
Valen’s eyes would hold a look of enjoyment as he watched the boy grab the other end of the blade rather than the hilt and twist the sword out of the path of his own swing. His eyes would narrow as he began to aim a kick toward his sword wrist. He’d quickly reach out and catch the attacking foot and yanking hard, shifting his body weight to better use his strength to throw Dimi back. This would give the crimson eyed boy an easy opportunity to duck under the hilt of the still sheathed ninjato that Dimi held. Should this all come to pass he would turn and look in the direction that he had thrown Dimi, the boy still probably in the air due how fast everything was going. ‘Mere kunai and shuriken are a waste of his talent..He deserves to keep that blade. If his instincts are already honed enough to attack as he has so far.’ He would think as he simply fired his Crimson Flash. He launched both Crimson disks out of his weapon at their max possible speed and power of 60. He aimed one to be fired horizontally, close to the ground. The other was launched vertically, at about chest level. The three feet tall disk of energy would bisect the boy from navel up if he didn’t avoid it and the one close to the ground would force him to jump. This would force Dimi to move to either side. Where Valen would be ready for another of his swords abilities. Of course due to him using an ability of his weapon Dimi would be allowed to keep the weapon he was currently using. Despite the fact that Dimi had timelined him to before the actual offer was made. This would mean Dimi himself probably wouldn’t know he’d be allowed to keep the sword. But he’d get a nice surprise, if he lived.

WC: 321
TWC: 2169
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Wed May 31, 2017 12:54 am
Dimi would continue his actions up to the point of where Valen would react to his attack. Utilizing the sudden foot which would be coming towards his direction, Valen would move with the intent to latch onto it. In which the young Hyuuga member would watch and perceive all too knowingly and with ease. His blood boiling and the fire within fully unleashing. He began to lose himself in the world he was slowly created, filled with the inner lust for battle and victory.

Instinctively, as his opponent grabbed onto him, Dimi would allow himself to be fully thrown in a sense. Assuming his opponent let go of the hand which was once wielding the blade in order to grab Dimi’s foot. Recognizing Valen as nothing more than a support, he would rise his other leg up not being held or tied down by any object or person. Accepting the fact his opponent was physically mighty, which would prove to be to his aid. Tightening and crunching his abdominals in order to fully unleash his might along with the coming assistance of Valen. Twisting and turning his body and hip to go towards his grasped leg, lifting it up while still aiming to attack Valen’s head with the hilt.

Additionally once seeing Valen begin to latch onto his leg, Dimi would throw the prepped Kunai he held in his hand to be thrown towards Valen’s arm. Where it would make contact and most likely pierce the upper forearm. Specifically the area which would cause the nerves to instantly shut down and erupt from the sharp sudden pain, and cause him to most likely slow his movements to throw Dimi due to the new addition through his forearm. Or even let go due to the trauma. An attack which would happen in close proximity, Dimi pondered if Valen could truly avoid that with his seemingly experienced reflexes, and if so how as he would begin to make contact with the leg. Moving his arm with the intent to already grab in such close quarters being more than a difficult task. And positioned in an upper area where blocking the attack with a shield of some kind proving to also not happen in time. At least from Dimi’s point of view. He felt as if his actions were going sporadically yet correctly. His veins coursing through him the Declaration of War. The experience of all of his years and even other life times seeming to work hand in hand.

Dimi would use this sudden hiccup as he twisted and turned his body with the new support system to land a sort of feint kick to Valen’s head. Using the first leg that was now being grasped as a start up kick to only add to his momentum and movement. With his head beginning to already duck to avoid the hilt in question, the supposed contact of the Kunai or even the need to change his tactics to avoid the kunai, it would prove beneficial on a time and movement basis to deliver this attack. He would have still been running towards Valen and somewhat lunging with the intent to kick his wrist, therefore rerouting the momentum he possessed from the leading actions and movements he utilized would be applied and amplified even with the aid of Valen. Including the fact he would have had to lunge and already be prepared to easily suspend in the air from his initial kick attempt. 

The kick would shoot up to meet Valen where his head would move in order to avoid the hilt. If and when applied and making contact would be a shock to the boys body moving one way though having force applied another direction. An attack that could possibly knock him out, or at least cause him to fall over from the contact in major pain. If done with enough power causing the neck to feel uncomfortable and in pain afterwards. 

Assuming his opponent was now off balance and taken aback from this attack in a negative way which supports him being hit, Dimi would continue to turn with his leg just making contact to spin his body once more while still suspended to deliver a spinning back fist with his open hand. Seeing as the other would still be grasping the ninjato. The back fist aimed to smack across his face or at least a body part. At this point even if Valen still was holding it would likely be a weaker grasp from the sudden movements and ulterior motives to allow Dimi to escape this hold easily and use it to his advantage.

Assuming his opponent would continue to try and throw Dimi towards the direction he intended, it would only speed up the process of getting hit by the kick as he held his leg stiff and locked, which would allow the wind from his body moving to bring even more light and power to his kick. Though once the kick landed it would most likely have stopped him by then. At least the kunai should have done as such.

Dimi would continue and watch his opponents movements with eyes which only mouthed the birth of a lust he was only beginning to find in himself. A desire to beat another in battle. To showcase his experience and methods to the world. Though unsure if his motives included seeking fame. Fame to him only brought attention he was unsure if he truly needed. 

WC- 914
Madrigal Kaguya
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Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen) Empty Re: Warriors Slumber No More(P, Valen)

Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:03 pm
Valen wouldn’t have let go of the sword in order to reach for Dimi. As a matter of fact he had used his other hand to reach over and catch the foot before swinging him. This would have him holding his weapon when Dimi attempted to throw a kunai at him. Regardless of if he went through with the motion of using him as a support to aim his feint and the swing of the hilt Valen would still be holding onto his prized weapon. But it was one simple thing that would cause this to be problematic for the boy. See Valen would proceed to block the kunai with the sword, easily able to get the angle from this close range as all it took from his perspective was a simple adjustment of the blade. At this point Valen would channel his chakra into the blade and fire off two 60 speed chakra discs at his opponent. While he was still holding him, at this range Valen truly wasn’t sure if Dimi even could dodge them. So he reduced the power to levels that instead of cutting clean through the boy would merely knock him back smash the breath out of him. If this succeeded than Valen would hold his sword at the ready, prepared for another exchange if Dimi decided to keep attacking.

If the attack failed than Valen would simply bring the hilt of the blade and smash into the leg of the boy he was still holding, effectively shattering it. The hit would bear the full weight of his strength into the blow, easily preventing him from withstanding it should he take it head on. At that point the spar would end.

WC: 286
TWC: 2455
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